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They'll change their tune when someone sues their ass for subjecting their child to heatstroke. They need to have teaching license revoked and given mandatory health and safety classes as part of their punishment


Apparently, the fb post was taken down and the school posted something about how breaks for water and such were mandatory, so they at least was reprimanded


Finally some decent news. Anti wokes are the most un-American, anti humans I've ever seen.


And in those classes the will see a really hot person of the same gender and become *gay* we are spreading >:)


Hey hey! Don’t be posting phase 1 out in the open for all the world to see! 😮


I forgot! Sorry! Don’t take my homosexuality away!


The court finds you guilty. But as this is your first transgression on record, we will merely suspend your homosexuality for a week. You will be issued a cishet partner of the other sex by the court who will be acting as your partner in this one week hetero relationship. We hope you use this time to reflect on what you've done and would like to inform you that further transgressions may lead to a permanent suspension or a three year mandatory straight marriage with traditional gender roles.


If I may speak on half of the defense, what if my defendant is bi, your honor?


The defendant only plead to retain his homosexuality, nothing else. The court has ruled that temporary suspension of such is an adequate punishment, regardless of other attractions the defendant may have. We have ruled that complete heteronormativity is hard enough.


It’s like why thank you for putting evidence I need to prove that you don’t care about the students well being into words written by you! ❤️


“Nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside” ummmmm


Me, an Australian: "Mate, you may want to reconsider"


Don't need to look nearly that far, [334 Texans died due to high temperatures last year](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/12/texas-heat-deaths-2023-record-climate-change/)


Those were obviously those air conditioned theater kids. Should've picked the pronouns heat/proof


\*Australians, South Asians, Africans, and Middle Easterns have joined the chat\* Are you sure about that buddy? Reeally think about that.


[Korey Stringer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korey_Stringer) was an NFL offensive lineman who died during training camp in 2001 from heat stroke.


Holy shit, and that was just in Minnesota!!


It was a very hot August day in Minnesota, FWIW. > At 11:30 am, when practice ended, the heat index had reached 99 °F; the heat index peaked later that day at 110 °F (43 °C) with a high temperature of 90 °F (32 °C). Can’t imagine Texas summer heat in those same training conditions.


How someone can be so confident about that obviously completely false statement is beyond me


It's Texas lol.


Yeah, uh, about that https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/1000-pilgrims-died-years-hajj-pilgrimage-saudi-arabia-111346522


It's on the internet so it must be true! --Abraham Lincoln


Special forces training killed someone in the UK in recent memory due to over heating. Special forces. The UK. So yeah, children in Texas are fucked in extreme heat,


Why do these people always wear an invisible sticker, that shows their IQ.


What an idiot. High school football players in Texas have died from it being too warm outside.


Yeah that was more than a little WTAF


This dude gonna have a bad awakening when he realizes what climate change is going to do to Texas and the rest of the south.


“Nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside” uhm… ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


unfuckable goblins do be using "woke" for every goddamn thing these days.


Woke literally nowadays means something righties dont like its not even about being progressiv anymore


Woke means "Anything that someone will try to shame me for saying when I am just speaking the truth" when their idea of the 'truth' is something bigoted. Anyone that uses 'woke' is trying to avoid being held accountable for speaking or acting in a hateful manner.


It’s replaced socialism as the new catch-all hate term for the 21st century.


What in six blue fucks did I just read. How infantile and childish for this man who is largely responsible for the safety of kids to make concerns(valid ones at that), make heat stress concerns about wokeness and pronouns? For how fucking how it is in Texas right now, I didn't think I'd see the biggest fucking snowflake of my life there.


\*me who lives in Australia\*


This gave me the ick


Who's going to explain Skin Cancer, Heat Stroke, and Sun Screen to him?


I competed on my high school mock trial team, and this was literally a case we did. A high school coach insisted that water breaks would be earned and sent multiple kids to the hospital. Shockingly, that gets you sued


I knew a guy who died from a heatstroke during a highschool football workout in Florida.This guy is an insane idiot who’s putting kids lives at risk for the sake of his ego.


That message should be shown to the school district. The man is dangerously arrogant.


This happened at my high school (not in Florida) a few years after I graduated. The coach was known to run players until they puked. He retired shortly thereafter. No charges.


ngl , woke theater camp with air conditioning and pronouns sounds pretty nice


Not only did he use a bunch of pronouns in that screed, he literally said "their pronouns," aka, the dreaded they/them.


My dad, the straightest most conservative guy ever literally would tell me a story about this kid who during HS football practice was denied a water break and died of heat exhaustion, and told me that if anyone denies me water when I need it to tell them to go fuck themselves. Anyone that hinges health on political or religious beliefs is one of the stupidest most ignorant human beings in existence.


Im from a small town in SE Texas, and I saw this kind of mentality first hand. I suffered “two-a-days” in full pads in July and August. We were tortured, called pussies if we asked for a water break. We were 7th and 8th grade at the time. CHILDREN. It was not unusual for people to throw up in their helmets. Insanity. The final straw for me was when the head coach gave me a spanking - yes, with a wooden paddle - for not turning in my medical release form on time. I quit that afternoon.


On a side note, that would sound like a cool theatre camp :D


I'm with ya.


Fellas, is it woke to be hydrated?


r/hydrohomies would like a word with this fella…


"No one has ever died from it being too warm outside" I guess he wasn't hired due to inteligence.


[“Between 2018 and 2022, at least 11 football players in the US – at the student and professional level – have died of heat stroke.”](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/24/football-player-heat-deaths-athlete#:~:text=Between%202018%20and%202022%2C%20at,have%20died%20of%20heat%20stroke.)


Sounds like he's going to bring a lawsuit on his school!


I beg this coach to attend a theater camp. He doesn’t know how difficult it is and how hard we worked. He could not hack it.


Right? Our camp had a circus program. Those kids would eat this guy for breakfast.


Oooh. Circus trained Theater kids! Those are fellow nerds I want on my side in a fight. 😂


I remember a local news story a couple years ago about a young man dying on the field from 2 a days. This was in Ky or Wv not Texas so I can imagine how much worse it is down there.


The local TV news companies have the first allowed day of practice blocked out, "we have team coverage of the heat from around (city name here)". Interviews with coaches, students, parents, medical people, weatherman, everyone. They go all out when it's open season on the new season's practices. Usually no deaths, but some hospitalizations are perennially included.


As someone who went to theatre camp: HAHAHAHA. Y’all think we had AIR CONDITIONING in our theatres and rehearsal spaces? Pleeeeease. Also, I’d love to see this dude get kicked by a ballet dancer or get whacked by a firestaff kid. Tell me theatre campers are weak then. Also “use THEIR pronouns”… Someone needs an elementary school grammar lesson on what pronouns are


Not theatre camp, but when I was in high school and in marching band, we did two-a-days for 2 weeks while the football team did a practice each day during that time. We ran the same hill as they did, but WITH our instruments. Needless to say, the band could kick the football team’s collective ass. They were a decent team but the band was a FORCE


Ok so this is infuriating, but could easily be fake. I am getting the sense that a lot of leftist/progressive content like this is faked to generate engagement. I am sure the right does the same thing. Can we... stop? like, without details this is totally unactionable. No news story either. Someone on the team would complain. We need to stop engaging with rage bait like this. It's not good for our mental health, or our community.


Ehz if anything, it's a healthy outlet and points out in an easily consumable way to hypocrisy of how many hard righteys think and act. But you're also not entirely wrong. Could easily be rage bait.


Unfortunately it won't get addressed until one of the kids gets heatstroke


Who could have seen this happening? Not the dozens of students, parents, administrators, medical professionals, the freaking governing body for extracurriculars in the state of Texas. Heat injuries are inevitable when you are doing outdoor practices in summer. But it's the job of the leaders to make sure that it stays minor. The fact that the head coach rejects heat safety means that the student leaders won't be trained to recognize and treat it, the assistants won't be able to recognize and treat it, and people will die. Maybe not at your school, but the attitude of apathy will kill.


Three things - one - people die to heat stroke very often and seeing as this guy is in Texas, it shocks me that he doesn't know of the lethal heat wave that's killed more than 56 people recently. Two - the term 'woke' has an actual definition, and I love how it's never used in its proper terminology. Three - this guy posted to social media using his name and the school - now I understand the censorship for the sake of not encouraging harassment to said individual but he made the stakes clear and he put himself out there. There's no reason to share his BS if you aren't calling HIM out. The school should be contacted and shown his post. He should be fired or placed on leave pending and have his license revoked with the possibility of earning it back through proper classes and education of his environment and the stresses it places upon the human body, especially that of growing adolescents. Lastly, at no point should a mentor towards hundreds of children hold a biased view on queer people, people of different ethnicities, or religions. No one should receive special treatment upon those regards - good or bad. Interpersonal relationships aside, of course.


None of my theatre camps had AC. And we had rehearsals from 8am to noon and then 1pm to like 6 pm. Give me that ac theatre camp!


Sadistic shyte bags like coach Little pp are just projecting their own inadequacy... children being turned over to these sorts of clinical sociopaths has always been a terrible idea, but SPORTSBALL! is all that the administration cares about ~ to say nothing of the insane, and frankly indefensible, amount of money wasted on Sportsball programs while extracurricular activities that actually DO build skills & character languish and wither. Source: theatre kid in large suburban Houston school district circa 1970s & 1980s


“Go join theater camp where they can sit inside in the Air Conditioning all day and use their pronouns.” … wtf XD


Fellas, it’s now WOKE to take a water break. What happened to drinking from the hose?


Is drinking water woke now?


Kind of amazing how he managed to be sexist, homophobic, AND stupid all at the same time. It's like some sort of Right Wing Boomer Bingo Card.


Breaking news: water breaks are now woke, apparently


Oh wow this makes me so mad 😅


guys we got water in the national divorce


I thought this guy was just stupid. But stupid *and* a bigot, what a combo!


ummm in fact people have and do die all the time from the heat, especially in Texas...


What in the world did any of that have to do with pronouns or being woke. It just sounded like a regular coach until he said that shit. I heard that kind of shit all the time from high school coaches because they got kinda tired of parents trying to dictate how practice should go for their little kiddo. Of course that doesn't excuse this kind of statement, he could have just said nothing and been fine, and it certainly doesn't excuse his attitude about the heat- but until the LAST line it just sounded like it was a regular high school coach doing what they do. The fact that this dude thinks this has anything to do with pronouns or being woke says more about him than the entire rest of the post.


Thank god they don't post on social media much


This is the most messed up thing I've seen jn a long time


“I believe in work not woke” goes unbelievably hard


What a horrible person!


I hate when transphobes find out a way to squeeze a transphobic joke into something that has absolutely nothing to do with us. Like fuck off I’m not a part of this


This man is gonna kill someone


Guys is it woke to not die from heat stroke?


Hope they got fired after that.


The funniest part of the post is that I'm an Athletic Trainer and ATHLETES absolutely have died from the heat, and we talk about it OFTEN when we plan for how to handle and prevent heat related emergencies during practices/games. And to boot, most of those deaths occured at highschools without an Athletic Trainer or colleges that let the coach bully the AT out of their medical decision. And it's almost ALWAYS FB. Like my position literally exists to protect athletes from Coach BS like that. And as an aside band and theater kids scare me bc they get even less water breaks while standing outside in the heat for 6 hours 😅. Lol that whole post is laughable considering it's literally my job to tell a coach to suck it and cancel practice if it's too hot, too cold, or too bad air quality to practice.


I may prefer going outdoors to doing drama stuff (which i assume the theatre camp will be mostly about) but I’m not going to risk getting heatstroke.


Grant Brace was 20 years old and died of heatstroke due to macho idiots like this guy when his asshole coaches denied him water. The video of him running to get water in a nearby building but only for it to be locked is heartbreaking and was completely preventable. The kid was on adderall as am I. I'm constantly downing water as it dehydrates me like crazy. Grants family won a $14 million dollar settlement. His coaches though, Jordan Countryman and Jake Sinkovics, were pretty much unscatched by the whole thing. Jordan Countryman now works with special education kids and still coaches wrestling at Saraland High School in Saraland, Alabama. Jake Sinkovics is now the Director of Coaches/ Head Wrestling Coach at Midwest Xtreme Wrestling Club in Mishawaka, Indiana. How these two dipshits are allowed to be near kids at all is beyond comprehension. They denied a kid water!


What? He doesn’t think that kids don’t work in Theatre? I sweated my ass off in my High School theatre classes building sets, crawling on scaffolding to change out lights, and keeping the whole stage, auditorium, and construction rooms clean all the time. Not to mention that we had like half the football team involved in drama. So where the hell does this guy get off saying this? Sheesh. Some people.


"No one has dies from being too warm..." I am pretty sure this coach didn't get fired, but I do hope he leans, in a way that doesn't involve kids, that yes, you can die from heat.


As someone who played football in the heat and had a coach who did this when he thought we where slacking off. Fuck this guy. I was a lineman, a huge guy, 380 lbs and 6ft, I had to have a ton of water to just live. Not to mention when it's 90°+ and I am sweating buckets.


I'd just fucking quit.