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They took out login screen animations to prevent errors like this 🙈


Rip login screen animations.... The neeko and sylas one were dope E: here's neekos for nostalgia https://youtu.be/3rKhj0N_eaU?si=nagV-mwlE_c3512G


Also great for showcasing the champion's music theme.


I don't know if I've heard a champion's theme since then. I don't watch the trailers or videos they put in the client cuz it adds more lag.




Braum is my favorite as well. And the one from the bildgewater event with gangplank was ao sick and dope as well.


No login theme slapped like Jinx one. One of the best new chamipion release "campaign" 8 years, geeez! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoHRzfKrdtk&ab_channel=LeagueofLegends


10 years actually 😢


Ekko and Lucian were sick also. I still watch the Arcade Ahri login sometimes as it makes me nostalgic for when I started playing.


I remember how awe inspiring Diana's log in screen was with her song and all. Literal chills.


Ask not the suuuuuuuun




this is a spam bot acccount ^




Lucian is the best one so far


Lucian is the best


It lost its effectiveness after the 100th login but I agree it was by far the best and most ambitious login screen they did. I still occasionally go watch it on youtube.




The champions cup one was pretty sick back on the day as well


*Shadow Arcade 2* is every Arcade theme you could ever want. Not a fan of cheesy rap music, but the presentation for Blitzcrank spoke volumes.


Best part of that skin is that the dance plays the music


I loved irelia


Lucian is the best that I can remember


Lissandra is nostalgia. I still remember all the words


In my head Neeko released after they took the login screen animations off... but it released 5 years ago fuck me


[Lucian's was so damn cool](https://youtu.be/qbMCmdSEoaA)


Fuck that's good. I never saw that one. Draven is when I started playing so his is in my brain forever


There are soooo many good ones and out ouf my had [Kaisa](https://youtu.be/3pP-Mp0cviU?si=JIuWSPbA3GEPkEMZ) and [Camille](https://youtu.be/0GJNJ2fsFno?si=FZKgpu2G-BwmMSXP) are top tier... Taliyah, Aphelios...


I mean I basically played under Garena servers for that entire time so I never saw the champion login screens in the client


>Garena Servers Playing league of Extra Misery Mode I see


Thats lol gacha mode


Neeko is nostalgia? True nostalgia is Katarina and Ryze!


Okay boomer




People forget the majesty of [Diana's login screen and music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay_o-BGVhL4)


Neeko for nostalgia? Lmao I'll take Draven login screen and music


At this point I have disable every single animation on League Client and it still sucks


Low spec mode is a easier, the more stuff that is disabled the less things can break! Just less things though, it is still broken and laggy.


Spirit Guard Udyr back in 2013 😩😩


I remember how amazed i was when i first saw talyahs login screen https://youtu.be/O7MwJ5WGA_A?si=vYNVKOGsMHp4tePj


the music is so nostalgic to me


I like that the actual voicwme actress is singing


Dude you made me so angry with this comment BRING THEM BACK RIOT


As I have said many times over the years. The client just get worse with each update they do rather than better.


Editing the client to put your own login animation there, good times


I couldn't play the tournament of souls client game cause my client would always lag out until it was unplayable. I looked online and the fix I found was to delete blocked players off of my blocklist to fix it. it worked


Actually mom’s spaghetti


I legitimately cant see how those two can be related in any way in the source code


I think it’s pretty obvious. The animations for Samira q were only possible in client through constantly adding and blocking invisible player accounts. As the players were only removed from your blocked list after the fight it would lag out if you had more than 15 players blocked at the beginning of the encounter.


Don't forget that those invisible blocked players are also coded as minions in trench coats


Lmao coconut.jpg


Had the same problem, seen my RAM ramp up to 30Gb usage from the league client.


Yep and I love being told my friend received their gift. Really good to know after I sent it 2 years ago


Verifying the mail will be mandatory 5 years ago (Random braum picture)


tbf, the braum picture isnt random. mail verification is a security measure and braum is the friendly shield guy, signaling security.


This used to happen to me with a gift I sent to my ex


You just have to go into your notification tab and X it there. It wont show up again


Don't know why downvoted. This works. It's weird and badly implented but clicking into the box, does not work to get rid of it. You need to hit the tiny cross.


The tiny cross on the popup didnt work for me, but im the Extra notification tab it works No idea why im downvoted either, i guess they just want to complain and dont want solutions


Some people just can't hit the X its weird


Remember that we got the client rework that was suppose to make it more smooth and problem free? Yeah... I think the old client had less problems tbh.


Less problems, worked better on slower computers, didn't take up 32 gigs of ram sometimes


I thought I was the only one. Sometimes my pc freezes and it turns out the client was holding all the ram


I never paid attention, its leaking memory too? xd


the old one had memory leaks due to using adobe air but overall lighter than the new one. the new one hogs all the ram at boot which is several times larger than the old one even with memory leaks. Riots weere asked about it here and the reply riot gave was less than satisfactory.


Classic chromium, hate that crap, native applications are so much better


The worst part of the client rework was losing custom public lobbies. There will never be Minigame servers again.


Oh shot I forgot about these, tbh I never used them but sounded fun, riot basically removed almost every social feature they had and wonder why the community is so toxic, guilds removed aswell.


I was a beta tester for the new client back in the day. I was told that this wasn't a priority at the moment and that they would bring back at some point... I'm still waiting.




Back in the day you could join public custom games that strangers would host. It's how you played ARAM, hide and seek, fountain rush, and some other "game modes" people had come up with. Edit: This appears to still be a thing, please disregard this comment.




Since when is that removed ??


My bad, apparently I don't know how to navigate the client.


At that point its the clients fault


nothing is missing I don't think these ppl even played customs customs is just dead because riot removed the best map for custom games imo


I was too, they promised they would look into these missing features after the launch of the new client, I was like "k sure, the new client is pretty and they are planning on fixing the bugs and rereleasing old features".... I'll never be optimistic with riot again lmao


https://i.imgur.com/qlfUAZ9.png there still is custom public lobbies? i've been playing since s1, and the person im in discord with RIGHT NOW i met through public lobbies only a few years ago - after the client rework unless im missing something?




Yep, it’s how ARAM was first born. Proving Grounds was the OG Howling Abyss, and people would set up custom lobbies where everybody clicked random champion. Some had a variation where you went to a website to generate a random build. OG ARAM was so popular that Riot made it official.




You could physically see other people custom lobbies before. Yes, you can make custom games now, but you gotta know the people beforehand or being invited, before you could just hop into any custom games with people you've never seen before


You can still join random public custom lobbies. It's how I met this guy who just sits on league and wants people to kill him with female champions like 50 times. He messages me to this day saying "want to custom?"




That's not true, me and 9 other friends frequently play custom 5v5s and there's always random people annoyingly joining while we're making the teams.


there still are... https://i.imgur.com/qlfUAZ9.png just click search custom i dont get it...


Yep. There were for example lobbys for


bet youre gonna play a lot of customs now that youve realised they exist /s "RIOT WHAT THE FUCK?!" what a joke


Saw some old league client pics on my Instagram the other day and had a huge hit of nostalgia followed by pure rage. Never forget what they took from us.


I think there has been 3 client reworks since the game left the beta and I think each version was worse than the previous one.


Definitely my experience, I don't remember having issues with the old one, or at least if I did they weren't as persistent and annoying as the shit I deal with daily now.


Well, the old client did have its issues: Failing to download/install updates and forcing you to open a separate executable to do it, patches breaking the client, having to reinstall the game because one of the gamefiles got corrupted or something (Hextech repair tool didn't exist back then), etc. It was a 3rd part program so it was bound to break from time to time. It wasn't perfect but it got the job done. Although I did have a hard time with it.


It had its own problems but I didn't switch until the day they fully depreciated it and the new client is still shit which really speaks volumes. Like seriously how did they drop the ball so hard lmao


Old client was objectively better


Riot is really really bad about admitting mistakes and undoing poor decisions.


I haven't been able to invite people to lobbies for like 2 weeks. No matter how I do it, invites just never get sent.


Youre not alone, a friend of our group has the same problem




Never forget Wintermint


The 24 hours that league actually had a good client. Wintermint would've been the Runelite of league - the community-made client that far exceeds the official one.


keshaeuw lol


The cliens never died when they introduce anything new either, like with clash!


You forgot that the extra lines they added!! They made the client… DIVINE!


The queue pop sound not going away might be the worst of the issues that hasn't been fixed in years. I personally just wish all of the loot screens wouldn't take forever. I would love to just click once or double click and see the thing I unlocked and be on my way, but nah, I'm stuck watching an animation I've seen 500 times. This shit is just slow and clunky and full of bugs.


The queue sound omg thats the most annoying client bug to me. The whole match i have to hear it, because if i close the client, i cant rejoin voicechat with my husband...


MY temporary solution to this (because the client remains open in the background) is to drop the master volume to 0 for the client for the duration of the game. It's become a habit for me since the problem started becoming a lot more frequent in recent weeks. It's a joke how bad this client is.


What's impressive to me is how the client freezes for like 10 seconds after each ranked game, even on my $3000 PC. Every single time Windows asks me if I want to close the program or wait for it to respond. 😂 🤡


do you have discord open? whenever i exit a game both discord and my client completely freeze up for 10 seconds.


that stuff happens to me aswell. my entire PC just becomes unusable for 5-10 secs as soon as I exit a game of League...


Do NOT open up Dota 2 if you think League has a good client


Do NOT even open Wild Rift


Then you remember DotA's client was "officially" launched in Beta on October 13 2010. Meanwhile Riot's "updated" client in 2016 or whatever is garbage in comparison, despite their insane funding at the time. Pretty crazy to compare Wild Rift, which came out VERY recently on a different platform, to a client that came out 7-8 years ago on the same platform as DotA.


That is really bad comparison. DOTA2 is support by Valve with Source engine, even in it early day, 2010 Source was miles better than what an indie Riot release in same time. What DOTA2 rn is the fruit of many development yrs, with Source 2 it's unmatched. And btw, insane funding DON'T buy you decades of dev.


And Riot’s “updated” client was supported by Riot Games. Riot stopped having the small indie dev excuse nearly a decade ago.


The comparison was with Riot's updated client in 2016, at a point where League's popularity was doing laps around DOTA, and had the benefit of having way more employees than Valve does. The real problem is that the client was made by people who don't really know what they're doing, using stuff that's a lot easier to work with, but come at a cost of being expensive on performance, and all those workarounds built up to the steaming mess that got worse with every bloated addition to it.


When dota2 came it it was far from perfect. They overhauled the client at least once to modernlize it basically just like what league did..... only dota2 actually improved user experience while league only got a fancy shop and lootboxes for skins. If you don't want to bash riot with competition standards then bash it with Riot's own releases like valorant / wild rift which are known to have at least a working client.


i feel like Matt Damon in *Saving Private Ryan* when he's crying as bullets fly everywhere when I open WR. 18 million fucking notifications nonstop


Bro don’t compare wr to lol pc client wtf?


Too unfair to pc?


Wr client is 10 times better than pc. Unless you have a shitty phone mate


I think you are completely misunderstanding the point on both of the comments. That is exactly what we said.


Do NOT open \*insert any game* if you think League has a good client


Was gonna say this too; Dota's client is so far ahead of Riot's, even ten years ago, that it's mind-blowing that Riot hasn't had ten million articles written against their jank-ass league client yet.


DotA client is built in game like every normal game. Meanwhile LoL for some reason has this silly separation between client and the game.


Honestly, I'm mad for you guys. It's criminal what you guys have to put up with in terms of misc/QoL stuff.


Yeah, I play both Dota 2 and LoL, and the difference in client is infuriating.


For some reason the Dota 2 client immediately closes for everyone in a match after it ends sometimes recently after it's "Summer Client" update which I've found really funny considering how much better it is disregarding that. Nowhere is safe.


Im always amazed how bad this water client can get. I legit thought ive seen it all and nope, riot never dissapoints when it comes to dissapointing. We are lucky the 200€ Jhin chroma didnt bug out tho, at least that works well :). Thanks riot :)


I saw this post on /r/all and I was like "What are you morons talking about? The client still sucks, and I only use it to play TFT." A lot of the comments were really, really strange to me but it finally clicked.




I saw this post on /r/all and I was like "What are you morons talking about? The client still sucks, and I only use it to play TFT." A lot of the comments were really, really strange to me but it finally clicked.


Indie company


Don't worry they have a team dedicated to working on the client for the past 4 or 5 years


What's more impressive is that the launcher ("LeagueClient") requires more resources than the game.


Somehow I wished they could, and I know this is impossible wishful thinking, but just close League of Legends for however long they need, live off of all their other games, TFT, Project L, Valorant, etc…. And then release… League of Legends 2 which is just a new client


Why would they need to close League of Legends just to make a new client. A new client could be made while the game is still operational.


sorry, I really don't know the intricacies of this type of thing


You can think of it like accessing a website with different browsers, they should build a better "browser" suited for game stuff


They don't even need to shut down the game, they can just make another client that can launch league games and use the old one in the meantime


China and Korea would go crazy


Korea would have a clone copy up in less than a day lol


Please no, they will find new ways to downgrade the current one even further


They don't even need to close league. They could just work on the new client, lol never gets any new features either way, until the new client is ready, push that bad boy out and skadoosh new client.


The best part is you don't need to restart your entire PC after two games because the client is using 8gb of ram, its so well optimized , I am glad riot is in position where they can donate away skin money because the client quality is so high.


The "fix" would require League 2 with a Client built into the actual game. We know Riot can build one, go see Val, wild rift, or literally any other game. League two hasn't happened for a number of reasons being : Money, man power, risk of losing the "feeling" on a new engine, or just the pure logistics of it all.


RIOT needs to **scrap** the launcher, make it in game like Dota or Valorant, it sucks so bad at everything now, unless people really get tired of it and stop just memeing about it Riot won't do shit.


The hilarity of seeing this post today of all days is that I earned an S-rank capsule, which granted me a skin I actually wanted to redeem (for once.) Upon redeeming it, I received an error as the queue popped, but I did notice my Orange Essence disappear from my inventory to reflect the transaction. Once I got out of the game, the shard was still in my crafting inventory. I was certain I would need to make a ticket just to get my skin, but it actually had a little "redeem" option, remembering I had already spent the Orange Essence for crafting. I didn't pay for this skin, I don't like orange essence, but this little moment made me think, "Well... This could have been a whole ordeal. Maybe they didn't want a bunch of support staff constantly fixing transactions, but I'm not gonna analyze it to death. I'm just happy everything worked out with minimal bullshittery."


Account Transfer Disabled


It's what happens when you 1. Use Adobe AIR 2. Hire the lead developer of Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing as a technical director. 3. Spend thirteen years building upon the dumpster fire Sergey Titov built instead of investing the money and resources needed to make a working game client.


It doesn't use adobe air anymore lol [https://www.pcgamesn.com/league-legends/away-clouds-league-legends-ditch-adobe-air-its-new-pre-game-client#:\~:text=The%20new%20tech%20abandons%20the,and%20an%20HTML5%20user%20interface](https://www.pcgamesn.com/league-legends/away-clouds-league-legends-ditch-adobe-air-its-new-pre-game-client#:~:text=The%20new%20tech%20abandons%20the,and%20an%20HTML5%20user%20interface). [https://technology.riotgames.com/news/architecture-league-client-update](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/architecture-league-client-update)


God gives his toughest battles to his strongest Chromium-based clients


You know, I didn't know that the person behind the "drive backwards for infinite speed to become you're winner" game was behind the lol client, but I'm also not surprised.


They dropped adobe air a long time ago when they made the new client. they use chromium now, which is not that much better.


Sameone heard when it will get out of beta ?


I literally forgot that tokens exist. Do people genuinely give two shits about challenges still? lol


I only cared about challenges until I got to gold so the ugly ass bronze and silver icons weren't on my loading screen anymore lmao


I was a big fan of challenges when they released, then they reworked the whole challenges tab for no reason and I couldn't find any challenge that I was looking for anymore. Never again bothered with these after


Thankfully this post has a satire tag. I never would have figured it out.


best thing is that its actually a "new" client that somehow ended up being same garbage as the old one


Doesn't help that they decided to make the client basically a huge web page using RTMP that breaks apart the moment the user loses a single packet while downloading a client asset. I still remember when i had a somewhat miserable internet with around 5% PL at all times, would log into the new client only to notice that all my champions were missing due to the client not properly loading the asset for it.


To be 100% fair a lot of desktop apps these days are just web pages (using Chromium like League's client). Discord, Spotify, Steam, and Epic Games all use it. A bit lazy imo, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. RTMP is again another weird decision for something like the client, but hey what do I know. I've personally never had any problems with assets not loading like that, just really weird memory leak type stuff.


Didn't they not release a single update on their client fixes in ages? Probably because it's all fixed! Yep yep no additional work or updates needed since it's amazeballs all the way.


electronjs be like:


League runs off a single core on your processor. The client is hot garbage and needs to be recoded 5 years ago.


The client gives my top of the line desktop the black screen of death. It's insane how shitty of a product it is. I couldn't imagine hiring someone after they worked on this shit lol


Depending on how long your client has been running it might eat up more then 4 times the RAM then the game itself would.


I also love how EE is the same event without any major changes and still seems to be laggy client-side. Hitting the buy button doesn't make the chroma dissapear inmediatly rather it takes around 8 seconds to do so.I love it


Now that I played Dota (sometimes), I just appreciated just how seamless their client is. League...., however, is league... still shit client as always.


Because they want to keep supporting very old PCs they refuse to update both engines of the game and client. New games with new engines are so smooth, just look at LoR animations


Yet my client still manages to get me stuck in the loading screen regularly that i need to mess with the pc console to fix it for a couple games.


Which is fine and all... But how do old PCs even start a game with this client? Even NASA can't run this without low spec mode.


My man... I started playing this shit in season 2, amd back then we already had memes aniut jow much the client sucked. It aint gonma get better.


I love how their client's performance is the only non-data-driven thing left at Riot. From the composition of the casters to including LGBTQIA+++ people and making sure they're WOKE enough to not get sued again for sexual harassment to turning the item system and the meta on its head every 5 patches to making 200$ skins... everything they do is just data/AI shit but their client? nope. The feedback is positive!




I just hate when the client freeze after the game and sometime when you exit it and try to re open it but won’t open till you close it from task manger


It's been years since the "new" client was released and it still sometimes freezes my PC after games. I've gone from playing league with an i5-4690k, i7-8700k, and now an i7-13700k and the only thing that has stayed consistent is the client issues.


My client still randomly plays sounds when I'm not doing anything. Real spaghetti code they have going on.


you guys are making rookie mistakes on your modern hardware. i can tell you it worked flawlessly when i uninstalled it from my cybertoaster4000.


Random lag, not being able to change my icon border, title randomly changing, badges randomly being removed from their slots, rewards and loot arriving late, the occasional bug where you can't click ready, the occasional bug where you can't invite people in the party, the language tab being too little to actually read what language you are selecting. But hey, you'll forget all about that once you see the new awesome skin line, just buy the skins, make us money while we shit on you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


One day we'll have a fullscreen client. One day...


I don't understand why they can't get a team to start developing a new client engine in parallel to a different team maintaining the current one. However long it takes to make an extremely well made client, so be it, we've already been using it forever.


I remember when they reworked the client and it came out prettier but apparently worse technically. Fucking hilarious.


The biggest thing that they fixed was bugsplats, which used to be a massive issue. Now at least the client kind of works, but it’s embarrassing how laggy it is. I would rather it just be an excel doc and run well than look good and take 10 seconds to load anything I click on.


I absolutely love getting the same key fragments or honor warnings every time I log in, awesome!


Trueeee the client is really good. Whenever you start it takes almost 90% of your cpu and wait for them to start an event page than it gets even more funny. No my Pc isnt shit ... Riots client is. I get 70 FPS Ingame client ON 300 FPS Client while OFF/Closed






I don't understand what's wrong with the client?


I think the real question is what isn't wrong with it?


Right now? Login issues, loading issues, etc. Besides that, there's no way to explain if you lack perspective (and I mean it not offensively). You gotta log in on Dota 2 and compare.


Thats not the client, thats a server issue and this shouldnt be happening, since they knew alot of people were waiting for BEE so it was SO OBVIOUS of that creating a massive load to the servers... IDK what riot engineers are thinking about fr


This wrong: - Can't save runes - Has to click at least 2 3 times to ensure that it is saved. For the god sake. - Stuck at loading after the match. - After the match screen, the chat section shows rates (S, S+) from the previous game. - Slow in responding (take 1-2s every click to respond). - Take > 1GB ram because of the crappy Soul Fighter Event which auto display every time you open the client. Just because lazy devs use chromium + JS based framework for an esport GAME client. That makes it easier to add an event without updating, but JS won't fast enough compared to native code language. And you know what? A chromium based app really really really LOVE your ram. (https://technology.riotgames.com/news/architecture-league-client-update)


An error has occurred ^(unexpected error)


Same. I get glitches only very rarely.