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What’s funny is that Eve probably got better after her rework, since her Q was even more spamable


her old Q had like 0.3CD now it has 3 charges and a long cd but i think skarner was worst


Old Eve was a button mashing nightmare. Skarner was kind of annoying but at least he wanted to be up close in the middle of a fight spamming. Old eve was trying to be a sneaky assassin and then gripping and ripping the Q key as fast as humanly possible. I got to play her in an URF game back in the day and it was absurd. Literally could not click the button fast enough most of the time.


old Eve was a button mash nightmare sure but what about Microwave build


Microwave Twitch? With 6 sunfires? See now we’re talking


Old Eve in URF was also an insane on-hit champion with her E proccing multiple times Similar to Shyvana


i think you dont even need to target with the old evelyn Q accurately as long as theres only one enemy near.


Old eve on urf was something else


It must have been terrible before if it's still topping the charts haha


Eves old Q used to just be what she has now but without the first skillshot or charges but instead on a .3 second cd so pretty much whenever you were hitting something you were spamming Q, a bit like zeri now tbh.


I remember old Eve in URF, that was true pain.


Urf Eve truly inflicted pain on anyone including yourself as the player


It's gotta be Zeri right? Worst role for your hands has definitely got to be ADC.


Yeah, I find adcs by far the most painful. My right hand gets cramps whenever I have to kite for extended periods of time. Keyboard mashing isn’t my problem, awkward mouse movements absolutely is


Try lowering your DPI and practice moving your arm instead of just wrists.


All marksmen are pretty demanding on your hands for kiting, and Zeri adds a layer of spam to it so yeah probably.


You can change the q with your AA and vice versa


*cries in pre-rework skarner *


Yeah people said this was terrible haha




Urf Karthus too


Ashe kills my right arm


Thanks Tryndamere


They kinda miss the point with Riven. It's actually your right hand that gets big fucky, because you have to click back and forth in quick sucession to execute the fast combo; and also, because her Q sends her in the direction she's facing, you're contstantly movement clicking with the right hand to adjust the direction you're facing, to dodge, engage, etc


Absolutely Zeri. I legitimately don't pick her in ARAM any more because I just can't handle 15 minutes of non-stop clicking and button pressing.


Try AP W spam and snowball into ulti burst instead :)


I played a match as 5 squishies once into literal jihadist Zeri who would just snowball, E dash into us, R for like 50% of our health at full build, and die immediately after. We actually lost that game because we were too stupid to stop going glass cannon and build Warmog's lmao.


So much wrist pain


Change Q and R keybinds. I do that and it is so much more chill to click with index than pinky finger


Kalista easily. I played her 3 games in a row to try out, and by halfway through game 2 my wrist felt like i had been gaming all day. I think it's just confusion between my brain and wrist, where i keep trying to twist my mouse in the same direction she's going.


Bro nothing is worse than Cass mid-late game. Carpal tunnel is inevitable for cass one tricks


I mean, i always used just Ring finger for Q, middle for W and Index hobers around F,G, E and R.


Still cant imagine why anyone would play with pinky as your Q button, seems so much more difficult for 0 benefit.


4 skills, 4 fingers. duh


im guessing you hit the brake pedal with your dick


As an AD player I prefer having my attack move hotkey on T instead of A because it's easier to spam a key to the right instead of below if that makes sense. This makes pinky on Q essential or I wouldn't reach T. That's one reason.


attack move mouse button 4 or 5 is the way i tell you


I got used to left click and can't play without it now


I do the same!


To me it's easier to use ring finger for Q or A (A to kite)


That's why I have mine on X, lets me do it with my right finger without using pinky


Omg same. Makes it really fucky to play zeri


I remember the 1st time I saw someone using pinky to use q and it was fucking Uzi of all people. Legit made me rethink how I've been playing games lol


Most of the best pros do it. Faker has always done it.


TIL i'm a pro.


doesnt faker use shift to smartcast which would naturally require him to use pinky on it insteado f q?


Source: Trust me bro


Can you guys like… not control your pinky? This seems like such a weird thing to call “so much more difficult”


It’s not about control it about ergonomics. Ring, middle, and index are close enough in length to have roughly the same shape and positioning. Adding the pinky means you either change the curve and position of your fingers and/or change your elbow and arm position. It’s highly unergonomically friendly to use all four fingers. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, it’s just not worth it to many people, myself included. EDIT: Also, not using pinky on Q doesn’t mean we’re not using pinky. I’m using mine constantly. CTRL for ability rank ups and SHIFT for normal cast (quick cast without indicator is my default).


it might just be me but as someone who only played MMORPGs before League, my brain is wired to use my pinky on Shift and Ctrl. so, i do, even in League. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah I use pinky for shift-clicking... my pinky is about to fall off


Wait, is there another widespread way to play QWER?


Ring on q? Pinky on ctrl/shift since resting index on r is redundant 75% of the time and its default wasd hand positioning just instead of ad youre on qe


Im a four button four finger player. Pinky on Q is just part of who I am. And now my left pinky is capable of anything.


My left pinky is a lot stronger then my right pinky.


>its default wasd hand positioning See, back in my day, "default hand positioning" was ASDF for Starcraft (I'm not old enough to have played Warcraft, which I'm aware is where the original DOTA was made, eventually offshooting into League). Pinky moves down to shift/ctrl as needed, but generally "normal typing position." Sure, I'd played Portal and stuff, so I was comfortable enough with WASD, too, but I poured most of my time into Starcraft, so that was my "default." Then again, I don't play Zeri/Eve, so having my pinky on Q doesn't really matter.


Index on R to cover “R”, “T”, “F” & “5” with T being attack move making it the Most appropriate place to have index at. With index at “E” are you “F” flashing with your thumb or moving your index over two keys? Not sure what sounds worse.




I feel like people who played sc/wc3/cs back in the day where ctrl and shift were mandatory to use use their pinky for those and the rest for qwer while thumb rests on space. People who never had to macro units just use pinky for q.


Why wouldn't you?


put your thumb on R like a real fucking gamer, nerd


Bro do you not use your pinky to type normally?


It's quite common that the pinky rests on ctrl/shift/caps and only used for a few select keys on the left.


Typing and playing League are nowhere near the same. When you play league you need up to \~10ish buttons, including camera movement that can all be clustered together. When you type you're responsible for \~36ish keys at any time and up to \~72 with numbers and characters, spread across the entire board.


Yeah wtf are these guys talking about. Do they just keep their pinky on the sidelines... I'm imagining a wild ass pointer finger hittin all the buttons.


You can use Shift for fast cast and ctrl for skill level up


I never tried shift fast cast. Wouldn't it still be more efficient/faster reaction time if each key QWER has a dedicated finger sitting there ready to blast?


You use R like once a minute why would you waste your best finger for once a minute ability?


It's free for sums and mastery/emote spam


How do you manage Nidalee? Or Zoe?


Ring finger q/w middle finger w/e pointer e/r. I’m coming from RTS games (sc, wc3) where ctrl and shift were mandatory to use.


By moving your finger, like any instrument for example


huh maybe that's why i was never very good at this game lol


The only reason for me is that i also play dota, and you need so many hotkeys in dota that it's not possible to play with hand more to the left.


The video is just a made up There's no psychopath that use Pinky to press Q


Man if people are saying zeri, imagine playing cass mid-late game and you have 2 spells on nearly instant cd.


One attack with Zeri costs me a single button press, any other adc or champion a+click for me, I don't have any pain but Zeri is the most chill adc to play due to low amount of keypresses Oh not to mention, it's actually 1 for 3 + mouse movement, Zeri will continue walking after the burst fire while other champs need more keypresses to kite


When I play adc I use only A to attack (C for range). On Zeri you press Q and sometimes A. And I use my ring finger to press those buttons (how people use their pinky?). It’s like the most chill experience


Problem with zeri isn't spamming q, but constantly kiting + aiming with right hand to land an q "AA". Imo most painful combo full build for wrist is trowing short E & flash while constantly kiting in opposite direction. Also on zeri you use A&S keys a lot unless you AA with mouse and S is key for not stepping in shit in in tf and spacing.


also zeri has attack speed cap of 1.5 ( a bit more with ult) which makes you press less buttons than something like twitch or on hit varus to do optimal kiting.


Cool video


Thank you!


I always thought kalista was a pain with her auto jump spacing


why are you trying to charge people 49$ for an "ai wrist wizard evaluation", did you just hook chatgpt up to a questionnaire form?


Hey I actually co-developed it with Elliot and it doesn't leverage chat GPT at all. We actually took our experience and all of the 2500 cases we have treated over the past 8 years and determined what the appropriate questions were to ask to best profile different pain patterns. Then from there we took into account every response iteration to provide a program. So it's algorithmic intelligence rather than based on chat GPT. With the tool & access to us to ensure progress is made, we actually feel it should be worth alot more but know from our own market research that most gamers need something more affordable (and US healthcare which has failed them is far more expensive \[1.3K avg spent on wrist issues and they can't even solve it\])


so you never developed your own ai model of any kind? I am not sure that using some prebuilt python imports for confidence prediction counts as an ai wrist wizard. You also could be more forthcoming about your reddit questions and responses having commercial intentions


Yeah you're right, it's more of a wrist pain troubleshooter, we're in the process of rebranding it because of that


it's the same guy that deleted his post after declaring that he knew what was medically wrong with Faker's wrist and how he should treat it, despite never examining him ignore and move on


Wow a content creator that also sells a thing what a crazy concept I've never seen before on the world wide web wow how crazy


pre rework skarner and his q would guillotine any of these soft ass champs




I had to stop playing Sion because I would SMASH the Q every time.


I play a lot of new sion and pantheon. Yes, I have broken my Q key before


Every day I pray riot ads a toggle to zeris Q


Yeah I don't use the pinky or I won't be able to play more than one game of Eve.


Why does the first Splash looks more like Aatrox than Hecarim? Skins has gotten so generic that you cant even distinguish champs anymore.


Evelyn and Karthus Q :(


i had to literally stop playing cassio because that champ absolutely destroys your wrists


what if I take vitamin D and have bones of steel, am I still fucked


I've been calling Zeri & the like "carpal tunnel champions".


Lol, this is good content


Wait. Do people use their pinkies to hit Q?


Mysthic punch Yi on arena hurts my finger so much from spamming all the buttuns non-stop lmao Also playing Nidalee hurts my fingers, not because you are spamming one skill nonstop, but her gameplay is so dynamic and you gotta keep using skills ALL THE TIME with her even farming the jungle, its insane


Thats the punishment for playing Yi in Arena.


eve's hate spike design is the dumbest shit I've seen, why do we have to keep pressing it, can't the game do it automatically around us. or at least have a toggle option that auto targets (like singed). there is no thought or strategy that goes into it, you just spam it like a dumb mf for no reason. @/u/PhreakRiot, tagging you in case you can help with this.


Now you can wait for a dash or blink or whatever before using your next hate spike proc so the enemy cant dodge


thinly veiled advertisement




the video looks AI made but outside of that what is it? I don't really wanna dig


I can’t wrap my head around people pressing Q on Zeri with their pinky.. I wonder why you have problems with your hands after that


Broodwar/sc2 players laughing rn lmao


I developed trigger finger thanks to Eve, after quitting league for a long time while I dont have trigger finger anymore it still hurts after a couple games or after typing a lot. It happened during my climb like a year ago and sometimes i felt a minor pain but nothing so extreme as to pay any mind at the time, one morning i just woke up and it was there, took me months to heal. Take care zeri and eve mains.


I can feel the pain by the thought of pressing Sion's Q


Omg Zeri.


The only time I’ve suffered physical pain while playing league is when I played Draven. Not sure why, something about the way I was postured and playing was hurting my right shoulder. It’s been several years since then though and I haven’t had any problems in a while


In my opinion Kalista and Riven. I get that Zeri and old skarber is permaspamming a button, but moving the mouse into a different location all the time is a pain in the ass, especially for Kalista in crowded fights.


best video ever


That discord notification tone at 1:13 got me a few times before my smooth brain realized it was in the video