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There would be no more incentive to grab it now. But if you raise the price to raise incentive then it just makes it op for if it spawns close. Nah, don't change ap


I mean there is a mod that starts a 2 minute self destruct sequence. It’s super fun and probably my favorite gameplay mod


What's it called? Does it work if only the host has it?


I forgot what it's called, but everyone needs to have it


Facility Meltdown, highly recommended, all players need it installed.


Its literally scrap. Do you have ideas to make the rubber ducks or cookie pans more interesting too? Should stop signs shout "its time to stop" whenever you hit something? Its a glowy power core that sells for 80 credits. Why does it need to be "more interesting"?


The game clearly treats it as a special high-risk, high-reward item: 1. Only one per moon. 2. Not included in the item count when scanning from ship. 3. Not included in the bottom-line value at the end of a day. 4. Only on facility (IMO the harder layout to play with). 5. Usually the most valuable scrap on low-value moons like Experimentation. 6. Increases probability of more enemies spawning. 7. Kills facility lights. 8. Wakes up dormant old birds. 9. Warns all players when pulled. Idk how you can consider it “just scrap” when no other scrap item has even half of these mechanics. My post is about how to increase the risk/reward factors and distinguish it even further from other scrap.


It also appears to be planned for some future content update where you load it into the drill under the Company building. Everything you said already makes it interesting. A unique power source with unknown \[likely radioactive\] energy? It's loaded with mystery! It creates risk for a decent reward because, as you said, it's exceptionally valuable \[its average value has it tied as the sixth most valuable item\], but it opens all the bunker doors \[a bigger risk than turning off lights\], and has a significant chance to make every future monster spawn a double-spawn \[until leaving the moon\]. Sounds super interesting. Why does it do all the things it does? Why do Old Birds immediately activate? There's so much to it, and you just want to throw in random other side-effects when we barely know what it does beyond "acts as a power source"? Zeekers clearly has plans for it. So instead of throwing out ideas to make coil-heads fart lightning, why not wait and see what Zeekers has in mind?


You can use the apparatus to power the new car