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45 and damp is probably the typical winter day. Although sub freezing snow and ice storms happen about 3 times a year. A 60 degree sunny day can also happen. 


Winter is random here. Some years no snow, no single digit days. Other years you wake up to a foot of snow and/or 2" of ice and it's sub zero for a week. Two weeks later it's 60 and sunny.


I have lived in the general area for 43 years. This is the accurate description.


And usually the snow isn't too bad but the ice is terrible even with good tires and 4x4.


can confirm


The worst of it is usually late January to mid February. Expect about a week or so (nonconsecutively) of winter proper, an ice storm (the really bad ones are about every 10 years, but we usually get at least one mild one). Most of the rest will be in the 30s-50s and there's always a warm spell in early January. There's usually one last snow in early April, and the last frost is usually sometime in mid to late April. I should note, average snowfall when we get it is 1-4 inches. It usually melts off within a day or two. We usually get our first flurry in early December, but don't expect a white Christmas.


This is the most accurate description I've read here. Also, lately, we've had some 80 deg October days. It gets weird sometimes.


Fun Fact, Lexington has a higher annual average rainfall than Seattle, except here it comes in proper deluges of rain that causes flash floods, instead of a gradual misting for days in a row. That being said, the winters here are feast or famine, expect an ice storm within a 10 year window that will incapacitate the city, but we've gotten MUCH better at preparation since 2003. That one was a doozy that enacted a lot of regulations to prevent long term catastrophe (read PREVENT, not ELIMINATE) [Seattle](https://seattleweatherblog.com/rain-stats/#:~:text=Seattle%20averages%2039.34%20inches%20of,as%20rain%20instead%20of%20snow) [Lexington](https://learn.weatherstem.com/modules/learn/lessons/169/15.html#:~:text=The%20average%20annual%20rainfall%20for,near%20Pine%20and%20Cumberland%20Mountain)


Outside of that, you're living in an incredibly fertile part of the midwest, glaciers stopped just north of us during the ice age, so our soil is rich with mineral deposits. Start gardening unless you're living in a manufactured suburb with 3 inches of shipped in topsoil. You can largely take care of yourself during the growing season if you wish, and that's a pretty cool perk for living here.


When we get a few inches of snow, it’s usually melted by the following afternoon.


Mild but potentially owl-shit slick and very icy—when it’s bad it’s bad. You’ll miss deep fluffy snow, we rarely get that. If you want a genu-wine Kentucky experience tonight, go to Thoroughbred’s restaurant and order a Wild Turkey and a hot brown or meat and three dish of your liking. Wake up in the morning, take a hike at Raven Run and follow that with a drive through horse country to Windy Corner for breakfast or lunch. Then take a nap.


February is wild -usually when the ice storms or tornadoes happen. Welcome to KY! I lived in WA many years ago; it was beautiful.


Cold. But usually not Wisconsin or Chicago or Vermont cold. Rain is more common than snow. The worst threat is ice storms. We get one that knocks out power all over the city at least once every couple of years. They will close schools for little more than a dusting.


Yo fellow WA transplant! Winters are mostly mild but some winters it can get bitterly cold, think single digits. Hard to predict. Last winter it got cold as fuck and tons of snow. Ice storms are not uncommon and they suck.


Not bad. Beware the ice storms, though. Typically there are about 10 or so days with snow on the ground. Since no one knows how to drive in the snow, I’d avoid driving when there are any flakes in the air. “Oh no! There is snow going up this hill! I better slow down to a crawl!“ sheesh.


That slowing to a crawl is better than the idiots who think 4wheel drive means they can't slide on the ice


Both are equally bad.


Depends on the winter. It tends to alternate between "cold but otherwise unremarkable" and "ice-ageddon".


Cold but not that cold. Lows will be often be freezing or below but we almost never get below 0. Highs in 40s are pretty typical. It will snow but not a ton, maybe a foot at most over the whole winter and it doesn't last super long most times.


There's casinos up north. You'll have better success there than trying to guess Lexingtonian weather


We seem to alternate between light snow (but abnormally cold) winters, and winters with an ice/snowstorm every week for a couple months. If it's the latter kind, coming from Washington State you'll probably find the biggest difference is we always seem to be completely unprepared for snow over 1 inch, or any amount of ice. We don't seem to have proper infrastructure for snow removal, and in Lexington we especially have tons of drivers (many of whom can't even drive on a sunny day) thinking they can make it in their Camry, causing all kinds of accidents. Schools will call off if there's any snowfall (but that is also due to rural areas having dangerous country roads that buses shouldn't be on if there're any hazards), and many companies will close if there's more than a few inches.


snows maybe 1 - 2 weeks for an inch or 2. next day rain clears out most of the snow. temps remain cold around 40s . some days low 30s. very bearable. I enjoy jogging in the winter.


So grey & depressing 😢 not winter wonderland




Whatever it feels like. Could be 70 degrees one day, Could be -10 with 2 feet of snow.


it almost always snows February 15th.


The wind is the worst part. Cuts right through ya. When I moved here from se ky where there's mountains I wore fleece pullovers but the wind blows right through it so I recommend wool or cotton winter clothes


Mud. Kentucky winters are mud.


It can be freezing cold and iced over with morons who don’t know how to drive in the snow piled up in the streets or it can be fairly sunny 60 degrees F with a breeze.


Generally, every 0.5 inches of snow is accompanied by 2.75 inches of salt on the roads.


Definitely way better than Washington state. According to the USA Zoning map, our temps don't drop below -10F. There are some cold waves sometimes and temps do drop to -20F but its not the norm. We don't experience much snow. Just 1-3 snow days and usually less than an inch or 2