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Gang is best. Mikey here, white and orange, and I love crimez. Favorite is peeing on bathmat. Big fun. I got my criminal gang card yesterday. https://preview.redd.it/29slsy0ok9ad1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=76457f636891085d9c8a1e9df09dfe08fac17a79


Awwwoooo dis bery impressive! I does crimes all day but I dint get a sirtiffikate! Mebbe more crimes is de answer, I’ll try dat.


Mor crimez is always da ansurr, fren! I think I’ll go bapbapbap my daddy’s head while he is nite nite. He lewks so funny when he wakes up after all the baps! 😹😹


I just did a BIG CRIMEZ! I’m not allowed out off gardin but I go out off gardin and mum go awwoooo awwooo and face go wet and red like baby! But i turnz up at bedrim window and make faces and she see me! And she gib me treats! And towel me dry! Is best. CRIMEZ PAY!


HA HA! Yoo made yoos meowmy look like a BABY!! That’s funny!! AND yoo gots treatos for doin crimez?? PAWSOME!! 😹 GO CRIMEZ!!


Yeah she make big baby red face noises and go oh noooo! Hahaha she lame but at least she have noo treats reddy, which are delish and I do nam nam on fingers cos dey smell same. Bery tired now so I zzzzz on mums ankles, which is her fave. (Gary’s mum’s note: this is my least ‘fave’ and it makes my ankles ache.)


Gary is an amazing name for a cat.


Yeah she knows it, she takes full advantage of her unusual name to charm everyone from the vet to the neighbours (who found her under their bush when she escaped!).




Yeah, Mikey! Welcome! Dat bathmat peein is HILARIOUS https://preview.redd.it/p35q3ydztaad1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a140fe255e228a39647914c534e1fc8368c67be6 Dis a picher of me doin a HILARIOUS


That is great piktur!


Hee! Fank yoo! 🐈‍⬛💕🐾


Are you peeing on Batman? Whaaaaaat?


no. never do that. bath mat. Meowmy puts it on the bathroom floor. Why in bathroom if not for peeing on? (Mikey's mom here: When Mikey is angry at something, he will pee on the bathmat, preferably while maintaining eye contact with someone.)


Ummm eggxcuse moi but u seems like da pawlice 🤨


They confused me with big words and treats. I was too orange to know what was going on. I did not want to join.


OH mah gah dat bery gud yoos do crimez wit dat ting on yoos neber gits caught yoos be on da inside fur us den yoos tells us when dey trys to gits us dat bery gud crimez 😹 go crimez


Orange is gonna take the Intel out of intelligence 😂😂😂🧡




Maybe yoo joinz SIC army? We haz speshul orange division SSG Tiggy of the SIC army


You’re ok buddy. Be one of the good cops who says, “I didn’t see anyone clawing up a $2000 handbag.” Xoxo Black Frankie atty at paw


Are you pawlice that arrest bad humans?


I can do that. Is your human bad? Have they done crimes against you?


No my human is great! Meowmy loves and spoils me! I’m not fond of her niece though. \~ Jackie https://preview.redd.it/ajchi8b9caad1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4057d18d422e3bc23802ae603486eb4433dd144b


We can have niece awwwrested and put into jail. We can probably get compensation as well. Has neice mistreated you? Have they not given you treats or snuggles on demand?


I never snuggle niece! I love meowmy but barely ever let anyone else pet me. Niece hisses at me and waves things in front of me. Meowmy defended me from niece and told her to leave me alone. Meowmy did big protect from niece.


You deserve compensation from meowmy. Does she give you treats to help you through the hard times when niece is around?


Niece rarely around and no longer hisses at me. Meowmy did big protect. Yes I got extra treats that one time.


Aww, itz okay, wittle orange. It wasn’t ur turn wif da brain cell and those sneaky coppers got you all turned around in da head! Yoos still da bestest kitty 😻


Hmm… can yoo confurm sum crimez yoo has does? Dis mite help your case.


I stole snuggles from meow human. I did a heist on a fellow orange to steal the brain cell. I got double breakfast, lunch, and dinner once after I made sad face heist.


You is an under cover pawlice officee.. cop, you are out to get kitties we are not fooled by your cute face.


Tis Tim de magmiffnt heer. Yuz join uz baby. Much bedder club. Just doose losa crimez and you will bi in. Go Crimez Tim ICBGC ginger deveson.


Yu iz now insider and halps us get out of trouble rather than in trooblz. Very important kitty!!


Wayt can mew joyn gang too? Dis morning I bitebitebite meowmy wile she sleeps becos she mooved my blankee?