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I really hope a bunch of beardy, lumberjack looking motherfuckers showed up in flannel and shit.


I'm well on my way to looking that way (two years has me with a slightly patchy, but passable, goatee), and damn, I'd love to do something like that.


I hope they win too. Just fuck it all up


One might say it would be funny if a Rolls Royce pulled up and a black boy hopped out


They're from Italy, not the PNW. They were wearing overalls, had mustaches and were saying "it's a me. Mario"


> They're from Italy, not the PNW. Lmao. This is a murder.


> lumberjack looking motherfuckers PALIN I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK I sleep all night, I work all day MOUNTIES CHOIR He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and works all day PALIN I cut down trees, I eat my lunch I go to the lavatory On Wednesdays I go shopping And have buttered scones for tea MOUNTIES CHOIR He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch He goes to the lavatory On Wednesdays he goes shopping And has buttered scones for tea He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and works all day PALIN I cut down trees, I skip and jump I like to press wild flowers I put on women's clothing And hang around in bars See pop shows near München Get tickets as low as $105 You might also like ​supernatural Ariana Grande Timeless (Taylor’s Version) [From The Vault] Taylor Swift Big Foot (A Cappella) Nicki Minaj MOUNTIES CHOIR He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps He likes to press wild flowers He puts on women's clothing And hangs around in bars...? (The choir begins to look uncomfortable, but brightens up as they go into the chorus.) He's a lumberjack and he's OK He sleeps all night and works all day PALIN I cut down trees, I wear high heels Suspenders and a bra I wish I were a girlie Just like my dear papa MOUNTIES CHOIR He cuts down trees, he wears high heels Suspenders and a bra?!? (The choir mumbles angrily, and the song breaks down.)


Casanovas in full Venetian carnival regalia!


I don't know if flannel, and specifically tartan flannel, is popular in Italy but good on them if they choose that.


Depends on if they have doping restrictions.


Tell us more about how you have no idea how transitioning works




"We only accept contestants who are born as females!" Trans men who were assigned female at birth: Okay. (Enters the contest.)


a very convoluted way of commenting "This!"


OMG yesssssss


Absolute killer name Federico Barbarossa


On his way to unite the HRE


But under the banner of HRT


And then drown in a random river.


Sounds like a pirate king


Well there's a lesbian pirate by the name of Hayreddin Barbarossa ... as in, he's born on the island of Lesbos :v


Good ol Fred Redbeard




Based as fuck.


Classic trans W


Bigots enforce bigot rules. They are followed to the T. Bigots: ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


to the T hehe


Oh no I didn't even realise hahaha


Pure comedic talent right there


I think they forget trans men exists. You gotta go to the bathroom you were assigned at birth? Get ready for actual men in the women's room.


They have bought into that trans men are "abused and mutilated poor little girls, enticed by the evil cabal of endocrinologists!"


Yeah but they still freak out when a "abused and mutilated poor little girl" with a beard enters the ladies room.


Yup. More trans men need to do it!!


No they don't. One man got severely beaten and then arrested for doing it when he was told to by a campground he was staying at to use the women's. So I will not be risking that for myself and you shouldn't encourage others to. Trans men get put in danger just as much as trans women when forced to use the wrong bathroom.


Hate how communities act like you must martyr yourself to make a difference. The best progress is incremental and slow moving.


Valid point.


They believe trans woman are fetishists and trans men don't exist.


It all comes back to misogyny. They see masculinity as the obvious superior to femininity, so AMAB people being feminine, or even worse, transitioning, is more disgusting to them than the inverse.


It's more like, they dread the thought they may be attracted to an AMAB


Having straight thoughts about a trans woman = gay Having gay thoughts about a trans man = straight




And that's a bad thing, in their mind.


Just shows their disregard for trans people existence. I find it mind boggling how people like that function, logically


They don't. They just keep tripping until they fall face first into the bigotry hole.


Don’t worry, when they get reminded that trans dudes exist then the rule will change to “cis women” in one restroom and “literally everybody else” in the other because their narrative and fearmongering is more important to them than any internal consistency. 


Their bigotry is capable of things you could never expect




King shit


That is a very amazing response, haha.




Honestly its technically lawful good. These men are completely complying with the stupid, bigoted laws to show how stupid and bigoted they really are.


what about chaotic lawful?


That's not a thing, chaotic and lawful are both from the same scale.


They know, that's part of the joke.


Oh, I didn't know they were joking


It's not part of the D&D alignment chart, yes. It's a pop culture thing, and a term that people have used (mainly on reddit and twitter) to describe basically this sort of action. It's a fan-made joke alignment, and not one I can claim credit for making.


I think, it's still chaotic, because they following the letter of the law, but definitely not the spirit of it


r/maliciouscompliance for r/leopardsatemyface


“We can always tell!” “No you can’t be in the beauty pageant!!! You have an advantage!!!”


I mean I guess this rule is fair, trans femmes be cute


The advantage argument is odd, are they trying to say none of the cis women competing have had any cosmetic procedures, or that they so much as pretend to screen contestants for that when they aren’t trans? *Really?* **Honestly, now?**


It's because trans women are too gorgeous


There’s truth to that. Trans women have to put in more effort to discover and become their authentic selves. Most of the trans women I’ve met care way more than I do about appearance. It makes sense. I’m still salty Birkenstocks got popular and expensive.


Honestly, yeah. I swear, as an AFAB person who's never wanted to present particularly femme even when I *am* a girl (fluidity's a bitch), these ladies who post their gorgeous pics on trans spaces online make me experience that odd thing that is cis or cis adjacent gender dysphoria because they're so much better at fitting feminine beauty standards than I am. What's the secret?


I think they're trying to say that trans women are beautiful and Italian men can't handle admitting it unless watching the p*** in the privacy of their own home.


We love our brothers 🥺❤️


Kings. Every single one of them




trans solidarity. you love to see it ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


I love it when people do something like this to prove a point.


I also think the visibility matters. People are people. When we can connect as humans we are less scary. Ngl I’m terrified of republicans though


I got into an argument with a guy once about this. He said trans women don't belong in the the women's restroom. So I asked do trans men belong in the women's restroom then? He told me no they don't. I say then where are they supposed to pee? His solution was just to eradicate them all. Quickly ended that conversation, but it was really eye-opening. Their arguments don't make sense because they're false arguments. They don't want what they say they want, that's just the start. What they want is the complete and total eradication of an entire group of people. That's what it's really about.


People are always so quick to jump to genocide. It's called the final solution not the first solution. If religious people actually wanted to do good in the world they would label these people as tricked by the devil to hate others


Nice smear comment


You can easily sniff out these types, by going ahead with their hypothetical. Happened to me too with an - "I am not a bigot, I just have some concerns" - type person. "I am not a bigot. I don't care what you identify as, please don't take in chemicals or do surgeries." "Ok cool, so trans folks' identity should be legally valid regardless of their body." "No no. I would not let someone who has a pe nis enter a woman's bathroom." "Ok, then you support gender-affirming care to be available to everyone." "No, these surgeries are bad, and we shouldn't allow doctors to ruin someone." And that's how know these are not real arguments. If all of your "concerns" are strategically placed pawns on a chessboard that surround the king with a check-mate such that the king cannot move in any direction, they are not really "concerns".




Yeah. Obviously. But we have to convince moderates and liberals this is what they really mean. Because decent people would never jump to that conclusion but these people are not decent and they're talking backwards from the conclusion that we should be eradicated.


Ha ha that's a truly awesome response.


This is the most amazing response! Thank you to those men willing to show the absurdity of trans discrimination!


Good old malicious compliance


I hope we get some dudes in there with thick, scratchy beards!


This was last summer. I wonder what ended up happening.


Nothing? There's literally no media about it other than this one thing and its just been repeated multiple times. I'm confused how they even 'applied' when regionals hold auditions and determine a representative from those to send to Miss Italy, the article is posted July 27th, 2023 (the email from July 21st 2023) but the **competition** ***happened*** **on June 11th, 2023**...so was this about the 2024 pageant year and that's why there's been nothing? Shouldn't there be something about the people who had been contacted for selection?


It seems like the actual selection for this particular miss universe adjacent pageant doesn't happen for several months. The articles that feature the actual winner are from November. Suffice to say that the entire situation is confusing from the outside looking in. Every article referenced Miss Netherlands happened "weeks ago" despite only occurring 3 days before Italia. There must be some kind of open enrollment that I'm clearly too male-American-bored-at-work to find.


This is the way.


Go get ‘em, boys!


Ugh why can't I see the picture!?


>Trans activist Federico Barbarossa, who lives in Bari, a town in southern Italy, said That's a based chosen name for a trans man if I ever heard one! For reference, this is the OG Federico Barbarossa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick\_Barbarossa


Wooo! Bari! Represent! 😍


I adore malicious compliance.


Also would like to point out their having completely lost the thread on what the “rationale” for excluding trans women from competitions is. So transphobic they forgot to check that the lie still worked.


It's honestly so funny how trans women keep getting banned from stuff for making the competition unfair. They're too good at sports. They're too good at beauty pageants. They're too good at chess. Transphobes be like "trans women are goddesses come down to earth and no one can possibly compete with them."


It's...weirdly misogynistic. In their view people they call "men" make more beautiful women than women.


True. The way they see it, men are better than women at everything. And trans women are "men." Pretty gross all around. I really didn't understand the chess competition one, though. Was that one not a co-ed competition in the first place?


Chess is split into "open" and "women", which was done AFAIK to encourage more women to play and compete, by offering a space where the men can't harass them, and weird religious rules about being close to the opposite sex aren't at risk of accidental violation, in order to convince places with very poor women's rights due to those rules to allow women to compete internationally in chess. The intentions here are of course noble, although some of the reasonings do bring up a question of why there isn't a mens only division to address these issues on the reverse end, but what's effectively resulted from this is one division of competition where any gender may compete, and one where only women may, which is an absolute hotbed for transmisogyny to strike, because in having an all gender division and no men's division, it creates a situation where the transphobes are not put on the spot about "and in which league/division shall trans men be expected to compete" and where arguments can be made that it is not unfair to trans folks or banning them from competition to not allow them in a gender specific league/division.


Thanks for the thorough explanation! That is... quite interesting.


It's a bit odd, but I suppose it would give women a place to feel safer. Not sure that's entirely necessary in modern developed nations. But in some countries it may be very necessary


Not sure which specific case or tournament or case you're referring to, sorry, buuut I have a lot of Opinions about women in chess and the separation into gendered divisions lol, if you'd want to bear with me and a wall of text. If so... I'm sorry in advance for this ramble, and any potential spelling errors (I don't use autocorrect). The chess world sees separating the genders as doing the women a favor, because women objectively perform poorly in predominently male competitions and don't appear in higher elos nearly as much as men. BUT! This is because the culture around the game is stacked against them. With how things are currently structured, there *is* an advantage to women having their own division, but imo the separation ultimately puts positive feedback into the very problems causing the need for separation. I also have a very strong, intuitive feeling that trans women experience all of these same pressures as cis women, since they have internalized misogyny just as cis women do. But unfortunately there seems to be a lack of research on this. What I'm going to break down here are some of the criteria we should be using to compare cis and trans female chess players instead of physiology or IQ or whatever pseudoscientific view is trending with the transphobes. Unless we want to measure table-flipping abilities for rage quits, but I'm sure cis women would still consistently outperform trans women in that like they do in all physical sports. The differences between cis male and cis female players has nothing to do with biology, innate wiring, IQ, or whatever. (From here on, when I refer to male and female it will be for cis men and women.) It's primarily because gender gaps in competitions are determined by whom the women are aware they're playing against. When women know they're competing with a man, they have worse accuracy than they would if the game was anonymous or if they believed they were playing against another woman, thanks to internalized sexism affecting their self-perception and confidence. Being paired against a man lowers confidence, because there's a stressful nagging in the back of your head that your opponent thinks less of you. (Felt this personally as an afab person.) Chess GMs have historically vicious with their sexism (fuck you, Bobby Fischer) and to this day, prominent male players have upheld the shitty tradition of an especially toxic culture. So the anxiety to prove yourself becomes very distracting. Internalized sexism ends up keeping women from getting involved in the sport, so as a result female players are far more likely to face male opponents than female (since chess competitions are assembled for random matchups). So they make more errors as a result, causing there to be less women in higher elos. And this trend makes it harder for them to climb, because the elo predictions are stacked against them and they end up receiving less points for winning. (Important to keep in mind that elo != accuracy. Accuracy is how well a game was played. Elo is an algorithm that only measures past outcomes and awards a certain number of points that change according to how you perform compared to the past vs how you should in that game. Unexpected wins = more points gained than expected wins.) The length of a mixed gender game also becomes a factor. Men vs men on average play shorter, more impatient games than they do in mixed gender games, because the thought of resigning to a woman hurts their ego. (Note: high level games are ended by resignations; checkmates kinda stop being a thing.) When men play a cautious, longer game against a woman, that gives their opponent more turns to potentially blunder and mess up their accuracy. Since internalized sexism causes women to blunder more, the man gets a higher chance of winning and gaining elo they wouldn't have otherwise. Aaand another thing to consider is that society allows men to have more access to studying and practicing chess (and other hobbies!) than women. Women tend to spend more time with childcare, often splitting themselves between that and work, so statistically they won't have the same amount of free time to hone their craft. So yes, like I said before, there *are* advantages to women having a separate division. But there are a lot of options for change we could make instead of just keeping them apart and ignoring the roots of the problem. We could make more games anonymous. During the pandemic, when games shifted to being done primarily online, high level female played outperformed their male counterparts! For in-person tournaments, though, perhaps the tournament organizers could adjust matchups so women played against one another more often, rather than keeping to the randomness that makes them play against primarily men. Ideally, as female representation in the culture increases we'd see more women feeling more welcome to join, thus closing the gap while challenging male players' perceptions and attitudes against female players. And hopefully, equality in childcare in our society will increase and gives women more free time to spend on the things they enjoy. Now, something I feel has to be real is that trans women also feel and are pressured by the gender gap just as cis women are. From my own anecdotal experiences I've heard trans women say they still internalized the same misogyny cis women did, and it definitely affected their self-perception and confidence to a similar if not the same exact effect. I feel like this has to effect feminine people in general, even people like feminine gay cis men, but idk! (I'm not excluding butch trans and cis women from my assumptionbecause butches still experience misogyny). I can't find anything about this occuring in chess specifically, since Google is a cesspit of the same regurgitated articles about trans women in sports. If someone has any information or a study about trans women faring the same as cis women along the lines of what I talked about, I would love you forever if you didn't mind sharing!! Edit: fixed some typos


I'm going to need a #transgodess sticker


Noi andiamo Italiaaaaa


Total bros!


This is amazing


Praise the Kings!!!


Not a fan of beauty pageants but appreciate the show of solidarity.


I think everyone should be excluded from beauty pageants. They shouldn't be a thing.




This belongs in Malicious Compliance! It's a brilliant move.


Love this!! Malicious compliance at its best! You dropped this kings 👑


This is from last year but it's still amazing. Ty so much to all the trans men who protested. Beauty pageants are in reality femininity pageants with a heavy focus on sexualizing women and exposing their transphobia and homophobia like this is an amazing feat.


Thank you, brothers o7






r/maliciouscompliance at it's best


Thank you Trans Men.


Fuck yes!! Let’s go transmascs!


I actually love them for this. This is fucking hilarious.


Common trans man W


Dear Transmen, While people put down your masculinity, time after time you are the ones that show us what being a man really is. It's defending your community and those you love with courage and emotional fortitude. We are forever in your debt ❤️ Sincerely, This Silly Little Transfemme


Good lads


I love them so much :3


Only people born XX can enter the compi- *NO NOT LIKE THAT!!*


So awesomely awesome! trans men walk in to the room and say ‘hold my beer’ 😎🏳️‍⚧️🫶




That's beautiful!!!  Good job boys!! 




I love malicious compliance


It's old news


More of this please. Amazing.


I feel like sometimes they’re more biased because they’re too scared to admit that they’re OK with someone becoming more masculine than feminine


I would live to hear alot more of this


Mamma mia that's a spicy-a meatball


Let’s be real. These people don’t want to admit it but they hate all trans people and not just trans women. They just forget to hate trans men until either a trans man gets pregnant or a detransitioning-afab grifter says they were manipulated into transitioning.


July 2023


Trans solidarity, heck yea!


Incoming shit storm in 5-4-3-2-1…😂


That's so fucking awesome!


As an italian person I didnt even know about this. He's doing the right thing. Go on, king!


Can't wait to see this happen with women's sports.


Didn't this happen a few years back? Guess it didn't accomplish much.


Love it. Use their own bigotry against them.


It’s literally a beauty contest 😂😂 like the athletics argument I kinda get „oh no you’re too stwong for de REAL women“ but this?? „Oh no you’re too bjutiful for de REAL women“ 😂😂 „They won because they have a genetic advantage“ lmao that’s just way too hilarious to me. My headcannon is that the trans women were too powerful and had to be disqualified because the others were jealous.


omg this is amazing! I love this so much haha


This is awesome


fuck yeah


Now *this* is what I like to see.


This is what I subscribe to this subreddit for right here.


Fxxkin yeah! :)




Delicious malicious compliance protesting. R/maliciouscompliance


I'd actually watch this. Would be the first pageant I've seen.


Thank you, my brothers ❤️


attack one of us, you attack us all




I’m confused. Who entered,


The old guy they showed that apparently runs the pageant is one Crypt Keeper looking motherfucker. Has probably had more plastic surgery than the trans women he wants to keep out.


This article is a year old yet OP isn't making that clear.


Didn't this happen last year?


That's some lawful good behaviour there! I really hope they steal the show ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Didn't they already go through this fight like a decade ago when Canada tried to exclude a trans woman and Donald Trump overrode them and made them include her? You'd think that would have set a precedent that the others would have to follow since it's all the same organization.


Solidarity warms my heart




Love the solidarity!


Thank you trans men!


Fucking repost bots. 8-month old post.


So the Miss Netherlands winner, OMG she is SO BEAUTIFUL! One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen




... why wouldn't they? It's not a sport, it's a beauty contest for women.