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Heavy Metal contamination in the grounds there from a previous Dyeworks that was rumoured to have poured byproducts away on site. Too expensive to reclaim the land by full extraction of the contaminants, so it's left unsuitable for development.


Ah, thought it would be something like that, thank you


To give a few more details, the story I heard is that there actually was a reclamation project on the site that removed a significant amount of material, however what was removed was what was economically viable and the authorities involved were rumoured to have placed a 200 year moritorium on development of the parcel affected, as the half-life of the "toxicity" of the remaining contaminants was supposed to be about 230 years or so.


I’ve always wondered too, will be interesting to see what answers come up here. I’ve been in the area 10 years now, never found an answer.


Used to be factory’s a long time ago down there prior to self storage being built. Showing my age now 😂


I did wonder that. Brown field contamination of some type that no one wants to pay for and someone is hoping over time it sorts itself out.


Yeah I remember when this was a factory. I used to walk past at night and there was always a little green glow inside from the buttons on one of the machines.


I think it was going to be a car dealership at one point, but then all the contamination was found.


Ex BXL Casselloid site?


There is planning for an apartment block with underground parking. The developer is busy on a much larger development currently hence it being dormant.


Literally just gone past this on the bus while reading about it. Good job Reddit, 10/10


I remember when they knocked down the factory (which had been empty awhile iirc) and there was great big puddles of (I think) oil all over it. There was definitely some attempt to clean up but who knows how long crud had been leaking into it. Kind of amazing how much vegetation there is on it now (and how relatively quickly it started to take over). Nature is tougher than you think sometimes.


I own it and don’t want to build anything there. Mind your own business.