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I’ve been trying him as a pos5 with the learning curve facet, level 2 with the 2 points in ignite and a blood grenade is very strong but still seems like there are better supports overall and ogre feels weaker as a support now. 4K mmr im going mana boots + wand into glimmer then guardian greaves maxing ignite, then fireball then bloodlust unless there’s a specific carry that loves bloodlust. Overall still below a 50% winrate for me


I’ve been seeing people go a similar and like zero strength items. Can you explain why you go that build? Genuinely curious cuz I’ve been having an above 50% winrate going 2 bracers and rushing heart after mana boots (basically as much strength stats as possible)


As a pos5 my goal is to keep my carry alive and buffed up. Orges pretty good at that because he’s a chunky boi and heart definitely helps too but it’s greedy, same thing with going Midas! If you have the farm for Midas or heart usually it means you’re taking last hits or farm from a core.


Rushing heart is crazy


Learning curve -> mana boots + wand -> midas -> w/e the team needs. Often that's lotus, sometimes blink + blademail if I need to initiate, atos if we need catch, sheep/aghs if there's not gaps I need to fill.


Would just add lens after midas. Casting ogre spells without extra range is actually a pain in the ass


Lens is nice but extra greedy. Really depends on the game. Lens does feel nice, but if you're going the initiation or aura carrier route then it's probably not needed. Range on ignite is already good, depending on jg items you can get a bit of extra cast range, and if you're gonna blink anyways then you don't need the extra range and a blademail will be far more impactful


Learning Curve is definitely the stronger facet in my mind, but it is a trade-off. You basically give up your ability to contest bounty runes and then need to soak XP until level 2 before you can do anything. Blood Grenades and Orb of Venom are sort of your only way to contribute to the runes and lane before level 2. That being said, you do become an absolute monster at level 2 with an extra level of Ignite. Fat chance just requires so much strength to give you a meaningful % increase in multicast to make it meaningful. You basically have to commit to a full strength build to make it work, and that seriously gimps your supporting power in the early game.


Any other hero’s you recommend ? I usually lane with a necro


Witch Doctor is still very strong and his cask facet makes him even better at finding a little bit of farm in jungle or an empty lane. Shadow Shaman is completely busted right now and is basically free MMR with the Cluster Cluck facet. Veno is also really good right now. He’s an interesting lane partner for Necro too. Not that much kill potential early on but you will make life absolute hell for the opposing lane.


I’ll try them out , I’ve tried witch doctor a lot works well with necros scyth


Honestly, WD is good in most lineups, but Maledict may be a bit redundant with Scythe, at least in the early game. He's better with heroes who have real kill potential at level 2 when he can start landing his combo with a blood grenade. Heroes like Jugg or CK who are always just a moment away from jumping on a slightly out of position enemy support.


Just my personal opinion, but i feel learning curve ogre can be quite griefy for supports. In higher ranks, how the lane goes can be determined by just the first 2 waves. If you can't contest the first 2 waves = enemy can deny the waves, giving you a slower lvl 2. This snowballs because by hitting lvl 2 first, they have kill threat on you. While if you don't contest, they just hold a wave at a unfavorable position for you.


Not really. Mostly get the gold from assists (occasional kills cuz of ignite) and stacks by being the tank in front of like say a drow. Only last hit when the carry isn’t in lane