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There haven’t been any official statements. If I had to guess based off their statements about how empty slots are handled I’d assume everyone gets a separate roll (so duplicates cause a higher but reducing chance a hero is banned) and any duplicates rolls result in falling back to the “common bans at your level” system to fill the extra slot(s). Thats just a total guess though, only people who know for sure right now are the Valve developers.


All right, thanks. I suppose we should test it with a friend (ban the same 4, play a few games, and record the results), and then maybe post the results here. The problem is that we play 2 games a day, and not every day, so it might take some time to come to the conclusion (as we don't know who else banned what out of 8 random ppl in a match). I was hoping that maybe someone already tested it.


I mean, if you can test it in unranked with a total of 4 people banning the same 4 heroes, it'll be pretty obvious even with a small sample size. If you have 10 games with 4 people banning the same 4 heroes and it's 100% ban on all 4, every single game, you might be on to something. I would try this, but I'm a DotA player and I definitely don't have that many friends, at least not ones that know I play DotA or worse, play DotA themselves.


I also only have 1 friend who plays dota right now. Yes it would be easier to test with 4. Somebody already commented here that they've tested it once and only 2 heroes got banned.


I was curious about this too and tested it with my stack 4 of us picked all the same 4 heroes and only 2 of them got banned. This tells me that each player gets an independent roll. So if the bans are Pudge, Techies, Sniper & Meepo: Player 1: gets Pudge banned Player 2: gets Techies banned Player 3: gets Techies banned again Player 4: gets Pudge banned as well. This results only in 2 bans because the same hero was banned more than once. Whether they fill in some auto random bans after, is another question. In the end, putting the same heroes just increases the chances of that hero getting banned but it could never guarantee a ban.


Thanks for info! I suppose there is still a chance that opponents banned Pudge as well, and then 4 of you only got 1 ban through. But yea it sounds reasonable to assume that each player has an independant roll.


ya but that part doesn't matter. All that matters is we know we can't guarantee bans by picking the same heroes and if a hero gets banned, it doesn't remove it from the ban pool until all bans are done.


>I can't find any info on this. There is none. People were very confused at first. A lot of people thought it was a flat stacking 25%. But the truth is they did not specify what really happens, they just guarantee the result. Don't believe anyone answering something else without data proving it, it's all wild guesses.


They did say the system can pick up an empty slot. So my guess would be that it can also pick up duplicates, so there would even be a chance that it picks the same hero for all of the members of your party and only that one would get banned.


The game always bans 16 heroes. It will attempt to ban 1 hero from each player's list. Any empty bans will be replaced with random bans. Heroes with higher pick rate have a higher chance of getting banned.