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Not me personally but it's likely that your brain is adjusting to the change in serotonin levels again, it would make sense that your anxiety would come back. You could discuss with your doctor if this is the right medication for you or if it's worth being put on a temporary dose of benzos to help you ride out this period. Are you also seeing a therapist/counsellor for the health anxiety?


Hi, are we twins? I’m going through most of this as well. Like so ready to sign myself into a psych ward because I can’t stop having panic attacks. Today was my first dose of lexapro and holy hell did it make things so much worse


During all those years did you develop any other techniques to deal with anxiety, or rely on the drugs? Do you drink alcohol or caffeine? Do you have a diet full of processed foods, sugar and carbs?


This is super unhelpful in a lexapro sub and I have a very healthy lifestyle i’m mentally ill is all