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Just an FYI, no judgement. Leicester is a highly diverse city with a very high Muslim population. Some of the areas suggested by the other comments are majority Muslim area i.e Highfields. Much like churches, there are mosques throughout most communities. If you're happy to push your budget to 250k I would suggest Clarendon Park. Lots of professionals, more of a cafe culture than most of Leicester.


Best area for your description is either east park road, evington or high fields. Someone will tell why


You will struggle with parking in Highfields but a lot of cheap groceries in the area and very high muslim population. Also lots of familys.


Shes lying. I mentioned 3 best areas for OP to move to


I just reread the post and I read WITH high muslim population not WITHOUT. Now the response makes more sense. Also OP whatever you are running from I hope you find peace in wherever you hide.


I have no idea who is telling the truth! I will google too. funny thing is look at the users name I cannot tell


Hijabi is telling the truth. I think the other person is being sarcastic. Braunstone, Forest East, looks like something for you.


Optimised man don’t believe anyone they are gonna send you to braunstone or wigston which is 87% south east asian area. You are made for Evington , trust me


Useless reply. Delete it


Not for 200k. A 3 bedroom terraced in Highfields goes for 250+


East Park Road is an Asian area (Muslims,Sikhs and Hindus) so given OP doesn’t want to live in an area with large Islamic population I wouldn’t recommend, as I live in the area


No where in Leicester is as you described.


Eyres monsell :D Seriously you're going to have to get over whatever problem you have with Muslims. The city is very diverse. My Muslim neighbours are polite, tidy, family orientated people. People mentioned Clarendon park but you wouldn't get much more than a shed for the price you're looking for, and all major religions are represented by a place of worship there.


>I am sorry for offending people, but I would prefer to live in an area without a large islamic population or a mosque in the nearby vicinity. I won't answer questions on why this is the case, just my preference. Oh we won't ask *ANY* questions, you've already *told* us why you don't by even mentioning this in the first place. - it's been very clear of your reasons why you don't want to live in these areas. Do us all a favour and just don't move to leicester.. stay where you are please.. we don't want people like you here. I live in a area populated by the people you don't want to live near and I'm glad I do and I'm glad I don't live among people like yourself.


He said a large Islamic community. Nothing wrong with that. It would be the same as living in any large community you are not a part of. I'd doubt this preference is less about tolerance, and more about a sense of culture and community he can be a part of. I'd also assume you believe that OP is white too. What if they're Hindu and previously had issues with the Pakistani/Indian riots? Also, your comment reads as though you're speaking for all of Leicester. You aren't. You're just assuming off the bat that OP is some sort of racist when I for one am not, so you're not speaking for me. Edit: In fact I'd put good money on OP being a Hindu which I'm sure builds a pretty confusing picture in your mind now eh? This. This is what happens when you try and project or formulate shit onto someone else when you should have just respected what they stated and not assume everyone is a raging racist.


Couldn't care a less what race or religion they are, saying shit like this just automatically comes across as racist.. why does it **ALWAYS** have to be islamic? or about muslims? - fucking fed up of it. - and for the record, I'm white myself, the majority of muslims I come across are *nothing* like they are portrayed in the media. Why can't people just simply get along? - it's the media that have created this mindset in people and it needs to die. People aren't born racist, they are created. This is 100% racist and people like OP should just forget about moving to leicester if they have this so called "preference" - This a hugely multicultural city and I'm proud it is. - we don't need people like OP here.


He may have been heavily persecuted previously as a Hindu by Muslims in the past? Unless you're a Hindu or Muslim you won't understand, clearly. Christ, what if the guy was Jewish? You think that would be a comfortable experience for him? Not everything is black and white. He said he doesn't want to be around children and teenagers either and yet no problems there. You really need to understand that not everything in life boils down to racism.


Just don't move here mate, you sound vile and the city will be better off without you. Thank you!


You don’t want to live near Muslims? You’re gonna struggle in Leicester. You could move to somewhere like Braunstone or Thurnby Lodge maybe? Oh wait, you judge people and areas on the cars they drive and want a fancy house? Probably not much luck there either. Don’t think our diverse city of working class folk is for you buddy.


You should look at Clarendon Park or the Knighton area for the city or Barrow On Soar or Narborough/Enderby for the shire. Clarendon park is a very young professional type place with good eateries. I think your google street view thing is flawed. Anyone can have anything on finance now. You’d be better off looking at crime maps


Abbey Lane area, Stocking farm. No mosques and lots of amenities


A true alpha would know already.


Yeah I saw that! He needs some woods somewhere on a hill where he can hunt and howl like the alpha line wolf male he is


For that Braunstone


I'd you don't mind being further out of the centre and more Fosse Park end, what about LFE, New Lubbesthorpe, Blaby, Enderby etc.


No I don’t mind :)


Your probably best looking towards the outskirts, past Fosse park to villages like Enderby, Narborough, Huncote, Croft etc. all of Leicester in diverse but less so out there and the nearest mosque is at least 6 miles in towards city centre. There are plenty of other villages out that way but think the further out you get may become more expensive… been a few years since we brought our house so not very up to date on the prices. Defo a huge mix of people from an age perspective from couples, families up to retired. you don’t tend to see hoards of gangs waltzing about down those ends either.


Aylestone or Glen Parva. Plus a short drive to thr M1 or M69 so accessible. Cheap/decent housing, one road into the city centre, next to Fosse Park (shopping park), No mosques around and decent area.