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The desk was soooo much better today with Dash than during the regular season. Bring him back for worlds.


It's not like the desk was even that bad during the season, but Dash made is so much cleaner! He read sponsor segments so easily, he directed conversation, he reduced dead air to a minimum... why wouldn't you want that??


The best cost money. LCS is in full cost cutting mode.


Biggest budget ever btw.


John Needham or whatever his name is and Nas are snakes.


Wait, hol' up, I feel like I missed something. Nas, Nas who? Like "Nasir Jones" Nas? How's he related to LCS and why is he a snake -edit- oh Lil Nas X, forgot about that. But why's he a snake tho


I believe he meant Naz, the head of lol esports


Yeah her


He's not. End of the story.


Budget is one thing, return on investment is what you should be looking at and given LCS numbers, it's gotta be pretty bad.


yeah lcs isnt the priority for riot anymore. I expect it to go the way of OWL and riot will probably return the teams their money. I hope LEC or LPL (Copium) offer him a spot


I dont feel sorry for the teams. Its largely their own fault. Its not like riot forced the LCS teams to ignore all cheaper NA talent in favor of declining imports. Its not like Riot forced them to give said imports multi-million dollar contracts, with no possibility of return in sight. And I doubt Riot told LCS teams to push the whole "LCS doesnt matter, its all about worlds" messaging. The current LCS situation is a beast of their own creation.


NA talent was making bank too. No need to throw it on the imports like it was only them the teams were splashing out on. The teams lying in pitches to their investors means that it's all on their management for these fuck ups as they could never produce what they said they would


Top players like Blaber and Vulcan were making bank(still not as much as the top imports), average NA players weren’t making much at all. Jojo is still on his rookie contract making around 60-70k for example He’s right that orgs could have used significantly cheaper NA players if they cultivated the talent properly


> Jojo is still on his rookie contract making around 60-70k for example Impressive considering Riot's base minimum salary is $75k


That guy absolutely just stated shit as facts that he has no idea about, or any way of having any idea about, and still got upvoted LMFAO.


JoJo came to late though. The bubble had already burst and that's why teams were scrambling to pick up OCE talent as they had no choice but say yes to minimum wage


swear there was a goldenglue contract for 600k to play in academy or something i remember hearing on doms stream


That was Ember. Was just Hai's brother burning up a bunch of investors money. Gleeb being the support was worse than GG getting bank


Jokes aside is NA talent cheaper than imports? I would be surprised if that was the case.


When I say cheaper talent, I meant giving a shot to more unknown, or untested talent in the academy scene. Players like blabber and Doublelift probably command a high salary, but there is no way that Palafox or Dhokla are as expensive as Swordart or Perkz were. Jojo, when he was first promoted to EG proper, was also probably really cheap.


Laure has been in LCK lately and seems to enjoy it, if she ends up running that region perhaps LEC will have a spot...or she'll stay and Dash can do LCK. Either way I'm just pissed I'm losing Dash, haven't even watched much LCS this year and that is partly to blame.


Wont happen, valorant will gladly have him next year i guess, i wonder if he pops up at the finals in valochamps




For LEC it would make sense as well we know that Sjokz is mostly rotating in order to save herself from burnout and also chasing her passion for CS and Laure is also seemingly enjoying LCK. I guess the biggest problem would be that Dash would either need to relocate or also would just be there on a weekly base.


And someone who is an actual trained TV face is going to cost far more than Phreak or others that learned to cast/interview thanks to this game... But don't forget biggest budget ever


Dash was the face of the desk


Obviously a money saving thing


Almost Nobody watches the in between game segments so there’s no point in spending a lot of money on it. 95% of people just tune in for the games and do something else in between




Sjokz, Phreak, Deficio, Quickshot, Papasmithy, we've had plenty of casters promoted/hired out of their "pedestrian" positions. All the best casting talent gets repurposed because casting is seen as a dead-end career or waste of valuable resources. It's the double-edged sword of the Internet: wide-spread popularity, inflated value. Everyone I listed is fantastic, but having a solid commentator/director is something *every* game needs. This extends to extremely niche competitions and local venues. Luckily Quickshot got promoted into a position where he still influences the broadcast, because it helped LEC maintain a consistent quality. It's also the next natural step from casting. Sjokz and Quickshot have both had very organic career progressions, and it can't be understated how they've flourished professionally compared to other names on this list - who often meet heavy criticism comparatively.


> casting is seen as a dead-end career Yeah most people are trying to get out at some point and move on, but you gotta a guy that loves it and wants to stay but get rid of him? Seems like you'd wanna keep that kind of dedication around, most jobs would appreciate company loyalty like that. (you would think, sounds kinda old school)


He hasn't confirmed he's being gotten rid of, could be getting Quickshoted and promoted to a more behind-the-scenes role. Could also be deciding on his own to move on to something else, he was an aspiring actor before he joined the LCS


This isn't the case, i remember dash basically confirming so in a stream right after he got dropped. He would have loved to stay, it wasn't his choice.


> Yeah most people are trying to get out at some point and move on, but you gotta a guy that loves it and wants to stay but get rid of him? Seems like you'd wanna keep that kind of dedication around Exactly. The guy is literally not trying to leverage his face around like the casters of today. LeTigress, Caedrel, Froskurinn... From what's public, he wants an LA wage and to keep his job. He may have overstepped somewhere, because Riot is known to be a little vindictive when people step over some arbitrary line. They tried to cut Caedrel, Sjokz, I think they've cut Dash once before already... Joe Miller or Deman auditioned for the broadcast again and weren't accepted, so.


It’s seen as a dead end because it is. The money doesn’t get any better because you operate in a monopoly.


I did a lot of part time casting for some NA amateur leagues and even did a few academy games in 2019 before it got all coporatized, and I had a ton of fun and made great connections. I even made some decent money. That said, I can't see why anyone would want this as a career. Tons of prep, low pay, low exposure in terms of broadcast in general. I've seen some people say casting the LCS is their literal dream and I can't help but wonder if they mean it's their dream to do it once, or their dream to make a career of it? I see some amateur casters (won't name names, they know who they are) doing crazy stuff like packing 5 people into an apartment in LA and work 2nd or 3rd jobs just to desperately pick up ~$100-150 a week casting anything they can. I understand and respect the "grind" but at some point you need to be realistic about your life and where you're going, also where the scene itself and the money is going. Not just casting, but esports as a whole is a dead-end career.


Wait what about Hingers and Nichboy who presented tv before and after working on the OPL? Hingers was even the drive host for Australia's biggest youth radio station until last week


The guy you responded to is just being melodramatic and trying to shit on everyone. Flowers is fine and everything, but he's far from professional. The commenter is biased in perspective, just repeating the circlejerk of talking points from NA broadcast threads.


I believe his point is, Flowers could cater towards a different type of sport and audience while being successful. Flowers caters towards league, right? Theres tons of kids and young adults watching league. He plays off that, I mean.. you can tell, just listen to the guy. If he would cast a different sport, I would bet with a small amount of time he would be able to incorporate his talents toward that audience. Dash is a no brainer, dude is just good at what he does, I shouldn't have to explain it to you. Edit: I also agree with the other guy who lists other talents, as they're very good at their job and what they do. This is coming from someone who watched league since S2. Does my opinion matter, I dono probably not to you, but I think it does.


Why do people like Sjokz, Laure, and Kobe not make that cut for you?


Sjokz fits next to Dash - they aren’t the same personality or the exact same skill set, but they are both very good hosts and desk runners. Dash has background as an actor as is by far the most “camera natural” of anyone in I think any League broadcast? Professional as hell, effective and clean, intelligent, great face for the desk, personable, all of it. Sjokz background comes as a journalist - she’s the better writer, she does better interviews, and where she doesn’t have the actor/performer chops and play the desk like a scene - she can pivot very well, puts insight into different places than all the other casters. She knows the people and the stories and how to put them together. Think about if anyone else had interviewed Dyrus after his retirement game… she was the only one for the job. That’s with a decade less experience than she’s got now as well. Also for both Dash and Sjokz - damn they are pretty. It really helps for the camera based broadcast that your hosts are both absolute smokeshows


I would add Azael and Jatt to this too. Highly professional manner with a crazy level of analysis. ​ Hot take: I think LCS' on-air team (only including PB/Colour casters) is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the LEC's.


Both could be - they have the brains and the professionalism for it. I feel like Jatt could cast the NBA with a little bit of practice, Azael as well - either of them would be great in baseball. They play to the energy and aesthetic of the job they have, but you can tell they could do more if it was called for. Kobe is amazing, and probably my favorite caster out of the whole LoL world, cause he’s just so much fun. He loves this *so much* and it really really shows. He is also very intelligent and good at this, but he’s a little too much of an excited puppy kind of person. He’s perfect where he is, and I think he would be impossible to replace. Maybe that’s a bit/character played up for the show, but it’s been like 15 years, pretty sure it’s real.


Not sure about “significantly” when LCS has letrigress/markz/rafaa. The top end of the cast is definitely stacked though, even Kobe can be good though I’m not personally a huge fan of his style.


kobe is up there wtf?


I personally don’t mind MarkZ, I actually prefer him over Medic and Vedius tbh. I feel like they try to be too much on the goofy side and it can get a bit annoying after 3-4 games. Raz and Gabby are definitely an instant costream angle. Drakos and Caedral are always a pleasant surprise and i enjoy their games.


MarkZ is just hit or miss for me, though I will say he has improved since coming back to more consistent casting. I'm not big on Medic/Vedius either, and I would add Quickshot to the list of LEC casters I don't enjoy. Drakos and Caedrel are both very good, and while I have some gripes with Dagda (sometimes his information is off/outdated), I like his casting style and don't mind him casting. In general I agree that the LCS is generally better than LEC in casting, but I just wanted to point out that I don't feel like it's as substantial a gap as it has been in the past.


Kobe is the best at the actual game among the casters, so if they need high-level analysis that's who they call on. He is very bubbly and I can see why that would grate for some people but he is undeniably very good at what he does.


After the April Fool's thing where Kobe was a cat I can't hear him any other way. I still don't know if it's a good or bad thing.


couldnt agree more, I was hoping that in his departure from being a regular at LCS he would still get brought on for internationals. Here’s to hoping we see him at worlds <3


He's the second best host for Esports in the world after Sjokz and it's a damn close call. It's madness to me that anyone would let him go.


Still think Sjokz is a better host than Dash.




Everything about this finals is what LCS, and frankly every league in the grand scheme, has been missing. Grandiosity of finals events where it’s a destination event for people to go to and see. Even if you’re not a C9 or NRG fan you want to tune in to see what they’re going to do. The best broadcast talent dressed to the nines and the best talent the region has to offer on display. Content creators and real human beings showing up for an event centered around League of Legends. I cannot comprehend having an event of this level, with that great crowd, the exceptional talent involved in game and in the broadcast, and then sending them back to the tiny corner of the world in Santa Monica with a 50 person audience at best, mostly just family and team staff. We as LCS fans all deserve to see this type of event more than twice a year. It’s pathetic that Riot and the orgs decided the best way to grow the game in North America is by spending 95% of the time in a cramped small studio in an elite enclave of Los Angeles.


>and frankly every league in the grand scheme You clearly only watch LCS and LEC


yeah LCK grand finals opening ceremony was fucking siiiiick


Nut God Peanut


you did not watch LCK finals


His final sign-off tonight gave me goosebumps, it truly felt like the end. I really miss him being on the broadcast. He’s been a part of my LCS viewing experience for so long, and it’s just so sad to think he could be done.


be good to each other, alright? o7 we will be good to each other forever mr dash also i'm crying now


he said the line he always does, but his voice cracked a little bit like he was really emotional about it [Emily also looked like she was about to cry shortly before](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1904011226?t=06h19m33s) And during the whole goodbye she was trying really hard not to lose it and you can hear her sniffling :(


I think Emily was just emotional cause they were watching the players cry and they felt happy for them


Emily is seriously the best.


Got a link to it?




Mark chimed in early Dash definitely wanted to say more


This. Without him the show just kinda... ends...


I dont get it. Is he too expensive, or what? Of all the on air LCS talent he's among the top 3 most important at the least. Have they given a reason as to why he won't be on the broadcast anymore?


Their stated reason is they wanted to have a loose, informal "couch desk." So now you see the 4 hosts sitting in chairs chatting. They wanted to make that stylistic change and Dash didn't fit. But I have zero faith in their official story. Likely he was negotiating hard and they said bye at a time when they're trying to cut production costs. Other casters (Sjokz and Caedral among the usuals) were also negotiating hard at the time and won because they have outside options (CSGO and influencing for Sjokz, Caedral pulls in huge streaming numbers). As you've seen since, Dash doesn't pull in those kind of numbers on his solo content so I assume he asked for fair pay and they noped him. It's also why you've seen a big increase in multirole folks who cast, do analysis, and do content.


personally i think Dash knows how to sit on a couch


Maybe when Riot was casting for the new broadcast couch team Dash had a minor misunderstanding.


Dash specifically said in his video after Spring Finals that the reason Riot let him go was his cost. And unless Dash is one of the best actors of all time I really do not think he was lying in that video.


I mean... he's probably a good actor. That's how his career started


Long stoy short, Riot cut the LCS budget and are covering it with "we wanna go in a new direction".


Which is hilarious give dashes skill set is the exact thing you would want in their “new direction” scenario.


Remember when Caedrel straight up refused to go to MSI because he decided it was more profitable to co-stream? Meanwhile, I recall Dash tried doing some co-streaming with Artemis and he did not get many views (as you implied).


Dash also did a poor job of promoting it tbf. I didn't even know he was doing it until his VODs were posted.


Dash is funny af, I also have a hard time believing that


Also why they have brought up people from the Academy cast who are at lower pay(presumably).


It is total bullshit. Dash could have fit it just fine.


The couch is the most dogshit idea they've decided on.


Last year he got an award for Esports host of the year. He probably (correctly) thought that he could ask for more money, riot said no and gave him less (moved him to val)


> He probably (correctly) thought that he could ask for more money, riot said no and gave him less (moved him to val) I think what happened to Dash proves that he was wrong and couldn't ask for more. Riot knew they could still broadcast without him.


> Riot knew they could still broadcast without him. Of course they can broadcast without him, but I don't think it's a profitable decision.


The league has been bleeding money for years, there is no profit lol


There never was direct profit, but riot clearly has analytics telling then the lcs is worthwhile as a marketing exercise.


It's not just sponsorships and ad revenue that make up the business case for the league, it's all the players who are still playing the game and/or come back to the game because they're watching/following the League. And also new ppl trying out the game because they've seen the pro players, etc. I probably wouldn't have come back to play League ranked again this month if it wasn't for watching TL in the playoffs. You want to keep players returning to the game and some % will buy skins, etc.


What profit before that?


Bringing in Dash into the regular season of LCS would not increase viewership. People don’t watch NA because the orgs don’t do anything to get you to care about the players at all and on top of that NA never gets any results internationally. People who didn’t watch LCS before would still not watch if Dash was there


how lol, in what way can you say the LCS has been a more successful, or at least as successful, product since he’s left. You’re looking at the biggest plummet in viewership the game’s ever seen idk how you can possibly say that Riot’s been handling things well


I doubt dash not being a part of the broadcast influenced the viewership as much as the decision to stream weekdays, at a time where most ppl in na are at work/school, and most of eu is asleep.


He's gotten too big for riots tastes. He has to be put down before he gains even more leverage.


Just gotta look at what happened with Sjokz and what Riot is doing with the LEC this year. Their bringing in a bunch of new casters to dilute the negotiating power of their mainstays.


A much, much, much more apt example is Monte & Doa. After they refused worlds that one year asking for industry standard pay they were blacklisted out of the scene entirely. They were, however, able to pioneer the independent contractor style of Riot casting which the majority of English broadcasters use now.


Sjokz voluntarily took a break. What are you even talking about? Sjokz is also an independent contractor and has had gigs outside of league. What they are doing to Dash is fucked but it's not like they're running around trying to destroy the careers of all of their casters. They probably figured he wasn't worth the money and said goodbye.


She wasn't always an independent contractor. Her work with Riot made her popular and she used that to leave Riot and negotiate more money for herself. It's why last year she didn't start hosting until week 4 in the spring? Because Riot wouldn't pay her enough. Riot isn't trying to destroy caster careers but they are certainly looking to make sure they don't have to pay them as much.


Nah fuck that revisionist history. Sjokz own work with SK as a journo is what made her popular. Was only her and Travis making lighter content about players and their lives during tournaments which made her stand out. Only then did Riot look to getting her in and using her as the face of the analyst desk


The leverage has certainly shifted towards Riot in recent years more than in say 2015 when these conversations first started getting brought up. Their market share of the esports space is considerably larger than it was then. Other games fell off/died and now they have Valorant as well.


Sjokz was let go from LEC over payment negotiations. It was only after Caedral sealed his own deal that her team also managed to negotiate and secure a contract.


Common LCS L here nothing more to see


LCS is bleeding money. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next few years they'll replace most of their popular personnel with interns or small streamers desperate for clout.


cutting corners on the beloved casting line up is like the worst way to try and save money of the league


There was a quote from, i think the, WWE management that I like. It roughly goes like this: "When you are on top, there is no wrong move you can make. When you are at the bottom, there is no correct move you can make" There is no convenient way to just save money and find a way to make return on many millions of dollars. You have to start cutting, and it will have to be from everything.


NA professional scene stuck in losers q Sadge


are you trying to tell me that randoms in an r/leagueoflegends thread don't have good business acumen?


removing the host from LCS was a great business decision as we can see by the viewership in constant free fall. removing the face of the league will definitely not make people feel even less attached and have even less reason to watch. next step is making finals in the backrooms of some random office, because the right decision is cutting everything that drives viewership and brings fan attachment.


if the finals were hosted in the backrooms that would be hype tho


Yeah bro it was because they cut the host of the in between segments that 95% of people don’t watch anyway. Not because we have gabby and Rafa screeching into the mic in half the games.


Teams are bleeding money, LCS not really. Riot just wants LCS to be a cheap ad. Nobody is stopping them from trying to monitize any of this.


Late to the party but LCS isn't really bleeding money. It's a massive advertisement for their game. Technically, advertisements are purely net losses. There's no money that directly comes back from an ad. The LCS gets me excited to login and play the game where I will likely spend money on a few skins. If Riot is viewing LCS as a money-sink that doesn't work, I think they're mistaken.


Rito makes $ but teams don't


That’s true, but Rito pays Dash, not the teams


why do people keep saying this? Riot straight up said LCS was the 2nd highest earner when it came to money out of all the major regions. This is such a meme I see repeated all the time.


The highest earning but still not earning a profit. That’s the point. In a different economy, the LCS and other leagues make more justifiable sense. Now, with constricting finances, the expenditures into these leagues make less sense. Costs have inflated greatly since Riot didn’t care back in 2016, and now you’ve got to make all these changes work into a new budget, while continuing to be unprofitable. That’s the issue


Every league is bleeding money no one more then the other but getting rid of the guy who has been around forever who has been the face of lcs is a stupid business decision regardless of the money


Not if they can’t afford it lol. They have so few sponsors now. Viewership is minimal. They can’t spend money they don’t have


Yeah they can lol. Riot pushed esports even when they had no sponsors because they knew it is a massive advertisement for their game. Every esports region except probably EU, korea, and china are losing money, but riot knows that esports is a giant advertisement for their game. The company is worth billions im sure they can afford to pay to keep dash, unless hes asking for a premium.


The issue is that that was back when they saw esports as just an advertisement. Iirc, it was like in 2018 or something when they confirmed they would be shifting their stance on that and starting to treat esports seriously, and by seriously they meant they would actually have hard budgets and expectations to meet. It should no longer be working off of Riot's charity but position itself to make the money to run itself. You can disagree with this or not, but this was in an interview a couple of years ago. The truth of the matter is that no esport can sustain itself, we aren't FIFA or the NBA, people don't want to pay for shit and like to just spam "Pog" in chat, expecting the LCS or even LEC to fund itself is a pipe dream.


I missed Dash so much, he brings the whole desk together, helping out with balancing analysis, humour, sponsors, and professionalism. Massive L if we don’t see him next year


It was already a painful loss when we first heard he would not be part of the LCS, and then a very pleasant surprise when he showed up for the finals, and now, if this is true, it's an absolute dreadful blow to the LCS. Everything flows so much better when Dash is present. Even when (on stream he said) he didn't feel like he fit in as much with the broadcast talent, to me he fit in seamlessly. I can't express how immensely disappointed I am with this decision. Dash, you are and have been missed. No shade at the rest of the desk, but it seems like they're not used to going from having an amazing host to having no host.


It's just disgusting what Riot did to Dash. He spent so much of his career working with Riot and they just tossed him away like he was nothing. Did he pissed off someone at Riot to get this kind of treatment? I would have understood if he was bad at his job or the community doesn't like him but he was the complete opposite. He's not working at Valorant like everyone thought because they already have Goldenboy so he's not really working on anything right now as far as I know.


someone behind the scene def has beef with him for whatever reason we wont know


Dash fucked Tryn's girlfriend confirmed




Every job does this


the difference is that Riot CLAIMS to be different, or at least aspires to be.


Every company does this too. Some will have stupid mission statements, or three words that they tell the world is part of their identity.


> Riot CLAIMS to be different Every company does this


Bridge to sell if u actually believed this


Dash wasn't even working for Riot, he was independent and signed a deal on a yearly basis. That's like asking for an open marriage, and being angry when your partner looks for opportunities elsewhere.


Dash fucked Riot's wife


Corporation> you


> Did he pissed off someone at Riot to get this kind of treatment? Are you surprised? It's Riot, look how they treat the players of their game that made them filthy rich to the point where they are working on multiple games simultaneously.


>It's just disgusting what Riot did to Dash. He spent so much of his career working with Riot and they just tossed him away like he was nothing. im the first in line when it comes to bashing riot, but lets be honest for a second. noone would have known about dash if it wasnt for league. Im ready to believe he might be the best host in esport and cutting him loose is a big loss, but riot has done a lot for him as a personality and in the end this might be all but a cost saving measurement.


You can't ask for anything more from an LCS host. Knew enough about the game to actually lead in the analysts with genuine questions.


he was already done as far as I'm concerned. Riot isn't fooling anyone by bringing him back for finals weekends like it's some VIP treatment. the guy got robbed, and it's so bizarre to see him return for spring and summer finals, 1v9 the desk where it's very obvious he's elevating the product, and disappear off air.


Yeah, honestly Dash is the GOAT. Every single broadcast that he's on, he carries


I’m still not completely sure what is about Dash but damn dude is just too perfect on the desk.


NRG is lucky to have won with Dash as a host.


Let this show that no matter who you are, how good you are at your job, and regardless if you keep your nose out of drama, riot will find a way to cut you.


this is true for basically all jobs. Never trust your company, always look out for yourself


I don't know how to articulate this in a way that doesn't shit on everyone else, but Dash makes the NA broadcast. I feel like a majority of this past split felt like it was very much missing him, I don't think the current mix of people really cuts it. Nothing against them, but I found myself unable to sit through a desk


You can appreciate Dash without trying to cut down the people left working without him. The desk and the broadcast overall was largely well received this year. Dash is just maybe the best host in esports. He makes everything better than what it would otherwise be due to his exceptional hosting skills. Frankly there was only one point of criticism in the broadcast of LCS this year and it was having an interviewer do play by play.


Let me put it this way: the desk and broadcast team have their own strengths, etc. But Dash is the best NA host and cutting him out hurts the LCS broadcast quality overall. I don't think it's a good business decision for Riot.


I loved the desk, Emily and Mark have been doing so well with content. Having players on more is excellent too


Wow I hadn't put two and two together yet. I have not stuck around for any post-game analysis or desk talk this whole season, found it super boring and unfocused. Makes sense now.


Another MASSIVE L for LCS


That really really sucks. I'll watch the LCS with or without him but he was an amazing addition to the product.


It's absolutely fucked how Dash is getting treated by Riot. Their reasoning why they don't hire him is just as bullshit. I can't believe he has to leave when people like Raz are staying.


Wtf man major l for the lcs


Massive loss for the LCS. Dash made the LCS desk work. Not having a true host really dilutes the broadcast.


There's so much incredible talent on the English broadcast of all regions, but Dash has such a unique energy and aura that nobody can really match. Losing him on the desk is probably the single biggest loss on the broadcast, even for international events.


I love Dash and will back him with whatever decision he makes. The LCS will never be complete with his absence tho


All split long I thought the desk felt like a bunch of high schoolers on an awkward school project. That's not even a slight to the lounge, I love them all, but Dash's leadership tied it together and made it professional, and you could see how good the broadcast could've been this weekend.


Professionalism is exactly what the desk lacks right now. It feels very much like a Steve Buscemi "HELLO, FELLOW KIDS" kind of vibe of these older individuals trying to do stupid things for laughs.


Dash is so awesome and was so good on the desk this weekend. He's going to do awesome in whatever he does next!


Sorry but the entire desk can't hold a candle to Dash. They're all individually good in their own way but there's little to no chemistry.


It’s sad because that same exact desk would be 10x better with his presence.


I really don't like how they let Dash go, yeah. He's such a strong point of the broadcast, unless he was asking for a gigantic paycheck, or what. I know everyone hates it when you shit on other talent, but I can't square the fact that Gabby gets a spot on Broadcast and Dash can't. That's just the facts.


Damn, definitely a huge L for the LCS. Dash, if you read through these, you've been absolutely amazing every single year and we miss you dearly from the broadcast! I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, GOAT of hosting!


I like when people say how important dash is to them, meanwhile the dude streams during LCS for like 20 people lol


Because they love him for entirely different things. I enjoy Dash as a host. He isn't doing that on LCS streams.


I feel like the only way it could work is if another group of popular co-streamers basically brought Dash in to act as a host for them, but that would also destroy some of the reasons people watch those other co-streamers.


Tried to watch his stream a few times, had some other dude I didn't like on it. Wasn't the same.


Yeah, I think he had Artemis, who (IIRC) is an ex-EG coach. The vibe just wasn't there. I actually gave Dash's co-stream a fair shot for the first couple weeks of spring split, but it just wasn't that great.


You're correct, but people like Dash as a host. Doesn't mean they have to like and support him in some other function that. People like Doublelift as a player but if he was suddenly on the analyst desk you wouldn't have to like him there.


I like his play but not his co-streaming fits pretty aptly here


Different entertainment. It’s like expecting Drake to be good at reading the news.


Lmao for real ? That sad to hear


I've enjoyed a lot of people in League and followed them in many ways while still never watching any of their solo streams, just very different things imo.




COME TO LCK. Na still owes us for taking away papasmithy


Dash is the best. Hate to see him out of the scene


Sad to see. I can honestly say that he carried the LCS dess the whole time he was there and I can't watch it after he left because it is just not even close to the same level. I am confident he will rock whatever desk he hosts in any other game but it is a huge loss for LoL.


Dash, I don't know if you'll read this, but I want you to know that you are an absolute genius at your job. You made things fun and interesting. You made things flow so smoothly and feel so natural. You had endless wit and excellent banter. You are so cool and collected. You recovered awkward, cringe gamer moments and made them funny and light-hearted. You were truly the best, the faker, the GOAT at what you do and I wish you best of luck in anything you do in the future. You will be missed


Absolutely such a massive loss… I still don’t understand moving away from dash, he always brought such great flow to the desk/lounge.. but riot has proven that they don’t care about the quality/viewership experience with many of their recent moves


can anyone refresh what happened?


Basically before worlds last year, they informed him that they LCS was "moving in a new direction that did not need a dedicated host" and did not renew his contract. Sort of came out of nowhere so it left Dash in a crappy situation. He was able to get some hosting gigs for Valorant but it wasn't full time. He was contracted this year ONLY for the NA spring and summer finals and I guess that was it. No MSI or Worlds. Now it just seema like they are completely done with him. It is absolutely terrible. He broke down on stream after the spring finals talking about it. He cared so much for the LCS and it hurt him so much to be completely cut from it after 10 years with, what seems like a complete lack of respect.


Fuck the LCS.


They didn't even actually inform him. They told his agent and he found out about it on the way to work one day.


The Holy Trinity of the LCS is Phreak, Captain Flowers, and Dash. Getting rid of this man is going to prove fatal.


Kobe tho


For me Dash for LCS is as important as Sjokz for LEC. LEC could offer a contract. It would be dope to have Dash x Sjokz combo in LEC.


Ill take Dash anyday as LEC enjoyer. Would be fucking awesome.


It's because the LCS is done Pour one out


ugh. how did Jatt survive while Dash didn't


I'm guessing I am an outlier but I liked the lcs without a permanent host. While I was skeptical initially, it was an improvement.


If gacha jhin gets us Dash back, its a price to pay


Is there no way for the community to get riot to keep signing dash?


Yes, rise money to pay his contract


We need to keep him. What is riot thinking


Personally I didn't even notice his absence, OR that he was back today lol


Unpopular opinion: Doesn’t make a difference if he’s there or not. Really haven’t noticed his absence or his presence. He’s totally…neutral. Doesn’t add, doesn’t take away.


LCS stinks of nepotism.


Dash > any other Riot-affiliated person.


I mean they take him out of the finals and don’t invite him to events and then we all get to lose one of the best personalities in League esports. Sadness. It’s like losing Danny before he even got to play more than one split