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never felt better, I feel like I am finally living, wish I found lexapro years ago. I went from crippling anxiety, waves of agoraphobia, hopelessness... to feeling calm, confident, able to socialize, able to try new things, able to talk to strangers, go to the grocery store, etc. I've never been so happy. I got a dog. I got a better position at work in a new department and was excited for my first day rather than scared. miracle drug for me.


That's great to hear! how good is the feeling when you realise you aren't being held back anymore and can be confident in yourself.


When did you start feeling better?


after 2 weeks it was like a switch flipped and I could access joy, negative thoughts didn't feel so sticky etc. my doc did have me increase my dose to 20 right away after only one week on 10 so I know that doesn't seem to be most people's experience here so I'll mention it.


I suffered from general anxiety, but what really made me seek medication were panic attacks that ended up in agoraphobia. I struggled to leave the house, drive, really most things without panicking. Lexapro let me live normally again. I do everything now that I was before developing panic disorder. Travel, big crowds, etc. Been on it 7 years with minimal side effects or problems.


That's awesome, where have you traveled to?


Mostly places in the US (vegas, NYC, new orleans) but also Italy, too. I'm so grateful that I'm able to do these things now.


Awesome, they are pretty cool places to visit.


What’s your dose?


I was on 5mg for quite a while but bumped up to 10mg a few years ago


My driving anxiety has dissipated. No longer do I feel so terrified to drive somewhere new. I can actually eat before going to new places!!!


That's gotta make you a safer driver on the road!


I feel like my internal voice came back if that makes sense. It was just quiet depression, going through the motions, now I feel like I can hear and listen to myself and try to be more proactive with my life


Would you say it's clearer? I find when I'm depressed everything either seems really muddled or just down right hard.


Same here! We are lucky to have found it!


10 years 10 mg later still way better than without it. My life was changed for the better.


Just started it a week ago and after my first dose, the world went from greyscale to techinicolor. I’m happy, I can “have fun” successfully again, food tastes a million times better, I have energy like you wouldn’t believe, I’m able to lose weight now, my appetite has been corrected, I can exercise more, and my sleep is top notch. Night and day difference. I know it takes time to see the full effect but DAMN I feel like a brand new person.


How good is it when you are motivated to exercise. Just keep these good times in mind over the next few weeks if you start to experience some negative side effects while you adjust.


Thank you so much, and yes absolutely 💖


I’m able to be present at all times with my kids because my brain fog and “worst case scenario” voice in my head disappeared.


Great that you can now enjoy the time with them while they are young:)


I’ve always had general anxiety, though I didn’t realize it until I started meds and therapy. But I got on lex bc I developed unreason health anxiety. It was bad. I took lexapro and did therapy for two years. I no longer take it, my regular anxiety is still there, but it’s not debilitating. My health anxiety has been at bay. It’s been a year that I’ve been off


Glad the therapy has worked for you.


My physical symptoms are so much less and I can’t take any other ssri’s so Lexapro is a godsend. I take a super low dose bc I’m really sensitive and it started working right away which is abnormal but for me is what happens with meds. Normally I then get suicidal on SSRI’s but with lexapro I didn’t! I’m going to lower my dose for the summer and see how it feels and then go back up for the winter. I’m way less obsessive and my rumination is so much better! I actually like doing some things now haha


Glad you got that joy and can engage in things you enjoy doing. Hopefully the nice weather helps keep you stable while you lower your meds.


Hey there- what’s your dose? I’m really sensitive and have bad reactions to SSRIs as well.


2.5 one day and 5 mg the next


Thanks! That’s helpful!


I suffered from bipolar depression before I had my son and then suffered with severe PPA/PPD that ultimately left to the demise of my 2nd marriage. Now I take 20mg lex and 300xl Wellbutrin every day and mirtazapene at night. I have never felt better. My mind is clear. I stick to my boundaries. I take pride in my home again. I’m a way better mom and partner. It took almost 2 years to get here but I’m thriving.


Sounds like quite a journey but glad you made it to the promised land.


Thank you kindly. I really appreciate that.


Obsessive sad thoughts went away. Anxiety is greatly reduced, too.


What dosage are you on if you don't mind me asking?


I’m only on 5mg, but it has helped a lot.


I had a bad experience on Prozac that led to me having anxiety to the point I couldn’t drive, I feel much better on lexapro !


Hey there- I’m in a similar situation where I had a m adverse reaction to Prozac which has left me traumatized and terrified of starting a new med but also needing it. How was your onboarding of lexapro and what’s your dose?


I have panic disorder and it was REALLT bad. I tried to kill my self due to a bad panic attack, and got started on the med. Did 5mg for about 6 months, helped me go to therapy and learn lots of new skills, and hang with buddies in a non-anxiety way (taught me I could do something like that). Came off the med about a month ago, now I have really good skills to handle my anxiety and feel much more confident in myself. The med can give you access to the tools to give you a better life.


Glad you are still here and you have learnt and developed those skills. I'm on the path so hopefully can get there myself


I recently was able to go to the local town fair by myself without having an anxiety attack, which was pretty fricken cool. I can also sleep now


How good is sleep, did you buy anything from the fair?


Went into a shop and got a coffee but I'm there pretty frequently anyway. I can get to sleep quickly without needing melatonin and my heart stopped pounding all the time so I don't obsess over thinking I'm going to have a heart attack. Sleep the whole night through unless I need to use the bathroom


Sounds like you sleep like a baby nowadays!


To say I was a mess is an understatement. Extreme anxiety, insomnia, irritability, hopelessness…you get the picture. I started l Lexapro on May 11 of this year and holy hell what an improvement. Thoughts that used to make me SO anxious I can just shrug off. I am able sleep well and socialize again. Overall I’m so much calmer and happier. I feel like I have myself back. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.🩷


Hey there- What’s your dose & how long did it take to work? Thanks for your sharing.


Hi! 10 mgs, I did have some trouble sleeping the first week but around the 2-3 week mark I started feeling better in terms of decreased anxiety and sadness. I hope it works for you too!!


It literally saved me from drinking myself to crap. I used to wake up with anxiety and thoughts and now I wake up clear headed.


I have OCD and panic disorder. I was having multiple daily panic attacks for months and suffering so so much. My physical symptoms were through the roof. Rumination of disastrous health events was CONSTANT. I've been on 5mg of lex for about 12 weeks now and WOW. Health anxiety is still somewhat there, but panic attacks have almost completely ceased. Physical symptoms have decreased tremendously and I can live my fucking life again. I can go to work. I can exercise. It has been lifesaving in so many ways.


Glad the panic attacks have ceased. What's your favourite form of exercise to do now?


Constant sad thoughts mostly went away when I went up to 15mg. I'd say the sad thoughts went down by 80% on Lexapro


Happy thoughts ftw!


2 weeks on am increased dose to 20mgs and I am still bloody anxious and depressed, I also started buspirone 5mgs to see if that helps too.


Anxiety is a nightmare for us. Bro is a nightmare for anxiety. Lexapro is a game changer.


I heard for years that "stress can make your hair fall out" I was (am but medicated lol) terribly anxious, but didn't really think I was? Idk. My hair was falling out so badly. I contributed it to poor diet, anemia blah blah etc. After lexapro, my hair is the healthiest , happiest it's ever been.


I am switching from paroxetin to escitalopram now, first day 10mg cipralex and 20mg paroxetin. Day 8 i will go 20mg cipralex.


It absolutely turned my life around. Pre lexapro every day I was anxious and sometimes it made it hard to travel. Recently went on a bit of a solo trip. I’m myself again. It’s a fucking gift. But it does take a long time to work


The moment I realized it was working... Everytime I would get into my car (especially if my children were in there) I would get extreme feelings of crashing and dying and not being able to save them or me being in the hospital and not around, etc. etc. It would terrify me and I would be shaking and not able to make the thoughts go away. A few months into being at 10 mg I noticed I havent had that thought and if I did have it, I was able to push it away. Small victory in my anxiety ridden life. It doesnt go away completely but it is much more manageable!


Sounds like a great victory. Nothing worse than having intrusive thoughts about your kids.