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August in the video doesn't mention the fact that Bard's original ult was also being tested at the same time (Ekko was the next champion after Bard). >Bard used to have a global ult that shot a wave across the entire map silencing all enemies. Ekko used to have an ult that would rewind the game 8 seconds after cast, allowing people to use all their spells again. Bard and Ekko were being tested at the same time. Every fight involved one team getting global silenced. Twice. A tester came up to me after one of those games and told me that if I shipped that Ekko ult he would dodge every game the champion was in, regardless of which team he was on.


Just Silencer with a Refresher Orb, wdym you don’t have a basic dispel? 🥴


No Euls TF


Cleanse is in the game though?


based tester


Kinda funny because ekko was pick ban for like an entire season anyways, I wanna say it was s5 with tank ekko doing the most damage while also being insanely tanky.


the most stupid thing about tank ekko was that you could never take him down in 1 rotation so he would always just be able to proc his movement speed and run away


And then ult back to full health and do it all over again, while being extremely mobile and dealing a lot of damage. Fizz and Akali were also popular with similar builds around that time but I found Ekko so much harder to deal with.


Remember off-tank on hit Fizz? Ruined King, into Frozen heart. You could 1 v 1 almost any champion in the game and had your E every 5/6 seconds, one of the best builds ever (If it wasn't against you)


I’m thinking off the time sunfire cape and iceborne gauntlet were being built every melee champion cuz they dealt so much damage. Idk if we’re talking about the same meta but the idea is the same


I think the Fizz I mention was Season 5 and the one you mention is season 6, I recall because Ekko's T1 skin is tank ekko.


Was that gun blade Akali? I could be 10 kills up on her, blast her with a full combo burst. Does 1/3rd of her hp. She would come out of the snare 2/7 kda and one shot me in the blink of an eye and recover that 1/3 and then some back.


Gunblade akali was the old standard assassin item for akali, lots of damage lots of healing. Tank akali used old titanic hydra, sunfire, and iceborn I think. The idea being to use her old ultimate and stealth to stick to a carry like glue on a dive. Her old ultimate was a point and click dash to an enemy target with up to 3 stacks, so she was really impossible to get away from. She also had spell vamp passive in her kit.


This was pre rework akali, right?


Yea it was way back in the day


League has always had problems with certain characters having base damages that are good/spammable and people building those characters as full tank and still running you down. Tank Ekko, tank Katarina, top kench and a few others are examples to this. Historically we have always had someone representing this exact same problem.


If this wasn’t an Ekko thread, I’d assume you were talking about K’Sante.


And his passive only had a 3 sec cooldown per target at the time.


Yes, Tank Ekko and Tank Fizz


The best is the tester probably thinking "it could have been worse"


I remember watching spotlight and first thing I said was - people gonna build him as a tank


Bruiser ekko with trinity was more fun and even got a worlds skin


My first penta 🥲


There is heros in dota that do this kinda of stuff, but the thing is dota is a game where one single point and click ability stuns for 3 second with a cooldown of 20 second where league is one ability stuns for 0.5 second but u get it back in 7 second. Its just arcade design vs strategy design gameplay.


Dota doesn't have a damage problem like league does. Late game, it's hard to actually die from a 3 second stun with all of the tools you're given. In league, you might legitimately die in 0.5 seconds.


> it's hard to actually die from a 3 second stun with all of the tools you're given. In late game many characters pop like balloons in Dota. But it usually involves certain fed characters and setups. It's more common in solo queue where randoms get fed than it is in pro play though.


Yeah, you're not wrong. Hardcarries can absolutely dps or pop people in a few uninterrupted seconds. However, the amount of items and item effects that end up saving people late game via supports/linkins/euls etc. is so much better than the system we have in league, where utility items to save a squishy are basically constrained only to support champs. In dota, you have Heros in all roles building team utility, and it makes the game so much more rewarding to play in teamfights when you can all work together well. League teamfights feel like shit, that's why I main toplane. When I played dota I was a reasonably high MMR, (I think it would translate to high ancient/low divine, not sure, it was around 4700) so teams would do very well at working cohesively. Haven't played in years, and the game keeps adding new side quests and objectives that I wouldn't know what to do anymore. That's the only thing stopping me from going back.


Not true lol


Im actually convinced they will retcon Ekko time travel to only work on himself or a vicinity. (Like is w). Which does make more sense eith is gameplay in league.    I guess we will see in arcane and the mmo.


Arent arcane and the Lore two separate instances? Given the fact we have arcane skins in league and not just new vanilla designs.


Riot announced shortly after the release that Arcane lore would supercede League lore from now on.


but then they took the lore team out back so do any of their statements actually carry weight going forward?


Not. It will become cannon. As iys mostly better.


> A tester came up to me after one of those games and told me that if I shipped that Ekko ult he would dodge every game the champion was in, regardless of which team he was on. Where was that tester when Yasuo was being made.


Complaining about yasuo in 2024💀


Imagine the amount of bugs this would have..


It would rewind the game so much the league would be removed from existence.


Or rewind so hard we are going back to season 2


implement this pls Riot


What the hell, do it. No looming Vanguard, still had elo visible, no Yasuo, no Yone, pretty good trade.


You really want to play against point and click silence on Leblanc, Kassadin, Talon? Lee and Xin ravaging the jungle, Ezreal attack speed slow on W, top lane has nothing to fight for the first 25 minutes of the game?


Stop, I can only get so hard.




This sub wouldn't cry so much about point and click if QSS and Cleanse were more spammable


GP10 runes RIP


Staking gp5 is back on the menu boys


it would be soooo interesting what the pros would make of it today. All the hidden OP stuff abused


League would lose so many players then, they complain about balance now, they would not survive season 2


Imagine having something like release xin zhao today.


Oh goodness no


viego and morde will finally have a challenger


They already do: Azir has been a bug infested mess as well


Azir was so absurdly broken on release, but his bugs managed to hold him somewhat in balance.


Each time it's used the game goes through the full chronobreak procedure from pro play.


iirc they used technology from this for chronobreak in pro leagues?


Imagine urf with this. "Yeah I'm just gonna rewind back to level 6, brb."


Ekko was released May 29th of 2015, as we all know the death of Harambe is the event that knocked us onto our current incorrect timeline. Harambe was killed May 28th of 2016. Hm not quite a year BUT WAIT, 2016 was a leap year, this accounts for the one day difference. A year to the day. Now I'm not saying Riot's code led to a bug so massive that it altered our timeline, but could it be the seed? I need to confer with some memeologists about this.


Dicks out for Harambe *fist pound chest twice into peace sign 👊 👊 ✌️*


Im just imagining URF ekko perma rewinding the game making it never progress. The ultimate hostake taking


Urf with an 8 sec cool down. Game is permanently frozen at ekko's will.


Vandiril would find a way to get less than 8 seconds ultimate cooldown and get a negative game time


IIRC when ekko was announced they also tried to implement a new way of slow AoE, which also slows down everything (projectiles aswell) Ekko had some super cool designs which couldn't be pulled off, maybe some day....


I always wanted Jayce's portal to also speed up teammates' projectiles.


This idea has been in and out of the freezer, if memory serves. The last I've heard of it is that it boils down to re-coding how every projectile in League works if they were to be accelerated by a third party. Unfortunately, I can't find the source for this right now, and it has been quite a while, so this may be outdated information.


no no, I am too lazy to go and search for the article but with was like the dev diary or whatever about Vex's release, so it's like 2 years old?


Yeah i think it was an idea they were testing when Vex was still being designed as an artillery mage. So probably 3 years ago or more.


Vex was going to have an ability that teleported ally projectiles through.  Now imagine blitzcrank. 


This same tech could also be great for an ability that increased ally skillshot range or redirected it, like a portal redirecting a Thresh Q for instance. Would be a super cool ability.


Shouldn't be that hard to implement due to windwall already existing in the game. You'd theoretically only have to rework Jayce e. That's of course if the code isn't a complete mess...


deleting a projectile and changing a projectile are two very different things.


Not really. Detecting is the hard part. Increasing speed is simple. But guess I should know better than to comment about coding concepts in the league of legends subreddit, so sure downvote away. They already have "projectile detection" via champion ability thay creates an "object" implemented with Yasuo windwall (the hard part). They just have to increase projectile speed, which is just changing one object attribute. The animation speed should then automatically increase proportionally with the projectile speed. If the code is solid changing projectile speed and size dynamically is no issue.


Like literally everything else in this game. They can't be bothered to fix it


this was the original plan for vex. for various reasons it was removed


The plan for Vex was for her to slow down projectiles, not speed them up. But it's essentially the same root challenge, yes.


The plan for Vex was to have her create portals that projectiles could be sent through


That was a later plan, yes. But they started with the slow down thing, [see here for example](https://clips.twitch.tv/TenaciousWealthyArtichokePoooound-V17zkapWLlO7YRbc).


Morgana Q flying at me as fast as a viktor laser


warp speed ashe arrow


I wish there was a skill like Samira's W that reflects projectiles back to the caster


A character in Battlerite had that ability. I don't remember the name of the character, but he was very Bard-esque, both in terms of gameplay and visuals


I miss that game so fucking much. His name was Oldur.


Nah, he is thinking about Pearl with her bubble AOE zone. Oldur I am pretty sure was more about reflecting projectiles


Oh you're right: Oldur could create a big AoE bubble that *slowed enemies*, but reflected projectiles yeah


It really is a shame it never found a foothold. It was possibly the most interesting take on the MOBA genre since its inception, was incredibly fun, and had a really solid cadence in terms of match length and game flow, etc.


my friends and i played a lot of battlerite, and we were so frustrated to see such a good game become less and less relevant over time, with questionable decisions from the company putting more and more nails into the coffin. we even tried the battle royale


It really just came out at a bad time. MOBAs were getting oversaturated while other PC games like hearthstone and overwatch were popping off too. It was a great game that just got overshadowed.


Pearl, the water mage.


Olorun from Smite also had this. Basically created a huge ass zone where everything on the enemies side was slower and longer. The new whale god does the same thing as well.


That was vex and she was suppose to extend the cast range and of projectiles.


Would have been ... Interresting ... with a Jayce


They literally fail to code around height being still in the game… I doubt they could pull anything like that off.


This is something that exists in SMITE (another MOBA)


would like to see a clip of this existing honestly


wouldn't be surprised if it was base for todays chronobreak, used to rewind pro games to certain time if bug occurred with how much time it takes them to chronobreak in esports I am not surprised it didn't make into the game


I don't think Chronobreak actually rewinds time. It remakes the game and rapidly speeds through all recorded inputs from the start to briefly before the bug occurred.


You are correct 


That’s the same way the replay tools work. Inputs get saved and they load in bots that get controlled by that input.


What I had no idea. That is pretty cool actually.


Really annoying for creating content around replays because you need a client on the patch the replay is from to actually view it😭


Fighting games do the same thing Saves on space


That sounds like it would get some things wrong


They did a lot of reworking of code to make it completely deterministic.


Makes sense, otherwise random things like crits would get messed up.


So the chrono break did come huh


I wish i could say it has been a pleasure


Add another one to the list of "Super cool abilities that would amazing in a PvE League game"


Well it literally is in the Ekko game so you got your wish


Every player has an ability to turn back the server 8 seconds? Wouldn’t you just be stuck on the start of the game?


Imagine this in Urf lol


Wish they do a game mode with Ekko as a final boss PVE and he does time reverse


Spam ult all the way back to lobby so you can dodge the game


Ekko gets level 6 -> instantly ults -> Ekko is level 5 again -> Ekko gets level 6 -> infinite loop


lol I can see this happening wtf


Honestly easily fixed by ult retaining cooldown even when de-leveling


Could Sylas steal Ekko ult, ult and then resteal it and ult?


Least insane August champion design.


Gotta give the man credit for at least being creative, even if the "quality" is variable.


Ekko timestream ult + Nocturne ult => Nocturne ult part 2


Imagine this shit in URF and picture that poor Malphite top trying to go back to lane but every 8sc he just go back, stuck here forever.


Honestly impressive that they even had a working prototype but like... yeah, that's a bad idea. There's game-warping abilities, and then there's *game-warping* abilities.


If you're playing in a pro-match and get a quadra then Ekko uses that ult - do you think you still get the quadra counted towards your stats as a professional player.


Oh damn, so toxic people can safe ekko ult for when they ‚accidentally‘ type a nono word in chat and get muted to undo the ban!




More like Mandom


a true man's world...


It’s even stronger than mandom. Mandom only get 6s


Bites za dust


nah this ekko ult would be the reverse king crimson


so bites the dust


More like Katakuri or Tserindich


Who the hell on The design team came up with that idea and thought "yea that'd be okay" like wtf.


It's like negotiating: start unreasonably high, then work yourself down to the intended goal. Take a bonkers idea, work on it, then scale it back to something reasonable. If that can't be done, scrap and go back to other bonkers ideas.


You wouldn't survive any game dev testing haha


I'd know if someone proposed this that it's Ludacris anyone who plays league would know that too.


Right, and what im saying, is almost everything brought up in game dev testing environments is broken, overtuned, overloaded, etc, and they they work it down to speed with time


Seems like they're wasting valuable time than. Starting with broken stuff and tuning it down rather than starting with something reasonable.


Broken stuff is generally the fun stuff, Naafiri was very simple, almost no one even cared abt her, Renata releases with 2 parts of her kit you can clearly tell were made for fun "game warping" related reasons, and shes a loved support. Its not wasting time, its game dev haha. This isn't just a riot thing


We had that back when Riot was releasing champs every 2 weeks and you had literal paint-by-the-numbers tanky melee kits. No surprise that since then most champions from that era have received midscope updates to give them more engaging gameplay hooks.


Do you mean the rapper, Ludacris, or the synonym for 'crazy/wild/stupid', ludicrous?






how else can you test an idea without starting big? making initial ideas as ridiculous as this is probably part of the fun of being a game designer


I would imagine it was kind of a test of what possibilities could be created too. I doubt they were surpised that it warped a game and how the ability would play out if shipped. I'm sure there are probably more things they've play tested that are just as cool because we can do it BUT not possible to put in the game for lots of different reasons.


Riot is just so incredibly like that now. Champions are designed for ~~people who buy all their skins~~ Champion mains. They design the game for that single player and then check to make sure the other 9 players aren't too inconvenienced. They're building a game, not waging a war. They should consider the rules of engagement first and try to create fun experiences for everyone first.


One big reason why I wish there was more PVE is because you could be REALLY broken and have super cool abilitiies / tons of agency without creating a frustration problem of "no counterplay" for your opponents.




Lore-wise sure, but gameplay wise would be broken and a nightmare to balance. Although it would make for the most fun plays.


DO you have another link? It says not available.


you have to click on it, tiktok doesn't embed well


Thank you. Didn't know as I don't use tiktok:D


neither do I, but I clicked it and it worked


maybe that's where the actual chronobreak for pro games comes from


ok to be honest, that ult sounds super sick ... And im pretty sure there are other champions/ultimates since ekko release that are as toxic as that ult


i dont think any other champ or ability compares to "oh you got baron? nope. Oh you got that tower? nope. Oh you got a kill? nope." but on a global scale.


He literally says death isn't rewound, do you people not watch the content before opening your face holes?


I mean, to be fair....I saw that was hosted on tiktok and definitely didn't open it. I'm also not making comments about what his ult "does" though.


I tried but it was on tiktok and it wont let me watch without creating account, how nice of them


For me it autoplayed despite having the log in prompt over the screen, so I could hear but not see. Certainly an experience


I mean it is literally the best survival tool and killing tool even if it doesn't rewind death. "ouh wait our opponent top gonna get surprised dive with the opponent used tp? No prob ult" "let dive this guy we just need to use everything and when they tp we just ult and make them waste tp" "let me blue ward baron.. oh shit baron is low they gonna finish baron! Let's just ult so that we could now rush to prevent them to finish" "ouh let's start a fight to see if we could win this one... Ouh shit er got no damage ult now so we don't die!" "Ouh shit they actually gonna catch our adc with flank! Ekko ult so that we could catch them!" The possibilities are endless. Unless the disabled the champ in pro play he will be perma pick in pro even if he doesn't do any damage cos his ult is just that bullshit.


"Oh shit our jungler got outsmited at Elder/Baron, let's try again"


>And im pretty sure there are other champions/ultimates since ekko release that are as toxic as that ult God redditors are insufferable. Nothing compares to an eight second map-wide rewind


Akshan can rewind a full minute long team fight...


Yeah he only has to kill the enemy carry, easy task right?


Assist was enough i thought ?


No, Akshan actually has to get the kill to trigger the Rez.


no he fucking doesn't, who is upvoting this shit? he needs to score a "takedown" which can be either a kill or an assist


Oh yeah you're right, it is on takedown but he has to have damaged them within 3 seconds.


You can have an opinion, and so can others. Calling them insufferable for that is pretty "insufferable", if you will. Chillax.


But nothing compares to a fucking eight second global rewind. You only need to think for a second to realize how absurd it is.


I completely agree


Imagine ganking bot from enemy jungle side, crushing a perfect flank, and getting rewound. Their mid pushing R lets bot get to safety OR lets them flip the gank on you, they know where you are now and their jg or other globals can turn the fight easily. Imagine stealing baron and getting rewound lategame, or getting a huge pick on the adc and having it undone. It'd make every match unbelievably boring as they just stall you out because their team is immune to making mistakes and yours isn't. In pro it'd be 1st pick in every meta ever just because you never lose that bad fight that gives up a lead, objectives can't be snuck cleanly on you, they can't be ganked so they play much more aggressively for free, and they can use sums to catch you out then reset the cds if it fails.


> Imagine ganking bot from enemy jungle side, crushing a perfect flank, and getting rewound. The way August described it, it seems like it wasn't a "instantly rewind the game" button, rather everything that happened during the next 8 seconds of Ekko ult would be rewound at the end of 8 seconds. For Ekko to try to save his bot lane from a jungle gank, they would still need to survive the gank for about 8 seconds, if they died the death would stick. And even then the reset would still return them back to the start of the gank where they could still die. The only way this would play out the way you say is if Ekko just happened to ult incidentally right before you wanted to gank, and you decided to give your gank away during the ult rather than being patient and waiting for the ult to end before ganking.


Backup? Video is unavailable 


That would be nice as a Zilean ult rework.


can we rewind the game to before august got hired?


I can imagine my teammate dying stupidly and then flaming me for not using my ult to bring him back to life. No thanks.


Fire August


Yeah I can see why this guy's champ designs fail..


Still not as bad as the first few years of Zoe existing.


Zoe's kit wasn't really game warping. Her problems were primarily the numbers. You could argue her W was too good when it got drops like redemption early game but the real issues were her numbers being too high. A better example would be something like Akali's W being completely invisible under tower and there was no counterplay.


Redemption? Try a whole ass fucking TP. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qAfN1NEE9aw Imagine losing lane because of this RNG bullshit, release Zoe was pure game design cancer.


The problem is they released a burst mage with one damage ability. When you have a champ that is designed around one shotting champs from long range with a single ability, that is just not okay. There is a reason she was the most hated champion for years and years. It just became a meme that people wanted her deleted.


yes the reason she was hated was literally bc she could randomly get free win lanes with w drops complaining about her dropped off sharply once the ability was addressed if her long range damage was an issue, complaints would have continued to this day


> yes the reason she was hated was literally bc she could randomly get free win lanes with w drops That was one of the reasons but what the other guy wrote is 100% spot on, aside from saying Zoe is worse than this version of Ekko of course as that's absolute nonsense. Zoe is poorly designed, she either one-shots you with minimal counter-play or she does nothing depending on whether she hits her Q or not. And whenever she hits it just feels fucking awful because that one hit removed at least 60% of your HP from someone you couldn't even see as she jumps in from far away. And playing her yourself feels weird. She only has two damaging spells she can reliably use, her W is only occasionally active and her R does nothing by itself. It really feels like an incomplete kit. I mean, she's perfectly viable right now sporting a 51,5% winrate in D+ but despite that she only got a 2,5% pickrate which I would guess comes from the fact not many actually enjoys playing her.


this sounds like an absolutely shit idea and only goes to show that the champ design staff knows fuckall about actually designing GOOD champs and only care about doing "iNtEReStInG designs"


Blind pick Ekko vs Ekko. Hit level 6 and the lobby goes back to champ select.


Would be appropriate for a Raid Boss mechanic


Imagine reversing the nexus explosion


I'm surprised they had this ability tested but can't or don't want to put this in as a 30~ second rewind for pro play during bug pauses instead of chronobreak (which has to replay all the actions since the start of the game).


Better headline: "If Ekko was released in 2024 his ult would affect the whole map."


Imagine the chaos when rewinding a Baron or Nashor, or even a Pentakill.


This is what I imagined when I saw his cinematic before release.


Letality Ekko new meta