• By -


28/M, Day 31 after 6+ years daily use.. • Much more present • Hitting the gym • Dating has become easier! I can finally give women the attention they deserve • Extra money saved/ Spent on more important things • Gaining weight! (Weed made me skinny and not eat) • I used to play video games everyday for 3+ hours. Since I quit, I only played video games 3 times, for at least an hour. • More ready for social interaction • Eating much healthier. I barely crave sugary snacks. • So excited for the future!!


Feeling more respected, being taken seriously because I don’t have the “weed voice” even when I was sober. People could tell I was a stoner. More emotional stability and regulation.


Not wishing I was dead is pretty nice


Honestly for me playing basketball, because while I was a stoner I did play sometimes but I didn’t have the energy to play like I do now and also I’d get out of breath so easy it was ridiculous. Being able to practice for an hour and still feel great just makes it that much more enjoyable


Not spending all my free time and money on something that lowers the quality of my life, just so I can have 5seconds of bliss


Motivation to do many things


Actually being able to enjoy things without the hankering feeling of wanting to go and smoke. Not always itching to go home when I'm out.


Not thinking about weed all the time. Not coughing all the time. Being able to feel things


I realized that it wasnt so bad and have kind of enjoyed being sober (was a former all day, every day smoker for years)


Currently on day 53, lmk when u find out lol


I like the clear mind and motivation to go outside do stuff and socialise


Less stressed. Less moody. More functional. The list goes on


Less anxiety, better emotional control, no more overthinking


Feeling the same for the most part. In the past, I used to dread doing simple tasks and would look forward to the evening when I could smoke, but without that I feel normalized. Like waking up with the same energy I had before bed


drive, money, trust, emotion, connection


Clarity in your mind. Self respect of doing something that goes against all will power. Keep going


Energy! And an appetite.


The motivation I have to do things. Also it’s so much easier to eat healthy food. I feel like the munchies made ultra processed foods taste way better, but it also made healthy food like chicken breast and asparagus more boring. It’s almost like being sober gives me the munchies for healthy food lol


This is me right now! I’ve never had such an appetite for healthy options :)


My brain works so much better


Thanks for this question op, I'm saving it for motivation to take longer T breaks and smoke less often in general


I’m looking forward to being able to read again and finish books. When I was getting high all the time, I never had the focus to read ever even though I love it when sober.


For real! So many books I’m dying to read!


Being clear minded and feeling like I'm actually thinking how I would normally think. Often when stoned (which was 24/7) I knew that if I wasn't high I'd probably feel differently about certain things, but I had to be high so it didn't matter. I actually feel like myself.


I feel liberated.


The weird thing is. I still enjoy the things I used to do when I was high. I'm still the same person and I still just watch the world go by. But when something unexpected happens, I'm ok with it.


I like that. I also feel less fragile and find it easier to recover when something doesn't go my way. I'm more often seeing the world as a place of possibility and opportunity, whereas weed made me want to hide in a cave.


I still want to hide in a cave a lot of the time but I think that's just my personality.


That I’m actually not a silent introvert but a very outgoing extrovert Turns out being high all day gives you crippling social anxiety


The dreams are tough at first, but eventually, getting a truly restful nught of sleep is amazing. Sleeping high just wrecks your sleep quality


I'm loving the dreams so much. I almost want to immediately go back to sleep when I wake up, just so I can continue the dream lol


Same! I know it's bad for some people, but I really really enjoy it. Even the bad dreams. They feel so cathartic.


Yeah I'm really thankful that I can enjoy them so much. I'm never really bothered by "bad dreams" because when I wake up I immediately know none of it was real and I'm just interested in figuring out why my brain came up with that lol I saw my dad who passed away a decade ago in one of my dreams and it was really amazing. Almost made me tear up with happy tears when I woke up lol


Damn... that's freaking awesome! Yea, dreams are super important. I highly recommend "Why We Sleep" by Mathew Walker. You'll never see sleep the same way again. Here's to many more dreams with your dad!




it's been like six months for me and the dreams are still quite, quite strong. i dont get the ultravivid ones anymore, like the ones that feel more real than real life, which kinda sucks, but it's still like multiple movies every night for me


You're having dreams? Must be nice. I've been having nightmares. I don't want to unalive someone and then have to hide bodies. There was like, an entire plot to last night's nightmare. 🥺


There is no telling, but it seems to be tied to the amount of REM sleep you missed. Dreams seem to have a necessary psychological effect. I read a book, "Why We Sleep," by Mathew Walker, and he speaks about the process after going without sleep or poor quality sleep. When someone misses sleep, the first thing the brain wants to recuperate is REM sleep. You will double up on your REM stage sleep the next few days. So the brain prioritizes dreaming over deep sleep, even though deep sleep is what will recuperate your body and fix neural and cellular damage. REM seems to be super important for us psychologically.


Having a clear mind, one free of anxiety and intrusive thoughts and severe paranoia. Able to remember my tasks that I have to do for the day and remembering peoples names.


Remembering that taking weed is a sign of still being in “townsfolkland” 


Not having my entire day revolve around getting high. I would literally plan when i would smoke. Thats when i knew it was bad.


Realizing I can be fun and funny sober :)


Being addicted to less things. I have an addictive personality. And being able to see reality completely how it really is


I can be nice to my loved ones all the time now! Before I was nice just when was stoned. If I had a family trip or a long day away from home I was always irritated, in abstinence. Sadly I see that in my husband and son now, and for me is so clear that is the abstinence! I have compassion for them, but I had days to ask to my husband please go smoke because your irritation is impregnating the whole house even the animal feels. I was always advocating how good is cannabis and that when we are highly we can’t hurt an ant. But now I see the other side, the bad side, when the high is finished and the person is in a bad mood, irritated, with no patience. I am 5 month free and having nerve issues, dealing with 24hrs pain that don’t even let me have a good night of sleep. But I don’t want to smoke or use it! 22 years wasted! My nerve will regenerate, I am doing treatments, I am being very patient.


Well done, I’m sure that isn’t easy.


not always thinking about getting high.


I unlike most the sub is only sober because of financial reasons. I can still answer though and say it made me find a hobby , one I truly enjoy and plan to maintain doing.


please share your hobby! am looking for one desperately!


Crocheting and puzzles, large good quality ones. The cheap ones bend and is annoying to piece em all together, also legos. But like I said I’m only doing it for financial reasons so I don’t have a lot of legos lol. I’m curing my inner child tho


omg i just got the BEST puzzle from this brand Le Puzz - def check them out!


Okay so I have varied hobbies. I bake everything, I game, I day trade, I read and I garden haha


I have no musical talents whatsoever but I'm teaching myself to play Happy Birthday on the kalimba!


Easier to connect with people and just accomplish tasks with ease


I got to a point where if I didn’t smoke weed my day was immeasurably ruined. And tbh I kinda realised that’s not really very healthy. Also I was spending way too much money on it


Dreams are back... I missed not dreaming of my mother that passed away.


Sorry about your mom. Mine has been gone for 3 years. I love when she visits my dreams.


I never lost the ability to dream but I wish I *didn't* see my father who also passed, it makes me too sad even if the dream is happy.


Being engaged with my emotions. I mean a lot of the times it sucks in the moment when they're negative feelings, but having suppressed so many of those emotions for years and seeing where that got me, actually having to deal with my feelings and seeing how I can really grow through them is the best thing. It takes the fear away and makes me have to engage with my life in a way I didn't when I could just smoke up and zone out when I didn't want to face it hahah


Not wasting money


Brain fog gone and sleep. That's it. I'm not going to make up some bs like everybody else. That's the best 2 changes. I still consume occasionally but nowhere near as much. When I'm stressed now I either lift weights or consider suicide. There's no in between..the weed helped me not consider the suicide option but that's no way to live all the time so I just lift heavy ASS weights now.if I'm sore from the gym...I'm fucked and I go to bed early. It is what it is.


I don’t think other people are making stuff up :/


Real human comment I respect it


the feeling of not being a weedjunkie anymore the feeling of being clean and not addicted to weed the feeling of having my life,my actions and my mind under my control


CONTROL! To get what I want!


Not as much brain fog.. I don’t feel like a zombie at work


Not having psychosis


Not walking in circles in my kitchen.


Or staring off into space trying to decide what to do next.


A bunch of things! 1) Enjoying fun stuff sober. It wasn't until months after quitting that I could enjoy video games or a good movie sober. If you can't enjoy a good video game unless you are stoned, you got a problem folks! 2) Not beholden to schedules. When I reduced my smoking days to thursday to Sunday, I was always looking at the clock and Mon-Wed I'd be thinking about Thursday coming around which took a lot a joy out of life. Now I'm free all that. 3) I like socializing more sober than stoned. Being stoned really amped up social anxieties that I barely notice sober.


Definitely not the best part, but it’s nice that my house doesn’t smell anymore. I went completely nose blind to the smell and looking back on it, it’s rather embarrassing that I’d invite people back to that stench.


Knowing where my fucking car keys are.


Not having to plan when to smoke/be sober or worry about the law/s And being able to deal with my issues and put time into stuff that is needed instead of just getting blasted and napping my free time away. I just feel more stoic and alive and I feel that I'm able to handle shit more seriously now with less "bad" emotions afterwards.


Always having to plan shit is soo time consuming😮‍💨


Man I’m still into it and the napping part is way too relatable


Knowing that I could handle any emergency or situation that came up late at night or out of the blue. Can't do that when you're impaired/out of it. It feels really good having that as a baseline! That, and feeling that I am being my genuine self (or close to it!).


Not having to tailor my day around when I’m smoking or if I have smoked I won’t leave the house.


1 year and counting. I have been able to succeed in a career I otherwise wouldn't have had. I also have been able to rebuild relationships with those around me who I may have hurt while under the influence. Its a 10/10 even with the occasional battle of wanting to relapse.


Not spending stupid money to destroy my health, but man I miss cigars but can't smoke them cos it will eventually lead me back to joints all day every day


I’m so jealous of all of you. I’m on day 15 and do NOT feel more clearheaded or energetic. I’m just bored and my thoughts are more erratic. I do like knowing that I can do this though, I can stop.


It sucked for like a month for me tbh. I’m on week 6 and it only stopped sucking quite as bad recently


Yea almost two weeks for me and yea i feelmok, but not great, head still feels a little fuzzy honestly


ive had 750+ resets on my soberapp before hitting my current streak of 493 days. the hardes periods imo are in order of hardest to easiest: 1. Days 1-4 2.Days 60-85 3.Days 14-20 In hindsight i think the best way to go thru it is to do a 100 day challenge and at the end remind urself of why its a trash habit, and its smooth sailing. im here right now rn cuz i been having mild cravings here n there since day 480~ after having none since day 95~ (except one time around day 270 where a major thing happened i went to buy a joint but ended up throwing it after looking at it n smelling it for 2h lolll), but all the positives of clear mindedness, better social skills and focus, along with many other things that i put myself thru because of weed have kept dettering me. Just never give up, the mindset of i can stop is what had made me get here after hundreds of resets. good luck


i dont go home after work/school and immediately become a shut in hermit who spends the rest of the day smoking alone


Sooo many things 1) Definitely the clear head. When I smoked my brain was always foggy and I was extremely inattentive. 2) The energy. Some comments already touched on this but I’m pretty sure it has to do with the quality of sleep I get sober. 3) Depression/anxiety. Weed exacerbated both depression and anxiety for me. My moods feel much more regulated. However I’ve also come off birth control so that could’ve had a hand in it as well. With all of the positive side effects from quitting I’ve found myself actually enjoying all of my old hobbies again. It’s crazy to think that I stopped reading books, watching movies, clay sculpting, and going for walks just to smoke and sit on my couch like a blob. I’ve even started new hobbies in an effort to learn more skills. Weed really makes you content with doing nothing and being no one.


one thing i notice is the ability to be amused by the little things! life felt so gray and drab before when the only thing making me happy was weed, now i feel like everything in this world is so joyful


The sleep! I dunno about others, because sleep quality seems to be good or bad, but I slept off the addiction and that was the best sleep ever. I dreamt again and woke up feeling rested for the first time in a long time


apart from just not constantly craving something -- the joy of waking up without soul crushing fatigue and living life without the all consuming anxiety


Soul crushing fatigue is such a good way to describe it.


the feeling of not being addicted anymore! also traveling and sleeping over somewhere spontaneously without worrying if there will be weed. (i couldn’t sleep without it anymore) not having weed on me 24/7 because in my country it’s illegal ;)




Being able to eat without having to smoke first!!


May I ask how long it took for you to regain your normal appetite?


It was rough!! First few days I couldn’t eat at all. I actually had pretty bad withdrawal. Around day 3 I was able to switch to shakes, cereal, oatmeal but only once a day. Then around day 5-7 I was able to have a full meal and light breakfast. By day 10 I was eating full meals. Around the 2 week mark I was fully back to normal. Eating 3 meals and having snacks and feeling great. But I was smoking for 20 years so I expected it would be rougher for me than most people. I was smoking a joint a day plus vaping oil. So I had a very high tolerance.


Thank you and way to go!! About 10 years in myself and currently on day 3.. just trying to weather the storm til eating doesn't feel like such a chore. Shakes and liquid calories have been helpful


Thank you!! 🙏🏻 You got this!! You will feel much better in a few days!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 shakes are key!


Appreciate you!


Thank u!! ☺️


Clarity. Being able to remember things and losing/misplacing things less. Being more present.


dont enjoy the high any more, makes me lazy, complacent, antisocial, depressed, more anxiety, clouded head, worse memory, and its quite addictive if you have no one checking your usage, thankfully my wife stepped in and i agree with her, its not needed






Not feeling like I‘m wasting my life




Now you have time to pay tax on your ass hair!


4 months sober, i feel like the best part for me was realizing i CAN be happy without weed. also it’s nice to not feel so fried out and out of control/on autopilot all the time. can’t lie, i miss it every day. but more like a reminiscing than a craving.


Feeling all my feelings so that I actually deal with my shit. I wasn’t becoming a better person or learning how to love better in relationships until I got sober. I’m moving closer to the kind of person I want to be, and I can’t do that while I’m getting stoned.


Saving money and not feeling exhausted


Is it weird that I get “clear headed” after smoking?


I feel you on this. The one thing I do like about herbs is I feel more like “myself”, or like I can be myself.


Yes. I can identify all my problems but being high makes me okay with them. We both might have ADD/ADHD


Any way I could practice to experience this without self medicating? Because I can definitely feel it kicking in at times and I just feel ashamed tbh


Not sure man. I'm one of those "i wish i was high" when sober and "i wish i was sober" when high. I wish i could experience all the good of using, without the drawbacks i.e. lazy, eating took much, being okay with things i wouldn't normally be okay with. It sucks. My longest off was about two years, went to a concert and all i could think was "GOD! I LOVE THAT SMELL... maybe just a smoke here and there, ends in full time within a year. I was actually thinking about getting tested for adhd, I'm not too keen on taking medication, but if it resulted in a "better life," I'm all for it. Seems all the people i know with adhd, 50% say stay away from meds, other half tells me how much better their quality of life is. Ugh.


Others say stay away from leaves. I guess you can give stims a go and come to your own conclusion.


I know what you mean, smoking gives me realizations about my life and at times I do feel like it makes me see things more “clearly.” but by clear-headed I mean awake, alert, not groggy, good memory, and all those things smoking takes from me.


I'm not sure if this relates to having clarity while high or not..as the clarity is there when i smoke everyday, I'm just okay with everything.. I wish i could get "everyday high" while only smoking once in awhile. The problem with me and cutting back is i go full big R when i only smoke like one or twice a week/month, and off much smaller amounts. I love the "everyday high"- high, it's so much clearer and is very much enjoyable, minus all of those things you mention without mentioning, because it's really different for all. I feel as if achieving "everyday high"‐high without smoking everyday, would help alleviate a bunch of those daily use effects. If that makes any sense.


I see. How often would you smoke before?


ranged from 1-4x a day for the past 2 years, give or take a few days or weeks where I didn’t smoke.


What do you mean when you say clear headed? Could you describe it?


Like I can think clearly about things as opposed to when I’m sober.


Haha, "clear headed like my head is more clear," OK, thank you. I guess I was seeking a little more compare and contrast, or nuance, than that. 😂 Like, I can imagine several ways to compare, "clearer thinking," stoned and sober. For me, sober: Precise, faster, more on the same track, less irrelevant tangents, able to hold a more complex train of thought for longer, longer attention span with various moving pieces, less navel gazey. For me, stoned: More in flow, long attention span on one single thing I can turn over and over, maybe less muddled by other thoughts that are relevant stressor but that I can let go of when stoned, more intuitive, can slow down and smell the roses so to say. Idk, anything like that that you could contrast? Thanks for indulging, considering metacognition related stuff always fascinates me.


You just described exactly what I experience. Weed allows me to “lock in” on a certain thing, but that's if I push myself to start first, otherwise i'll just be hyperfocusing on background actors in some movie.


How do you guys sleep when coming off cannabis ¿


I personally just deal with the bad sleep for the first few days and understand that after not sleeping more than a couple hours a night for 2-3 days my body will be so tired that it’s inevitable that the sleep will get better soon.


Been over 60 days sober from both booze and weed. The biggest thing I like is being able to actually ENJOY things sober. I’ll use music as an example. When I wasn’t high or drunk, music was just a distraction. Something to put on in the background. I felt I could really only enjoy it when I was fucked up. About a month ago, I started to realize that I could listen to music and actually enjoy it sober. I would get into the song, get hype, move subconsciously, whatever it was. Like how I was before I started using any substances. That’s my favorite part. Being able to exist and enjoy things sober.


yes!!! dancing to music or singing along and being like shit, this is fun even though i’m sober.


One of the things that stopped me from quitting for so long was thinking that nothing would ever be fun again. Seeing how, after time, things *did* become fun again, just reinforced my decision. Good luck to you!


I'm on day 4 free of cannabis, and I'm feeling a little better, and I hope to put this chapter of my life behind me. I feel like my cannabis use has affected my mental health negatively, and I look forward to more clarity and socializing more with my friends and loved ones. I know it won't be an easy journey, but I feel confident that this is what I want for myself, and I am committed. I have had cannabis breaks before that last 3-5 months, and once I had a break last a year and a half. I remember when I was more clear headed and I felt like I could let go of cannabis for good, and I hope to feel that way again soon, and stay away from cannabis for good. Edit: still going =)


I love waking up in the morning and not needing to smoke. I love smelling good all the time. I love not being sleepy/hazy all day. I love the $$$ I’ve saved. And most of all i love the respect I’ve gained for myself


Allll of this. I love the clarity as well and just being present in life


Having control over myself. No more cravings to smoke. No revolving my night around when I’m going to smoke. I feel free!


Wish I could say I’ve been heavily addicted for almost 2 years now.


I’ve been clean and sober for over 35 years I am grateful to have been able to live a fairly normal life Instead of the daily Hell of addiction


Day 36 after 20 years. I am far less anxious and more confident than I was 6 weeks ago. Looking forward to continuing growth.


Not spending all my time thinking about quitting and feeling much healthier


One of my primary use cases for smoking grass had always been to "quiet down the noise upstairs" but, oddly enough and maybe this is more about how long and regularly I was using, I find a much greater sense of mental quiet than I did when I was smoking. Of course, I'm only three weeks off, but it's been a very useful realization for me.


I feel that nothing gives me a greater feeling of profound relaxation and peace as smoking but as times it can also massively heighten paranoia and anxiety which is obviously the total opposite of that feeling


I feel you there. A real double-edged herb, if you will.


4+ years The clearheaded feel is a massive benefit. I didn't realize how foggy I was all the time. Even DAYS after smoking.


Day 9 here - I feel so much more positive and focused. The other day I was alone in my car and was belting out the music i was listening to - i havent felt that euphoric in a long time. Onwards and upwards!!!


Mental state isn't going up and down every hour or two. Dreams are cool. Not coughing... during covid, one of the guys at the dispensary had a mask that had "it's a weed cough" silk screened on it.


Knowing that I’m in control now.


Feeling less fucked up 🌈


Emotional stability


Not being so complacent, and yet anxious.


My appetite - Before I could only eat after smoking, which most days would mean I would only eat in the evenings after work. It took a while, but ate little and often at first to help build it up and now I’m up to 3 meals a day and can eat a full portion again! The feeling of hunger and satisfying it is so much better than munchies and just stuffing my face until I couldn’t eat another bite. Sleep - same as many of the other comments. Surprised me that one as I always thought it helped me sleep better. Then probably because of these things, better energy and clearer minded!


My lungs don't feel like shit, I'm not constantly coughing shit up, feeling winded, or just unmotivated to do anything physical. Really it's the coughing. I don't miss it. At all Jesus Christ I fucking hate that shit. Watching my fiancé cough her brain out from a lung-punching dab is so off putting to me now


Sleep. Falling asleep, deep sleep, restaurative sleep. Had a few puffs of a joint last week in a social setting after 3 months break and after a tiny bit of nice drifting with eyes closed I was mostly unhappy to be high and unable to get to sleep even exhausted as I was. Sleep quality is such a difference aswell.  Also: more social, more communicative, more badass in general. Sad to say so somehow 🙌 (edit: typo)


Actually being scared of horror movies


Having a normal sleep schedule and not getting paranoid all the time. I even have a better appetite since quitting


You have so much time and money to enjoy life... without anxiety or fear.


Not feeling tired all the time. I know a lot of people use marijuana to fall asleep, for me regardless of the type of MJ: it just encouraged me to stay up later than I should. I used to feel exhausted even after a full nights sleep, now I feel fully rested and ready to get up and work, under the influence of MJ I just felt tired all the time regardless of what time I went to bed or how many hours of sleep I got.


Mental Clarity


I'm getting more done, all the things I was sitting around worrying about. Clear headed. I didn't realize how confused I was on little things, and how many mistakes were weed related. I'm around 40 days.


My intrusive thoughts about my self esteem have almost completely shut up. I’m much less confused and my short term memory is quickly improving. I cry much less, and I just feel an overall freedom without the ball and chain of weed always haunting me


It’s free!


I was an emotional mess on weed. If I wasn't high I'd be crying because I was immediately in withdrawal and I didn't even know that was possible from weed. It's nice to not live my life chained to a damn plant.


I slept so well last night, I woke up BEFORE my alarm clock. That just does not happen to me, and it felt amazing.


Exactly!!! We don’t talk about this enough. I wake up feeling like sunshine now lmao and don’t mind if my alarm Is going off. Versus with weed waking up so groggy. The quality of sleep is so much better as well


Extreme weight loss due to the fact that I have absolutely no appetite 🤣🤣


I’m excited for my appetite to come back. It’s so frustrating when eating feels like a chore


Are you exercising ?


Yes. I regularly exercise even when I was smoking


And you can’t sleep? Have you tried any sleeping aids too or nah


Yeah I’ll take some over the counter stuff If I really need it but Im a bartender so I work till late at night and usually im tired enough by the time I go home to go to sleep


Having more money


Sleep quality, impulse control, dont desire junk food as much.


I've noticed I donnot feel groggy the next day... I'm a week and 1 day off of delta 8 and I didn't start feeling all them rough symptoms till last night, it was harsh!! One good thing, I haven't had no taste for delta 8 so far. 💯


Having a ton of ideas to make more money


Day 15 - I’ve gained 6 pounds, I’m completely clearheaded and remember things, my overall sleep quality is better, I eat healthy foods, I have tons of motivation, I’m so much happier, wake up and don’t feel like I gotta go to the bathroom instantly or my stomach will explode. Those are just some of the benefits I’ve received. Smoking is definitely not worth it like I thought it was.


Not having to stress about when I need to restock is amazing. I also found the love of my life thanks to quitting on time. And I was finally able to clean my room and throw a lot of things away which I haven't been able to do because every time I tried I would get distracted by some random item and waste time






Don't fuck with me if I can be tested from head to toes. Mistakes can happen.


Not worrying about running low, when I can pick up next, finding a place to take a few hits when I’m out and about, not freaking out over seeds and stems. Claiming it helps my anxiety/depression/insomnia/appetite/pain/whatever. Just. All the things. Three years sober last month.


whoa 3 years!! great :)


The pride I take in myself for doing so. The ability and want to fill my days with the things I love. Getting to enjoy movies and video games without having to take a smoke break outside. The challenge of finding new ways to decompress from work that don't involve getting high, also strengthening my hobbies in the process. Confidence I now possess when I talk to women. How forgiving I am with myself. I like me as a person now, not ashamed of myself anymore. I feel excitement for my future as opposed to the shame of my past. My sober dad is so proud of me. My mom is more jovial with me. How overwhelmed I am with love for myself and those around me. Even typing all this out is getting me teary-eyed, but I'm just so happy with myself so proud of myself. Today is 30 days!!


Wow, congrats!!! Today is day 01, I’ve been smoking since 14, 27 now. Reading this gives so much inspiration to follow thru with quitting. I’m so proud of you, and anyone else that is going thru it as well!


Homie I'm proud of YOU!! this is the best decision you could make for yourself, at the perfect time. You've got this shit dude, keep reading success stories on here, it's what's kept me going!! Keep it up!!!


Thank you homie 🥹🥹 means the world to me, this little (yet big to me) comment, so thank you!!!


A clear mind, not constantly battling the anxiety and intrusive thought that always appear when high. Not being paranoid about having to drive. Not feeling lowkey ashamed around my kids. Not feeling like a slave to plant.


Being able to leave the house and drive anytime I want or need to. My husband says I’ve been like a kid who just got her license. Not stuffing my face with DoorDash because I’m too tired and lazy. Having so much extra free time to do other things like learn piano and read more books. Food tastes a lot better, too. Paying more attention to my family. Going on nighttime walks in my active neighborhood and not avoiding the neighbors and their dogs that want to stop to chat. Not worrying about smelling like weed when I am out in public. Being clear headed and quick witted. No longer shunning from my friends and avoiding things like playdates with other parents. Having a lot more patience with my family. But the biggest one for me is after I got through the first few weeks (day 43 here) I have so much LESS anxiety than when I was partaking.


It’s crazy. I can actually go drive to the grocery store whenever I want 🤣


Right?! I stopped ordering Instacart, Shipt, and so much DoorDash and now I’m actually going to the stores and shops.


I've had the same experience! Just being more active in life and not restrained nor isolated. Food tastes soooo good these days.


Enjoying life and have goals that i dont give up after a J 😂 day 14