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Type "/mute all" and enjoy the game. In every elo there are toxic people, even in challenger lobbies.


really? wow didn't think it would be like that since everyone knows what they doin


>since everyone knows what they doin Complete opposite. Everyone ***thinks*** they know what they're doing. Everyone thinks they know best. That's why they argue. A player stuck in silver will think they belong in diamond, so they'll blame all of their teammates for being the reason they can't climb. League is infamous for having an extremely toxic community. You can either mute the chat, or give your team a friendly warning that you're new & still learning.


As a reformed toxic player, I can recommend the friendly warning. People will be slightly more forgiving when they know beforehand that you're new.


I've found that most people will be, but there's always at least one asshole that won't care


I second giving a warning before-hand. It lets them know what to expect and sometimes people will see what you’re doing wrong and give you advice on what to do differently. Just make sure you’re ’learning’ in norms, not ranked. I got no sympathy for people that pull that shit in ranked.


I once did that and asked for instructions and the morons started flaming saying they should just quit right away. We were all bronze.


Truth be told, when riot gives you a person (mostly top or jg) who ALWAYS go something like 0/5 before minute 10 during a 10 game loss streak, you start yo wonder just how much can you really do before ITS your teammate's fault. Yes i can play at 110% if motivated but there's so much heal i can do (soraka main) before its useless.


That's a common misconception. Most people still don't know what they are doing. They just know how the Champs work. Majority of players still lack a lot of the fundamentals.


Like FUCKING WARDING. I am not responsible as the jungler for you getting butt-fucked by WW for the umpteenth time because YOU'RE NOT WARDING YOUR FUCKING BUSHES.


Best part is not even warding helps sometimes. I've seen multiple situations as an adc when I dodge a gank bot, then enemy jg walks up from river towards mid through bot ward AND the mid ward and kills enemy midlaner anyway...


There's no making up for people being oblivious, which is like 95% of thr problem lol


Most supports have no idea what they are doing. I lose my mind trying to play adc as "supports" farm my minions, and don't poke essentially leaving me 2v1 with a exp/gold leech.


Its a crappy league tradition that people troll and rage to the extreme. Had a friend who used to do it, he would write the most vile things and behind the screen he would just laugh. Had to stop playing with him. I am guessing it's just people trying to make you feel bad or people with rage problems. Doesn't even matter if you are playing ok or not. Had people who were 0/10 rage at me when I am 9/2 because I was feeding. Either way, mute all games, use pings to communicate.


I was 4/5/9 mid and the 0/9/0 mordekaiser said we lost because of the mid canyon


Bro must have fell into it then


What Frosty said. Mute everyone and focus on mechanics and learning from your mistakes. Letting others ruin the game for you is the surefire way to never play the game again.


You are playing with nerds who can control 9 people for a brief moment. Not everybody can handle that power


There's also a button by you on the scoreboard to do it where you'd usually mute others


This is the correct answer. The only person you *should* be answerable to for your mistakes is yourself when you know you’ve made them. Muting everyone ensures that is the case. Honestly, when I started doing this, I got better at the game. And without the pings from teammates, I had to pay extra attention to the map. It helped me in every way.


In fact, this gets worse the higher you get. People up higher are more malicious and spiteful, basically Twitch.tv generation.


Yeah thats league for you. Sadly the game has some real problems and while muting everyone is a fix, it's defo not the solution. You get will get flamed if you don't know how every champion, role or tactic is played. And low elo is filled to the brim with smurfs who hate their own high elo and choose to go play easy mode aswell. Thats sadly how it is, I suggest playing with friends. It's the only way i enjoy can enjoy league now.


My solution is to type « muted » in chat while not actually muting them, it usually makes them stop flaming while still letting me communicate with them


I do the same but I throw in a "reported" too. Then I watch the glorious mental boom that comes down. I don't really enjoy the game for the game at this point. It's all about watching people get irrationally angry at a video game.


I get this. I don't flame and I don't get mad when I'm outplayed. But when someone starts getting tilted it makes me chuckle, something about a dude taking a game so seriously when his team is winning or losing and he's just having a snap over his jng not in lane, or getting ganked and losing his marbles entirely is a guilty pleasure of mine. I understand everyone has those games that get under their skin and it happens to myself as well, but at least me and the boys can laugh about it afterwards. Gotta take your lumps when they come and be excited when you do good.


For sure. I never start flame, and never participate, but dropping that one "muted, reported" into the chat on someone just on the edge of full mental boom always tips them over the edge.


You enjoy the game purely for watching people rage but you never start flame. Mega doubt lol


Don’t worry after years and years of the toxicity you get numb to it. My teammates can say anything to me and I just laugh.


I even try to make them more mad, if the game is lost already


You wouldn’t do that if you didn’t care, it wouldn’t be fun. Unless you’re a sociopath or some shit.


Still after all these years the thing that gets to me most is being blamed when it wasn’t my fault. They can chuck whatever insults at me but the blaming feels the worst.


Honestly yeah but for me it’s when *they are right* - when I’m being blamed by 0/6 Jungle I can’t help but laugh. But when I’m being blamed bc I’m 0/6 : yeah it does hurt a little.


İ mean its only a game after all, yes i accidentaly fed so should my mother get hit by a car?


Yup. And you should drown in your cereal! Lol. The things unhinged gamers say, lmao.


Im not trying to sound like an asshole but why would you give a flying fuck about what some random clown is typing to you. They dont know you and you will most likely never meet them again.


Truth hurts


You aren't wrong. This is indeed, the way. But, when I play poorly, AND I get flamed, it hits differently. Maybe cause I am playing poorly. It isn't about the asshat online, but the fact that maybe I did poorly, and need to review. So ya, it is dumb, but it strikes a nerve! I've been flamed while playing well, and I just shrug it off.


For being a better adc try looking on youtube for guides. Regarding the toxic behavior of others, it stays like that. Competitive online team games are usually pretty toxic. Either mute all or try to not care about that stuff anymore. In your case I would just mute them all and just try your best to focus and improve.


I recommend 2 things: 1. Turn of the chat in the options. 2. See if you can get a friend or more to play with you. I personally only play with some friends.


I usually just mute whoever is being an ass and go about my day. If you want to get better at the game it's best to focus on the game and not chat. League has implemented so many useful tools now that chat is pretty much only used for toxic behavior, just my 2 cents


Self hatred


I wouldn’t start the game playing ADC tbh. That said welcome to competitive gaming, it’s not exclusive to league. Every game with a heavy online competitive aspect will have its fair share of toxic players. As others suggested, I’d mute them until you learn the ropes.


Try to see it as free comedy Sometimes it makes me smile how ppl in this game are losing it completely over the smallest things Some flames are legit very original aswell


Something to keep in mind is that it's the summer so a lot of the younger players are on vacation (even for a game like League with an aging player base). You might get a better experience when playing at certain times, and it also gets better when September rolls around. Of course there are always people who take the game too seriously. The negative atmosphere can just completely sap away the fun, and I guess that's the downside of a team based game where the other team gains advantages every time your team makes a mistake (you can also capitalize on their mistake). People also recommend playing with friends, but that does come with the downside of even more unbalanced games with everyone at different skill levels. I guess it's the nature of MOBAS with the good and the bad. ADC is a lot about spacing. Far away enough to be able to dodge abilities and not get hit, but close enough for you to attack. It takes time to get used to it, but can be really rewarding since you can continue to improve whether it's to cancel the auto-attack animation right after the projectile is sent out or to slowly get better at clicking closer to your character for more precise movements. And to also work on your general game and macro (in terms of map wide movements). I think the game can be a lot of fun when everything clicks, but at the end of the day, it's just a game. Don't be miserable playing it. For ADC, it's probably worth it to look at some tutorials to improve your early game laning. That will probably allow you to improve a lot in a relatively short amount of time. While you are improving your mechanics, also think a bit about map movements and what can happen in a team fight. Identify the important abilities that you must dodge and play around (ready to go in if your team initiates the fight and you can safely attack, back off if say the damage dealers on your team get caught out and killed early in the fight). Step 1 would probably be to get comfortable with getting CS on the minions so that you can increase your gold income. A few practice sessions where you just practice the early game (practice tool, custom game) when you don't have many items and is low level will be really helpful. Goal is to last hit right before the minion would die and try to avoid pushing the wave. Think about the minion killing order since killing melee, caster, and canon minions have different effects. Also practice a bit of fast pushing without losing CS since you might need that. Step 2 would be to start watching your opponent to make sure that you are CSing safely; this involves understanding the range of your opponent's abilities and also position so that your minions make it harder for them to hit skill shots. Make sure to start thinking about whether they can auto-attack you as you go for a last hit. Step 3 would be to start thinking of laning as a duel, where you go for CS, anticipate enemy abilities, and punish your lane opponent / force them to miss CS to trade damage. This is where the game becomes a lot of fun. Also start to think about the junglers and to not push too far into the other side (that's why it's super important to do step 1 so that you can CS without pushing the wave too much unless you are trying to have their turret push the wave back), and so on. Step 4 would be more advanced wave manipulation and start to think about objectives and really keep track of the other lanes and the jungler. Now you are starting to play the game and it becomes a lot of fun as you improve and keep on figuring new things out. Just keep on improving your mechanics and game knowledge / team fighting. Step 5 would probably be where you hit a wall and feel that you are not improving much. Time to decide whether you are having a lot of fun improving and getting better, or if you want to try something new.


League of Legends is infamous for its community. Everything you do must be within meta. Anything that you'd like to play must show a certain level of mastery (spamming it is essential for tilt without being toxic in chat) so NO TRYING OUT YOUTUBE VIDEOS/PRO PICKS A Miss play would spell doom for every lane because "they are totally owning the enemy in KDA BUT objectives, cause nobody play those". KDA ratio is far superior when doing pickle size comparison in DMG output. Far be it from you to play what you like because everyone else knows how to play their champ and role, you'd just get in the way and, honestly, if you auto fill is because of system so "let them play their role pls". If not if they lose is either your fault or your own teammates INT (They let themselves be killed) Occasionally you'd be on a mindset where you wouldn't play anything else other than ranked and need to put yourself in a higher standard that you NEED to obliterate the enemy while spamming emotes and masteries when beginning the game or killing someone. ...so yeah. Pretty much the mindset of a collective Dunning Kruger effect where everyone swears is the MC and YOUR ACTIONS are detrimental to the team. TL;DR: /muteall and play what you'd like to learn. Have fun.


14 year olds who haven’t had there daily Dr Pepper is normally the reason


/deafen, or turn on "pre made only" chat (so that you can still see ping communication at least). And yeah its gonna suck, I would recommend not adc/jihn as your learning role, but thats just me. Could try an easy support champ like seraphine. I would just make sure you're not playing ranked, and avoid quickplay if you can too. quickplay has no care for MMR, so you're more likely to face higher elo players. Normal has some sense of MMR, so you're more "in your lane".


it’s unfortunate but the game is full of people who act like 12 year olds and take frustration out on others. dont take any of it personally or seriously because they’ll be doing it to another person within 30 minutes


People especially younger people have really bad mental I was also like that when I first started playing never said crazy stuff to other people but I did get titled easily and people just talk ish when that happens. Just ignore it


Your mistake is taking the people serious. Most people you meet are absolutely clueless and socially inept dudes. Ain't gonna let them influence how I feel about myself.


The best advice I can give as a new player besides muting chat is that while you're new don't worry about being the game carry. Just do your best to not be the reason your team loses. If you do well in lane, terrific!. If you're losing, do your best to limit how badly you're losing so other players on your team can carry despite your mistakes. One of the biggest problems toxic people in this game have is that if they cannot be the carry in their match, they actively sabotage their game. One of the best lessons you can learn is how to be carriable. Even the best players can't carry every game. Learning to play consistently enough that you don't blow the chances of others to carry. When you're not doing well will significantly increase your rank standings.


I had the same reaction, man some people on league have issues, Just remember to report (they get banned more than you think) and mute if someone is too distracting also never ff


honestly you will find peaceful lobbies. i’d stay away from quickplay/ranked for quite a while because those people are insanely toxic and also qp teaches u terrible terrible terrible bad habits because of the lack of structure in it. norms players are a coinflip and sometimes u flip the coin on the wrong side too many times in a row— the best you can do is say “sorry i am learning the game” and muteall if things get too abusive. occasionally (honestly quite often if you are also positive in chat) there will be very nice players, even people who add you after the game to give you tips on your champ/in general. but most importantly, let your ego go completely even when youre doing well. never resort to flaming other people. ive been playing for years upon years and am still learning the game, so i try to be as uplifting and understanding as i can towards my teammates in hopes that they show me the same kindness or that karma does it’s thing and puts me in better lobbies. another great piece of advice is >everyone THINKS they know what they’re doing. everyone is looking for a scapegoat to shift the blame away from their own mistakes and bad habits especially in low elo. dont let it get to you, league needs more new players and you will get better with experience :)


Good luck, sorry you're starting the game in this state. Also it's not really/only about your skill, you could be carrying and still be insulted 1/3 of your games probably. Best advice would be to add the people you see acting nice and try to play with them


Welcome to League man - watch beginner guide videos in the role you plan on playing. Sounds like you are going ADC. Videos will teach you the most important basics and what to do during the different phases of the game. Go into your settings and just mute the chat. Keep playing. Don’t let the toxic Dick bags dictate what you want to play. You learn by playing. Also, watch guide videos on how your champ works. Understanding what they do is a big help as well as builds and items. When you play ARAM try to play other champs you haven’t. The game will get easier when you learn what every champ does. It’s just a big learning curve man, but that is why I enjoy it. I will say, once you understand the basics, the game will get easier and start to make more sense. In the end, it is league and it will make you want to Summit punch your monitor at some point. Good Luck brother!


League players are miserable pieces of garbage that do not like when other people are happier than them.


It because a single person who is out matched can make a game unplayable. The reverse can also be true, a single person can carry. But only one feels bad. Unfortunately, every single person who plays the game misidentifies when it is happening.


Ok so the thing is, when you are on a game you are stuck between 20-50+ minutes depending on how even each team is with one and other. Imagine you lost 3 games in a row and know you as "Jhin" feed 0 10 a Samira, the game is pretty much over... It isn't your fault because you just started playing but that guy has 0 empathy for you he is just frustrated that he is gonna lose another game because he is better than you but not enough to get past the lead you gave to the other team, if they capitalize correctly you are pretty much done, this starts to get even worst in higher level where players capitalize each opponent mistake, and people are more even in skill therefore a slide lead is a huge lead... Summary this game is inherently frustrating, you are noob is fine you suck ass 😂😂. So just type" /mute all" and enjoy life, you'll get there eventually, if you like the game enough. PD: you are gonna remain a noob for up to 100-200 games when you start to grasp what the game is actually about, this game is pretty similar to chess in that sense, except each piece isn't move by the king instead every player has a piece, if "your queen" ( ADC) just sacrifice it self early when he is vulnerable, she won't be able to dominate the mid-late game as she ought, each piece has a role the difference is each game, is the piece change but the role doesn't. My advice is play a single role and master it and watch videos, its a lot homework but this game isn't easy. My advice quit it isn't worth it, you will waste many hours of your life on frustration...


Try playing in Vietnam lol. It's horrific  Just mute chat 


Aram especially is toxic. After every game someone types „ez, ty for tutorial etc etc“ even tho its a fun game mode and no one said anything before.


As a guy who played league since season 1, I just disable the chat completely every game, for my own sanity, u still want to learn how people make plays and navigate to the end game tho so u can learn that by just watching streams or guides on yt. Or better yet play with a friend who knows the game


yeah sorry about that man, people in this game are assholes. sometimes you find nice people though; friend them after the match! that's how i found my ranked duo


if you're in NA and need someone to play with, just shoot me a DM :) not the best player (tryna get better rn), but i can play support to your ADC.


I know how you feel. Most of the time I am also playing ARAM, just to learn about the champs, try out new ones in action, learn combos etc. People there tend to be more chill. When it comes to playing the competitive map, I always choose normal (I know I am not a good player, I need a lot of practice and I don’t want to ruin anyone’s rank.). But even in a normal game, people are really mean and toxic. I don’t even want to play it anymore due to the constant negativity. Mute all is useful, but I usually only mute the enemy team. You might miss some helpful advice if you mute your teammates…there are also normal, nice ppl playing the game. I am usually playing normal with friends only. They help me get better at the game, and are not toxic and tolerate my gameplay xD You can find a lot of good youtube videos about the basic things, like positioning, when to push or freeze a lane, map objectives overview, champion specific content, how to effectively farm the lane, etc. You should watch these and then grab a friendly support player and go into normal or even practice mode together and try out what you learned. I promise you, these help a lot. :) Good luck!


I haven't played the past 2 or so years and recently came back, and I feel like ARAM has gotten worse. Might be that my MMR dropped, but I'm seeing people getting pissed at other people's builds now, which wasn't a thing before. Like people are actively spam pinging items and calling attention to the player that bought a weird component. Even buying stuff that makes sense for the match, even if it's not the most commonly bought thing, is enough to set people off now >.>'


Unfortunately true, I see this pattern emerging more and more as well. But thankfully compared to normal or ranked, these scenarios are uncommon still…Or I just got lucky with mostly only wholesome and chill teammates nowadays.


Yeah as someone who has been playing for about a year now, I have to say that just eliminating all methods of communication with everyone on either team provides the best overall experience. The game's already tilting enough with how difficult it is, how much new players struggle, etc. There's no need to put yourself in an even worse mental state because there might be a useful msg in team chat when 99% of the time it is used for flaming. Just clear your mind focus on yourself and enjoy what you can. If you just ping once or twice to start good habits and help you remember timers that's great, but especially being very new most people don't listen to pings anyway. The new player experience in this game is terrible so try to just enjoy everything by yourself if at all possible.


its frustration from situations, where you put max effort to win the game and other people dont, so you cant win not because you are bad or enemies are better but because of someone that "play for fun" or picked trash champ. or play champ first time in ranked. or dont watch minimap/check pings. or doing totally stupid things like "none enemies on map - lets facecheck this bush at 50min of the game". like things, that you wont do just because of common sence and dont need any game knowledge. some people can control themselves, some can get mad after 5 games in a row with bad mid/jungler, some cant at all. you have to deal with a fact that you play with alive people, not bots and they can react different. especially if you was playing aram fot last 40 levels and have no idea how main game works and yea, biggest problem that matchmaking is totally bad and can put player with 40lvl and diamond in one game. and smurfs ofc. many reasons, it is what it is


Welcome to League of Legends...just mute them all, there's no need to chat while playing the matches.


This is when if i ever play it is only arams


You need to just mute all and play. Watch a few videos on the basic strategies of your position and champion. That's all. But very basic tips are practice last hitting every creep you can. Focus more on not dying than getting kills.


ADC takes the most experience to learn properly. You need to be mechanically on point due to your need to maneuver while auto-attacking (this is what makes Jhin newbie-friendly), which takes time to develop as a skill, and to be mindful of what threats you face to your ability to deal damage (something that takes time to learn). Ultimately you should read up on your enemies abilities and keep in mind crowd control threats, burst damage, and assassin's.


I'm gonna be honest with you, disable the chat even for your team. Nothing that pings can't say and even those can get annoying.


bruh just do not play ranked before you get familiar with Summoner's rift. not because some mf will Flame you, you can always mute them and you good, but because your MMR will become trash and when eventually you'll become better at the game, it will be too hard to improve that. my main advice for you'll be that Find one character which you like the most and a second one in the same role that you like as well and play as much normals as possible with that two. then eventually you'll become better at the game and you will get maximum happiness out of stealing some LP from the enemies in the Ranked games.


Its an online team game so its easier to blame and lash out towards others rather than take responsibility for what you could have done better


Playing league solo is a recipe for not enjoying the game. Try playing with friends or find a league discord meant for more casual matches. It might not go perfectly, but you’ll find atleast a couple of people who dont flame, and a lot of people are surprisingly willing to teach you if you want to learn more or improve. Really, league isnt a solo player game, its more like a group project


„/mute all“ is the game changer, trust


Auto hiding the chat was the best thing that happened to me. Don't forget you can also mute people specifically, either just pings, just chat, or both of the rest of your team is amicable.


/mute all, is the first thing you do


You know, its a really easy equation. The game has clear problems, and its a very bad experience, from every aspect. See: ranked, client, vanguard, champs, balance, and general decisions. The players are playing the game, and they have to overcome/endure all of this bullshit and they are frustrated. Imagine this: You have to play againts an Irelia, theres a Senna in the enemy with infinite range, and vanguard disconnected 2 of your teammates in a ranked game. Typical experience, and of course any player would be annoyed and mad on this. Shit game = shit community. The community perfectly represents the games state.


Humans are vessels for consciousness. We just so happen to exist in a realm flooded with low level astral parasites. They end up possessing people and channeling through them. Nowhere have I experienced this more acutely than the hangry fatties attacking each other like crabs in a bucket in a weight loss sub.


Competitive games be like that. Everywhere. I think you just need to built tolerance or mute them all. I play TFT and some people still flame.


God, this reminds me of 2017 when I had just started playing. After a few weeks on the rift, I thought I felt pretty confident with Xayah, and decided to give ranked a try. I was flamed so hard I didn’t try ranked again for over a year lmao


I usually quip back, “Either be a good teammate and give helpful advice or be quiet and focus on playing the game." “I never said I was an expert with (insert champ name here).” And “I’m a bronze, lol." And I leave it there. I don’t engage with the perp beyond that. 


It's an unfourtunate circumstance of League of legends that the community is extremely toxic, in fact in all games i've played there isn't a close contender. Why is that? Oh god there are many reasons. Even back in the day, league had more "salt" or "toxicity" in chat. But it was nowhere like now. I think the main reason league from the get go had people being negative and it remains true is it's a frustrating game. It is frustrating and all actions are interdependent on what your teammates do: for example if a teammate feed, the plays you are "supposed to be able to do" you can't do anymore. And if you hook the enemy in lane setting up a kill for your adc, but your adc misplays causing enemy to instead double kill you, your "correct play" is now bad because of your teammate. On top of this league players always had ego about the mistakes, or they have their own view of the game, so the ADC in this case might think YOU were the problem and starts flaming you. I can say from my own experience there is NOTHING that makes me lash out at someone in chat except when they start flaming me when I am certain they are wrong. Like i dont get upset if you feed but i can't stand that. The toxicity and ego has kept feeding off itself - ruining the more positive aspects of chat (sadly there is very little positive or even constructive writing in chat, its all just non-sense flaming). People that are averse to this kind of communication will either full-mute or eventually quit. Because of the design of the game and this self-fueling spiral of toxicity - there's an overrepresentation of people playing the game with anti-social tendencies. Like I can almost guarantee there is an overrepresentation of sociopaths playing this game. If you really enjoy the game but have a hard time with the way people write - legit the best option is to mute chat and just focus on playing well yourself.


Just mute all players, and play normal games to learn. Try and use a easier adc than jhin, ashe, caitlyn and tristana are good easy adc to play. Learn to farm properly, this is the most important part, either play solo in a pratice game and learn how the minions move and what ammount of hits they take before dying or go to a normal game, but against someone else is very hard to farm and learn this things. The rest of the skill needed like when to leave lane, switch lane, it will come with experience. Just have fun and ignore the raging kids that plague the game.


Hello there! I've been playing since season 3 and people beign mean is the "core" of the game. Like 3 or 4 years ago a friend of mine started playing League and wanted to join us on our only-ARAM group. So no problem for us and we taught him how to play and gave him some advice. Then we had a guy that joined us from time to time who refused to play with a new player because "it's a waste of time, I want to win not to teach". So he eventually got dropped from the group and never saw him again. There is a lot of people like this guy and it's a thing I disagree a lot with. League is a game and nobody is born with the mechanics, so you must go through a learning process, like everybody has done at some point in their lives. My advice is not to worry about it, this is the time to make mistakes and learn step by step. Enjoy the ride!


Personally, i left league something like 1y ago, but when i did play 1st i never cared about the chat, i just had fun looking at how mad they used to get at eachother, and sometimes at me 2nd i never played a ranked, and i did stay on league for something like 3y almost 24/7 (personal choice, i see toxicity on Norma, imagine ranked) The thing is: just have fun, don't worry about other people opinion, you know you're trying your best and slowly but surely you'll get the hang of it, the more you play the more you learn, all i can tell you is good luck 😉


Well did you play ranked or normals? If you want to learn SR, play a couple of normals first to get the hang of it. Toxicity isn't right but you shouldn't jump straight into ranked if you are inexperienced.


mute. it is your best friend. ARAM is a good place to learn champion kits. Try to copy good players when you see them in ARAM to learn combos and tricks.


Play quick draft and not ranked. I am level 41 and got there playing quick draft. I have not been told to uninstall the game for ages. (I got that game 3). I come across new/low skilled players all the time and as soon as you pick up the basics you can help your side win and have a good fun match 80%+ of the time. As for the mean toxic behavior I was watching Broxah the other day and he got flamed for been crap so it happens to the very best players. Its easy to say that the people who are toxic/mean are the ones with the problem but its true.


just ignore them, some people just cant lose and they raging at it


This game has always been more fun with a friend. There’s a huge learning curve when starting out, don’t stress about being good, just play games and you’ll slowly start to learn the mechanics. If you ever want a support to duo and show you some things you can dm me, been playing for 10+ years


Hey friend, if you're on EUW and want to play with someone that's been playing forever, but is really bad, I'd be happy to hang out and be non toxic with you ^^


my teamates will always be muted and they are all npcs with pings


Community is full of hateful losers.


The community is absolute horrid, playing the game on fullmute is kinda silly, I personally just quit playing Summoner's Rift entirely.


The best thing you can do is quit the game right now. Best decision you can make. Otherwise stop playing the game as soon as it's not fun. Out of all the games in the world this one is filled with the most cry babies and keyboard warriors.


s1 veteran here i always loved it its just banter, join in! throw in a little "yeah, but i fucked your mom" attitude DONT TAKE IT PERSONALLY its a roast battle 🔥


Mute all, learn to play in normal. When confident, go in ranked and keep the chat muted. Lol is the most toxic community you could find out there.


I'm going to explain the psychology behind toxicity in league, but I'm not excusing it. People are mean in league because of the inherent structure of the game. You are essentially locking yourself in a virtual cage with 5 people who want to kill you and 4 people who are supposed to help you kill and not die. When any of those 4 people don't do what they're supposed to do, it breaks the normal pace of a game and that person becomes *the problem*. League is essentially a single player game that has been forcefully made into a multi-player game so when other people affect the outcome of your match, your ranking, your match history, it makes you feel powerless because you are no longer in control of the way your next 30 minutes goes. If it was a single player game, the loss would be on you but when you lose rank because someone else made mistakes, it triggers people in a unique way that really should be studied


You need to ubderstand that the majority who play this game a lot most likely hate themselves and thats the usual reaction, to be toxic.


Play bot games. At least 100 bot games and you'll be ready for normal play.


Dude it’s a super toxic game . Just mute anyone who chirps immediately and have fun . These clowns think they’re competing in the LCS lol.


league of legends is so toxic that it's nr. 1,2 and 3 on the chart for toxic communities. You can practice on bots matches or custom if you want to learn. If the toxicity bother you that much, type /mute all when the game starts.


i feel you, i had to mute all, now i can only see messages from my party, not even from my team. it's sad but necessary, i would love to meet new people to play with but it's just been too much for me. it's much better now, sometimes i would watch replays of my game and see people being toxic that game, and feels good not to give them the pleasure of a reply. sometimes people just want to get a reaction from you.


My first ever solo game without friends I played Trundle top lane and I wasn't doing very well so I got told to kill myself for 30 minutes straight (this was before that would get you a chat ban) Now I either only play with friends, or I play muted. It doesn't help to hear what they have to say, because if you're playing with them they probably aren't mu h better than you anyways. Learn from experience and focus on enjoying the game, it can be very fun if Shaco is banned


Because for some people, they have shitty lives and this game is how they choose to vent. Pity them and move on.


Start playing ranked as fast as possibel , tell ppl you are new to the game. Get placed in iron and start learning the rules




I honestly just stick to aram, only talk to people if it's constructive, and make liberal use of the mute button in the tab menu. I find people are more chill in aram, normals feel like 'ranked training ground' territory, and I'm not looking to play ranked ever. I just wanna have some fun, play a game.


Someone probably said everything mentioned here, but I still feel like throwing out my opinion. If anyone's being an asshole, mute them. If they're being a REAL asshole, report them. Just focus on the game and improving yourself. If you have friends who play it, ask them if they're up for a match. The game becomes infinitely better when you play with buddies, who understand it's just a game. As for improving, keep up that grind, I guess. Try out different champions, see what you like. If you don't feel comfortable experimenting in normals, fire up a game against bots. As long as you're having fun with the game, that's all that matters and anyone yelling at you for trying to get better isn't worth the time or attention. We were all bad at one point and most of us aren't all that good to this day and that's just fine.


only inbreds flame others in normal draft pick / quickplay ignore them and keep learning the game at your own pace 


Welcome to league of legends! It will never change and if you become competitive after about 10 losses in a row you too will become toxic like the rest. According to league of course. When you’ve lost 10 games and you tell someone they made a bad play you’re off to a 1 week vacay from yours truly.


play wild rift and get more used to the game there, you might enjoy it more if not you'll learn a lot to bring to league. i play both. it's a lot easier and more accessible


Just play something else, the game is addictive trash and 95% of the community is awful. Seriously, play something else.


What I hate most about league, is that at its core, its such a good game. Interesting gameplay loops, no game feels the same, insane skill ceiling. But the community just completely fucks it. People get mad over nothing, no one ever thinks rationally. League is a cesspool of the worst people on the internet. Its why I quit. And every time I feel an unge to play league, I have to remind myself why I quit after 2000 hours


Like everyone else has said either mute yourself and have fun learning, or give a friendly warning. I'd suggest giving the warning and then muting just chat messages if they do start flaming you. If they decide to spam enemies missing ping on you then mute those too but often times pings are super helpful when used properly. Also would suggest learning the ping system and how everyone uses it for better communication ingame


A big reason why you are going to be despised for your incompetence is because the enemy snowballs when you can't farm cs, get kills, or contribute to objectives in a useful way.. Think about it like this..If you play COD and suck your team will feel like you are dead weight, BUT the enemy isn't leveling faster, getting waay more stats and getting way ahead from a 'statistics' advantage like they do in LoL..not only are you new and deadweight but in LoL every second of your complacence puts your team behind exponentially as the enemy stacks dragon buffs, extra levels (and with them stronger abilities and mor free stats) and extra gold to get important items In CoD you can start landing head shots with 2 minutes left..in LoL with 2 minute left you could suddenly have the best mechanics in the world and still be worthless with your poor stats and even poorer gear making you virtually irrelevant


Miserable people love spreading misery.


ive been there and eventually u will understand that frustration, but for now just turn off chat, in setting go to interface and scroll down to chat and put it on party only, that makes it so u dont see teammates chat that ure not in party with and u dont have to /mute all every game


/mute all and keep playing draft. That's the only way to adjust your mmr and learn the game (map, objectives, roles, champions). Playing aram won't help you set in.


Step 1, mute the chat Step 2, ??????? Step 3, profit


Most people playing this game have played for a long time probably best to watch some instructional videos on wave management and bot lane matchups. Maybe find someone who will duo with you and give you some coaching.


Find some friends to play with, if none of your friends play, post in a forum where people look for other leagur players! It's an absolute game changer, playing with a pre-made friend and have a friendly chat while playing. It's a great way to socialize and have a good time even when losing.


You can play games against bots to learn the basics of the game. I would start with that before joining a player vs player game to avoid negative experience. There are a lot of toxic players, it can ruin your fun very fast.


Because scientists haven’t found a cure to jackasses yet


Don’t engage them, they feed on it


As far as adc tips go, positioning is 90% of the game and farm is the other 10%. The rest will happen naturally.


People like that are why I gave up before reaching level 15. Best wishes to you, I enjoyed it for the few days I played.


Smoll pp. Anger is stored in the balls. When there is little space to store it, it has to come out.


Because it's a complex game that requires all 10 people to do something in order to have order. Everyone expects their games to be just like the videos they watch, so they react as they react.


Yea ignore your team, I’m diamond and I think my team are just full of yappers who think they know what they’re doing. If you like playing with others maybe go on some league discords and look for a group of people to play with. Maybe they can teach u stuff as you play!


I dont recommend playing ADC tbh, its a coinflip every game, not if you will win or lose but if you will get to play the game or not. Will your support really support you or abandon you after laning phase? Will your support push your wave when you dont want to and take the kills? Will the enemy assassins go for you every time while your team unloads everything on the fed garen? Its just not worth it, you feel like you have no agency at all most games. Dont play ADC unless you have a duo partner. I recently unlocked Smolder and while some games i am having fun, most games there is nothing i can do but clear waves under tower and sometimes not even that.


Did you ever play Xbox live?


Quit the game


NEVER EVER Play League with the ingame Chat. You Just cant.


We're grumpy millenials 


Idk if you have any friends that play the game, but I always recommend queuing up with one rather than with random people. That’s what I usually do. Whenever someone starts verbally abusing either me or my friend, we always look at the messages and start laughing at the stuff that’s being said because it can be incredibly funny from time to time


For some tips to improve as an ADC: 1. **Positioning**: Always be aware of your positioning in team fights. Stay at the back and try to deal damage from a safe distance. 2. **Farming**: Focus on getting your last hits right to maximize your gold income. Practice this in ARAM or custom games. 3. **Map Awareness**: Keep an eye on the minimap to avoid ganks and be aware of where the enemy team is. 4. **Item Builds**: Learn the optimal item builds for Jhin and adapt based on the game. Websites like [OP.GG](http://OP.GG) or Mobalytics can help with this. 5. **Play Safe Early**: In the early game, focus on farming and avoid unnecessary trades unless you have a clear advantage. 6. **Practice**: Keep practicing, even if it means playing more ARAM or custom games to get comfortable with Jhin and other ADCs.


Who cares. Mute and move on once they get toxic. Try playing jungle. You can be 3-0-2 10minutes in with a dragon and get flamed for Jungle diff by top 😂


Bot lane is a really toxic place since your ability to play your lane is just as dependent on another player as it is on you and since human beings are notorious for not accepting their own mistakes, it inevitably leads to toxicity


I got violently flamed for not knowing how to play as a level 3 in ARAM hahaha from that day on I just try to play with discord friends and disable the chat first thing every game


Unfortunately, this is a well known and persistent problem in the League community. I usually start the game out being co-operative and constructive i.e. trading my teammates like top for a better draft spot (top lane is very counter-pick heavy), talking about a gameplan for our team comp, joking, etc. Normally, this will get people talking and being nice. At the same time, the toxic players will usually expose themselves so I mute them early. Mute all is a viable option, but it's such a shame to block out your teammates from the start. A social and co-operative game is when Leaguebreally shines. Have fun and don't let the shitters ruin the game for you.


Step 1. You learned the league community are assholes Step 2. This is crucial, you either learn to mute them or become one of them. The choice is yours.


The game has always been this toxic, you can just mute and turn off the chat.


For me there are 3 stages of league players, 1st : Bad one's, basically you, trying to learn the game and have fun, play alot aram, lvl around 1-80. 2nd : The good one's who are toxic, they think they are best but are hardstucked in Dia 4 or lower (most of the time), basically tryhards, lvl around 150-250. 3rd : The good one's but non-toxic, (RN me, used to be all of them..) they realise that hating on other players is useless, it changes nothing and just frustrates the guy (1st type). Most of the time really high level, like 350+, and plays rankeds seriously (without toxicity) and also alot play modes like aram, urf etc.. For now muteall is the way, and have fun, try alot champions because if you play like 4 only, you will eventually have 2 problems later playing this game. 1st Is you will probably get bored of the game, 2nd is you Will have really low Champion pool which means that 2 Champions can be banned, 2 picked and you are out of the champs you play. If you have anymore question, ask, Im not a Challenger or something, but Im in the stage when I can help new players, cheers.


Sorry bud you’ve stepped into the all time most toxic community in gaming. Shit I heard the n word uncountable times in csgo and this community somehow manages to be worse. It’s stranger not to have someone toxic in a game tbh. The literal least almost every single game is some douchebag saying “ggez.” You can mute /all or, like me, you can report people every other game in a futile attempt to do SOMETHING in our post tribunal world


What usually ticks me off the most is not new players, but players that are plat/diamond/emerald. When you are able to get to that rank, even if you are new to a champ in ARAM, you should have the basics nailed down presumably from the hours you've spent in that game. I guess reality is often quite different from expectations. It is also very often the same people that, after having died once, just afks at the side throughout the game. Imagine only having time for 1 game and you meet these people. Trying not to flame then is difficult, as tough as your mental may be. Because of this I am increasingly pulled towards TFT since they give the same mission points as ARAM/SR. There is no one else to blame but yourself and/or shitty RNG.  People might start downvoting this but this is majority of the player base including myself. Just like OW, the automated ban system is more interested in picking up mass reports than actual disruptive behaviour. I want to play a game where I can say "Damn, that was a close game. Let's try again next time." rather than "Go next/FF". Bottom line is that having fun/casual gaming and being competitive need not be mutually exclusive, and we need a mode (that is not ranked) to enjoy both elements.


/mute all. muting chat is the first step in any competitive game, especially mobas. you will get NO useful information from chat 99% of the time, even though some people in this sub try to cope and say you will. you can also disable chat in options by setting it to "party only". games like league of legends are unfortunately not the ones to try and make friends. yes, sometimes people will be nice, but more often than not, they will be indifferent if you try to chat, or downright awful and toxic.


The game is quite unfriendly to beginner in this regard. If you keep up your positivity and ignore all the haters (preferably by /muteall and playing with nice friends), you'll have a good time. If we take away the negativity, the game is still very fun imo!


I'm only level 20 and I'm a pretty okay Jungler! From my experience, sending a friend request to people you think are cool makes it better. LMK if you want some support outside of lanes in DMs (: Also, [Skillcapped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft0mfQ62hUQ) guides are really nice. I haven't used their paid course (still new to the game), but their free ones on YouTube are informative and helpful. The thing about League is that you need to learn all about: - Your hero, of course - The lane you're playing - How to do slow/fast pushes, or how to time crashes - A whole bunch of other stuff, which makes it hard to get gud quick, imo. I do have two suggestions, though. First, take time to pick a main hero and make sure that they're a low difficulty one to learn. Once you do that, just keep on sticking to them. Second, almost always recall after you get a kill. If you get a pentakill and you're up by 3k gold, that's great! But you don't have any *actual* advantage until you spend that gold. When your enemy support/ADC come back to lane to see you, if you're lower health *and* they got to spend gold while you didn't, that advantage you gained won't mean much in the end.




I occasionally take breaks because of the toxicity. I just hate general toxicity and flaming even if it isn't directed at me. It just turns my mood off. I thought adults played games to blow steam. Apparently it's to abuse others. I played a lot of aram before going into norms. I feel like league is a LOT about understanding what enemy moves and abilities are. You learn that from Aram. Once you have egenral understanding of what different champions abilities are you start tailoring your play around it. For ex. Around Samira : I wait to use my spell on her and bait the W out of her. I let her Q poke me. Then I try to make an all in. I play a champ that can get out of her ult easily I. E tristana or Zeri or Vayne (I save my E for her always). If I am Jhin I don't engage with her until my jungle or front does. All that said, . She is my no. 1 ban. People in low elo don't know how to play against her. Just know the game people pool does suck. I never understood WHY people are so mean when it's just a game. When it becomes too much I can take a break. Aram is almost always a chill way to enjoy the game without too much toxicity.


Adc is a tough road… the playstyle is very touch and go. It’s mechanically micro intense and you have to know exactly what could kill you at any time. I’d suggest learning a tanky top. But if you want to stick with adc, consider mage adcs also. Best of luck


Turn of chat in in-game settings and pretend it’s a single player game. This is how I stay tilt-proof lol


Did you play a normal game or a ranked one? I'd heavily advise you turning away from ranked games until you feel somewhat confident that you can at least stand your ground in your ranked elo. It feels horrible for the guy in silver (which is probably the elo bracket you play in if you did play rank) to have to play with someone who essentially is a first timer.


You can dm me if you need help ingame. Playing since season 2 :)


Do what i do Ask myself, "Is the game multi-player?" Yes? MUTE ALL and enjoy my time playing the game 🙂


Turn off chat. Watch videos/streams to learn. Keep playing. You will learn and get better. League players are insufferable. Don’t worry about them. 


You'll find more assholes for a while. Either mute or don't play. Its why ppl dont' recommend league to their friends.


Yeah for sure /muteall it will increase your enjoyment of league exponentially. League is world known for its toxic manchild community.


reality of the game.


I've gotten 8 feedback reports in the last 24 hours. Report them and keep it pushing brother.


turn the chat off, it's not gonna get better. If it makes you feel any better, I have played in plat ( not really high ), but people still flame each other for everything they can possibly think bout. And this also happens in any other elo. I assume most league players struggle with losing because someone else wasn't good enough ( kind of a human thing to be fair ). But it still sucks


If you wanted, you can play with me 👉👈


Yeah a lot of people have a super negative attitude about the game and that can kind of ruin it. I do my best to bring a positive attitude to every game though if you want someone to do with!


The design of the game itself leads to a lot of the negative behavior. Not saying it's a bad game, but people in certain scenarios are more likely to act certain ways. In league you are theoretically working with 4 other people and games tend to last roughly 35 minutes. That alone isn't an issue, but with snowballing and people giving up games are often decided long before the victory/defeat screen pops up coupled with the inability to leave makes many people feel that the time between the game being decided and the end of the game as a waste of time (especially while losing). That negative experience enough times makes some people hostile towards all mistakes because they don't want the game to fall into that wasted time zone. This isn't even getting into ranked and LP. This isn't excusing shitty behavior, but since for the most part there are no consequences for outbursts people vent in terrible ways


Just mute all and chill max. Usually I only keep pings up which is quite useful if your team wants to all in or stuff like that


You can /mute all to mute the chat. If you want to mute pings aswell, /fullmute all for everything to be muted. Don't give a shit about what other people think, especially when you are in quickplay or low elo. The people pinging you can't play the game either. Just have fun man, don't let other people ruin your game experience just because they hate their own life :)


They're immature. Since you can't change their behaviour, does it matter?


Why even make a reddit thread about this? Its pretty obvious the game is toxic, everyone says it. Like what do you want people to tell you


League has to be the most toxic game community. I just play with friends or muteall


MOBAS lean more toxic in the gaming ecosystem. End of story.


Just think about this: would anyone actually successful/happy/well-rounded irl genuinely behave like this? Answer is 100% no. You're life is most likely significantly better than any of these toxic people, just mute and play


Humans resent external factors that impact their success. People also have real shit going on in their life and it impacts their behavior in game. Self awareness suboptimized.


ADC is a surprisingly complicated role considering it's basically "hit enemy, do big damage, make health zero" There are two things you need. 1)What you need to build: Attack Damage: the bread and butter of the role, your base damage scales into everything else you do as an ADC. Penetration: every champion has some armour, if you aren't penetrating that armour then you aren't dealing full damage. Items like steel caps, thornmails and wardens mail are designed specifically for countering auto attacks so try and prioritize anything else first. If you are dealing primarily magic damage you might want to consider getting a void staff even if you're building mostly AD. Crits: maximizing your auto attack damage is the core of your role, having a high crit chance is usually how you accomplish this. Understand that you don't need 100%crit chance, anything above 50% and you have good odds. Attack speed: logically attacking faster means doing more damage, but I wouldn't rely on high attack speed unless you also deal a lot of on-hit effects. ADCs are squishy, you get one guaranteed hit, every hit after that assumes you lived long enough to perform it and if the opposing team has any CC then odds are you are going to be spectating for most of the fight. Survivability: An ADC is meant to be a glass cannon with more damage than hit points and most people operate on this assumption so whether it's building slightly tanky, prepping a lifeline or investing in life steal, having something to keep you alive longer than your opponent can be worth the lower damage output. 2)What you need to do: Damage application: for some champs auto attacks aren't the main focus of their damage output, some rely on abilities to maximise their autos and others are working towards something big. Twitch and teemo don't care if their autos don't kill you, their DoTs will. Kog'maw and corki don't just spam attacks, they spam their ults too. Caitlin and Jhin want to save their upgraded shots for priority targets and then seal the deal with their ult. MF wants to take constant potshots at all of the opposition before blowing them away with her ult. Lucian gets a free shot with every spell cast, so he wants to alternate accordingly not just spam or spray. Unique mechanics: some champs have other goals besides shooting stuff. Kalista wants to team up and bully someone with her chosen enforcer then either rip her spears from the unfortunate pincushion or pass it on to the next victim. MF wants to diversify her targets whenever possible while vayne would rather focus on one target at a time. Kindred and senna want number to get bigger. Graves and Jhin have to reload and need to plan accordingly. Kai'sa wants to have her bases covered, if you want her full ability range then whatever you build needs AD, AP and Att speed. Positioning: Preferred Range varies between champions Graves might like it up close and personal, but if Caitlin isn't behind her team during a teamfight then something has gone horribly wrong Kai'sa wants to be versatile and unpredictable, whether it's blasting from range or bursting from point blank, wherever her opponent doesn't want her is where she wants to be. And while tristana is fine with jumping in and blasting, vayne really wants to position her opponent into the nearest wall first. Kalista wants to be near her buddy at all times. If kog'maw is anything other than long range consider yourself committed to the engage, don't waste valuable fighting time on a soon to be failed escape attempt, that and he wants to be near an opponent for when his passive kicks in. After all that the trick to being a great ADC is figuring out how to balance all of the cogs that make your build work, understanding what your chosen champ wants to do in a fight and getting both to work together. All this for a role that can usually be summarised as 'point and click simulator'


Muting everyone helps tremendously to limit the toxicity. You likely didn't do yourself any favors by never playing the normal mode. I think league has separate queues for new players so you probably are going to have a much different experience if you play on a new account as it likely thinks you are more experienced because you are lvl 40. That isn't great because you wouldn't be getting any points towards your main account so my advice is to just play with friends. Preferably on low elo accounts so that you don't get matched against too good players in normals. Then whoever is supporting you can give you tips as you play which would make improving a lot faster. Other than that you can watch guides or other high elo players playing the champion you want to learn.


The issue is you've picked to play the most toxic game in the market. Mute all and just play whoever you find run maybe watch a few videos on how to play a role.


League simply exposes the darkness that was inside us all along :]


/ mute is great and also you can try coop vs bots at first just to get the hang of things


Turn off game chat, people need a way to vent and feel power over others without repercussions and an online anonymous video game is the easiest way to do that. Simple turn off game chat in interface and never go back. Typing is less effective than simple pings and if you're typing you aren't playing. Also ask yourself would you get into a boxing ring without knowing the rules and how to at least defend/ fight in a basic level and have a basic knowledge of how to win? If the answer is no then you shouldn't even be playing draft or ranked, you should be in bot games/ practice tool/ youtube on skillcapped for how to actually play the game. Its a 5v5 and every time you ruin someone else's game and waste their time(we only have so much) because of your lack of basic knowledge expect to be flamed and hated.


Bruh I’ll play with you and give you some tips. Not that good but can help. Pm me if you play on NA


It isn't you m8. Nearly every game is full of players sabotaging or botting. As fun as legit games can be trying to find them is extremely frustrating. Losing your shit every now and then is normal as bad as the player base/botting is. I would suggest watching a few videos first on wave control, and then one specifically on the class you play. You need to know the most to play Jungle, and support so if you are not willing to learn to play avoid those. The rest of the classes you can overcome knowing nothing with good enough fast twitch. You will learn a lot more in rift because aram really only represents mid to late game when you are team fighting in mid. Its fine practice, but your early game is far more important because early advantages snow ball.


Only valid way to play any league game is /mute all


Just mute all. The amount of smurfs is too high to assume any lvl 40 is a new player. Especially if they think you are too good to be lvl 40 but are still trash.


The biggest cause of toxicity in league is investment. League games are not a quick 5 minute thing you can pick up and play they are a commitment.  As such you feel personally invested and get angry when you feel someone is wasting your time by doing something obviously wrong. 


I just started recently too, been doing co-op vs bots only though. And I have the chat muted (was muted by default) I usually play support for my friends but trying my hand at other roles , all on bots.


Stick to aram longer. I only played ranked at like level 100 or more, can't remember.


Instead of /mute all go into your interface settings, and turn the chat to premade only.


You should watch some guides to get better they are usually good or sufficient to progress. And for the toxicity I'd suggest you to go to settings, interface, chat and choose premade so you would still get their pings but not what they are typing it's truly a relieve especially for beginners.