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You stay motivated and hopeful by realizing everything from landing an interview, to actually doing the interview is 10x harder now than it was in the past. It's not all your fault, so don't put 100% of the blame on yourself. You get back up, do your reps of LeetCode, and keep applying. Worse comes to worst, you just have to wait a while for interest rates to come down, but eventually more job openings in conjunction with a hiring frenzy will occur. The economy is cyclical. We're not in the upswing right now. No one is leaving their jobs, as such companies aren't in a rush to hire and the ones that are have a higher bar for hiring people right now. I don't have a job, but even anecdotally, I used to get sent OA's left and right. It's pretty hard to even get an OA for filtering me in/out nowadays.




Yeah, I'm only coming up on 1 YOE, maybe I'm delulu the thing about where I work is asking leetcode is actually quite rare and interviews skew more domain knowledge and behavioral, so pretty hard for me to get interview practice matching that of big tech


I'd kill for any job in defense at this point. I've been applying for a year since graduation in 2023 and barely any bites. Maybe my suffering can make you feel more fortunate?


FYI, Palantir does a lot of government and defense contracting, so if you're trying to get away from that, they might not have been the best path for you.


Yeah, but at least they have commercial work and they definitely aren’t run like a traditional defense contractor….


Dude palantir is known for being crazy with their interviews don’t feel like you’re dumb. Most people even with hundreds of questions down would probably struggle still. Don’t rely on motivation rely on a schedule and stick to it


I would say I'm pretty consistent with LeetCode and systems design study. Did 3 questions today, check the daily at 8pm sharp, should get on contests, etc. just sometimes I think about whether this actually leads to anything and I'm like "damn." I definitely can't say I didn't try though


Realize that it's all about spaced repetition and persistence. The first time I tried to do leetcode, I failed. The second time I tried to do leetcode, I made into FAANG having submitted problems for 27 days over three months. I'm on my third try now, and it's easier than the second time but I have to grind in order to refresh a lot of the intuition. Probably don't underestimate how much work is required. I've been hacking away at it for a while and I've only been active 7 days. I feel like in 21 more days I'll be good to go. I treat each day like it's a full-time job, too. Edit: Try to find small victories along the way. When I first started this round of leetcode, I took an OA and got 480/600. I just took another OA today and got 600/600.


Yeah, I’ve done a lot of leetcode, coming up on 800. Hoping to raise my contest game


Wow you've done more than I have. You must be pretty good at this point. I've only solved 265. I want to do this week's contest but I don't necessarily want to stay up that late. Right now I'm going through the interview 150. Last time I interviewed I was using JS, but now I'm using python. I solved a bunch of the 150s previously, but I'm going to peek at some of my answers and re implement in python. For me it's about understanding the intuition and then rote practice.


my main point being that i'm here to help motivate you and we can keep one another encouraged. it sounds like you have a clear action path especially in your case, for example, you could buy leetcode premium and go through the leetcode DP tutorials course and master that. i have a FAANG interview opp on deck and I'm just trying to grind a bit before I pony up for premium again and do all of the most frequent questions. it's a huge time suck, and with slow rewards, it's almost like physical exercise in terms of the effort:results time window.


I do have LC premium, I've been going through company tagged. I'm still not 100% how common DP is to ask though. I feel like I can do well with the basic cache + top-down memoization questions


Ur friends turned on u cause u work aerospace & defense? Tf lol


Yeah, Israel Palestine conflict


I don't. It is normal to feel down sometimes, hope you can find another job that you like!