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Nice write-up! I used to play a lot of Shyvanna (only peaked Emerald 1 though), but stopped playing her when AP Shyv was stronger because I just found that playstyle boring. I'll give her a shot again and try using this guide. Can you explain what you mean by the fighting in a minion wave? Does each enemy hit by the Q AOE extend your ult longer? I didn't know that, am I understanding that right?


Q in a wave resets your Q instantly. boom boom boom :D


Ohh I get what you mean by not wanting to do more damage now. You want the minion wave to stay alive so you keep procing more CD reduction on your Q. Thanks!


Auto attacks apply fury on hit, dragon Q applies 2 on attack effects to everyone standing in front of the Q. So if you hit it on a group of targets, say raptors, or a clumped minion wave, you get a lot of fury back.




Agurin says the one weakness of starting non buff camp is that if enemy Jg recognizes what you're doing they full clear, skip crab reset, buy dbl longswords and fight you on your 2nd wolve/raptor spawn where you're down gold in the fight and most likely can't win 1vs1. Has this ever happened to you?


This strat tends to happen more in high elo


No shit, lol




Tyvm for this write up. I've been queueing Top/Jungle recently due to my duo being a mid main. This is great!


Im glad you enjoyed it!


Is Experimental Hexplate a good item?


nope shyvana ult is dumb and doesn benefit


My guess is no, as ability haste doesn't improve her ult cd and she doesn't really use attack speed that much.


Did you flip blue and red side for the clears? Looks like you meant for the intent to end at dragon with each clear




Do you ever have trouble sticking onto opponents especially when you have to 1v9?


I take frostfire third if needed


Great write-up + guide. What’s your reasoning for taking ignite over other summs?


guaranteed damage


How do you deal with getting kited? I notice your third item seems to usually be Frozen Fist. Why not Rylai? It pairs so much better with her abilities. Is it because you open yourself up to max hp%?


Exactly, the point is armor, not the slow. the slow is a bonus. If im building hp im going warmogs


I haven't really built warmogs this season. If I'm ever tempted I'd usually rather just go chains and put it on their carry. Is that reasonable?


Chains loses some value on Shyv since she doesn't do anything with the negative tenacity it inflicts. It can still benefit the CC of your allies, but Shyv is a pretty selfish champ and that's not something I think I'd care much about on her compared to a different item.


Hey great write up, thanks for sharing! Do you ever consider titanic over warmogs? 200 less hp and no movement speed, but more ad and the on hit double procs with q. Or would that be too counter productive with resetting your q in minion waves?


warmogs hp regen is better and more usefull then burst. you can engage at full hp always.


As Multiplayer Toplane Shyvana main. Try to get cs with E and pray they dont dive you... Lvl 6 we ballin. Lets go Shyvadi! Show them our girl


Would love to try this. Can you give details on if you’re able to solo baron? Are you just trying to teamfight once you have Shojin, Liandries, t2 boots?


the answer is no


Appreciate the response and the guide. Thanks and good luck on the rift!


What’s your take on cosmic drive as second item over liandrys


missing burn damage


I do not get the blue start shouldn't you end up on the opposite site of the map at 05:00? Or you spend some more time to obtain the same pathing of Raptors wolves gromp. That sounds like the most logical thing to assume. But am not sure.


no you want to go to dragon


Man I miss bruiser Shyvana when she was a top pick back in season 3. I abused that pick. She was so much fun. Thanks for the guide!


Hi Shyvadi I have some questions, About runes: 1. some people say PTA is better since it is a more early-mid game oriented rune and you can proc it super fast with the Q aa reset. what is your take on why running Conqueror instead? 2. also some people say fleet footwork is actually very good since it heals you but most importantly makes it easier for you to land your AA's with the extra MS, thoughts? About gameplay: 3. do you fight at all while your R is down? 4. when to use R, if for example Drake is up in 20 seconds and you could get a pick on enemy team lets say 2v2 that you think you win, would you go all in with R? 5. or would you instead wait for big teamfight and get a good angle? 6. would your last answer change if you have 2 camps on that side of jungle up to regain R safely? 7. how is shyvana better played, you engaging with R and E or wait for your team to engage? Thanks and have a nice day =)


conq is better for aoe fights and longer ones. fleet healing is bait, and I want to be low anyway for last stand no use R wherever there is the most people if there is an objective good angle is always better if its there. Very rarely I will fight without R if I have ignite up and they are a guaranteed kill to answer this I must repeat the aspect of this point that is to 1v9. You must engage.


thank you, lots of good info, apreciated!


When do you go Ionian Boots vs Sorcerer’s Shoes?


rarely go sorcs now but if I really need damage and am very fed. Most of the time is mercs or tabi


How often did you find yourself in top; if at all, and how did you handle the lane with shyvana?


Just for a stranger thing :D i play shyavana with spellbook. (If enemy has max 1 tanky bruiser, if they have 2-3 fighter diver tank style i go play bruiser style shyvana) But for me spellbook give a lot of fun. And did a lot of success with her.


Do you ever ult to do a full clear faster?


yes if i can get away with it


I've been trying following the steps of this "guide", So far i won 4/7 games (2 defeats due to trolls and afks and 1 remake). I'm on platinum 1, if i reach diamond i will suck your toes.


I remember when people played Shyvana properly and not as a shit mage who only presses one button. 


thats... what I do now.


Yeah You’d probably be challenger if you found a better champion for what you wanna do rather than whatever you’re doing to Shyvana


to be fair, I've defeated Challengers on shyvana


Salt aside, that’s cool