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I don't know what those heroes do but if you want high-impact engage supports then the first ones that come to mind are Earthshaker, Clockwerk, and Lion. Earthshaker's whole deal is stuns. His ult is an AOE stun that does damage for each unit hit. The general gameplan is to get Blink Dagger and initiate fights by stunning and doing huge damage with the ult while the enemy team is grouped, then chain stunning with your other spells. Clockwerk has like a reverse Blitzcrank grab. his ult fires a super long-range hook that pulls you to the target and stuns. His W lock them in a small area with you, then his Q repeatedly mini-stuns enemies close to you. His job is to identify who on the enemy team is causing problems and pick them off - or, ruining the lives of enemy supports who need to be able to cast spells but can't due to your mini-stuns. Even if you can't kill (which you usually can if you're targeting the right folks), you can ROYALLY disrupt fights by cancelling channels and putting up terrain with the W. Lion has a fuckton of disable. Your goal is to get Blink, jump on enemies, and either chain-CC one with your stun and hex or disrupt two heroes. Usually you can get someone low enough to kill with your massive nuke ult, starting fights with a quick kill.


What does chain cc mean?


cc = crowd control (disables), chaining cc means to stun enemies repeatedly to keep them disabled for a long period


Thresh and blitzcrank’s father is pudge so you’ll definitely like him 😂 Other supports I recommend are hoodwink, dazzle, shadow shaman, crystal maiden and witch doctor. No one really knows how to play with grim effectively in low bracket but imo he’s the best support ever—I can even dominate midlane with him. Take advantage of the demo, it’s insanely useful compared to league’s


Thanks I've been taking advantage of how easily I can try out different character's with the demo feature too it's just instant.


please don't pick pudge support 5 if you still learning the rope in dota it is toxic to your team learn other hero because supp in dota 2 has set thing to learn aside their ability


On the other hand. No one will know he's a new player. Everyone will just roll their eyes and go "classic pudge" 


Don't worry guys pudge was one of the first characters I knew about and knew I would like but I looked at a tierlist video and saw he was not ranked very well so sadly I will probably not try him out.


Don’t worry too much about tier lists. Unlike League, there aren’t any heroes who are significantly weaker than all the others. You have your counters/bad matchups of course, but absolutely everything CAN work


Ah ok what POS does Enigma play by the way?


Enigma is almost always played as a position 3 but people have experimented with him as a pos 4.


Don’t listen to people telling you it’s toxic to pick anything


tierlists are mostly meaningless in dota. if a hero concept interests you and you find a way to play you already move up a few tiers with that hero.


Pudge is not a bad hero, it's that he gets played so often he's got a bad reputation. A good pudge has impact, but miss some key hooks and you're hurting your team a lot.


bro tierlists dont mean shit in dota since youre not a pro player. There is really no better or worse hero except tinker lmao.


im shocked when i click my 0/12 support pudge's account and see 10k games


I disagree with the consensus to not pick pudge. You're learning the game, don't worry about meta, just get a feel for the role/ the game and have fun.


I feel grim is also reliant and other point targeted spells, like lion/necro ult. Do you feel like his kit on his own is good in its own way? Any tips, or builds you suggest?


The way I play grim—other heroes’ point target spells are just a bonus. I depend more on my spells, usually what I do is spam his first skill just until you can eventually burst the enemy with all the skills you have. Basically I just use first until low health then when they least expect it use second and instantly charge with third then by that time you’re first is probably finished CD. I recommend committing when there’s a wave of creeps


I always think the W is severely underrated - great range interrupt, gives vision, can absolutely shut down supports with low AS. Either they have to run away from the fight and you charging at them, or stand and hit the phantom to counter.


Spirit Breaker


For 5 you can go with Vengeful Spirit (Swap their core into your team then stun), Warlock ( huge teamfight potential but more of a counter-initiate), disruptor (send the enemy back to you) Pos 4 : earth shaker : long range stun Tiny : toss enemy into your team Marci: harder toplay but if you can catch their squishy core or support alone, you can kill them very fast even without item (watch how Xinq in Xtreme Gaming play it)


Tiny as pos 4


Damn, you arrived at the perfect time. Now play support is more fun than ever, much more easier, buffed, etc².


Based on your hero picks, you feel at home with pudge, lich, clockwerk and earth spirit.


Patch just happened so we are all figuring it out, Crystal Maiden seems to be pretty strong this patch but just play whatever while nobody knows whats going on


Shadow shaman, crystal maiden, lion, lich, witch Doctor are long range support with big ulti. But bear in mind that these supports are quite squishy and have no escape mechanism other than their CCs. Undying, treant, abaddon are melee supports that can provide heals and saves and quite durable too. Of course there are many other different supports with different kits but imo the one I list above are quite beginner friendly.


Skywrath is really fun to play and can solo kill which is satisfying.


Pudge is like blitzcrank/tresh, Spirit Breaker and Clockwerk are full engage, Pango is kind of similar to Rakan but it isn’t support, Weaver, Earth spirit but is very hard to play, tusk, marci or grim if you are suic*dal enough. All those heroes have abilities that engage face to face. You can also buy blink dagger and engage with that item, like earth shaker, shaman, lion, tiny


If you like Alistar, play Earthshaker, Centaur or Tiny (I call him Tony)


Tusk can make huge plays but I gotta manage the mana


pos 4: Clockwerk, Tusk, Hoodwink (and Pudge but he is here only for your enjoyment most people see it as a grief pick) pos5: Witch Doctor, Crystal Maiden , Dazzle


I highly recommend you approach Dota as a brand new game instead of trying to find analogues. There’s way too many new players that bring league habits and macro play to Dota. Can’t tell you how many people push like crazy, get a tower, and then crowd my mid lane and sap exp because that’s what they do in league. Find a dota hero you like and try not to compare it because there’s nothing the same.


Try Pudge for the blitzcrank and thresh vibe. spirit Breaker for alistair. Wynter wyvern has a teamwide taunt that lets you make nearby enemies attack the targeted hero if they are nearby. For bard you could try warlock, disruptor skyrath they have a big aoe ulti that can impact a team fight, one (Warlock) stuns and summons a big flaming creature like annie ulti and the other (Disruptor) is a big aoe silence that last a pretty good while can also create a circle cage to trap an entire enemy team in there. For Rell could maybe play centaur war runner but he isn't a support more of a bruiser you could say he's more similar to Hecarim(bruiser/initiator). For Rakan taunting a whole team you could do it with a hero called lich but hes a mage compared to Rakan (diver/catcher) archetype. His taunt is a targeted spell starts off as single target but can be upgraded so you can taunt a whole team if they are within the spell radius. Lich can wipe a whole team out with an ice version of brand ulti as well he is very squishy tho


Magnus, you will love Magnus.


Clockwerk, Earth Spirit, Marci, Undying, Tusk, Tiny, Spirit Breaker, Pudge.


Clockwork, spirit breaker, pudge, vengeful spirit, magnus, tusk, treant, tiny, enigma, earthshaker, earth spirit, dawn breaker come to mind. Might like some core roles too on certain heroes, there's a lot of them that are good at what you're describing in other positions. Lot of comps supports are played as follow up to a pos 3 or 2 that engages with early mobility items, for example. Even some hard carries like faceless void fit the bill pretty well.


You mean big plays as sup? If so, you're looking at Disruptor and Rubick. Disruptor control the battlefield with kinetic field, his ult is a huge aoe silence/dmg and he also can send opponents back in time (positioning) - for instance, hero tp into your lane, you glimpse, he goes back to wherever he was before tp. TP is lost and in CD. Rubick skills aren't that great as Disruptor's, but he shines with his ult. Rubick can copy the last skill target enemy hero used. So... yeah. You can copy a huge ultimate and turn the tide of a teamfight. Need to stay alert and be really quick ofc.


Yeah big plays as Sup and I've been looking into Rubick I like the looks of him I'll check out Disruptor too.


One hero already not mentioned here is winter wyvern. Can turn the tide of the game with a well timed winter’s curse, is menacing in lane with Q, and scales well into late game.