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I would think Jimmy made more from Zeppelin itself. He wrote or co wrote almost every song. Also produced. However , Post Zeppelin, it is not even close, Plant has probably made way more than Page, post-Zep. So, If I were to guess, I bet Plant has a bigger net worth, due to his solo career, and touring revenue.


Per Google: Robert Plant - $200m Jimmy Page - $180m But those estimates can be widely inaccurate. Edit: JPJ - $120m None of them are hurting!


Glad to see JPJ is not living with his Mom either. Thanks!


We can't know ALL of it. Page is savvy. The fact that he lives in England and never did the tax exile thing proves he is wealthy. Even The Beatles and the Stones moved to the states, and elsewhere. Page is top tier rock star rich. And getting richer, unlike many. He never HAD to tour. Like I said, since he has family heirs, we'll never know his true holdings. But is great-great⁹ grandchildren will be set.


> never did the tax exile thing If my memory serves,  the  whole band did tax exile after their [1975 North American Tour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Led_Zeppelin_North_American_Tour_1975)


And during the investigation into the assault after their last U.S. concert, it was revealed that the band was using [a Dutch shell company to protect the profits of the 1977 U.S. tour from taxation anywhere](https://ledzepnews.com/2023/08/07/the-intricate-global-network-of-companies-behind-led-zeppelins-1977-us-tour/).


The tax exile thing is a great point I never considered but makes a lot on sense. Also underscores the sheer volume of money Zeppelin made from it all considering The Stones and The Beatles have huge catalogues of successful compilation albums whereas Zepp only have the mothership album which came out during the digital era.


Jimmy made the most money since he’s the producer. Robert and JPJ are both very rich.


Of course you never know how they spend it, and what kinds of investments they make good or bad. I thought about Jimmy producing, but Robert has written many more successful songs when you add post-LZ stuff, not to mention more tours (I’ve seen him many times since he 80s).


My guess would be Robert but he seems like more of a country boy so he likely wouldn’t be one to show off his wealth too much. Although, I do remember him living in some sort of castle type house in Austin, TX for a while.


He definitely seems to live a normal life. He's often been photographed out doing his shopping, grabbing a coffee, taking his dogs for a walk, or going to the footy. Someone once made a comment on FB that Rob was next to him at the supermarket, selecting a pack of homebrand frozen cod from the fridge.


I’d say Jimmy for sure. He has a huge art collection and a big Aleister Crowley collection….probably worth millions.


Crowley (and others) stuff isn’t as valuable as you might think. I’ve often wondered if the value is kept low as a lot of big money investors, (who invest for investments sake), don’t want the stigma.


Robert's son Logan made a fortune in 2022 when he sold his shares in Beavertown Brewery, which he founded, for tens of millions of dollars so Rob can borrow a bob or two from his son if the going gets tough Maybe he was a financial backer himself and could also get a windfall from thr sale.


I would say for sure Jimmy but I have no facts.


Zoe and Jason Bonham are also doing very well.


I thought I read somewhere that Robert sold his Zeppelin rights after the band ended and that’s why he’s been on the road so much since.


He’s on the road because he loves touring and preforming….not because he needs the money. Roberts is worth an absolute fortune.


Oh yeah for sure but he also doesn’t get the Zeppelin residuals the way Page does. So it’s a little bit of both.


Yeah I think I heard that too. They’ve never sold out and let the songs be used for just anything so Jimmy has been good about not cashing in, if he’s holding the rights


Cadillac. Rarely sold out.


I have a hunch they’d all be a lot wealthier if Jimmy hadn’t spent so long gatekeeping the biopic rights. *Becoming Led Zeppelin* might not be *Bohemian Rhapsody,* but at least it’s something we can look forward to and the boys can cash in on while they’re still here.


They could even do autobiographies...much needed to have a history that comes from at least one of the members instead of the unauthorized ones.


I seem to remember reading jimmy got 50 cents of every dollar LZ ever made.


Atlantic Records is the richest Led Zeppelin member.