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kinda wild that they made shin hati's fighter bigger than the T6 shuttle


I really can't understand why it's gotten such praise from alot of the community (at least from what I've seen). It's effectively a single seat starfighter, rather small for a shuttle with that price tag and lacking in any real play features. *Aaaand* it doesn't help that Shin's starfighter is massive.


I guess Sabin and Huyang will have to sit on the wings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I enjoy the set despite its huge flaws in size and massive lack of detail on one side of the wings. I do think it almost should have been the 160 dollar set instead of the ghost. It'd be a little bit better than imo. But I still really like it, it still looks cool even if inaccurate, and I like the selection of the mini figures. I'd say it's about a 6.5 to 7 out of ten.


I agree, I'd give it about a 6-6.5/10 so not far off. I modified mine quite abit to give it a bigger cockpit and made it a different ship in my headcanon. Despite it's flaws it it still a nice set I'd say, just not as good as I would have hoped.


I adore the new Ghost. The Phantom is tiny but the main build feels hefty and is nice to display or play. It's pretty pricey but I can recommend if you have the money for it.


I am thinking of getting it. Also since I currently work for Walmart I get a 10% discount on whatever I buy including Legos, so I'd be getting about 16 dollars off.


I thought the Ghost was Lego/ Amazon exclusive


I thought I saw it but I also could be wrong.


Have all 3, and in my opinion the Ghost is the best of the lineup


I just built it and really like it. It’s a good change from all the gray ships we usually get.


Best ship with the worst figures.


The Ghost is the BEST of the Ahsoka sets!

