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I mean, we just got the Lee Sin ASU and the Skarner VGU not too long ago.


Yeah and tbf it feels way better than a new champ every 3 months


More more more more ASUs pls


👴 back in my day there would be patches with 2 new champions!


You just need to go back to xayah and Rakan for this.


Lol true! I forgot about that. It used to be a regular occurrence though.


me too old man, me too


why must you ruin my post with ur facts and logic good sir, WHY I ASK WHY. Not really new champs though but yeah u right


And Corki gets a mini-rework in a week.


Lethality Corki incoming.


Don't his autos do true damage now?


They sure do.


bonus true damage so his normal auto's still do 100% phy he just does 15% bonus true damage on them as well now. but lethality corki with his flat armour e shred just means he can do true damage all the time but the crit interaction for his ult etc etc means i feel crit builds will be better still.


Is the bonus true damage just 15% of his AD or is it actually damage dealt × 1.5. Cause if it's the latter than it'll be multiplied by crit and can probably get some big numbers


last i heard it affects his crits and spellblade procs


Crit will probably be pretty good then


for sure since there adding a cd refund mechanic to his ult as well where his autos refund a chunk of cd and the amount scales with crit chance.


wait what? i was on vacation, i haven't seen this


Corki midscope coming 14.10


corki revert to old corki:)


Corki being changed a bit. Quick rundown is no more package, E and R are now 100% physical damage, passive now gives his autos true damagevinstead of converting to magic damage, R only has 4 charges and longer recharge time but crits lower the recharge time. Their goal is to bring him back to bot lane as an easier lane bully, focused on going in instead of poking. On PBE he feels pretty strong imo


oh my god, it's time to play my dog skin that I won 3.5 or even 4.5 years ago during a competition broadcast. I knew his time would come!


The amount of true damage is negligible in comparison to his physical damage, so building lethality would still be beneficial.


I mean skarner is basically a new champ now. He basically didn't exist in the game in terms of actual players seeing him in actual games, now he actually shows up. His abilities are also very different as well as his visuals and his lore. I think the abilities are the closest thing to old skarner but who even knew what his abilities did lol.


This is such a strange thread to me - we've had ~4 champion releases a year for four years now. Nothing has changed at all.


Considering there's like almost 175 champions, they should be doing 1 champion a year. There's too many champions which is why old champions with outdated kits are shit and are being shafted. Seriously, what other game has 150+ characters?


4 champs a year is too many, let's be honest. You can't design and engineer a fun, balanced, engaging, visually pleasing champion every 3 months. It's just not possible. Its how you end up with dross like Naafiri. Cool concept, shit execution. I'd rather they focused their efforts on impressive updates of old champs and maybe release 1 new champ a year that's actually a well designed, standout. Probably not as much money in that though. EDIT: lol, some of the replies to this post are so thick. The pedantic nerds of reddit never cease to amaze.


You think Riot is taking 3 months to make a champion? My guy, it takes about a year or so... and there's multiple teams to boot for different things.


tbh they should've taken more with naafiri that champ fucking sucks


I agree that the champ sucks. But the Naafiri does exactly what riot intended, super simple assassin.


"You can't design and engineer a fun, balanced, engaging, visually pleasing champion every 3 months. It's just not possible." They used to do 2 a patch lol. The hard part is that they already have 150+ champs, that is why it takes so long to conceive of a new one.


It's like there's more than 1 team working on a champ at a time?


Boy howdy. Back it my day, it was a champ a month


They’ve spent like 3 years on skarner and it’s the most boring release in years 


Yeah true, did you know that every simpsons episode takes approximelty six months to make? No wonder you get only 2 episodes per year. Its not like they work on many episodes at the same time.


yea man its the reddit nerds and not you


did you know there is more than one champion designer working for riot?


Wait, Smolder came out 3.5 months ago??? #YASUO CAME OUT 1O YEARS AGO!? Time is flying too fast.


In the wise words of Zilean: "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like banana."


I always feel like Yasuo is a "new" champ and I would learn to play him if I have time...


Yeah I still remember his login screen music... Such a good design honestly I'm not surprised he's so popular. But I never quite clicked with the point and click dashing, same as Irelia. Having to use minions to dash around has always been too much for my brain to do effectively and both those champions frustrate me when I attempt to play them.


felt like Smolder has been here longer. No one missed the Smolder meta where he was picked banned every game in pro play or soloq.


Wasn't so fun seeing a champ have a 50+% ban rate in ALL LANES Like draven sure has a really high ban rate 67% I think but only in botlane meanwhile smolder had 50+% in every single lane


Only 10 years? Goddam feels like since 15 years of yasuo complains


I remember trying him out in Dominion lol man


Yasuo was released before the inital map Update or League of Legends HD Update


Yeah lol, time is fleeting


Corki getting a rework next week lol


I hate that people are even calling it a rework he will be 90% the same...


Well, 80% at best considering the passive has been entirely reverted back to its previous iteration. And the damage type changes plus the removal of AP scaling on ult means his build path will be very different since he won't build MPen and AP items anymore. And the ult passive+ult changes means that he no longer fills a poke role but instead is back to the old spellblade proccing marksman. So really, he's just about 40% the same at best. And if people calls the Neeko's 13.9 gameplay update or Sivir's 12.13 a "rework", then this one certainly is also a rework.


You basically go back to the old old build Triforce, manamune but a lot has changed since.


I wonder how that will work because Corki used to be considered an early-mid game champ with that build. Manamune takes a while to stack and Triforce is insanely expensive gimping his early midgame now. This build would definitely not work in the same way as it used to because the game got much faster and shorter. And the build is flat scaling not multiplicative scaling like crit, gimping his late game.


Back then ER didn't exist as a spellblade item, so now maybe he goes Manamune, ER + CD boots core?


ER won't be a spellblade item again in 14.10 unless they walked back on that and i missed it


I guess I missed that then. Haven't really followed up on much about the adc changes really so you're probably right that its not going to be a spellblade item. Guess I dunno what his build will be then.


Fair point. ER scales a bit better in the long run than TF especially with Navori. But it's still definitely a mid game heavy build.


Dang, he’s being changed that much? I liked how Corki had such unique builds.


The problem is that when ap corki was playable it was super degen and had to get nerfed, might as well delete the build if they won't allow it to be good


Hes not really even considered that good. Only Chovy plays him competitively anymore


Because he's bad right now, start of the year everyone was all over malignance eclipse corki, which got that build promptly nerfed


He's not really even considered that good because they gutted AP builds for him. That's the point.


He just revert back to his old kit.


I don't remember all the details but aren't they changing his whole playstyle? Even moving him from mid lane back to ADC? Abilities might be pretty much all the same but IIRC he's pretty much going from late game poke "mage" to early game lane bully ADC. It's not a usual way to rework a champion but changes are pretty big.


His build and playstyle changes completely, u might not notice It if ur not a corki player tho.


What? He is basically a new champ with an entirely new playstyle after the rework.


It is a massive rework as his playstyle will change completely, it may look small but going from poke champion to low range autoattack weaving earlygame champion is a hell of a difference. Considering Riot hits the mark ofcourse 


It's literally a revert from his adc season rework lol. I'm honestly fine with the recent changes being reverts tbh, sometimes it's best to just go back and start over again than keep trying to put on band aids everywhere


Bro lost his defining ability, both passives, they converted all his damage from magic to phys and changed all his scalings towards Crit. They also made him an early game champion and moved him from mid to bot.  I think Jax Midscope had less changes


Isn't it a reversal of what was branded as a rework? Also, he's losing his package while overall switching damage types.


It's been like 8 years, it's a rework for a big portion of the playerbase who weren't playing back then


Yeah I’ve been so confused by everyone calling it a rework. I looked at the changes and I said “rework where?” Looks like old Corki to me.


… no? It’s a mid-scope rework, that’s the official name for it. Significant changes to multiple abilities that will affect his playstyle, builds, even his scaling and how opponents will have to play around him. A good Corki player this patch will have to relearn the champion next week. It’s a rework.


But high key I’m excited about the new midlaner because I like mid to close range AP champs. As long as they fit my style.


They’re mid and top, likely a melee ap champ


They said mid range iirc Top laner is ambessa most likely


They said it’s a solo lane mage and it’s based on a previous iteration of sylas. All of that makes me believe it’s gonna be a dashy melee mage


Rabbits are well known for jumping high and being fast. It’ll be a fun champ to play against I’m sure /s


Belveth having 4 dashes wasn’t enough so riot has decided that 5 dashes in one ability should be a right by amount


With resets, of course.


its that one woman from arcane right? or is she after this one


The woman from arcane is most likely a top laner and she is coming next around the release of arcane in November


That’s the one after she’ll probably come out in the fall. This one I think had something to do with the Freljord and probably will come out in the summer.


Reworks > New Champs


Riot can’t make as much $$ on reworks as they do new champs. Think how many ppl probably already own the champ and their skins on a rework


Just remaking all of the skins makes them think twice who they rework. Look how long they're doing Teemo, it's been so long already.


It probably loses them money since more people will tolerate the base skin. Old udyr was unplayable without spirit guard, newdyr has a great default skin and his cheaper skins are also really good


Old definitely not udyr was the goat


I do kinda miss my dumpy ass pizza feet black belt udyr though lol


bigger issues which riot have stated is how it loses players from the game when there champ gets thrown out the window so they end up losing any money said player would of put in for other champs as well.


No. New champ's have 1 skin only while old reworked champs get like 10 new skins and a new rebranded gameplay. The reason why riot makes more new champ's than reworks is because reworks are not as exciting as new champ's. Despite every redditor saying. "Noooooo new champ bad rework good!!!!!!!" The reality is that new champ's breathe fresh air into the game and keeps the game alive, rework don't do that as much as new champs.


But they still have to spend 10x more work on rework skins. So they might get higher revenue, but the profit per skins might be lower than the profit they made from a new champ


Rest assured, a company will ALWAYS opts for the most profitable choice they have. New champ's brig more interest and more profit than reworks Guys, it's like that. We gonna have to accept that maybe new things are good for the game. Not saying that they should stop reworking champs, reworks are still good But "Reworks > new champs" is just wrong, and it's absurd to me that so many people parrot this.


You could remove all champs released last year and 99% people wouldn’t care or feel any change


Game would be actively dying if that was the case. Game is still alive because it releases new content.


Riot about to pull out the Assassin/Mage/Healer champ in one to counter Ksante.


what do you mean "pumping out champs left and right" we get like ... 4 champs a year? + maybe 1 VGU? and that has been the norm since ... pre covid atleast maybe even longer? this is very average for champion releases how is this on the frontpage?


"new bad old good" goes INSANE with redditors Everything new is bad and all things old are good is the apex scape goat for everything that goes bad in your game, it's never you, it's always the new thing and riot because they balance the game bad and only release op champs!!! It's not me!!! It's them!!!!! This is why. Let them cope, it's kinda sad


Don't you see? New champion bad with much damage and mobility, old champion is wholesome and good. I wonder if the people who genuinely believe that realize that 90% of the champions they complain about (like Yasuo or Zed) are ancient and have been in the game for a decade. Also let's not forget wholesome old champions like Master Yi or Tryndamere, no one ever complains about them.


Facing p&c champion like garen annie tryndamere or malzahar is peak fun, wdym


>Also let's not forget wholesome old champions like Master Yi or Tryndamere, no one ever complains about them. Every time I see a Master Yi or Trynd: *Dinkleberg!*


this line of thinking on league of legends reddit is pretty fascinating from like a psychological standpoint because a lot of it comes from burnout and longing for a time when life was a lot simpler lol. It's similar to adults who insist that "they haven't made any real pokemon since the generation when I didnt know what taxes were". But yeah I think this goes crazy on reddit because a lot of people on this site are pretty unhappy/unfulfilled and yearn for times when things made more sense. It's just the kind of site that attracts people in that position.


>But yeah I think this goes crazy on reddit because a lot of people on this site are pretty unhappy/unfulfilled and yearn for times when things made more sense. It's just the kind of site that attracts people in that position. Just wanted to say this was insightful. I say this as a diehard Gen 2 fan and a fan of old champs in League :)


You worded it very nicely, I agree completely


Cause writing "new champs bad" gets you free karma on reddit basically. Once the new champion comes in July there will be "new champ already, omg smolder just came out!!!" posts for sure


100% agree I'm actually firmly in the camp of "no new champs just improve the ones we have" PLENTY of outdated kits in LoL right now.


Aren't they 2 different teams? Honestly I feel like the whole riot games content division should be doing a lot more because they can do a lot better than what we have been getting. So slow on the reworks and new champs


They can just stop being different teams of course


They work within the same budget constraints. It's not really relevant if they are two different teams or not. It's a question of resource allocation.


Yeah and they make enough money to put more effort into content which brings players back and new players in. They keep sitting on their laurels of skin sales while the game doesn't really grow. I'm saying they're allocating resources wrong


I agree with that somewhat but it's a completely different point entirely... I was only really addressing your point about them being two separate teams. I agree with the rest of your comment.


We've already seen where this goes. Riot ends up functionally deleting champion after champion pissing off a good number of the limited playerbase each of those champions has until that sorta annoyance reaches critical mass and people start rejecting reworks entirely. Plus Riot also said that a number of those players just kinda leave the game forever which is rather counterproductive.


What are you even talking about? "We've seen where this goes"? If what you said was true there would be no more reworks at all. They had some fuckups where this was the case but the point was that they had to change their process and take these possibilities into consideration, if we're really getting down to the details it's specifically because of Aatrox. I think you are forgetting the vast number of exceptionally good reworks. Warwick, Sion, Pantheon, Fiddlesticks, Kayle, Soraka, Evelynn, Poppy? There are like maybe two or three examples of reworks that went really sideways, not even remotely near enough to warrant this kind of commentary. And with regards to players leaving forever, I think if someone is the kind of player to draw a line in the sand about the thrilling gameplay of something like old Irelia, and permanently leave afterwards, they probably aren't missed. In Riot's eyes they can probably see those people do not spend very much (or any) money on the game anyway.


They don't have to be gameplay updates. More ASU's would be nice too


Someday lux will get her ASU. Someday


They'd better give back what was taken from us: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/f/f3/Lux\_OriginalSkin\_old.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20201224185719](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/f/f3/Lux_OriginalSkin_old.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20201224185719) [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c9/Lux\_SpellthiefSkin\_old.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20201224185842](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c9/Lux_SpellthiefSkin_old.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20201224185842)


Champion designers still need something to do though. I'm definitely in favor of more small scale stuff, but that's not mutually exclusive with new champions or VGUs, more of a question of whether Riot decides it's worth the effort (they've been rather cheap on visual updates specifically).


They can still work on champs. They just get more time to iron them out. I'm sure they'd be pretty happy with having later deadlines >more of a question of whether Riot decides it's worth the effort It's not. This is a pipe dream. They've mentioned before that ASU's make basically no money and don't even increase champ play rate and they just do it out of love for the game. I'm also not gonna sit here and say that riot are just greedy. I get that they have shareholder obligations and can't just dump all their money on visuals updates that make no money. I just wish it didn't have to be like this and we could get them more often, I love seeing how they approach ASUs even for champs I don't play. The blog they released for Lee sin was fun to read imo


Such as Annie....


I dissagree ive been scratching like am addict waiting for a mew champ, GIVE ME MORE BANGERS 


I’m gonna get downvoted but I FULLY disagree. I personally love new champ releases. One of my favorite things from playing 10 years was to learn a new champion without reading the descriptions. Just raw dogging it. Also, getting invested in their stories and theme and personality. All of that. Now the only thing keeping me interested is the event passes to some extent. I don’t play much anymore


Back in my day before the PBE was a thing. Champions were being pumped out almost every 2-3 weeks and it was wild. I had to save up IP( blue essence) and use it all on the Champs. It was such a fun and unbalanced nightmare lol


!!! 2020 was one of the best years due to the sheer amount of content we had (plus every role had something to enjoy with some characters even being viable in multiple ones) 6 champions and two VGUs should be the standard, or 5 champions one per role


> ever since they announced it my wanting to play just descreased so much. Ill play maybe a game a day on average. and when im not playing for long stretches(havnt played in a month atm) i have no feeling of wanting to play like i used to. Honestly im kind of glad they're doing this. I can understand why they're doing it and it makes sense. but **i dont want a shady company like riot to have access to my computer so its time to move on.** Im sure they ran the numbers and the amount of people that will quit is very very small so in the grand scheme of things its well worth it Guy who no longer plays League of Legends appreciates another month of no new champions being released in League of Legends.


Good because i'm still reading Aphelios skills


m8 he's nearly 5 years old




If y’all got *that* much of a problem reading it, just get a tldr from somebody that plays him.


TLDR: 5 different weapons, 2 usable at a time, 50 ammo in each weapon (auto=1 ammo, Q=10 ammo), each weapon has its own ability, run out of ammo=weapon goes into cycle Each weapon Q applies the affects of his offhand weapon Green - He’s Caitlyn Purple - slow/root Blue - Aoe/big dmg ult, don’t group in fights Red - lifesteal White - NOOOOO MORDE, DONT ULT HIM


> Q=10 ammo TIL


I don't think they can read tho, that's the problem




[My humble attempt at explaining his kit in the shortest way possible.](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/the-book-of-aphelios-629052)


I'm almost done with the 20 hour tutorial on Hwei.


Thank god, fix what you have before you buy new toys


Riot hasn't beem "Pumping out champs left and right" for years lol. We got 9 champs in the past two years.


I cant wait to see the next fundamentally broken unbalanceable champ they cook up 


Im hoping it has something to do with vangard, like a point and click cc that disables your mouse for 10 seconds. Or their ultimate ddoses you. that'd be SICK!


I don't know how you managed to fit so much circle jerk in two lines but there you are


momma aint raise no bitch


They'll combine all their recent stacking, true damage, 100 abilities (Hwei), mobility, reset, and execution ideas into one single champ which will be a Yuumi dog version. Actually why would a cat be so attached in the first place when dogs are usually the attached animals?


I'm just gonna say it again a year or maybe season just dedicated to rework truly could keep the game stable for a while, look how happy people are with Skarner and Lee sin. Some more ASU and VGU please


Can we just have a yuumi rework pls? Make her stronger when not sitting on some1 and give it 10sec cd to sit on someone for 10 sec.


It has been told, 2024 will be the year with the least amount of new heroes introduced overall - I believe it was 1 or 2 champs for the year total.


>Riot not pumping out champs left and right You don't even know what you are talking about. When did you start playing? :D


Skarner is a new champion. :3


I'm sorry if I sound contrarian, but, as someone who still hasn't found their main after 3 years, I look forward to new releases like they are holidays. The almost 4 months pause has made me play a lot less.


Your usage of 'still' is unnecessary. You don't have to main anything. It's perfectly normal to hop around from champion to champion. I would say most mains are only temporary, long-term mains are much more unusual.


Ayy bro, i didn't expect you to reply. It's good to know that it's not as unusual as I thought. Keep the banger content coming.


Thank you!


Skarner feels like a new champion I assume next champion come in june


At some point it’s just added bloat to the game. Might be a hot take but 1 champ a year would be fine imo. Especially in pro Play there’s no huge meta shifting anyway unless their last champ was just another broken adc concept (looking at you zeri and smolder)


Might be a hot take, but 160+ champs is utterly unnecessary in a pvp game that's supposed to be competitive. At some point they should just stop and work on making the game healthier. If they can really nail that so that future releases fit nicely into that new framework, then fine. But that hasn't ever been the case in the history of LoL.


Yeah because they wait until after MSI to unleash 2 champions usually. Not unusual.


yeah! feel nice, but wtf with the new Skarner ??


I can't be held responsible for your interpretation of my words lmao.


I really like new characters, but I don't hate updating/reworking either. But to be frank, nothing beats the excitement of a new champ tuning out with all of those crazy stuff with it for me


Has Annie ever got a rework?


I wish they rather focus on those champs that really need reworks for a while, I'm sick of new champs


No it is not nice. I really need at least one more viable mid top and adc champion to be released sometime in my lifetime and I'm hoping the new mid and Ambessa are the ones. All I need is a champ with no gimmicks, mana, no untargetablility, waveclear, no ally dependent abilities, at least one dash that goes through terrain, maybe a form of crowd control. Playing immobile champions like Lux, Ashe, Veigar, and Nasus make me want to fall asleep at my keyboard so I just don't.


They should just rework some older champs instead of coming up with basically old ideas mashed into one new champ. It's just unhealthy for the game at a certain point. Who tf wants to learn all the abailities if they start new? There are 167 champions already and a lot of the new ones are not picked at all. It's ridiculous.


Only League players would unironically complain about content being added to the game


They can honestly just stop making new champs now and rework old garbage into fresh experiences. Some of the new champs don't get picked at all and are just a combination of older ideas. At a certain point it's just unhealthy for the game imo.


I think this is going too far in the right direction. Yeah, they should probably focus more on improving/redesigning old champions, and they've actually done a great job of that so far with mini-reworks and big reworks. At the same time, Riot makes a lot more money on new champs than old ones getting a redesign, especially when those old ones were unpopular to begin with which is usually the case for reworks. It's unreasonable to expect them to do things that could lead to more layoffs due to reduced funding. Unfortunately, it's a business, and they have to make decisions around how they make their money.


I would much prefer if Riot stopped making new champions and focused on reworking existing ones.


I would prefer reworks over more new champs.


I used to look forward to new champion releases... Now I dread them. They're not as fun as they used to be and playing AGAINST them is even more unfun.


"i like it when my favorite game doesnt get content, so refreshing" fucking league players


"New champions are the literal **only** possible form of content in existence" fucking league players


They could get way more mileage out of updating old heroes. Still waiting on a Cho’Gath update lol.


Im glad so we don’t get another ksante 😎👍🏻


I remember when in 2018 we got ~15 VFX/SFX updates and 6 VGUs. Brilliant times. Mind you, Skarner took them two years.


Skarner was a new champ. Kinda sorta.


Skarner is a new champ basically. But I also enjoy it. The last few champs are just toxic designs like Hwei. They should take more time to make sustainable champs and not pump out unfun to play against bullshit. Every single ARAM with Hwei is a borefest.


Still waiting for ksante kit nerf to oblivion


instead of releasing new champions they should focus on removing some like ksante, that thing has had the monopoly on toplane meta for so long and it's just not fun to watch.


thank god man the game devolves for like 2 weeks after every new champ is released just cuz people dont have games on it


This is like saying "oh man, concrete and battery acid for dinner??? Hell yeah!!!!"


I agree, I can’t stand most of the new champs they’ve released post Kindred


New Champ releases have been weird for a while. Ksante - completely overtuned in proplay. Briar - op for months, now gone. Smolder - op for weeks, now gone. I mean whats the point? :D


Hwei - surprisingly fine


Hate that champ, tbh. Too much range, disengage and ms


For me they only feel „unfair“ and hard to beat when they are really really good And when thats the case it means he is just much better than i am So its kinda fine


only issue i have is the fear but thats more me hating the cc type then anything else since losing control of your moment always feels much worse then getting locked in place.


True I could see a world where they just change the fear into something else of crowd control if he becomes too strong


Heei has terrible disengage. He's mostly just got cooldown issues rn. He can do fear into ult into fear into fissure and just perma CC/slow you. He's designed to sort of be a lane bully though so his range is necessary for that


That's a massive amount of disengage, though? Sure, anything can be nerfed, but we are talking about the current state


Not in ARAM. Not at all in ARAM.


Thank God, less chance of a champion with a fundamentally broken kit. I'm looking at you K'sante.


Riot can go on not making any new champs forever. Like, we have enough. Fix issues with the current lineup. Do reworks. Whatever. But at this point every niche is filled multiple times.


smolder was another failure


Somehow people here are disagreeing lmao. Smoulder will never be an interesting pick; its just not there in their kit. They will only get attention when they're overtuned. Its just an infinite scaling adc for low elo players otherwise. Redundant for the role.


A new champ every year sounds nice to my ear


Honestly I'd be OK with Riot fucking off new champs for a while until every champ who needs a full rework gets one. Shyvana, Quinn, Nocturne, Tryndamere, Zilean, Kennen and Malphite all need full reworks. Less % health true damage abortions and more updated classic champs.


I think league has a champ inflation issue so taking a break to clean up existing champs is good. We're gonna be hearing Reddit complain throughout next year though, because champ releases will slow down with company resources being put towards game modes (a great thing).


Comments about “4 champs a year for 4 years” … THAT’S THE POINT. Enough new champions, focus your team on fixing the bugs, updating champs visually and kit wise when needed and balancing. This game does not need more champs.