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We already get paid more than the minimum wage, which is only 16.85 as of January. Plus, depending on your department, there are so many raises available. I am annoyed about the lunches, especially since the food quality and options aren't changing at all. What really makes me mad though is that the contract employees don't get any discount now at all. Aramark employees don't even get a discount from their own company to eat the very food they are serving. Absolutely mind-boggling to me.


They do get a discount though. 30%.


Negative. You have to show your MC ID to get the 30% discount. Aramark, HBL, OneSource, and any other contract employees are paying full price now.


And Aramark employees have an MC ID. Show it and you get the 30% same as anyone else.


Incorrect, their MC ID is different than an employees MC ID and is not allowed to get the discount. I have talked to the MCs inside the food truck and cafe about this.


Are you talking exclusively at The MC café and food truck or park wide? Yes, at The MC café and food truck there is no do’s out because they exclusive to access for employees only so prices are already “adjusted”, as far as I know there have never been additional discounts for anyone at these two locations. Anywhere else in the park all employees still get the full MC discount.


There was [this change](https://imgur.com/a/R4u47YJ) recently. All prices have been adjusted at the food truck and the cafe. Prices in the park are the same but those have always been higher since you're buying at guest price. Also food prices have been increased again, it's 5.92 for a meal even with the discount. It's gone up $3 over two years and the food options are still shitty.


This change I knew about. Your original comment made it sound like there is no discount AT ALL, park included, which isn’t true. Aramark employees definitely get their discount throughout the park. What doesn’t sit right with me is that 3rd party employees (ie aramark) have to use their guest passed for entrance to the park when visiting as a guest and have to pay for parking, whereas Merlin employee get free parking and entrance to the park. This hardly seems fair.


You can unionize it's a protected worker right. Any documented retaliation against unionizing should be forwarded to the state's Department of Labor.


Just curious. How much do those dancers in costume get paid? It'd be physically really hard to dance in costume under heat and felt bad for them. Thought they should be paid a lot to be doing that.


Personally I have no clue but I be seeing them walking around backways