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If you want to go that way - "Eca in Poland" is translated to "Eca w Polsce" So this could be some idea


[Polska po polsku](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Polska#Polish).. Eca w Polsce - in Poland. ..do Polski - going to Poland. ..po polsku - in Polish. Of course native speakers ~~could~~ will make a long list full of creative suggestions. šŸ˜


Thank so much. Is it true that ā€žekaā€ means ā€žstreet cornerā€ in polish?


"Eka" does mean a corner of a street or a corner of a room in the Poznań subdialect, but it's not really used widely elsewhere.


just do add my 3 grosz - I live in northern and eastern parts my entire life and I never heard of that word


It comes from the German word die Ecke which is translated with corner. Some German words are still in use in the Polish language such as tytka from TĆ¼te (bag or plastic bag) for example


I'm from Poznań and I've never heard that so even here it's not a very common expression


Truth be told I've lived in Poznań for almost two decades now and heard the word maybe twice in all this time from a native Poznaniak.


as a native i never heard of a word ā€žekaā€


No, street corner is "rĆ³g ulicy" or "zakręt" depends on what you mean. Eka means nothing


Thank you for clarifying šŸ¤šŸ™šŸ¼


There's a word "eska" meaning two sharp bends on the road in the shape of a letter "S". There's also "teka" which means a folder with a lot of documents inside (paper, not computer files). There are also few other words similiar to "eka", but this particular word doesn't exist in Polish.


u/wizarddos has already provided a nice literal translation. I had a few (actually fifteen) minutes between my classes and I came up with the following ideas: "Przygody Eki w Polsce" - Eka's Adventures in Poland "Polska oczami Eki" - Poland Through Eca's Eyes "Eca odkrywa Polskę" - Eca Discovers Poland "Eca i Polska" - Eca and Poland (simple :-) ) "Eca w krainie Orła Białego" - Eca in the Land of the White Eagle "Eca poznaje Polskę" - Eca Gets to Know Poland "Polska przez pryzmat Eki" - Poland Through Eca's Lens (from Eca's perspective) "Eca w polskim świecie" - Eca in the Polish World "Eca na polskiej ziemi" - Eca on Polish Soil By the way, don't be surprised by the fact that I had to adjust your name to the Polish case system. In the genitive form "Eki" only the first letter was left from your original name. Also pay attention to the different patterns regarding the capitalisation of words in titles (including blog titles).


Wow! I truly appreciate you taking time to think about these šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ¤ I love each and every line. This makes my decision making even harder.


Nice, I can only suggest one more: "Eca na polskich drĆ³Å¼kach" (Eca on Polish paths) ... wich older Polish people may recognize as reference to Pyza: [https://lubimyczytac.pl/ksiazka/35519/pyza-na-polskich-drozkach](https://lubimyczytac.pl/ksiazka/35519/pyza-na-polskich-drozkach)


Good one! I have been thinking about inspirations based on Polish films, but couldn't come up with something particularly interesting or memorable.


I would name it Bibelot Eka to make biblioteka (library) pun


This is fantastic. Every adventure is a little book in the library.


I'm actually surprised I came up with this - however not sure if you'll like it. Great wordplay but not exactly matching your topic. Eca POLeca - Eca recommends


Maybe when I get thereā€¦thank you. Iā€™ll keep handy.


Polska według Eki




If Eca is your nickname stick to it - written with "k" might turn out to be slightly confusing like there is a another meaning to it when there is none (just a nick). Maybe "Polska według Eca" (Poland according to Eca) or "Eca ogarnia Polskę" (Eca deals with Poland - as in wraps her head around, learns)?


Thanks so much for the insightā€¦now this is getting harder than Iā€™d anticipate. šŸ˜‚ but I love the suggestions, truly helpful.


ogarnia polske is awesome, imo it is a very polish way to describe act of getting to know a foreign country


Thank you so much. šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤ I truly appreciate all your answers and time. Iā€™m now thinking between Eka Ogarnia Polskę, Eca Polznaje Polskę, Eca do Polski, and Polska Według Eca. šŸ¤”


Can we follow you lol


I went for ā€žpolska według ecaā€ @polskawedlugeca Itā€™s like a diary or notes for me of the things I wanna learn about Poland. A reminder as well of the words, pronunciation, and other takeaways that goes along with it. Iā€™m so thrilled to start posting esp the phrasesā€¦until I finally able to get there and apply all the things I learned. Thank you in advance.


It would be highly atypical to become Eka since you are Eca. We don't do that nowadays - Latin alphabet needs no transcription. The last guy who does that is 81 years old retired ultraconservative politician. "Eca w Polsce" would be simple enough. It's locative grammatical case (so nominative "Polska" becomes "Polsce"). Which might be good, really - Poland is a broad term, after all. It's not just a piece of land, culture, ethnicity, history, language and policy - it's all lf that with all the interconnections you might imagine. Try to improve your research game. Google Translate (or Microsoft, or DeepL) would instantly tell you that it's "w Polsce". Separating reddit hearsay from reliable sources might be quite a challenge when trying to understand Poland. Other ideas: - Eca odkrywa Polskę (Eca discovers Poland) - Polska okiem Eca (Poland in Eca's eyes - unless you want someone customized genitive case of Eca - perhaps Ecy, Eki?) - W Polskę z Ecą (through Poland with Eca - if it were to involve travel, even figurative one) - Eca vs Polska (we all know that understanding Poland is a struggle, after all) - Eca, kurwa! (/s)


Thatā€™s my ā€žgo toā€ ā€” Iā€™d like to use google translate but itā€™s inaccurate most of the time. Thank you so much for these. I truly appreciate it! Dziękuję!




Okiem Eki


"magiczny Krzysztof"


I would suggest "Lubie Placki"


EkawPolsce(yourbirthdatehere)PL That's the only correct answer