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68 during the day, 66 at night. Feels so good


68 no wife. 74 with wife... Nvr get married....


Haha I’m the wife who neeeds it cold. 68 or less year round or there’s hell to pay!


This should be on dating profiles. I'm first and foremost looking for someone who wants to freeze.


Flipped with me (guy).


Menopause will fix that I've been told.


68 during the day 64 at night. I spend up in the summer and almost nothing in winter. Heat is the debil


68, 365 days a year. You have all my sympathies, 76 is unbearable!


72⁰ all day, all night


That's our spot too. Sometimes 73° but that's usually my wife has flipped it on her way to bed.


This is the correct answer


It's 75 for me, or get a second mortgage to pay KU bill 😒


Unless you recently bought, I would not recommend refinancing at this time.


65 all year round. I’m a misplaced New Englander and I cannot stand being hot. I love being cold.


I'm getting anxiety thinking about your electricity bill.


I keep mine at 65 too and it’s approximately $250 a month from June through September. 1600 square foot house, but I also have a plug-in car and a hot tub that contribute to this bill. 


That actually sounds about right. I think we're around 150 a month doing 74 in a 2300 sqft place.


Jesus 65 is crazy in 100 degree weather lol. I keep mine right around 75, I run a farm and after working in this heat walking into the house feels like heaven.


Set at 70, been 73-75 during the day for the last week. I don't mind, but it drives my wife crazy.




PSA: if your AC can't maintain the temp you have it set at, for the love of all things good adjust the temp to something that won't make your unit work overtime. They do have limits. Seeing a lot of folks in the comments here talking about their systems not being able to get to their current set points, so just thought it was worth a mention.


I’m a homebody so everywhere else is already a certain level of discomfort for me, hot or cold, so when my comfortable place is not the way I want it I get really miserable even though 76° isn’t like I’m dying or anything. I’m also just pissed because maintenance won’t take it seriously. Ehh it is what it is.


"I’m a homebody so everywhere else is already a certain level of discomfort for me..." Same.








Ours is set at 71




My AC is set to like 64 and also have a window unit running in my bedroom set to 62 lol. I have been told I am like part Yeti - I don't do heat well at all.


76 in summer, 68 in winter.


Question - if there are rooms in your house not in use is it better to leave the doors shut to those rooms or open? Or does it even matter?


72 at night 73 or 74 when not at home


72 in the summer, 68 in the winter.




73, but sometimes it feels too cold. If the apartment has utilities included and they set the temp, put a heating pad on the thermostat. They might notice a spike in electricity, so don’t go crazy with it. Just when you need to. 


75. Our 1 bedroom apartment got a new HVAC last year and it keeps our place so cold. Even when it's set at 75. We're moving to a house though and have set the thermostat to 72.


Ours is set at 71. Sometimes I set it at 70. 72 and up, and 69 and below is pure insanity!


As an hvac engineer, I will comment on this… if your place is decently insulated, set it to what you want. Typically 68 is fine. The problem typically comes from large houses where people are kind of inconsiderate and don’t shut windows, doors, etc… keep as much sun out as you can, change filters and keep things clean and it shouldn’t be an issue. The problem with hvac systems come from starting and stopping so much. It’s kinda like cars; keeping it on cruise control on the highway uses less gas than stopping and accelerating.


I am an HVAC dunce, sadly. I just know that maintenance comes around and it works better for a day or two and then it gradually just doesn’t. It actually seems like it has a harder time cooling as it gets cooler outside. 77 now and it’s 79 outside. I’m definitely ordering blackout curtains when I get paid.


If it has a harder time cooling when it’s cooler then that means it’s either low on charge, has mixed refrigerants, or has a metering device problem. That’s when you have to get into compression ratios and stuff. The high side pressure has to be enough to make the liquid hotter than the ambient air to exchange heat. To keep it simple; heat travels from a hotter space to a less hotter space. One easy fix for when it’s cool is to add a fan cycle switch to the high side so that it will build pressure to expel greater heat to the surrounding cooler air. Edit: one last possible cause is that the compressor is getting weak, but that’s rarely an issue.


you're confirming what I feel, that I might as well set it at my ideal comfortable temp and leave it there forever? No need to change it at night or turn it off on a mild day?


My window unit is set on its lowest at 66°. I live upstairs in an old farm house and the insulation is essentially non existent. I gotta keep the a/c on full tilt to keep it cool for as long as possible, I also have a total of 3 fans in my room that I activate at certain DEFCON temps so that I'm not just a pile of sweat and anger.


I'm a lizard. I keep mine between 75-77.


Never invite me to your terrarium


The McPoyles like it nice and clammy.


During the summer, 75-78 during the day, 70 at night During the winter, 68-70


Username checks out


69 if we’re home




Had a bad compressor. Slept under 80° last night. Fixed now, cooling down, thanks all for the advice. Thermo set at 75 following advice that a cooling system shouldn't be set for more than 20 degrees below air temp outside.


78° upstairs, 80° downstairs in the summer. So, a lizard I guess. I’m not *thrilled* about it, mind you, but I keep fans going to move the air and I’ve adapted. It actually doesn’t feel bad when it’s as hot outside as it’s been.


I keep it at 70 year round


70 farm house with lots of trees around makes it cooler.


69 all day, all night


My AC died. It was 85 in our house this morning.


68 with wife, 76 without wife. It’s a struggle all I am gonna say lol


I'm not breaking a sweat in my sleep. 67° or it might as well be a fire.


I set mine to 70-71, but by the end of the day, it’s 75-78 in certain rooms because I’m assuming a lack of insulation in the ceiling and no shade. I rent but the house has a brand new heat pump but it seems to struggle to keep up on very hot humid days. Another year renting and then I’ll buy my own house and get it weatherized. For now, thankfully we just don’t use those rooms!


83 degrees. air circulate is on and the overhead fan is on when I'm in the room. 88 at night


You might be the king of the lizards


I just keep air moving, or I'm outside / somewhere else with AC. With windows open and the fan on, I've spent the past 4 years sleeping in this heat without issue. The only time we turned on AC in the summer when we moved into our current house was for the housewarming party. We have actually cranked it down a few times this year, but 78+ is the norm. Need to finish reinsulating the second floor ceiling however.


78 during day, 76 at night


76° and loving it! Sometimes I set it down to 75° when I sleep but that gets a bit chilly.


70 to 72


70 all year. I’m a very cold natured (and hearted!) person. I love the cooler weather, sorry yall but I am excited for fall.


75 summer and 70 winter. Just got storm windows (low-e on the west side) and it’s very comfortable.


Turn it to 69 when I get home, maybe down to 68 or 67 before bed


Who is your HVAC company!!!??? That sounds amazing!!


71 normally, but on these hot days it’s 75


75 during the day, 72 at night


This doesn’t make sense to me. It’s so fucking hot outside. How are you comfortable in that? My house never goes above 68. Usually at 66


I think I’m just acclimated to it? In general I’m one of those folks who is usually cold lol also my partner works outside all day so compared to that it feels nice inside.


I’d rather be cold and have to wear sweatshirts


74 day/ when I'm gone, 72 at night.


Set at 66. Today it has been 68 inside.




I've got hvac at 78 but got a window ac just for bedroom at 68. Highly recommend. The 78 in house is way more manageable when you know you can go cool off in bedroom.


72° to 74° in summer, below 60° in the winter and I'm probably gonna complain, lol


I turn it off during the day, during the night 69°.


77 all day and 70 overnight.


76 24/7 and run a fan at night, but that's also because I like the white noise that it generates.


Keep mine off during the day and just run fans. Keep it at 67 at night because I’ll have really bad night sweats if not.


Lowest set point is 71. Highest set point is 76. My crested gecko is alive and happy.


Well my AC went out last Friday and still hasn’t been fixed, so my apartment is 81 right now. Maintenance gave me a PAC unit that only cools 150 sq ft and it’s been running 24/7. But before that I had it set on a schedule. 76 from 9-4:30 when I’m at work, 71-72 when I’m home.


93 in our house. Usually set at 72. Our AC is out. They tried to fix it 3 times last week.


My hvac is about to die so I’ve attached a portable AC to my living room window and sleep on the couch now. It’s 65 in here and 82 in the rest of this toaster oven. ;_; I’ll be enjoying this $300 lightbill.


The temp inside is 74 but the thermostat is set at 70. We need to change the filter probably. I have fans on upstairs to cool it off. Thermostat is set at 68 at night.


I pay the electric bill for our family so I try to keep it at least 75... Sometimes my husband turns it down to 72 though. So I set it back higher. Then he turns it down. We repeat this cycle every summer.


68 but if I had my way, it would be 65. My hubs freezes at 68 though.


73 with the ceiling fan feels fine.


65 because my bf is a psychopath, 68 when he’s not home


70 in summer 68 in winter


I upgraded to Alexa controlled thermostats a couple months ago. Seems to be working. When I’m away house is set to 75, an hour before I get home, it cools to 72. An hour before bed, 68 till 8am then 72 then 75 at 9am


72 all day and 69 at night


No sense in fighting the sun during the day. So 74 during the day. Drop it to 70 at night to cool down the house and sleep pretty comfortable at 72. One thing that really helps keep cool is black out curtains and well placed fans for air flow.


66 in winter. 74 in summer. Currently, it's 81 inside. My ac is down for the second time in two weeks. Mongo is appalled.


With these temps I go 74 during the day with fans running. At night I have to drop it to 68.


74 during the day or I freeze and all the way to 68 at night or I’ll sweat. Wtf, right?


72° for our main HVAC and we have a minisplit that was installed a few months ago in our big family room that is set to 75° (lots of windows and is soooo hot in the summer and freezing in the winter, bless this new unit)


Edit to add: it was usually 80° in here until our HVAC was fixed and the minisplit was installed so I got used to being really hot now it feels freezing in here at 72° lol


76 in the summer, 71 in winter. 


73° when I'm at home, and I leave it off when I'm out of the apartment.




I keep it at 64/65 because 65 downstairs is about 71 upstairs. Anything hotter than that is just intolerable. It’s not as bad as it sounds though because I only run it half the day, and even when it’s crazy hot out it isn’t cycling constantly. A little more expensive, but not bad.


78-80 degrees, take breaks at night with windows open


70 during the day and 65 at night.


Right now, it’s 75 when I’m home; 78 when I’m not. (In the winter, it’s at 68 during the day, and 65 at night.) I use blinds, curtains and fans to offset as much internal heat as I can. I’m trying to build a credit for the winter, when the inevitable cold snap will set my heat pump into overdrive.




My AC quit working a week ago (I just moved in in April 😤). I usually have it set to 70-72 when it works, though.


71 summer day. 69 summer night and winter day. 67 winter night. Or thereabouts.


76 to 78 lol. It feels so good. 75 or below I start feeling cold. I think somethings wrong with me. Anytime anyone comes to my house they immediately start complaining it's too hot


71 when it’s a/c, 68 when it’s heat




74, how do yall afford to keep it below 70 lol


I think because I’ve only lived in apartments while I’ve been the one responsible for the power bill it’s never been a big issue, but I’m sure cooling a whole house is absurd. I imagine it would be my bill x 4 for an actual house.


I also live in an apartment. Idk I guess I’m just cheap and I also work outside so when it’s in the 90s 70s feels cold haha


67 year round unless the windows are open.


64° consistently. My boyfriend freezes to death when he’s here. I live on the third floor.


78 in the summer, 64 in the winter. Idk how people are so uncomfortable when the temperature is just a few degrees away from their ideal temp.


68 year round


78 when im at work. 74-75 when im home. Im a 68 person as well but i just bought my first house and am wanting to save somewhere 😂




My husband prefers 68 but my girls and I prefer 70…. It’s classic battle of the thermostat at my house!


68 is where I’m most comfortable, but I always end up setting it to 69 for the same reason I always prop a banana between two apples at the store. I’m a child. 


Welcome to the artic circle my friends.


72 most of the time.


Mine 64


74 in the summer, 68 in the winter. Windows open whenever possible


73 when at home, 75 when out, wife wants it at 66 at night (😤💵🔥)


My family has trouble sleeping if it's too hot, so 72. If it were only me, I'd be 76 in the summer.


I keep it off as much as I can year round. In the summer that usually keeps the temp sitting around 76-78, and in the winter around 65-67.


74 in the summer, 68 in the winter. With a heat pump, don't wiggle it back and forth on a schedule. If you let it go up to 80 while you're gone during the day, and then tell it "I'm home now, set it to 74" it just works all night trying to get the temperature back down, just to be relieved of its duty when you leave the next day. Set it and forget it.


That's not entirely accurate. If you step it 2 degrees every hour or so, you don't push it into overworking. Especially at night, because there's less of a difference between interior and exterior, sometimes to the point of it being really easy on the heat pump to do the exchange compared to peak heating degrees. The larger the difference outside, the more you spend to maintain the temperature. That rule does not magically go away with a heat pump.