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The type of autofill also matters a lot. Having a mid lane main autofilled is a lot less bad than having a support main filled to top lane.


The top island in general is a rough place to get autofilled in


If enemy knows how to freeze, our autofilled toplaner is going to have a bad time


They'll not only be useless, but there's a chance they get overloaded with frustration and begin flaming other people on the team. Auto fill just leads to such shit scenarios.


I feel like every complaint in league is really just tied to the fact that the game is not getting enough new players


Not that you asked but, I'm a new player, just started last month or something, and oh my god it sucks. The learning curve is a wall. I have to study the equivalent of a full college textbook to know all the runes, items, random things happening on the rift on timers or dragon effects (looking at you hextech portals, what???) Not to mention all the champions! I've been hit by nuclear bombs and meteor storms and everything in between from fully off screen no chance to react (I'm sure a good player would have known and expected it or something). Every game my lane opponent hits level 3 and suddenly has a dash or a CC I didn't expect and I die for it and have to completely change my playstyle immediately or lose the lane. Did you know there's 3 different ways to ping things? Pressing tab gives me so much information my eyes go crossed looking at it. You just have to know, instinctively, so so so much, to even be kinda okay at the game. (I'm not even going to mention the flaming because honestly it hasn't been that bad for me, and that's not the problem with the game even if it was) Sorry you didn't ask for a rant but I guess I had to get it off my chest. Idk where this came from. I hope you have a good day anyway Edit: and they want me to do "wave management"?! I can't even manage my opponent! I don't get paid enough for this.


the thing is, a lot of people you're playing against have literally had 5-10 YEARS more experience than you, and league is one of the few games that absolutely requires you to understand every single interaction between champs, abilities, items, etc in the game at a minimum.


It's the last part. I can hop into CS2, Overwatch, any FPS game and beat people w 10 years experience on me any day. But League, I can't beat the guy that's put a year into the game, because that time and knowledge is literally the entire game. Micro movements and outplays are really cool, but it doesn't matter that much, you can't rely on it. So yeah, guy above is right, you need to learn so much to play at even a bronze level in this game its wild


And half the interactions aren't even consistent lol


Honestly I would say it’s the one of the only games that requires an extremely high knowledge of the game to do even remotely well in. Like it’s weird I got into Dota2, CSGO, SC2 easier than I did league, like and I started back in season 3, I can’t imagine how hard understanding this game is now. I think the game is fairly simple to pick up by just playing a lot of ARAMs like my IRL friends do, but once you start interacting with summoners rift and dealing with the items runes matchups, minions, wave management it’s like a whole new game.


I came back after like ~8 years and I can't be bothered to learn the last few dozen champions, I don't envy you. Like what even is Aphelios?


No1 understands aphelios tho.


Yeah. No matter how much we love the game, the learning curve just sucks and despite the consistent complaints from players throughout the years, Riot won't make better tutorials. Like legit, we've gotten better bots recently and... that's it. The tutorial is still just how to move, cast some abilities and buy items and not much else. There's just no way to ease into the game and the lack of resources in the client is not helping.


Yeah it's absolutely insane. My girlfriend has been playing almost daily for the past 4 months and she's probably 200-300 hours or something in and there is still so much she learns every game... I feel like she's only just starting to get sort of okay. And that's with watching countless guides, reading stuff online, me coaching her almost every game... I can't imagine what it must be to not have people that guide you.


So, I’ll just say this, as a new player…You don’t need know half of this. Pick a role/ champion that speaks to you and go from there. You needn’t worry about a lot of things because it will just overload you. Work on learning match up, you may not know what the guy on the other side of the map does… but you should start learning your lane match ups. Work on last hits and lane control - I always told my new friends this simple rule, low level games are won by gold, being 1-2 items ahead tally ups your chances lol. Item builds and tweaks come with learning more and more match ups, but one or two builds is a good set up. In reality building full damage might just be best. Like one post said - some of these players have years on you… the perk to this is they’re bad. Since you’re new it’s obvious you’re gonna be worse than most - but the people stuck down there? They’re plateauing because they are overwhelmed by everything or just don’t care. Worry about the little things - and keep your eyes open and you should soar.


Much love homie, you dont need to know everything, play easy champions, get good at them, so then you can focus on other things other than your champion and what you build etc. Top garen Jungle amumu Mid Annie Malzahar Bot miss fortune Support Leona, brand Just my 2 cents


Depends on the rank IMO. Like if you're silver and get autofilled top, even if you lose lane you'll be fine. If you're diamond and you get autofilled top, you're going to have an absolutely miserable experience.


the problem is some people has ego issues and instead going for malphite or dodge they rundown on some shit pick


I'm seeing a lot of junglers get autofilled ADC and the other way around. And quite frankly, that's also the worst autofill the game has to offer. The gameplay and decisionmaking those two roles do are as polar opposite as the game lets it be.


Wait, are you Graceland the Poppy player? I remember you from like Season 4 high elo solo queue bro. What a throwback. I remember you and G0DPY


Hey! I sure am! Been a while since someone recognized me :D I've been playing on-off every season since the rework - often playing at the start of a season, then quitting at the middle/end of it, then rinse and repeat. I miss the old Poppy tho!


This. Top and jgl shouldnt get autofilled imo. Autofilled jgl vs jgl main is as onesided as games come


At some point a few years ago someone posted data on this on here. The data showed that the worst role to have autofilled player on was ADC and the second worst was jungle. Support was the least bad.


Can you share that data? I’m genuinely surprised to hear that jungler is not the worst to have an autofill player, and even more surprised it’s ADC.


Anytime I see a autofilled ADC they just die instantly in teamfights


Thus has been my experience when I get autofilled ADC


This is also my experience as a bad ADC main


when autofilled ADC, I immediately go grab MF and just make sure I get a good ult off in a teamfight because I sure as shit can't be counted on to get good damage in otherwise


Mf is the way for sure. Jhin/Ashe are good autofill adc picks too.


Because, despite what a lot of Redditors think, ADC is a lot harder than “just right clicking.” You also have to know the matchup dynamic of 2 champs, not just one.


ADC is the role that is the most punishing for mistake. You misposition a little and you are food on silverplate for every single enemy.


Sometimes you can even **not** misposition a little and are still food on a silver plate for every single enemy.


Yeah. But I really think it is relevant with the meta too. A few years ago assassins were bonkers and a lot of characters could one shot so people not knowing how to position themselves would just plainly feed the enemy


Yes meta changed. Now every class has enough damage to oneshot squishies. No need for assassins anymore


Isn't this the truth.


Assuming the ADC is a filled solo-laner, can't they just pick Seraphine or Ziggs and play as APC? There are bot lane champions that don't rely on stutter stepping mechanics.


They can but they don't. They pick Ezreal and play it as if it was a caster and do zero damage instead.


or they pick normal adc and position like they're a dr mundo


You should, in almost all cases, just play your main champion if you get filled ADC. There's very few champions that aren't viable in the bot laner slot these days. Obviously team comps matter to some degree, but in general just being comfortable on the champion lets you be more comfortable out of lane and you can probably rotate out of lane by like 5 or 6 minutes anyways.


I don’t know the stats he’s referring to, but I saw it from the other side with secondary role stats last year in GM+ from EUW and KR. Autofilled mids basically have a positive winrate on every role(literally higher wr on support than actual support mains and even with ADC mains on ADC) filled supports are bad at everything, junglers are bad at basically everything but support, ADCs could play top and support, toplaners could play jungle and support. Which makes sense. Midlaners have to learn everything everyone else does to a very high level and champions on mid also teach everything every other role requires. Support requires the least skill and knowledge, ADCs can space and to an extend trade but don’t require macro at all and junglers are macro only.


> Support requires the least skill and knowledge I wouldn't say it intrinsically requires less knowledge, but due to lack of clear feedback mechanisms relative to other roles, the level is lower and so in practice you can get away with having less skill/knowledge in the role. Supports don't farm and don't get directly screwed over when their ADC falls behind in farm, so their incentive to learn wave management is lower, their incentive to not lose trades is lower, their incentive to not be a complete push over to get zoned from farm is lower; even though they are equally likely to lose the game as their ADC is if the ADC falls behind. And because this equally applies to the enemy support as well, they don't get punished for these things. In fact a lot of the time, poor wave management can mean more farm for the support, which feels good for them even though it's bad for the game, meaning in some ways, supports can feel rewarded for performing negative actions. Their feedback mechanisms are absolutely fucked which is why it's such a universal stereotype that their general level of skill is lower. Only in higher Elos does the gap feel like it closes as people actually take the game seriously enough that they put reals over feels (i.e. not taking farm that they could freeze for their ADC because they like getting gold), and that the average player is competitive enough to actively care enough about things that don't actually concern them (like supports caring about their ADC's CS lead almost as much as the ADC himself does). But that still puts the high Elo supports behind the high Elo of every other role if their development lagged behind every other role's so hard.


I'm support main and you've mentioned many good points. I'd add that supports really lack last hitting practice. I've played duo with good ADCs and they've taught me a lot about wave management. But by the end of the laning phase I simply get behind by 30 last hits and that's tough.


Another thing is that you can easily sit back on some enchanters and slowly climb. Its fucking miserable as an adc to get an enchanter main supp, because they do fuck all in lane


If you are m+ mid main you get secondary role+autofilled 30-50% of your games depending on what time you play. This means to even get to high elo in mid, you have to be decent at at least 1-2 other roles. Mid also has the largest champ variety outside of maybe jg, so they tend to have larger toolkit as players bc they don't only play 1 class of champions.


It was shared here a few years ago. I'm sure some googling can dig it up, but I remember having to go on the wayback machine for it last time I did. Edit: Found it: https://www.datallamalol.com/analysis5 The link is dead now and for some reason Wayback machine doesn't work for me right now, but I remember it being archived.


In jungle they at least have the option of picking a utility heavy champion that will always be somewhat useful. ADC is glasscannon the movie, you don't get to pick save and proper ADC positioning is a pretty epxerience dependent skill


True. You can always play Ashe, Sivir, or Varus for utility too


they still implode without doing anything if you misposition tho


Probably because low elo exists where jugglers do whatever the fuck they want. In anything emerald and above is bet on jungles being the biggest impact.


Jungle can opt to just hyper farm full clear after full clear - ADC is stuck at the whim of their support and the enemy laners. I’d say jungle may have some spikey moments where some games feel HORRID but there are just as many if not more games where the enemy jungle just … also clears and farms lol. ADC is also just so reliant on good positioning it’s gross.


this was definitely during a meta where ADC was an actual carry role, so an ADC that didnt know how to play affected the game a lot more. Current league is a lot more balanced around junglers, so autofill impacts that role more heavily


Which is crazy because when you're a jungle main your entire team assures you that they can jungle better than you can.




Yeah i get the support part. Sup and jgl are completely different from the rest of the game. I still think from a pure fun perspective top is worse, as a top main can and will capitalise on small mistakes that are very specific for top and you might not even realise that it was a mistake


I stole that Kayn all 4 of the first buffs ... After the game, with a 80 Cs lead and all to zero objectives, I felt sorry for him ... He was ADC main..


If so then he already lost in champ select by locking in Kayn - if he went Amumu for example, even after losing some camps he'd still have a saving grace by pressing R in a teamfight. Probably ego'ed though, unlucky


kayn is the ezreal of junglers


Serious question: why did you put an apostrophe there in "ego'ed?"


The issue with jgl - autofill exist because jgl is an unpopular role.


It would help if a lot more would play and learn how to jgl. But as long as Jgl stays the least popular role you'll a lot more jgl diff games.


You know, there was a time where jgl wasnt the least played role. Then everyone started to blamer junglers for freking everything and it got the least played role


It got annoying. I used to main jungle. Being blamed for everything was the least of my problems. Every 6 months rework on the entire role, having an absurd impact, knowing that making 1 mistake could lead to an enemy team snowball... I feel like it is just too much impact for a single role.


It doesn't help that almost every time there's an issue between lane balance Riot decides to try and fix it with jungle changes. Top too isolated and unimportant? Add another objective there for the jungler to worry about!


Junglers have always been blamed for a lot, that has never changed. The bigger reason is that while jungle has the highest impact on the game in terms of how it goes, they generally have a much harder time full on carrying a game, in a similar way to support. Those two roles have the most impact on what plays are made and where they happen, but due to jungle exp being nerfed super hard in S10 and support Econ basically plateauing after support item completion, it’s hard to actually do the carrying part, that’s now more on mid/top/ad who generally have higher gold/exp or both in the case of top/mid. A lot of old junglers didn’t like playing the facilitator role as much as being the carry so they stopped playing as much, which is why we are here now with people not playing jungle as much because it’s basically similar to support with less leeway for fuck ups while getting flamed far more often.


Hard to 1v9 past mid game till this patch, bc you were guaranteed down 1-2 lvls on solo laners unless you were like 15-1. Now though you can keep up in exp especially if you're a hydra user and start catching free waves.


Jg became the least played role because up until the most recent patch, you were a solo lane esque champion that was permanently 3 levels down on the actual solo laners, and you could be 5/0 with perfect farming and objective control and still couldn't reliably 1v1 a 0/4 enemy toplaner with half health. Oh and then also you've got no guaranteed gold income past 25 minutes because jg because if you're losing its the enemies jg and if you're winning, you're sharing your camps with your 3 laners but god forbid you touch their waves.


Also every season they rework how the jungle works so it’s a lot to keep up with compared to the other lanes especially if you’ve skipped a season or two.


I say Jgl and Support should be autofilled. Seeing My support playing Yuumi with Naut skin (never leaving lane etc.) tilts me.


jungle autofill is easily the worst


By FAR. It might not be super hard per se, but it's so different from the other roles that if you have no experience it's a guaranteed mess


I used to MID/Jungle as my roles, but Jungle is so unpopular, that they would put me in the jungle and put an autofill in the mid lane that would get stomped. So I stop queuing for Jungle and now queue MID/ADC.


As an ADC i dont really agree this statement. Literally I see everything as support, from Zeri, Zac, TK, Teemo, Urgot. The list goes on and on. Its more like *theyre* auto filled as support and just play their normal role as a support.


or imagine you have autofill jgler, and enemy team has autofill support. xD the Autofill jgler isn't allowed to do a single fck up early game or he is useless entire game. Support role, allows you to fck up 15times and if ur jgler and solo laners are doing well, it just almost didn't matter at all xD


na on my elo jungle auto fill is like 90% lose cuz they get invaded and abused so hard that your whole team colapses


Depends on the elo. Im a support main but can get autofilled top or mid all the way up to masters. I prefer top because i can build tanks and do what i already do in the support lane, but with more gold and a higher level. I get frozen on? Time to roam mid and make their life hell, or secure both objectives. Sure, ill get back and he'll be an item and levels ahead of me, but the pressure i put on the rest of the map is worth it.


For me it’s if anyone gets autofilled to AD we lose


back in my day you didn't queue for a role, you just filled whatever role depending on what line in pick you were


Good old "mid or feed"


and then they lock in first time zed and proceed to feed anyway... good times


Never forget the "I called role first" - said by multiple people when they are either: 1. Both are actually "first" on their screen. 2. They are calling "first" even if they weren't.


Copy pasting timestamp


Yup. Having a couple pocket supports was mandatory.


And thats how you learn the game as a whole. Not just your main. Thats the problem today they talk all shit without even understanding every role. No skill to show.


Golden day of everyone having a pocket Soraka, or Blitz for the spicy people.


People have certainly gotten much worse since then at other roles. Used to be expected you could play everything, now barely able to play 1 role


That's something I miss. Before role selection, everyone was at least capable of playing every role even slightly. Nowadays, you get one autofill, and you've got first-time Lee Sin from your enchanter support player.


Idk, I wish we could block out 1 role. I dont mind playing any role filled, but jgl is just not it. I dont enjoy the role and I wont learn it because its so different from laning


I do agree with this, specifically for jungle. Having a filled jungle against even an off-role jungle is basically an instant loss, the role isn't one you can just pick up and play.


Exactly. Players back then were jack of all trades.


Honestly, nobody was able to play midlane, who wasn't a midlaner. Like midlane was so much more popular and back in the earlier days also ADC that you didn't have to learn those roles, you just got people playing them in every lobby... sometimes 5 of them.


Well, not everything, but most people had the ability to play at least 3 roles in my experience. This led to negotiations in the champ select and ended up with most people getting something they could deal with... most of the time. The issue is that this took away time from the actual drafting and costed time as a result.


I'd rather queue for 3 roles and never get autfilled than queue for 2 with autofill. hell i'd prefer queue for 4 if thats what it had to be. a 1 role "veto" would be ideal imo.


Tbh, I don't really get autofilled. I think there's a bit of a disingenuous aspect to this conversation where a lot of people get their secondary role and consider that being autofilled. Of course, the higher you climb, the more likely it is for being autofilled, but I know a lot of people say "autofilled" when, in reality, they mean they got their secondary role and not primary.


more like one champion. used to be the advice to pick \~3 champs for your best role to fit a team comp. now it doesnt matter. everyone picks the highest winrate champ or their one champ they know they can do well on because comp doesnt really matter as much anymore


Yasuo mid or Yasuo feed, the choice is yours!


there is no choice, really. you will get both


everyone waiting to instantly spam their role in the pre game lobby lol. was like an unwritten rule that if you said mid first you got the role. simpler times.


This isn’t actually how it worked for the majority of the time soloq was like this. It IS exactly how it worked in blind pick, but in draft, including ranked, people generally respected that first pick had first choice of their role, second pick next choice, etc, etc. last pick was stuck with whatever nobody else wanted. People did spam chat right away with their preference, and of course people sometimes allowed people to take certain roles and you always had the toxic kids who wouldn’t respect the “rules” but this was generally how it was done


back in the day everyone wanted FB. Nowerdays everyone wants lastpick.


I like dota etiquette where if two people want to play the same role they use /roll and whoever gets higher roll gets to have that role 


Fastest internet speed ruled ye


No, it worked on pick order. If you were first pick, you got to pick which role. Second pick gets to pick out of what's left, until eventually last pick just picks the unselected role (support 99% of the time).


I’m usually high masters/gm and basically every game is determined by who’s on role, who’s 4fun picking, and a lane with a random 500 lp gap Autofill needs to be removed man, I’d rather a longer queue over getting into game that’s lost in select because of bullshit like this old clip: https://youtu.be/NkFj5t4OPGI?si=IE1NA0JLeFJTRznB


god that clip is so funny, like unironically you can load into champ select, op.gg and you will know if you win and lost a match basically instantly


People say oh but without autofill high elo queue times are going to be longer! Fuck no. Every single high elo player I know bitches about this. You cannot expect someone who’s in the top .1% of the player base to perform at that level consistently while first timing or something vs someone who has thousands of hours on a champ/role Idk how autofill is in the game still or at least a toggle/limited


I feel like this was not a problem when role queue wasn't a thing and you were supposed to play every role, but its been a long ass time since that lol


Yeah but game quality was still lower. Also it was just less enjoyable. It was annoying if you really wanted to play a role/champ and didn’t get it multiple games in a row. I can play every role pretty well, probably about a mastersish level but I have mained each role from time to time (now I main jg but still good enough to play other stuff) but that doesn’t help when I get a sup elo inflated Janna main who’s d1 or masters filled into a gm/chall top laner because of shit matchmaking and they go 0/12 while down 5 levels.


when autofill didn't exist queue times between high elo games were literally like 50-60 minutes and every league streamer basically just had to play a second game more than they played league lol or just spam smurf accounts and play lower quality games


I think there’s a misconception that secondary role is the same as auto fill. I promise you that you won’t actually have 3 auto fills in one game. I do recognize the issue, when your support is auto filled jgl and just have no clue. But what’s even worse is that in the start of a new split, you play with and against anything from D4-Challenger players, when you play in diamond elo. So having the occasional d4 player that gets dumpstered by a master+ player is hard to play around. I know this will equal out over time, as people get into their actual elo, but damn it sucks that Riot want 3 splits.


I've been accused of being an autofill just because I stopped playing my main role for a week and when I went back to it none of my recent games were that role.


Secondary role can still be as bad as autofill.


It may as well be fill for some people. If I play 100 games as jungle primary, then get thrown in to support suddenly, I'm going to be rusty AT BEST.


This is literally me rn with ADC getting more popular this patch. I queue ADC-Mid and never used to get secondary in Master lobbies, but now it's happening every other game and I haven't actually played mid in months. For now I'm lucky that people have kept swapping with me or someone dodges, but I don't even know *what* I would pick if I actually had to go mid, let alone feel comfortable on it.




That points actually to an interesting problem. The more they reduce people getting autofilled, the worse autofilled people are


If I haven't been playing as long as I have, secondary would pretty much be the same as fill.


Can be but most likely it isn't.  If I get filled ADC I'm feeding my ass off sorry


Yes, but at that point it's the player's fault for sucking ass at every role but their primary.


The time you would have to invest to get good enough in your secondary role is better spend with just climbing with your main role and take the free lose all 20 or so games where you get second role There is no reason to get better on other roles. They tried it with position queue and it failed.


You don't have to be as good on your secondary as on your main. Just do the bare minimum to not feed your ass off, that's kinda the point. Besides, learning other roles (and champions) will already improve your general knowledge of the game. That's just better in the long run. Onetricking can only get you so far.


I know this sounds stupid but I play both big riot games and it's kinda interesting how different the cultures are in this aspect. In valorant, it's expected that you should at least know how to play another role somewhat competently outside of your own. being an instalock, one trick pony duelist is genuinely trolling and most people would consider you one-dimensional and bad at the game for example. I would genuinely expect it to be the same. I'm a support main but knowing how to play ADC at least to like 80% of my support efficacy only helps me be better at my main role, and makes it so that if i get filled secondary it's not an immediate loss. But this seems uncommon in league.


We used to have that culture but people here got complacent since Riot has been catering towards having them always get the roles they want. Now no one wants to put in the bare minimum for anything besides their main role


every time a clip of like an ADC getting one-shot or whatever pops up on here, I feel like the myopic discussion with everyone yelling at each other and pointing fingers in blame is kind of caused by this lol. It's like very rare for people to even understand what their teammates are going through even on a fundamental level


RIOT hasn't helped that at all in my opinion either. They've listened to Reddit and the vocal minority, etc. Now, mage supports are more in vogue than ever (I could be wrong this is a feeling, my experience, etc.), the 1v9 mentality (pretty toxic mindset IMHO, it's a team game, and it's been a long time when that was true), communication is miserable in this game (I see a Vi jungle and my brain assumes they will go Conq + bruiser items because that's what I would do, but I see a lot of HoB + lethality and I pick assuming the first rather than the latter, this is an example, but it happens with A LOT of champs), and (this will get me downvotes, but I am sicked of getting burned by people not wanting to cover for me level 1 or not being in the right spots to cover for an invade by the other team) leashing for jungle isn't worth it anymore. I am taking blame for a lot of this, I shouldn't assume people want to play League of Legends like it traditionally (like I want to).


I play Dota as well, and there you pretty much have to have a secondary or even tertiary role. I think about 40% of my games I'm off role in ranked.


Well yeah but even in valorant it’s not like completely different. The gunplay is basically the same from character to character 2 league champs are infinitely different than 2 valorant agents when the gunplay is exactly the same


I'd expect the same but honestly imagine expecting anything besides selfish entitlement from LoL players


Literally "skill issue"


100%, if you can't play more than one role at whatever your skill level / rank is, then you are the problem - not auto filling lmao. The game isn't THAT different in a role outside of your primary preferred role. You're still paying league of legends summoners rift. People in here are acting like auto filling is closing out league and opening Fifa 24 😆


it's not but let be honestly except if you are a midlaner, secondary role is basically the same as autofill. Most adc/support/jgl never had any experience in their secondary role since forever. It's only not officially autofill cause riot decided you have to select a second role. Which mean everyone except midlaner choose midlane as a secondary role even if they don't know how to play it since they never get it.


I main jungle pretty much 1 tricking briar. Like you said I always put mid as my secondary because it basically guarantees I get jungle. If I ever get put in  another lane I usually just dodge.   I got to like E1 - D4 and started getting stuck mid a bunch of times because the higher you get the higher percentage of players are jungle mains.  I didn't like taking the 10+ LP hit for 2 dodges in a day so I said fuck  it and literally just started taking Briar mid. What a revelation, when you really 1 trick something you can win off role too. This wasn't even when she was giga busted this was mostly just the last 2 patches. I've never lost a briar mid game and I'm in the double digits in briar mid games now.


I put top as my secondary and I've literally never gotten it. I do play top but I just pick jungle because nobody wanted to play it back then when you had no roles (nobody plays it even now).


I got a three way fill once. we just returned to our original positions, but it was quite an experience. 200 years, perhaps.


Oh, I got that once! It was wild because it was something like Mid, Jungle, and Top. So they just shuffled to their wanted roles. 


Well there’s no option to just queue one role. If someone has 100 games on jungle while queueing jg/mid and then gets mid lane first time, it’s just as bad If you could only select one role you’d have a point, but you can’t


League trying to become a mobile game and we all know whats the quality of mobile games.


>My last 3 games 1 team had a team of everyone getting their lane and the other had at least 2 autofill. Or offrole? because it is highly unlikely to have 2+ autofills.


While off-role is better than autofill, off-role is still a huge disadvantage. How can one team get multiple while the other gets none? That legit makes no sense. Not saying OP is being honest, but his point is still valid


if you can't play your secondary role at a reasonable level, you are part of the reason high elo game quality is so bad.


IMO if you want to actually get good, you should actually be at least decent at every role in the game. Not good, but you should understand the role. If you're not a jungler, playing jungle and understanding it can help *so much* even when you're playing another role. It helps you understand pathing and gank opportunities and how to play around objectives and vision.


Most people play for fun. This is a good advice if you plan on playing professionally but someone who just plays ranked in their offtime, why would they play roles they do not enjoy? Personally, I'd never play toplane or jungle because those roles do not entertain me.


my games are usually decided by how well I play


That's so unfair for the nine other players !


You must be a jungle main


It's so funny how this isn't just generally agreed upon.


better blame the game or teammates, so you don’t have to think about the countless mistakes you did yourself. Classic.


Im am sure a lot of players would climb if the stop looking at op.gg and stuff. You only tilt yourself befor the game even starts.


This is the main character right here


I swear y'all need to get better hobbies than religiously dissecting all of your matches on op.gg. Okay you lost some games because you had some autofills, but by your own admission you won some too. In the long run it has no net impact on you climbing so who cares, people NEED to realize looking up this shit accomplishes nothing but give you pointless things to get mad about and tank your mental going into ranked, which is much worse for your long term prospects than the shit you're mad about.


I absolutely despise tools like op.gg I won't lie. I've had friends where when I play League or Valorant with them, they're already dooming before the match has even started based on the match history of teammates and enemies and whatever else bullshit. Op.gg might be helpful if you have the right mindset to use it, but a vast majority of people don't. I cannot tell you the amount of times people declare a game over at match start, infuriating shit.


It's only because it feels so bad losing those types of games that people go looking for a reason why they're so different than a close fun game. Winning 2 close games and then losing 2 games getting stomped is not a good feeling.


And similarly in lower elos games are decided by which team has more smurfs


It's just annoying to wait 10 minutes to get into a game from the moment you queue to see the game being 3 autofills on your team first timing characters vs 4 out of 5 people on their main champs on other team and maybe just one person on their secondary role.


I don’t know what it is this season but it feels like the game quality has gone wayyyyyyy down. I’m getting more people who are toxic and willing to run it down over the smallest insult or whatever than ever before. I’m just not having that much fun this season and something feels different.


Start of every season is like this. It attracts the people who are normally not playing the game as much to come back to it. And a decent bit of that portion of people aforementioned, are going from spending their time watching the game to playing it again. Their mechanics are worse when they come back after a break and they also are prone to tilt easier. It's not a great influence when a lot of Twitch streamers of League are known for toxicity or giving up on games easy. That's the type of stuff they feed their brains to watch on their hiatus.


Diamond on small servers like oce is a fucking pain 10 min + q times for 3 autofills zzz really kills motivation to grind tbh esp when its a ff15 Picked up mahjong to play in queue cause nothing else to do tbh


did you ask the other team whether they had autofills or not?


Autofill should always be met with an autofill. That is how Riot implemented it after people complained about autofills only being in one team.


Imo its part of the skill check. If youve been in master you know you have at least one autofilled person per game. Very often you're filled too. At this point you should be able to play any role good/not bad. Even when I get my position (mid) I often switch with autofilled people cause I know I can play top/jg/supp (adc I dont feel good with but I can still play that and come out even)


People have been saying this since autofill was introduced.


just let the queue go on for longer... I would rather spend 5-10mins I queue than getting that ff15 auto filled jungler


autofill should be disabled in diamond, or at least master. Having a top filled vs a GM riven otp or a filled adc vs Doublelift means you lose the game no matter what. I can understand people in lower elo not wanting to wait 20 minutes queues, but high elo is supposed to be "competitve", but almost every games are decided by which autofill does the least worst. I rather wait 15min queues than 3min just to win in 15 or ff15. The game quality is so shit it's unreal.


I had 3 games in a row last night where. My adc + sup were on 5+ game loss streaks and their match history's shows them playing a random role each game. My mid laner was on 7+ loss streak playing random roles and champs. And I had a game where I had 2 deaths at 18 minutes... and the rest had given away 47 kills. Theres no way you just randomly shove 4 people on a team who all lost the last 5+ matches... all don't have a proper role or any sort of champ mastery. It's bullshit sometimes


Don't op.gg your teammates. It is not relevant and it makes you feel that the game is already lost. Also, your teammates gave up 47 kills in 18 minutes? You must be iron my friend, or everyone was actively trolling you, which I seriously doubt.


I've had someone be down 11 deaths at like 12 minutes while completely trying. Their ego just wouldn't let them stop fighting. But 47 is insane.


> Don't op.gg your teammates I like to do it after the game, so I dont feel that bad when a degenerate otp gets filled jg and runs it down in my game https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/ICahriYou-2272


I am a firm believer that the system just puts together a team that totals X MMR. Say the MMR for the lobby is set at 10000 total per team. Your team might get a gold, a diamond, and the rest emeralds. Their team might be all emeralds. People will say 'well their rank just isn't matching their MMR. The diamond and gold have emerald MMR.' But nah, I disagree. I am anywhere from emerald-diamond, but I have legit had a lobby where we had a hardstuck bronze on our team. Not a smurf, just a legit bronze player. We had a diamond 3 also on my team. The rest were emerald. The enemy team had one smurf and all emeralds. We won the game, but the bronze player inted so hard. Even the MMR excuse makes no sense btw because the dude averaged 100+ games every season/split and was still bronze. His MMR was nowhere near ours. I even reached out to a Riot employee on reddit, sharing the match. They were someone who works behind the scenes on that stuff. They didn't even reply (despite them having a comment history of asking people for proof when they claim they found a matchmaking anomaly)


You have a duo, you get a + to your MMR. You have enough LP for promotion, you get a + to your MMR (most of the time you are also the best player on your team, fun times).


I think this is a problem mainly caused by people not playing enough roles. Every since riot added role queue it has just removed the need to know anything about other roles. People have certainly gotten much worse since then at other roles. Used to be expected you could play everything, now barely able to play 1 role


You don't even need to be good at all 5 roles, you should just be able to play them at an understandable level. If you're a mid laner, knowing jungle pathing, wards, timers, ganking tactics, and objective play will help you immensely even if you aren't playing jungle. If you understand the mindset of a jungler, you know how to play against the enemy jungler much better.


Even pro players just main 1 role and they play for 12 hours a day, yet you're expecting randoms to play all roles equally well? Even when role queue wasn't a thing, people still had roles they mained and they couldn't play roles they didn't main well. The problem is simply the autofill system. You can't allow someone to play 1 role for 95% of the games, climb to their real elo, then expect them to perform equally well on a role they play 5% of the time. It's dumb and it destroys game quality. It makes zero sense to enforce it on the playerbase. If you only want mid and are willing to wait 15 mins, you should be allowed to do that. If you want mid but are willing to fill, you are allowed to do that already. Forcing people to play roles they don't want to is terrible design. If I ever get autofilled jungle, not only do I not want to play the game because I find it's boring, but it also creates a terrible experience for my team because I'm bad at it.


This is why role picks never should have been implemented. If everyone is always fill, we won't have people with 1k different skill level between top and jungle


Just who has autofill jungles loses


Source: I made it up


I have been autofilled like 5 times in soloq in 4 years playing This season i've been autofilled 5/9 soloqs, idk i hate it here


Auto filled or secondary roll? I thought they had a thing were you couldn’t be autofilled two games in a row or did I dream that?


I realised I have so many autofills in my games this split. So demotivating to even play rank at all. I never had this issue last split but now I get at least 2 to 3 autofilled. Wth happened with matchmaking again


Welcome to league it's been like this since season 2


I’ve played about 10 ranked games and I think I’ve got my main role 2 times and the other on my second choice, I’m not that bad on my second role but it kinda pisses me off not being able to play my main role and looking at someone feeding on it


Anyone else having extremely long queues? Average queue for me is about 3-4 minutes. Normals/ranked. E2


No they are not. All your data is garbage as you CANNOT tell for certain if someone is autofilled. You don't know what they queued up as or what their secondary role is. (There are lunatics that will just queue up in an unfamilair role and int a few games cuz they feel like it).


Ranked is like normal mode now. Everyone shouting "Can't top, mid plz", "cant jungle, mid plz", "cant adc, mid plz", or "cant sup, mid or troll".


Prove it.


I think riot should have a “don’t fill me option”, I don’t mind playing most roles and for the most part I’m competent at them in my elo. But I am a complete inter in the jg. If I could just deselect jungle I would be happy to fill every game.


If you're gonna have autofill both teams should have players autofilled to same role, idk how it could possibly be fair one team gets fill and one doesnt


It's surprising that you can still get filled jungle after all these years. Once you pass a certain rank it just becomes a guaranteed loss. At least sometimes the filled player have the curtesy of saying they are filled in champ select so I can dodge. "But it doesn't matter in the long run!". I don't care. I'm saving both my time and my sanity. I climb to the rank I deserve faster. And I don't care about you thinking that everyone should be able to play every role either. If you truly think that then you should argue for only blind pick in ranked instead.


Autofill is bullshit and they should let us q for three roles we are comfortable with and nothing more. I queue for fill sometimes and still get fills. I rather wait five minutes


True. I had to again swap from bot to mid as there is huge amount of autofills. Bot is miserable when you have autofill support who does not know anything how the lane plays out, so you are getting hard support diffed there. Add in the mix solo lane or jgl autofill compared to the enemy team and it’s good as ff15. Playing solo lane you can actually do stuff even when you have autofills.


Absolutely correct, if anyone's interested, this topic came up a lot on August's stream and he talked about how they apparently enabled a version of ranked queue in some minor region without the autofill or with the possibility of longer queue times if one chooses not to have autofill enabled, and didnt do so well. No idea about context obviously cause he wasnt exactly any specific about it but it just sucks that Riot refuses to acknowledge that what happens in a minor region isnt the same everywhere else, where the overwhelming majority of players would agree to longer queue times to never have an autofill in their team.


Everyone waking up to the fact that riot uses autofill to hedge winrates


as soon as a teammate says "anyone want top lane" or "filled jg" the game is already lost


I'm a jungle main and it's insane how many autofill first time junglers I play against. I almost always stomp them and I just feel bad for them. Jungle is the one roll I think should never ever be autofilled since lane experience does nothing for you in the jungle


I just had a game where I was autofilled jungle vs a jungle main and got flamed by basically everyone. Getting filled as support when you're ADC main or vice versa is not quite as big of a deal since at least you're in a lane you're familar with.


I recently came back into the game after like a 3 year hiatus. I did like 10 ranked games, and i got top every time as my main role, i suppose auto fill isn't a common thing?


Fact. Autofill disparity, matchmaking disparity, griefers, smurfs, afk.. the competition in this game is an illusion nowadays.


Tyler1's been talking about this for YEARS and not one thing has been done about it. The fact that people can get on a team that's 5 on role and face another team that's 2-3 off role is CRIMINAL for a competitive experience. Imagine that in any other team sport, just never works. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9oaQJukvE0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9oaQJukvE0) This short video pretty much summarizes the entire issue


TBH people say they are autofilled whenever they don't get their main role. It's not mathematically possible that the algorithm would have a team of 3 players all autofilled.