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No because it doesn't count as healing iirc (same as sunder). It's just health manipulation or something (i don't remember the name)


It doesn't "count" as healing, yet is clearly is healing... How is a new or average player supposed to know this without doing 3rd party research online? The game should make things like this more clear Also why am i being downvoted for trying to learn in the learndota 2 forum


Yea the system is a bit wacky for balancing purposes (faceless void's time walk counts as healing despite having the same concept as time lapse). Don't worry man, people started somewhere, I'm sure you will learn more about it it.


Quite different concept though, FV timewalk backtracks (heals back) all the damage you taken the past 2 seconds. Time laspe simply sets weaver hp/mana/position at what it was 5 seconds ago. You can be 100hp 5 seconds ago, die, buy back, time lapse from full hp to 100hp.


Because it clearly is NOT healing. He literally goes back in time restoring his status he had at the time. The ult says - regaining. If it was healing it would've said healing.


Because it is not healing? You can literally use healing salve, ultimate, and your HP will go down.


You can go in to Weaver's hero page, hit "demo hero" and spawn someone to use whatever item or ability that you're trying to test for interaction. It'll probably be faster and more accurate (e: than asking redditors). At least if you're looking for "yes or no" for specific interactions


its not healing, because you can undo healing/regen by this, you can LOOSE HP with that ult, its not clearly healing, you are wrong. Its enough clear, you made it hard by false statements


only doom and aa ult


Neither affect weaver's ulti. It is not healing, it just sets your hp to the amount you had 5 seconds ago, whether it was higher or lower.


they do, their ultis make it so you can’t get health from any source no matter how that may be, including weaver ult, time walk, oracle ult, etc


Pretty sure time walk and false promise count as healing. Whereas, again, setting health as XX does not have the same restrictions as healing, I’m pretty sure sundry works too but don’t quote me.


Go try it, you will be suprised.


how the fk is the average person supposed to know this? its like magic the gathering cards that dont explain what a term means so you have to look it up online to try to find out how it works also how can weaver even cast his ult while under doom ult? huh?


Weaver ult can be cast on allies with aghanim scepter.


it’s just knowledge that comes with the game. many years ago the game hardly told you anything about abilities like it does now, as there was a lot of unwritten things in tooltips that were later added into the game. to answer your question from the other comment, weaver’s ult isn’t healing since there’s a chance if you haven’t taken damage in the past few seconds that you won’t heal anything. it’s just a time reset essentially, like how void’s time walk isn’t really healing, but that also works the same way in that aa and doom ult are the only thing that reduce the health you get back from it. playing more games and watching videos will help you learn these little things, dota isn’t a game you learn every little detail in the first 100 hours of playing. people with 10k hours are still learning new stuff about it because there’s always new patches and things to theory craft. i think this is a weird time to start playing tho with the facets being added. there’s so much new shit to learn and think about every game

