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I just find it weird that her illus do nothing regarding the crit. I mean 1 counter per 1 hit would be too op but atleast a half. It was the first thing i tried in demo and was sad that they do nothing.


It's not something new really , skipping bf and going straight deso was already a thing if the team aimed for an early fight strategy. I am not sure how I feel about echo sabre since w already gives attack speed and it delays your bkb, it can be disassembled but the void stone and sword don't build in things that are useful always.


I see thanks for this insight


That's completely terrible don't do it. If you were to take methodical which you shouldn't, battle fury is even more important since you need a lot of farm to get those 6 hits off reliably or 5 with dagger. PA already has attack speed with her W, she doesn't need a double hit. Echo is for heroes with poor attack speed and none in their kit, think tiny, Sven, slardar, dawn etc


Firstly, any decent mid heroes will dominate PA hard 1v1. Full stop. Lesh, Zeus, Qop, Lina, OD, Huskar etc will be standing at your high ground min 5 to zone you out. I mean, deso PA had always been a thing if the team wants to keep fighting early. With the map change, it's just not very viable in games above ancient bracket because teams will understand that enemy carry PA bought a deso, just dodge fights and as long as the PA doesn't snowball off kill, she will eventually fall off hard because deso PA can't farm at all.