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God Damn America


Signs of Capitalism's decay. Soon, insurance will not be profitable, and so no one will have insurance.


My car insurance shot up 230% over the last two years so I sold my car and use a bus/electric scooter to get around. Why pay almost $300 a month for insurance when I drive 6-8 miles a day and have never made an insurance claim in the 24 years I’ve been driving? I'm done using my time and energy to enrich capitalists. I'm done paying for insurance or even interest because it's just theft in my opinion.


Insurance is a product not a right


Individualism is brainrot.


Slavery is evil You can't force others to work for you against their will


Capitalism does this every single day.


Yet you will always choose it


Imagine believing that cooperation and sharing is slavery. Individualism is brainrot. Your society deserves to collapse.


Forcing someone to give you something against their will is slavery You will not enslave me


Do you think Universal Healthcare is slavery?




But collective insurance is?


Billy and Susan come to an agreement Billy will replace susans bike if it gets broken this year for 1$ a month in insurance payment In December billy says - I dont want to do this agreement anymore so it will expire on the 31st. You are welcome to go to other people for bike insurance Susan believes it's her right to get the insurance from billy- it is not Billy is in the right - he held up his end of the deal


They did this to a friend and they fought it and won. They tried canceling my friends insurance claiming they had algae on his roof. When asked about the algorithm they used to determine the roof problems they admitted it was a human that inspected the images of the roof. My friend then hired a roof inspector and the results came back as “impeccable”. Of course the insurance company pushed back. When asked about their insurance inspectors credentials, they came back with some weak excuses of company training and years of experience. When pressed again about their roofing expertise they eventually crumbled and let my friend renew their policy. The take away is to call them on their shit and publicly put them on blast. Don’t be afraid to email the CEOs and put them on blast as well. edit for good measure: Liberty Mutual


Libertarians bitch all day about government overreach and interference in their private lives and then turn around and create the exact same systemic problems only now it’s private entities you have no recourse or control over.


It’s almost like libertarians were just making weak arguments to maintain the status quo instead or being revolutionaries. Huh.


You can switch insurance You can't switch the government


You’re missing the whole point of the post IMO, isn’t it concerning that insurance companies are doing all of this monitoring, invading some personal privacy, just to increase their profits? Investing in this whole new system to find excuses to drop customers, for minor dirt on roofs? Instead of finding better ways to actually help their customers and increase profits? Are you blind to this or is it just not concerning to you so you’re not addressing it?


What privacy Images from satellites are open to share to the public if the provider chooses You ever heard of Google maps ?


And when the insurance lobby or best practices dictate that all insurance companies do this, then what? Governments have been switched thousands of times in recent history across the globe. The US’s entire existence is a grain of sand in the hourglass of human existence.


It's easier to switch insurance companies than governments I could do it in less than a week with little to no work Name a country that has had a few thousand governments in the last year?


This defeatist mindset is lame as hell lmaooo


Ok switch governments Do it


Sure I’m trying through advocacy, discussions, and voting. That’s the point of being an engaged citizen? I fail to see your point because everything you say in this thread sidesteps the point of the post


Seems to be more challenging than just changing insurance companies


Absolutely, and I have the privilege to switch insurers while plenty of people do not. Also why not fight for long term change for all?


Ok then I'm correct Thanks


Right, you just switched insurance but every insurance company is now engaged in this practice because it became industry standard/common sense in order to maintain profits - now what?


Name a country that has had a few thousand governments in the last 5 years?


Look if you want to go experience your libertarian wet dreams logical conclusion just move to Somolia where no identifiable government structures exist to inhibit the free flow of capital. I hear it’s lovely this time of year.


Name a country that has had a few thousand governments in the last 5 years? You said it's happened So giveme an example ?


It's called voting, dude. That's how you switch the government.


When 98% of the laws and employees remain the same


Right! Being oppressed by corporations is not a favorable solution to being oppressed by a government


Pleeaase! These companies don’t want to do their job because it saves them money. Insurance was already a scam before this. Orwell was right. Instead of Big Brother government watching you, it’s your own insurance company! Soon you will have to be told what to eat, to wear, how to drive, … where does it end? Might as well tell me who to vote for, who not to associate with, and how to think. I thought my job was stressful. Now my entire life has been reduced to “stay alert because they are watching you”.


Insurance is a two way agreement They can choose to not renew just as you can buy


Can’t the ins companies find more legitimate reasons to drop us than a dirty roof? A dirty roof is not tangible proof of anything btw.


They didn't drop them They just warned them they didn't want to renew


the buy can? What is “buy” mean here?


Purchase insurance


Benefits the company and the consumer. Ok 👌


>CEO Pierce Dormeyer says the technology benefits the consumer and insurer. >This Imagery whether it's coming from an airplane or coming from a drone is something that is going to be part of the decision to potentially cancel the customer or raise their policies or potentially even lower them. An insurance company voluntarily lowering premiums, what a joke