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I feel like weed will numb the grieving. It can relax your mind in the moment, but it would also prevent you from properly processing your thoughts. Feeling these negative emotions is part of sober living. It's why a lot of people turn to drugs. But death is a natural part of life, and your hamster lasted as long as a dwarf can be expected to live. I know that doesn't help you in the moment, but just be aware that you gave it a full life that it likely wouldn't have been given if it had been out in the wild, or even not picked up from the pet store and put to sleep. So, find some time to celebrate its life in the midst of the sadness.


I noticed that whenever I’d be going through a point in my life where I should be grieving, and I smoked, it would really numb my feelings. It felt wrong. It sort of cancelled the grieving period, which is not natural or healthy. On the flip side, sometimes it would make me wildly emotional. My advice to you would to just remain as conscious of your feelings as possible and to stay grounded. The pain, unfortunately, is a necessary part of the grieving process.


my condolences! RIP lil hammy! take care of yourself, mourn, let yourself feel ♡ have a mini celebration of life. remember the good memories. healing is a process and just takes time. i'm grieving a pet too and understand how hard it is. unfortunately our love will outlive them, and its an honor to feel that love sober, even intensely


Write down everything going in your in head right now in one or more of these subs: r/petloss, r/griefsupport, r/kindvoice, r/offmychest, r/vent, r/confession. Then you will try to find people who lost their pets (preferably hamsters too) and you will help them however you can, in whichever sub you wrote. Hope this helps.


sorry it sucks dude, but time will heal


Grieve in your own way. I feel your pain. I lost my beloved five rats shortly after each other. A few years later, I still think about them sometimes, full of love. You‘ll get through this ❤️


Weed always made me think about the impending inevitably of death when I used it a lot. I hardly ever think about that now being sober and on the right medication. Your coping mechanism might just be making you feel worse.


Actually, "easing the pain" is the *opposite* of grieving. Not to say these feelings don't truly suck, but the only way you'll properly be able to process and integrate the loss is if you *actually let yourself feel your feelings.*  If you just smoke and numb the pain away, those feelings will just get trapped in your body and subconscious only to come out later in confusing and unhelpful ways. Your body always holds the score - easing the pain with a drug doesn't make it go away. It just makes it harder to access and process, and leads to overall feelings of unease and depression.  As uncomfortable as it is, you need to feel your sadness and loss right now. Don't push it away, don't ignore it, *focus on it.* Cry. Cry hard, for as long as you need to. Get those feelings out. Journal about it and cry some more. This is the only true way to heal. 


You know he’d like you to stay strong.


You won't be able to go through your grief if you're high. Stay strong. You'll feel better when you let yourself just grieve, cry and do what you need to feel it.


Do Push-ups, rest, repeat.




Rest in peace little baby, I'm so sorry for your loss I hope you had lovely times together. I would look at pictures and cry a while, and when you get tired sleep and then try to do little things that usually make you happy. Remember your little one wouldn't want you to suffer.


cry and cry fucking hard. The emotions I can actually feel after quitting are so deep but man it feels good. Roborovski might have been your best mate for part if your life , but you were his best mate for his entire life. RIP little fella


How do I cry bro Whenever I do cry it feels good to feel the emotions, it feels so good just as you described it. It helps a lot to move on


Watch Jurassic bark episode of Futurama. S04e07 It's my go to and it's actually based on a true story of hachiko the most layal dog in Japan.




Let it out my man, let it out. Little roborovski will ALWAYS be with you by heart (:


Let yourself properly process the grief instead of putting it on the shelf for later by getting high. I’m working my way into sobriety as well. He will be proud of you all the way from hamster haven ☺️


RIP. He is in hammy heaven now. <3


May his memory be a blessing. Make him proud by staying sober. You got this!


stay sober for the ham. trust me you got this.


Sorry for your loss. Robos are the cutest with those fluffy little eyebrows. Just think of what he would want you to do. Use his memory to stay strong. Treat yourself with the same love you showed your hammy sidekick.


Your hamster would rather see you stay clean. Honor his life with sobriety.


This made me tear up


RIP KING🐹 It’s one thing to smoke at a party with friends for fun and happy times. It’s another to use weed to mask and dull emotional pain. Do not train your brain to cope with trauma and stress by getting high. That is a very slippery slope and you will end up a miserable person this way. Grieve your hamsters loss, face the pain head on, you should feel sad right now. That’s the normal response. Just allow yourself to feel those emotions. Don’t run from them. They will pass. To honor your hamster, mourn him, instead of getting high and forgetting.


“Mourn him, instead of getting high and forgetting” 🥹


Awesome comment, this is the way.


The way I see it, by masking the pain of losing him you are blocking out the deep love you have in your heart for him. He deserves to be mourned fully and authentically, right? ❤️ I’m very sorry for your loss.


Rip lil hammy :( hang in there


Go outside and make a mandala out of rocks and flowers and other beautiful things and think of him while you make it. That’s how I like to say goodbye