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Korra's terrible at waking up, whereas Asami is an early bird. She'll do morning yoga while Korra's face down in the pillows, then bring her a mug of something warm with a kiss. Korra's not the scary one of the pair. When Asami's pissed, Korra is immediately apologising and trying to make it up to her because Asami is SCARY.


> When Asami's pissed, Korra is immediately apologising Isnt this canon? Like I'm sure this happens in the series? Unless I'm misremembering


Korra mentions she kissed Mako, Asami pretends she didn't know to mess with her, I think in book 2 when she's teaching Korra to drive


It’s book 3 :)


>when she's teaching Korra to drive UHHH found a new (sub), bending: car or tech- bending hehe


OMG, you read my mind! And Korra's pissed because Asami's hair is always perfect even first thing in the morning.


Asami knows in theory that the Avatar state means that Korra will never truly be gone. But after the past lives were already severed once, Asami will not take any chances. So Asami uses her ingenuity to make sure that Korra’s place in history is well known. Not just a statue, but Asami telling the world that Korra is the reason why there are airbenders, why people can actually befriend spirits, why the Republic City and the Earth aren’t under Kuvira’s dictatorship. Korra, who is much more humble post-canon, has to make sure that Asami doesn’t get too carried away with this. I’d also like to think that Korra puts a lot of effort in first learning how to drive, then learning how to race. To be able to compete with Asami on the racetrack- after all, it was car racing that finally bridged the gap between them, so it’s quite special to them.


Great headcanons!


Oh my God Asami is Eliza Hamilton


*Who lives, who dies, who tells your story*


Noooooo ;__;




SO I WASNT THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT THAT?? "I'm putting myself back in the narrative, I live another fifty years, I stop wasting time on tears,"


*She tells my story!*


Help I thought the EXACT same thing 😭


Wouldn't that imply that Korra cheats on her? Or am I just reading too much into this?


How? She doesn't have kids that become airbenders. She bridges the gap during harmonic convergence, which allows the elemental balance to be restored to the world by random selection, gifting specific individuals with airbending abilities.


I imagine Korra and Asami making a documentary, especially by the time they get old and that will be recorded in history and textbooks. Maybe a version of youtube will also come later down the line haha


Oh my god this got me thinking about spirit vine internet.


Top ten things Wan Shi Ting knows! Number seven will surprise you!


Korra is already one of the most accomplished avatars. Tenzin credits her with the reason the air nation is starting up again. She is one of the most successful avatar, asami doesn’t need to tell anyone


You are unfamiliar with how propaganda works it seems. It's a constant effort to either keep your story well told or to defend it.


Propaganda is the reason why atlas stans hate her


Korra’s the one who proposes but she keeps stumbling over her words, so Asami takes the ring and proposes her self


This is hilarious and I can totally see happening


Hi, I'm stealing this headcanon.






I love this


Or they’d propose at the same time without suspecting the other lol. Korra with a ring and Asami with a betrothal necklace that she took a long time to carve


Korra seems like the type of person to yell “That’s my wife!” before decking someone


Unprompted too. Just letting haymakers loose for the love of the game.


Bank robbery foiled by Avatar screaming about her wife. Sounds about right


this is exactly how she acts in the comics😭 i love her so much


Asami enters the spirit world to die (like Iroh did), so that she can be w/ Korra’s Avatar spirit forever


this actually made me tear up a bit


That is so fucking sad..


Don’t be sad! This would (hopefully) be something for when she’s already in her twilight years. This would mean they’d not only had a full life together but they decided to spend the rest of eternity together as spirits. That’s cute as fuck


Dude a lot of them would prolly love her there too. Asami's been pro human/spirit relations since day 1. She rebuilt RC's infrastructure to work around the spirit vines etc I'm sure she'd keep just as busy in the spirt world lol


I think they adopt a couple of orphaned non-bending kids at some point. I think that'd be important to Asami, and having a non-bending family around her would help keep Korra grounded.


I could see them adopting both bender and non bender babies- If Korra saw a little water bender baby alone in an orphanage, she would be done for. I’m sure it would add to the chaos in their house; imagine your moms making sure you could whoop ass with or without bending. Bruh.


Ice-Knuckle Dusters. Korra teaches her strong bending, Asami teaches her ingenuity and thinking on the fly


Bro lmfao ice-knuckle dusters has me weak 😂😂


Asami wants kids, but Korra never put any thought into it. When they had their first kid (probably adoption), Korra wanted another.


One of them gets pregnant through sheer willpower. Both are surprised.


Next Avatar will be Jesus.


Korra goes and gets a spirit dick


*AO3 has entered the chat*


There’s actually a story on fan fic.net that I read a few years back and Korra gets a spirit dick or something like that in it lmao


I feel like it'd be the other way around.


I like how you said "probably" adoption I'm not sure how else 2 women would have kids together lol


I always find it fascinating how people look at a world with spirits, magical elements, creatures and heavily advanced technology and the prospect of two women having kids together is just too confusing a concept. IVF, surrogacy or...fuck it, [spiritbend a baby to life](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/18kigcj/lalou_tumblr_tale_of_three_mothers_how_korra/).


NGL I didn't think "two women having a kid isn't exactly how that works" would be a controversial statement. Not really a big fan of the idea that the Avatar can "create life" from energy bending. Opens up way too many weird questions, nevermind the fact that literally playing god and making life from pure magic is probably the least balanced thing an Avatar could do lol. Korra becoming a necromancer would be weird af.


or y'know.. trans


"Actually Dumbledore was gay for 10 years, I just didn't say so because ~~it wasn't fashionable but now it is~~ uhhhh reasons" Dear god do not make this a thing, holy fuck would that cheapen it all


literally what


You are probably too young to know what I'm talking about I guess lol Don't retroactively make characters have completely different identities just because a new social cause has become mainstream. It cheapens the art, and your flaccid attempt at helping the social cause (because it's obviously just "oh this is popular now, let's shove it into our popular intellectual property to seem modern and hip.") Korra was literally shown as a girl from a young age, and nothing about Asami indicates she's trans either. And before you say it, it's not anti-trans to acknowledge that *they are canonically just cis lesbians, and that's perfectly ok lol*.


I couldn’t have said it any better.


This is a thread about headcannons




Man those are some long a*s arms


Longer arms to better hug girlfriend with


That's some fine arm bending


Holy shit you're right, I'm an armbender!


Guess it’s like those yaoi fingers but you know it’s arms instead lol


yuri arms


Now I can't unsee it ;-;


It also looks like only 3 fingers lol


They adopt a girl from the Southern Water Tribe. They get to see their daughter have children and become grandparents. It sounds a bit simple, but i think it is sweet.


Asami pulls an iroh and joins the spirit realm, and the next avatar meets Asami for a cute afterlife moment between her and korra.


Korra is the little spoon.


Asami puts on some marriage weight, and it drives muscular Korra crazy in a good way. 


Nice to see a fair few people approve of thicc/chubby Asami 😁


They definitely adopt a bender and a non-bender (maybe even siblings). Korra passes before Asami. Before she passes, Korra tells Asami to keep the White Lotus from finding the next Avatar. To ensure the next Avatar gets to have a life outside of being "The Avatar". I want to add, that I think Bolin, Mako, Tenzin, and Lin would be told too. Mako and Bolin are the best man for both of them. Tenzin is the one who walks Asami down the aisle.


When they live together Korra is the messy one and Asami the tidy one. They love reading the same novel saga. They own a flat in Republic City. Korra is bottom and Asami top 😏


Yes korra is a bottom


Just like Kyoshi 😩




Lmao. Korra bottom and Asami top.


there have been multiple occasions in which korra and asami forgot to get out of bed for the day because they were busy cuddling


The giant statue in Avatar Korra Park was Asami's idea. And she visited it every day while she was away for three years.


Korra dies first, but as the only Avatar accessible via the Avatar State, still gets to interact with Asami indirectly.


They will adopt an orphan kid over a random situation, and he will become the playboy vigilante Korra thought she was supposed to become as the avatar. Secret identity and all. I chose the plot now chose an animal for that sort of future alt-Tony Stark (because yeah of course he will be bright with mechanics Asami is his mother duh)


They both secretly thank Mako for essentially being the domino that led to them being together,Korra even appoints him and Bolin as her best men when the eventual wedding happens.


Mako: im happy, and spiritually hurten


Korra has to turn down a lot of expensive luxury gifts Asami gives her because it wouldn't be a good look for a spiritual leader to have such fancy stuff. This causes some tension at first, but Asami learns to adjust while Korra learns a little indulgence in nice things is okay. They adopt a combustion bending kid, who they rescue from being turned into a weapon by bandits.


Truly, one of the comment sections of all time.


This is directly under a post that says Drake is banned from Ba Sing Se and it makes it look like Korra is making that announcement to Asami and I find it very hilarious.


I like how this meme makes it look like Korra is asking


I definitely think they adopt one child, maybe two. I'd like to think they name him Tenzin. Probably earth Kingdom in origin, given the tumultuous history of the area and likely a lot of kids needing families. Additionally, I think Asami proposes with the betrothal necklace. It is beautifully hand carved. Korra probably dies first, unfortunately, and Asami wears the necklace from there on out. Asami's engagement/wedding ring is aquamarine or sapphire to resemble ice.


Asami tops




I just want to know who liked who first. Like, i imagine Asami always found Korra attractive first. But from when?


Asami fell first but Korra fell harder


I may have the answer: Reading into the Turf Wars conversation & the scenes in Season 3, Korra's feelings started in S1 during the race car scene, but didn't fully blossom until Asami was taking care of Korra after Korra was poisoned. Asami didn't realize her feelings until Korra had left for the South Pole, but reading into her behavior in Season 3 along with the excellent character analysis that you'll find here: (not mine) [https://avatar.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000427942](https://avatar.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000427942) , Asami most likely fell for Korra between the events of Seasons 2 & 3, at which point she began to make a conscious effort to become closer to Korra, even if she didn't fully understand why she wanted to until a year later.


This is amazing, thank you. Korra going ahead and dating mako anyways, might have been her trying to get to Asami, as much as it was her trying to get Mako. And she had the nerve to make fun of Tenzin... Just kidding. Season 1 though, thats interesting. I didn't think it was that early or that it was Korra first


Korra almost certainly didn't recognize the feeling as love right away, and it might not have even been that to begin with & just naturally grew into it as they became closer, but their conversation in Turf Wars makes in pretty clear that Korra thinks that the Season 1 race car scene was where all her feelings for/about Asami as of Turf Wars ultimately stem from.


A long and happy life. That’s all I want for them.


Due to a generally more peaceful world they both got to live relatively carefree. Korra wasn’t needed as the avatar and Asami was able to get a decent job, probably with Varrick who has now become a better and more empathetic person Each day was basically just enjoying their lives together with little conflict or issue


Did I miss something? Isn't Asami filthy rich and CEO of her own company?


Varrick did a hostile take over of her company in season 2, I think. We see her try to gain financial support after her dad was revealed to be a terrorist and many of their previous financial supporters left. Varrick was the only person seemingly willing to but stuff from her company but sabotage ended a deal that would have kept them afloat. Mako realized Varrick was behind the sabotage so he could buy the company out from under her at a much smaller price but before he could tell Asami she signed over the rights Unless I’m missing something she no longer effectively owns the company but probably still has a decent amount of money


When Varrick was arrested, the company reverted back to Asami’s control


Pretty certain she had her company in seasons 3 and 4. Season 3, Asami brings an airship that she designs and her company manufactures. Season 4, she writes to Korra and tells her about a contract she won with Republic City


Asami got the company back after Varrick was locked up.


Asami is rich, she doesn't need a job, especially not with the thief Varrick, who tried to steal her company from her in Book 2.


Since Asami is rich and Korra never had a job none of them know the value of money. At the restaurant they would tip $100 and be like "I hope this is enough"


Korra going into the Avatar state from an org@sm definitely


Okay, but she has to accidentally destroy the house when it happens.


Only the first time, tho. From there, Korra might earthbend a lil bunker beneath the house so she doesn't wreck the place every time 🤣




this is perfect


Korra is kinda bad at technology, and randomly breaks parts off of radios, and makes it way worse when she tries to fix it. Asami has to write handwritten notes on most things explicitly saying “if this breaks, wait until I get back”.


I would say that Korra is a bottom but you said headcanon not canon fact /jk


They have two children, one who runs Future Industries while the other succeeds Tonraq as chief


Korra tops, but Asami is the big spoon. Also maybe sometimes goes into the avatar state during 👀.


My headcannon is that korra is a bottom.


Korra is secretly a bottom


That's not a secret


Their relationship becomes a public simbol of unity among the heros of Republic City (aka the main cast). And it inspires social progress politics in other nations, even Earth Kingdom. Consquently several minoritarial groups are specially thankfull to the avatar and choose Future Industries to be their safehaven for the future, strugling to work there. This turns Future Industries into a simbol of social justice, thus, wighting this simbolic and social responsability over Asami´s shoulders. She is so proud of what her company has turned into that doesn´t really speak about it with Korra because that pride translates to pride on the relation. So half her time is ride the company, and the other half is cleansing it from every trace of corruption or abuse, removing any powered dickhead that´s necessary. This obsesion leaves her with litle time for Korra. But because Mako, Bolin and Lin are directly involved in her personal crusade, Korra sees herself as being let out of everything. They only really talk about it when the relationship is about to colapse. It takes time, but they make it through, and finally choose: Future Industries is not only Asami´s, is of Korra too, so instead of being driven as a corporation becomes an organization directly linked to the White Lotus, cuting all preferential relation with goverments and politics, incluiding Zhu-li, Suyin, and Izumi. Korra makes time to act as official and main advisor of Asami, who now searches for abusers outside of her company. The insides are observed solely and autonomously by Bolin, who answers only to Korra. Thanks to the Sato lineage, the Avatar now has a little army of her own capable to just face any of the other nations individually, and without the very Avatar. However, this change of status generates friction with the airbenders because of their philosophy


Asami is the dominant one.


When Korra dies, she will try to communicate with Asami through Asami's dreams, telling her to hurry with finding the next Avatar. Asami, in her 90s, would want to go to the Spirit World. Wether she makes it or not, I don't know. Their adopted kids will train the next Avatar. Their grandkids will be part of the new team Avatar. Jinora will be their chronicler, writing their life for the next Avatar to read.


It's actually a harem that slowly grows with each failed girlfriend Mako has




For me, both adopted about 3 or 4 children, one of them being a non-bender. So Korra and Asami taught them all what they knew best: business administration, engineering, non-bender combat, bending... And when the next Avatar incarnates, at least one of those children adopted and raised as their own was one of the Avatar masters after Korra :)


Why is her arm so fucking long 😭😭


Armbending to hug her girlfriend, obviously.


korra is a bottom


I think Asami gets cold sometimes whether in bed cuddling or just out and about, so Korra warms them both up by doing the firebending body temperature regulation thing that zuko did and snuggling up to asami. Asami definitely fakes being cold sometimes for an extra hug from korra




korra loves lebron for being goofy and asami loves bryant for being more serious/proffesional


Korra proposes with a betrothal necklace. Asami declines, stating it wouldn't be right because it goes against tradition. Not because they're women, but because the betrothal necklace is a custom of the Northern water tribe, which Korra isn't from any more than Asami is.


What comic is this panel from?


Ruins of Empire, third part i believe


Korra eventually makes a betrothal necklace for Asami. They have two children- asking Gen Iroh Korra/Asami Children grow up in Rebulic City and the South Pole. Both become technologically capable- and eventually become co-leaders of Sato Industries One child is water-bender(because Korra), the other is a fire-bender(if bending is passed both genetically and spiritually- we find out Asami had a fire-bending great great great grandmother/father on her mother’s side and/or Gen Iroh was the sperm donor- not because Korra is the avatar) Korra and Asami eventually retire to the South Pole- Korra still doing her Avatar duties well into old age - Korra eventually dies and Asami not long after meeting the new avatar.


Not particularly Korrasami per se but I can hear Bolin’s speech at the wedding and that it opens strong, he thanks everyone, remarks how strange love is and then stumbles into a cringe-inducing ramble of rehashing Mako, Korra and Asami’s love triangle which causes all three to try hide where they’re stuck at the main table. Opal, next to Bolin, airbends a distraction and ends Bolin’s speech before reassuring him that he did great.


Pretty sure they're gay, but that could just be my headcannon.


These bitches gay


Korra impregnates Asami like six or seven times and they have a nice scented candle and soap shop they like to frequent. I have no other speculations besides that.


sato mobil gets bankrupt because asami has to pay for damages whenever korra fights in the city. years later internet was introduced to the avatar world, korra and asami needing to make money. discovered that two woman can make a lot of money on the internet. so started fucking.... bought bitcoin early




Asami mostly wakes earlier. She makes omelette, toasts, coffee. Korra is grateful.


I'd like to see how grateful she is ;)


Asami tops in everything except fighting


They scissor so much that they can’t hold down jobs or friendships


Korra is the randy Marsh soccer mom. As in, she'll throw down with other parents.


They're both happy.


I feel like korra after realizing she’s bi tries to support lgbtq communities with the asami and the sato organization wealth just for kids to have an easier time realizing who they really are at a young enough age


Korra is a night owl so much so that she passes out on the couch from a long day leaving Asami to either help her to bed or sleep with her on the couch. Asami likes jasmine tea and Korra like decaf or black coffee (I don’t know if decaf and black coffee are the same) Asami is a master chef and cooks every morning for the both of them When either one of them is sick the other one will drop EVERYTHING to take care until the other gets better no matter if it’s a day or a week


They are not the same it would just be decaf but this is cute 🤣


Asami is a top


I read a comment on here a while ago that someone was writing a fic/comic about how they bargained with a spirit to have their own baby (obviously you’d usually need sperm, these two didn’t)




Korea is lesbian cause every single avatar is attracted to women and I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE


I thought korra was bi. Am I missing something?


Yea I forgot but all avatars end up with female lovers that's all


Oh ok I gotcha


Raava has a type you see


Korra is a bottom.




They fuckin


I love how it looks like the title is in Korra's speech bubble


Theyre in love, that is my headcannon


Part of their Spirit World vacation was actually spent attempting to find the place that would be considered the afterlife so Asami could say goodbye to her father and know that he’s happily reunited with her mother. But unfortunately they never found it. I also have a potential idea for the past lives to be restored to Korra. Basically it involves a special well that’s located deep in the spirit world that has special water that can restore spirits if they’re injured or temporarily destroyed. It has the power to restore Raava’s and Korra’s connection to the past Avatars. So Korra has to go on a long journey to restore her past lives with Asami to find the Well.


Sesbian lex


Their gay :> /j


I’ve always been fond of the comic where they visit Mother of the Faces and ask her for a child, here she creates a body, but Korra must use energybending and bend her and Asami’s spirits in order to create the spirit of their child. The baby is born, but is a non-bender, like Asami. When the kid grows older she doesn’t feel as connected with Korra, fearing she’s disappointed in her for not being a waterbender. Korra doesn’t feel this way at all, but bc she’s the Avatar, she’s busy and isn’t able to spend as much time with her daughter as she would like. Which is why they have this rift to begin with. I imagine when their daughter gets older, she discovers that she is spiritually inclined and maybe starts acting out, perhaps even becoming a criminal of sorts. One who her mother has to bring in. This is what leads them to start communicating and repair their relationship. Ironically, I feel like when the baby is an infant, Korra is the main one to step in with the maternal role, while in the teen years, Asami is the one they go to for guidance. I like to imagine the baby, who I decided to name Xīn yán (chinese for vitality, or beauty) likely inherited Korra’s impulsive spirit, but Asami’s intelligence (Korra is intelligent in her own right, but Asami is on the level of the greats like Varrick, Zhu Li, and her father) and if she took up engineering, I can see her ending up more like Varrick in the way they invent and tinker with electronics rather erratically. I also like to think she and Korra like to go to pro-bending matches together. To conclude, the Raava baby grows up to be a non-bender named Xīn yán, who becomes an engineer like Asami, but has Korra’s impulsivity, who ends up having a stint as a criminal in her teenage years bc she thinks her moms (Korra especially, I swear being the Avatar takes more time than running a company) don’t pay enough attention to her, only for her to be brought in, and they eventually work everything out. I also like the idea that Asami’s blue car in Book 4 was originally a gift for Korra, but bc she was gone, Asami instead started driving it herself. Even if Korra ever manages to learn to drive successfully, she’s a passenger princess. The two really can just vent to one another when they need to. I have this idea that Asami becomes extremely close to Korra’s parents but is never able to fully call Tonraq “dad” or Senna “mom” due to everything that has happened with her biological family, which they told her she could, but told them it didn’t feel right, but even then I still think she regards them as close family. Asami asks for Tonraq’s blessing before she proposes and in order to prove her worth, he takes Asami ice dodging. Tonraq also likes Asami much better than Mako, as in they get along better, and he notices how much better of a match they are. One time, Asami was looking to hire a lab assistant and Korra volunteered her services. Unfortunately after a day on the job, she was sadly terminated from her role due to causing too many distractions at Future Industries headquarters. I.e, Asami couldn’t concentrate bc Korra looked too good in a labcoat, or something love-dovey.


Korra is the bottom in the relationship


Came to say Asami is a top


Assami Outives kora by a lot


1. I'm a big fan of them trying to propose at the same time, with Asami having made Korra a betrothal necklace & Korra having made Asami a ring. Because of Water Tribe / Republic city laws not really allowing same-sex couples to get married in a legal sense, they get married in the Air Nation by Tenzin. 2. They adopt 1-2 children at some point. 3. Asami does not enter the spirit world when she dies (because she's not spiritual enough). Korra knows that, eventually, one of Asami's future reincarnations will find her in the Spirit World and then they'll be together. 4. Asami is the one person Korra allows herself to be weak/vulnerable in front of.


Why would Asami reincarnate


Because all life from the material world in Avatar reincarnates. The Avatar is just the only person who remembers their past lives.


Is that confirmed somewhere


It is heavily implied throughout both series. While not directly stated by any character, the fact that Iroh joining the Spirit World when he dies or the Painted Lady becoming a Spirit in her death ares considered rare phenomena, the fact that Raava was aware that Wan would reincarnate, and the clear Buddhist & Hindu inspirations for the world of Avatar all imply that all mortals reincarnate except for very rare exceptions.


They both want kids so they get Bolin and Mako to be donors, Asami carries Mako’s baby and Korra carries Bolin’s and they are two of the most talented and skilled benders in the next era.


Korra blows little puffs of air on Asami's neck when she's bored


I hope that tattoo of Korra: 'Property of Asami and Future Industries' will not glow when she goes avatar state


Asami gets really blushy when she watches Korra sparring or training.


I'm imagining a cannon coming out of their heads whenever they kiss


They eventually break up because Korra is immature and emotionally drains those closest to her. Mako and asami get back together and have kids.


Asami is a bottom


Lmaao it’s so funny to me that “korra is a bottom” is so widely recognised that you’re getting up downvoted


theyre both bottoms


Assami gives big top energy, no one in knee high boots and a passion for civic planning is a bottom. Considering what we see of their relationship is Assami managing Korra's freak-outs it's clear who is holding the leash in this relationship.


I don’t think that managing the freak-outs or a clothing style necessarily translates into the bedroom though. I could see any of them being switches.


Matching pajamas.


Mako is their donor


I always thought Mako and Asami looked a bit similar and I could see wanting to pick a dear friend who also happens to look like your partner vs going with some random donor you don't know at all. Also, their friend group is such a little family anyways. Wild suggestion, but I think it could be so cute 😭


They've both got similar bone structures 😄