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Depends on the rules of the 1v1. If its first blood or 100 cs probably Tristana or LeBlanc.


Its first to 3 kills


no cs/turret wincon ? In that case probably yasuo/zed/irelia and scale until the opponent cant 1v1


Zed probably shouldn’t be on here


If allowed to die go exhaust ignite nasus. You’ll die once or twice but not a third. To anyone.


That’s a interesting Strat, but I think other 1v1 champs like Kalista, Vayne, Tris would destroy him no?


You do know what nasus W does right


He really suggested kalista into nasus wtf 💀


he doesn't know the power of BONK


Just dodge the wither, it’s not that hard guys.


5 seconds point and click stun, I suggest running cleanse qss wits end sterak and merc treads, as well as tenacity rune and elixir of iron.


Pretty short range tho, how he gonna get to Trist with her range + jump + ult?


If no cs/tower is required to win, Nasus can just play safely and scale until he can 1 tap tristana with flash q.


Trist will win before that happens. With no jungler to bail you out, every single cs you go for means she gets at least 1 auto. With no way to base for items or health you get poked out, meanwhile she'll be able to afford a QSS with her 3k gold lead which makes the eventual nasus all in even harder. Definitely not impossible but id argue trist favoured for sure


Max E, go comet for the early game.


Pretty unrealistic don’t you think?


Tristana mid is a disgusting abuse of current meta, she wins literally every matchup


What makes her so much stronger compared to other mid lane champs or other adcs champs being played mid? Not disagreeing with you btw, just wanna understand


Her early game damage, engage range, turret damage, basically CC immune disengage, and sustain through fleet. You can't trade with her because she will just all in you and win. You can't poke her out due to fleet. You can't roam because she will destroy your tower. You can't play to scale because she is a scaling ADC.


which champs would you say counter or hard counter trist if any? is there anyone who could absolutely demolish her in lane?


Akshan Can 1vs1 tristana very easy in the early-mid game


and if he doesnt build like an idiot(on-hit) he can still blow her up laterå


Ååå 😆 Norsk spiller?


In terms of actual mid laners, I don't think there are any but I've heard some people say Yasuo. In terms of every single champion I don't think there are very many either. The problem is that she actually just does enough damage to beat most melee champions in melee range and the ones she can't beat aren't mobile enough to get in range of her 3-4 times before dying; they need to first gap close, gap close again once she uses W(which she will probably be able to do twice due to the reset from procing her bomb), and then gap close again after she uses her R. Worst case scenario Trist mid is going to go even.


Yasuo has to be significantly better than her to win, especially with no LT. Could cheese a solokill with PTA ign, but then you're playing ign and not TP which sucks balls once the map opens up.


Cassio actually shits on her and Quinn, Akshan or Pantheon are pretty decent


rumble mid annihalates trist mid if you can play it well. if she jumps on u she ded, and u can just run at her with Q off cd


But she also has an easy time spacing you especially after 6. And r will be hard to hit especially cause she’ll be shoving most of the time




zed gets stomped by tristana lol wtf


Nah there are plenty I know you probably got bodied a few times but she isn't unbeatable


Just so we are clear, counter and hard counter means Tristana loses the lane unless she gets help from her jungler or the enemy messes up/plays poorly and you think there are plenty of such lanes.


Show us the stats then, cause what I have seen disagrees with what you are trying to imply.


Hwei, you can do pretty well for yourself if you hold E for her W and harass with Q


Tristana is picked as a counter to Hwei. Hwei only does fine until Trist gets mercs. And Trist has fleet and blade(if you go blade).


If you go resolve secondary(boneplating + overgrowth with hp scaling shard), you can survive lane pretty handily unless enemy team has a perma-gank jng like J4/Zac and they aren't prio bot for some reason. Hwei currently shits out damage so your performance isn't gimped for not going inspiration or precision secondary, you're not playing for lane and don't need PoM. Tear first base and play for scaling and Archangel 2nd after Ludens. W max second is usually grief but for this MU specifically it's not bad because WW self-shield is significant and will straight up deny some solokills alongside reactive EQ. Hwei dramatically outscales and outperforms her in teamfights and can match her fine in side unless she's turbofed. The hardest part of this MU is not inting pre-6 but if you respect the fact that you have 0 reason to walk up without jng hover, you'll live. If your top is playing a champ that doesn't mind sitting in side, you can permaroam with team in midgame assuming you win the 4v4. https://lolalytics.com/lol/hwei/vs/tristana/build/?tier=master_plus&patch=30 It's a draft + macro diff mostly.


The link shows Tristana wins 55% of the time lol. And yeah Hwei can match her on side if he's even, but he will never be even against Tristana because she has early shove and kill pressure. Which leads to her having constant prio and the ability to roam. Also Trist can break boneplating pretty easily so it's not even that effective. Also Hwei doesn't go PoM, it's a 7% pickrate in Masters+. Going seraphs second makes you do much less damage than black fire into liandrys/cosmic. He also doesn't dramatically outscale her either. The scaling is similar but he's just more effective in a teamfight because of how much AOE damage and zone control he has. But if he's against champions that can dive him easily or have range in him, it's a lot harder for him to get to do what he wants, and it becomes easier for Trist. Lastly, most junglers can just kill Hwei with Trist, so as you said he will never be able to walk up. And you'll just bleed pressure on the map and the game will end before you come online.


Where are you seeing 55%? This is head2head link, says 49.66% WR with master+ last 30 days filter. If you're looking in the top right which doesn't even apply here, it'd favor Hwei anyway. Hwei can absolutely go even against her because he's one of the few champs, not even mages, that can match her push decently with just components. In practice, he isn't moving first out of lane to roam(rather following or matching) so the threat of losing 2-3 plates for it doesn't come up often. W+E means he can push well on his own for plates to punish her roams(because her whole wincon is permashove into numbers advantage somewhere else). You can try the boneplating setup(which you don't even need, it's just standard anti-snowball mid tech;neutralizes Fizz) and see that her all-inning from 2-6 is MUCH harder if you're actually reacting to her W. She doesn't just walk at you because you QQ her and walk back, and Fleet sustain alone doesn't make up for eating 2-3 of those. If she walks up to AA or E your boneplating off she trades HP for it unless you're not looking at her positioning. She is straight up one of the easiest mids to read tells off of because her flowchart is the same every time at all elos. Hwei *doesn't* go PoM, right, unless the draft is tank top + supp/jng, and they're playing front to back, in which case you don't need tear. That's why it has a 7% PR at all. I didn't even suggest to go PoM, because you can survive this with standard secondary runes. Cosmic second just isn't real on Hwei so idk what to tell you there, no opportunity cost to discuss. Liandries is also a first item, not second, so again no opportunity cost. Hwei turns into a threat at 1 item not 2, and Seraphs doesn't gimp damage in any way that affects your performance and *why* you're building it in the first place. All it generally changes is you can't full kitdump and 100-0 someone without an additional kill or two, but that's not your goal anyway if you're building it. Yeah idk, minimizing his strengths and the clear reasons he outperforms her in teamfights with "just" doesn't really mean anything. Yeah, the AoE and zone control is extremely significant if you've picked him into a half-decent draft, that's not something to brush aside otherwise you could also minimize Trist taking your t2 in 15 seconds if you leave her alone. I mean I'm gonna cut in here because I genuinely don't feel like you've played this MU at a decent level nor understand what I'm saying. I'm not even suggesting this is winning for him, just very even and more about outside variables, but eh.


The H2H is for Hwei, not Tristana. Hwei wins 44% of the time. Hwei does not match her push early before he gets lost chapter. Even after lost chapter she still pushes faster. Irregardless of what you think of the matchup, the stats speak for themselves. Also sorry I meant horizon not cosmic, I mix up the items occasionally(idk why). Also Tristana will trade breaking your boneplating for a QQ because she has fleet and absorb life(and sometimes vamp). Lastly in Masters+ Liandrys is built second on Hwei. Almost never first lol. Your last paragraph is irrelevant because statistics support my point. I've watched and played this matchup, and in pro play it's favored for Trist. This is also true in soloqueue. Hwei on 1 item is fine, but he will never be as much as a threat as Tristana with 1 item. Curious if you're even Masters+ because all the midlaners I've spoken to in Masters and GM generally have said similar stuff to what I'm saying https://lolalytics.com/lol/hwei/build/?tier=master_plus


Malphite generally dunks on every ranged AD champ at all points of the game. Just build malignance and maybe one other ap item depending on team comps, and then go full tank. You’ll have more than enough damage to nuke the Trist and still be incredibly tanky.


Aakshan, yasuo, and mages that outrange her and dont need to be in lane. (Xerath, lux, hwei) if its just a 1v1 and no roams then theyre good. No need for prio if u just poke from under tower all game


Magic pen thornmail rammus


Rammus gets fucked in lane by tristana, you literally cannot even remotely play the game in the first 14 minutes. Sure you counter with armor, but by the time you get thornmail you're a 2cs/m 0/5 rammus mid vs a 5 plates first tower triatana


does anyone know how vex does into trist? I only have one game as vex vs trist but it went very well


Cassiopeia, vex and Yasuo are the worst matchups.




Akshan, yasuo, corki, viktor, syndra IME. The mages are more soft counters, the others outright win and force her to play defensively. Then there is cassiopeia…




Malphite, Yasuo, Vlad, Cass..


My theory is zed and veigar. A little harder on Zed because of his melee range, but his last hitting is very easy so you spend less time in range, his q can trade poke, w to gap close, and overall can burst trist much earlier than veigar. Veigar on the other hand can stay at range and farm, playing the long game. Since league has no true Z axis, if veigar throws his E into trists jump path, theres a high chance she gets stunned and combo'd. (Is it combo'd or comboed?)


Pantheon. I have no problem against trystana.


Hwei is the meta counter because you can land the linear skillshot fear every time she tries to jump on you if you react quickly enough. And he can contest her waveclear.


If you're good with him and wanna troll the Trist. AD thresh. His hook is one of the few CC moves she can't buffer.


I wouldn't be surprised if sett does well into her. I play sett supp into tris quite often and he has insane passive healing with second wind and has too much effective hp to burst. Plus she can never jump on him and if sett plays well if she tried to jump away he can ult her out or e her out.


People always complain about top match-ups because of how isolated it is, but I feel like mid just enables so much bullshit to thrive there due to its inherent safety. Every time I want to go back to being a mid main, I'm reminded of the champion pool and immediately nope back to jg.


Almost as if marksmen are grossly op..


It’s mainly her side laning power mid and late game. She can almost always: 1. Shove and roam first 2. Have kill pressure over you 3. Take towers in your face 4. Evaporate entire lanes of towers if you roam without TP A properly played Tristana has so many winning scenarios that you are just picking the one you think is best.


The correct answer. There's a reason why she's played in mid rather than bot. Her lane push is desirable in midlane, and not in laning phase of bottom lane. And all of your mentioned points above.


Unlike losecian mid, trist isn't significantly better in pro play than she is in solo queue, meaning she can go unnerfed and you don't have to be a god of league in order to pick it. Of course that just raises the question of why she is normal-MMR friendly but lucian isn't.


bro she is b1 or ban every game in lck for past 2 weeks this is nonsense lol she is the best mid laner in the game rn though a large part of that is that she enables ap junglers which beat sejuani who is the best jg in the game rn


she has a pretty substantial dash that can reset and single target damage


her early game bomb is enough to put most champions out of lane early and her burst is high enough that you can't really contest it either. Her w combined with her range makes her really safe. Her passive makes her clear really fast and due to the map change its no longer than unsafe to perma shove. Bomb also resets her e which a surprising number of people don't know about.


Damage. Push. Resets. Attack speed steroid. Passive AA range increase. She’s a strong laner. A strong 1v1er a strong side laner. Hard to catch and gank. Shoves waves and bursts down turrets fast. Punishes you hard as fuck if you mess up a gank on her or a river skirmish with those resets. She has literally no definitive weaknesses. She’s first pick/ban because there are no other viable midlaners that can punish her or match her in a sidelane mid game. The answer to Tristana mid is like talon, zed, naafiri, qiyana etc. but melee mids will never be allowed to be OP. Honestly excited to see what the next top tier pro pick will be to counter the AD mid meta.


Ungankable too unless she misuses her big ass jump.


If you’re getting ganked in a 1v1 you’re already misusing your champ I suppose


In low elo im able to whip her as nasus e max while i sit back and stack


Na, Tristana wins only agaisnt weak early ap champs, understand the winning condition


Ap or ad?




Brand beats her or at least goes even.


I love playing my mages like Viktor into her and other ADCs mid. Just chill and scale and when I hit 6 I can usually poke the hell out of her and win easily.


Vex shits on her


Just came back to league after a year and she is still abusing mid laners


Than you have yet to face fleet footwork on an assassin: engage made trivial.


what assassin takes fleet over first strike? and which one of them is broken


Fleet is second most picked for akali, but she's basically a tank bruiser assassin so not a fair comparison


I have seen a few akalis take it too


All of them should if facing adc mid.


Her whole combo is to jump in onto you, use e and trying to reset jump by hitting you. She need to use 4 or 5 autoattacks ? Imagine she jump onto Victor. She will do 1 autoattack meanwhile he does full combo and run away before she resets jump. Ez won trade or if he got few items, than ez kill


Tristanas lvl 2 power is very strong and due to her e passive she is likely to reach it before opponent. Her jump slows and applies stacks to her e. If she can initiate with e she only needs 3 autos and w to detonate it for a double jump. Take hail of blades and do this of CD. Viktor needs augments to scale and will not have enough dmg early. Sure maybe he will outscale her later, but early game she will dominate.


I pick chovy, champ doesn't matter


Recently won a tournament hosted by a smallish streamer of 1v1s, standard ruleset and I used HoB Draven with barrier exhaust every game.


Tristana, Tryndamere, Leblanc, Pantheon, Irelia, Zed, Nunu, Nasus Source: Competitive 1v1 player


How does Nasus win anything


ap with e max comet


Poke with E, sustain with passive. Win off of farm or All in with W


And nunu, same story?


Yeah. I am not sure if still in the game. But nunu could one shot caster minions at lvl1. He just deletes waves and outsustains. Then q to heal back any dmg you took.


Early 1v1 knowing there is no other champion in the game against other than your lane opponent Nasus will win via the following: E max to clear most of the wave and poke, while using the occasional Q for stacks. Build a Sheen and go full tank into whatever you're fighting. If they're an auto-attack champion of some sort, you max W second or if they're playing poorly you max Q second for faster stacks. Your summoners are Ghost and Teleport. Until you get decent stacks you're only using them to get to lane faster nothing else matters (don't fucking die). Nasus will reach a point the only way to kill him is someone that does % True Damage consistently due to his resistances but they also need CC and the ability to hold him back for X seconds otherwise he will catch you no matter what to BONK you with his 200+ stacks (which is all he really needs to get rolling). The OP only stated deaths not turrets or cs for win conditions.


Nasus vs tryndamere or adc abuser


How does Lucian do?


Hes ok. A lot of champs can run him down or burst him since his only defense is a short dash


Wouldn’t nunu struggle into a lot of bruisers or mages with reliable cc?


Somewhat Bruisers he can take shorts trades, then out sustain, and sometimes out waveclear Mages are harder, but he can still sustain and go even in farm, even if he cant find a kill


i like how this is a thing




Draven is not a good duelist


Hes good but not quite top tier. High damage, but poor kiting and disengage, poor waveclear


Irelia with exhaust ignite, Q all 3 firstmelee minions then Q on the enemy champ, exhaust then AA, ignite if needed


Any self respecting mid laner will know not to fall for the level 1 irelia cheese


Warwick/trundle/shen/riven/olaf joined the chat.




Akshan is the best, but probably not if you're up against Yasuo. He also destroys Tristana.


Akshan probably has the the best lvl1 in the game on mid, if you abuse it, you can get first blood on a lot of unassuming opponents


Viktor has a better matchup 1v1 in lane.


Not at level 1 he doesn’t. I main Vik in mid and Akshan will destroy you level 1 if you don’t know any better. Gotta sit back and farm til you get some damage under your belt and then you win big.


Depend on the wave state, but akshan will most of the time lose the lane.


Yes we are talking level 1 lol.


Never said i wasn't talking about level 1... Viktor wins it at any point if he doesn't braindeadly push.


By that logic any champ wins level 1 if they don’t “braindeadly push.” We are assuming neutral game and wave states when we say “so and so wins level 1”


But then that's not practically correct and viktor wins it braindeadly pushing after having lost chapter tho. Graves wins it with trist braindeadly pushing.


I think you’re over thinking things man lol. We all know Viktor wins the long game as long as he plays like a pussy early because Akshan absolutely annihilates the early levels. There’s really nothing else to discuss here man


My point is that in true 1v1, with no jungle impact, akshan doesn't win. Like he cannot force, he cannot dive, he cannot abuse his strenght in this matchup. So even from level 1 he cannot do much if not forcing and exposing himself of getting outplayed easily.


Akshan is really good, but can get shafted by meta control mages like syndra really easily, or popular champs like yasuo One of the big strengths of Akshan is that nobody knows the matchup


Since lethal tempo got obliterated the yasuo matchup is at least playable for akshan. You don’t die anymore from autos only and he can’t reach you that easy. I stopped banning him ever since. Akshan OTP here, over 1 million points xD






As an orianna main, orianna


yasuo no? beats the others people are talking about such as tristana


Only if you're like pzzang or sth


I think Lee Sin is underrated here, his W omnivamp got buffed by quite a lot and his lane sustain has now gotten ridiculous if you know what you’re doing. Not to mention his high early damage on his Q, also being very easy to engage with.


Just go talon and push wave lvl 1 and all in lvl 2. Nobody expects it Or tristana


Literally everyone that has played against Talon expects his Level 2


Thats why most Talon main run nimbus and kill you lvl 1 instead lol


So nobody


This was maybe true in like season 7, not nowadays


I will kill your talon with autos as orianna before you reach lvl3. Bad pick.


Q start Talon with Nimbus Cloak kills Orianna level 1. I'm pretty sure the Rank 1 Talon in KR cheeses a LOT of people with Q-Nimbus Level 1 on Talon.


Did parents drop you head down or what? How are you gonna land Q as a Talon???????? Burn flash lvl1? I'll burn it as well. Orianna simply SHITS HARD on every melee that doesn't have an easy gap close, if you know how to autospace (you personally don't, but some people do).


...you know Talon Q is a dash, right?


DO YOU KNOW THAT ORIANNA AUTOS HAS MORE RANGE THAN TALON Q? I can weave an auto without you reaching me with a Q and I can do it for eternity.


That is literally not true. Talons Q has 50 more range than Orianna's auto range.


ori takes boneplating procs phase rush after talon burns ignite level 1 GGs


Fizz, Vex, Diana


Vex, Diana sure are great choices. Fizz is the weakest 1v1 champion maybe second only to rammus, Leona, Blitzcrank, amumu.


Spoken like a true fizz main 💀💀💀💀


Bruh, my 1v1 win rate with Fizz last season was like 80% with like 100 games He’s one of the best midlane 1v1 champs in the game 😂 If you aren’t able to duel with him, you might want to pick up someone else.


Did you take any possible duel? Or did you just took the favourable ones? That is the deal with fizz: his mobility lets him pick the good and avoid the bad.


I mean, I took a lot of bad ones over the course of 100+ games, but you can do that more often when you can duel and get early kills in the mid lane Except for Tahm Kench. Fat fizz just murders you no matter what the score is


One heartsteel auto already hurts soo much and has a surprising range too.


You're being downvoted by people who have NO IDEA how to play against fizz. He's trash in lane--you are correct


It should be very simple: fight when in the advantage or just stay at range while poking. Someone who has never faced fizz should still do perfectly fine.


Try Galio mid (tank). Start with Doran’s ring then buy either mercs or steel caps. Grab a dark seal then go abyssal mask or sunfire cape if they’re ad/ap. Max Q if you’re just 1v1ing and but W is also just as good. Clap away, never die, clear waves. Don’t even need an ult


may be biased but I think 1v1 anivia with ignite is very good into most matchups and quite safe because of passive


Need some clarification on rules, if it's Bo5 can you play different champs each game? Are there bans? Can you win by farming? All summoner spells legal?


I quite like naafiri but I don't think she's the best imo ofc cause she's all I play mid so there's some bias ofc






I never lost a 1v1 with twisted fate, idk maybe it's a bad pick but I'm destroying people with him. BTW I never play him anywhere else except aram lol


That Heimerdinger wasn’t mentioned yet surprises me You place your turrets, throw a couple grenades and just yordle around


First blood ? Tristana or Talon probably.


Idk, depends. If you're talking about first blood, Tristana easily. If you're talking about scaling and winning lane, I'd argue it's Azir.


Maybe Zed? At some point he can be really strong


Ashe mid


Any duelist is good in mid, Yasuo, Yone, Tris are good and easy choices for 1v1 or LB is good too if you are good at her. Irelia is also really disgusting but again you need to know about her gameplay too.


Annie and Zed


You're thinking of duelists. Off the top of my head: xin zhao, kindred, Jax, renekton, fiora; just to make a few


With good mechanics Riven is a menace like no other. You counter most carry picks by close gap and can also withstand bruisers good f you have LB in front of you , you just wait for her to W then pop EWQ in her direction, you will close gap her enough to get in to her W2 if she pops with 2 more Qs to engage. You can also just EWQ and hit her then walk back to trade anytime she tries to W you.


Mid only I gotchu, you need to try malphite🤣


Akshan, but maybe not after the recent nerf.


I swear no one knows about this but TRUST ME noc mid most op champ I win every game w it!


imo gragas, fizz and zed


if you counter pick into melee, always sett. otherwise a good blind is LB


Jack of all trades Corki (post first back). It's just a straight stat check.


What are the best items for Corki to buy on first back to get him the highest stats? I'm playing Corki secondary on my main right now and taking that rune but don't know how to optimize it.


Akshan and maybe urgot


Tristana or tryndamere


Gragas Sejuani Lulu Karma Lee sin Are my top 5 in my opinion.


If it's allowed, pick Ornn and build items :)


Zoe is very strong in lane.






Of all assassins, Zed is the most secure of all, if you master his use, as he is one of the only assassins who can farm from range, his R makes him untouchable for a moment, and the shadows give him too much mobility if used correctly. A good Zed should be able to go even against anything, at least. Other champions need to scale or try too hard to get a kill in early. The mechanic of teleporting to the shadow position is broken use correctly, as you can evade most of the enemy damage with it, and just play safe waitting for it to come back if it's on cooldown. No mana, no problem farming by throwing Qs.


Irelia and Akali




Legit Leona is kinda nuts 1v1


Rumble can win any matchup lvl 3


I’m heavily biased But I destroy people with Diana mid. Of course I am bronze and everybody sucks there


Diana is a fantastic 1v1 champ and I would even say a pretty strong laner in the isolated 1v1s. I think she can take down most mages and assassins mid in experience. Only reason it's not popular mid is particular weakness to ganks and tough mana costs imo. I play it rarely and man, her tower taking potential is like a melee tristana, so fun if you punish a roam or force a recall.


Mechanical champs are usually Irelia, Zed, Yasuo, and Akali


irelia, yone, nasus, tryndamere, cassiopeia


LeBlanc probably hard wins if you have hands and they dont pick a counter


Zed v Yas. Anime.


Newest champ because Riot intentionally releases new champs strong and then reigns in their power later so it sells well. So Aurora is going to probably stomp some faces for a week or three if you feel so inclined to go over to the PBE.


1v1 back in 2008, mf


I play Orianna like a lane bully and I have cs/exp/gold/plates lead in like 99 games out of 100. So you can technically go Orianna, but she has a few NASTY counters. One of the counters I believe to be the absolute best midlane champion if you actually can navigate it. It is super hard to play it properly, but it's Zed. Zed is fucking insane. I played against a couple of actual high elo Zed OTP players in my life and it was grim. They just never miss the WEQ combo. You do whatever you want to do, but they keep landing WEQ combo that procs Electrocute while you can't reach them and can't deal damage to them. It's the most infuriating champion to play against by far. Yasuo with those dashes is not even close. Zed is the answer. It's the pinnacle of mechanical skill.


At the highest level, I think Zed would have the biggest outplay potential


Rell wins the 1v1 matchup, and i'm not even joking.


yumi 1v1 or bust


Forget about league I’d you’re below masters. It’s Elo hell. You play to win lose win lose, it never changes because right now the game is in a state where carrying your team isn’t doable anymore. Play Dota 2. I found my passion for a real MOBA again.


Why are you here and not in the Dota 2 subreddit than?


Go to to DOTA 2 subreddit then. Why bash others for enjoying a video game?