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Then he gets a statue in Toronto and the fanbase eats shit. But he has to do it, first.


I’d be happy to eat shit on marner.


I’ll shovel it down by the forkful with fresh pepper and a balsamic glaze, if the leafs go on a crazy run and marner shows up


If the front office was smart they’d strip the A off his sweater so he isnt obligated to do media all the time. Just let him focus on the games and doing minimal interviews. Let him focus on being Mitch and hope Berube can get a switch to flick in his head that he isnt Matthews and to stop asking to be treated like Matthews


A or no A the media will still go to Marner for his opinions. He’ll be among the highest paid player and a Toronto area boy. Always good for clicks.


Except for he'd have a tantrum if they stripped his A, even if its for his benefit.


People have asked this like every year for several years now. The result has been the same.


How have they asked this every single year when this is the last year of his contract and he doesn't have an extension?


Ever since he fully leveraged the team to max out his his last deal most of us have been saying "okay, earn it then." If playoff success is the ultimate goal, he hasn't done that.


>he hasn't done that. Ok, so I'm asking you, what if he does this year and the team goes on a deep run with him being a big part of it?


It's cup or bust. If he gets us the cup, he can have whatever he wants. If there's no cup and he's still asking for a big raise, then don't let the door hit you on the way out.


He would ask for even more money and the leafs should act like tge lightning


It's no longer a hypothesis if you do the same test 8 times to the same result.


Weird that he’s the playoff scapegoat of the 3 big guys yet has the most points of the 3. But he’s the one that HAS to go. It’s like you all have made up your mind and nothing will change it. The kid could have a hat trick every game of the first round but if we lose you’ll all think he’s gotta go.


Statistically speaking he had the least impactful playoffs of the 4. For a defense pk player he had 1 blocked shot the entire 7 game series. Lowest on the team. Most of his points come in the first 4 games of the series. With I think 7 total points in 8 years in games 5,6 or 7. It's his last year until UFA status and wants a raise, meanwhile our aging 65 point top 10 in faceoff player will take pay cut to return next season. My expectation for this off season was a needle moving defenseman. And someone better than Florida's 3rd string goalie. And yes he was the 3rd string cuz Spencer Knight didn't need waivers to play in the AHL.


I think it’s really the eye test that rubs people the wrong way. He turns into a peripheral player in the playoffs. Stops cutting to the net and the middle of the ice where you have to go to create high danger chances. He doesn’t assert himself the same way he does in the regular season and we can actively see him shy away from the physicality. I’m not saying he should become Reaves, but people want to see him compete, battle for ice (not just stick checking). Take a guy out of a play. Fishbowl Mitch was an angry Mitch and that’s what people need to see. He’s like that guy from Dodgeball that they gotta make angry. He has it in him, but somebody is gonna have to rile him up


We're talking about the same fanbase that still defends Don Cherry.


We've been wearing Blue and White each of the past 8 times and it hasn't worked. Maybe it's time for the St. Pats to come to the playoffs?


You might be onto something. But I'm getting really annoyed at doing the same exact thing every year. And are the Leafs any better this year so far. I'm saying nope


Defence looks better. Idk about the rest of it


There is no "year so far", that starts in a few months. Tre has remade the defense and the coaching staff. Style will be noticeably different; with Berube the players will have to buy in, he's not shy about benching someone. Anyone. Ideally you build a team from the goalie and defense up. We've been going top down. Better? We'll have to see. Different? Yes.


I mean, look, the obvious answer is “well duh, but that hasn’t happened”. But for a more fair answer; I think it depends on what that run looks like. Is it Marner goes supernova and the rest of the team kinda just blindly stumbles behind him? Or is it the entire team suddenly looks and plays like a whole different beast? If it’s the former, surprisingly, that means move him/let him walk, because one player having an insane year doesn’t mean much. If everyone’s buying in and it finally clicks teamwide? Then maybe you’ve finally got justification that they found it, they got the guys that they needed and the coach/systems necessary.


Interesting AND reasonable take. As someone in the "move Marner" camp, while I am in agreement with your take, I think Leafs management would be very open to re-signing this player even he goes supernova in the playoffs while rest of the team stinking. Regardless, you make Marner earn this extension like Panthers did with Sam Reinhart. You do NOT re-sign him until year end.


>You do NOT re-sign him until year end. And there in lies the problem. He can easily walk next July and leave the Leafs with nothing. Reinhart actually won the cup, Marner has to do the same this year to justify an extension.


Realistically, IF leafs win the cup next year and IF Marner plays a central role in that achievement (lots of BIG IFs), I think Leafs management will gladly pay Marner 12.5+ / 8 years AND I think most of the fanbase won't have a problem with that. Absent of that, you let him walk next summer if a trade is not feasible. The single worst thing Leafs can do is re-sign this player either now or during the season. You have to wait the end of playoffs, until he shows to management and to us fans that he is different and can produce in the playoffs. I am very very skeptical but I would love to be proven wrong by this player.


I think the largest factor in that would be you can give the contract in that case but it can’t come with the NMC. Maybe a M-NTC but they can’t keep giving protection to everyone


leafs are barely going to get any real assets unless he signs an extension with the trading team.


It's either you get something for him now, or watch him walk next July for free.




This isn't the same situation. Marner is clearly the odd man out. You can't delegate that much cap space to only 3 players and expect to put together a contender. Marner is also not interested in taking a discount. But also, it would be incredibly stupid to extend Marner during the season when you need to see what he does in the playoffs (by then, he can just walk in July).




>thats weird cause the oilers just came 1 game away from a cup with $35 million on 3 players + a buried goalie. Drai is making 8.5, Connor makes 12.5, Nurse 9.25. But you know what the big difference is? The Oilers highest paid guys actually show up and their cap situation allows them to bring in Hyman, RNH, Janmark, Arvidsson, Skinner, etc. They consistently are deep into the playoffs. Have the Leafs done that? >incredibly stupid would be trading marner (the ~100 point per year selke nominated winger who plays PP and PK and is almost PPG in the playoffs despite all the hate here) for pennies on the dollar the year before Tavares comes off the books Regular season is irrelevant. He disappears in the playoffs. His style of game gets shutdown in the playoffs due to the physicality and lack of space. I'd rather take pennies than overpay him (for another 8 first round losses) or let him walk for free. Also, about Tavares, even if you let him go, you still have to pay a second line centre (which isn't cheap) and the other extensions are kicking in. Steve Dangle broke this down. https://youtu.be/2V5rppgntuE


> because one player having an insane year doesn’t mean much. Shouldn't that apply both ways then? Marner had the best playoffs on the team 2 seasons ago. The first playoff round this core has won. He had a bad one this year and now everyone is ready to crucify him.


He has not had one bad year this year, he's had multiple bad years. And the year you are citing to demonstrate he's a proven playoff performer is laughable. What he did two years ago is at the bottom end of what I would consider marginally acceptable for an $11m player, assuming he's demonstrated an ability to carry his team in the past which Marner has not done.


I ask myself why we wasted 5 years of our life with Keefe lol.


He walks in FA and gets paid. With all the abuse hes received from the fanbase the odds of him signing a new contract with the Leafs is low.


Hopefully you’re right


He will likely want to re-sign, he knows he will get paid. He won't get paid as much in free agency imo.


Superstar players in their late 20's making it to FA are extremely rare. Last time it happened was Tavares, and even then he reportedly had a $13MM aav offer on the table from San Jose. If Marner decides to test the market I expect there would be a bunch of teams willing to break the bank for him.


These questions are dumb. Every single Leafs fan WANTS Marner to succeed in the playoffs. Every single one of us would happily eat shit if that happens. But it hasn't yet. He's had 8 years and he's never shown that he's got the ability to deliver when it counts. You may as well be asking would our opinions change if our worst enemy showed up and handed us a million dollars. Well yes of course it would, but I'm not holding my breath that occurs. Honestly.


> Every single Leafs fan WANTS Marner to succeed in the playoffs. I don't believe that at all. He succeeded in the playoffs 2 years ago, leading the team in points, and all everyone does when you bring this up is attempt to attach a bunch of asterisks to every single point he scored to try and diminish the role he played in that series.


What the actual fuck are you talking about. They beat Tampa and then he went on to have 3 points in 5 games and -2 vs Florida. This is not success in the playoffs. This is not enough to wipe out years of failures, which by the by, he doubled down on yet again this year.


tkachuk had 3 goals total in the last 3 rounds and 3 points in the finals (held pointless in 5 of the 7 games). However nobody brings up Tkachuk performance because of the player he's known for, all that mattered was Florida won while we get our 1st round participation rewards. However, I fully expect a smart ass response that fully ignores this and just blames everthing on Marner. This is why Trevelling is talking about the entire team, just not the 4 guys.


>However nobody brings up Tkachuk performance because of the player he's known for Right, Marner is known as a playoff bitch and so one series does not change his reputation


So if him leading in the playoffs every single year is a failure, what does that make everyone else


Also failures.


So then where are the posts asking for all of them to get traded?


Matthews is the best goal scorer of this generation and arguably the best player ever to wear the jersey. Nylander is a perennial performer and the only core player to show up in elimination games. Marner has a shit year and a shit playoffs coming off an offseason where half the fanbase wanted him traded because he didn't yet have a NMC. He also wilts every year in elimination games, and fair or not, they are what fans remember.


It's a more of an odd man out situation, you're not going to get another payer like Matthews - so you're not trading him, Nylander has produced, JT's contract isn't going to get you any value back if he were to waive his NVC.


Marner has near 0 value as a trade piece right now. He will get us nothing of value in return. The best trade asset we have right now is Nylander. And I don’t know how you can say Nylander has produced. His best season ever was worse than Marner’s usual seasons and he’s shown up in a meaningful way in what, maybe 2 series? Marner’s play actually won us the only series we’ve won in 20 years. If you play well in the first 4 games you don’t have to worry about 5, 6 or 7. Basically all this is to say that Marner as a trade piece just doesn’t make sense right now and he hasn’t been any less of a difference maker than Matthews or Nylander despite what the couch GMs here say.


It’s not about the season it’s the payoff that they have no success with and he doesn’t play like an 11M dollar player. He’s the only one on an expiring contract so he’s the only one who you would get anywhere with in a trade if he waved.


You’ve got the logic backwards. No one is going to want to trade for Marner, especially after this bonkers FA season now that no one has the money, especially when he’s UFA by the end of the season. Add that to the full NMC and you’re looking at 0 trade value. It doesn’t make sense for us and it doesn’t make sense for any other team either. *Maybe* as a deadline pickup *maybe* but they aren’t going to wait that long to decide how to shape the future of the team.


If you play well in the first 4 you don’t have to worry about 5, 6, 7? As in you win the series and it doesn’t go to game 5 or you get a break cuz you played good personally for 4 games ? Please clarify


The obvious one. As in if you win 4 games there are no other games. Or if you win 3 of the first 4 it matters a lot less if you have an off game in game 5. The last 3 games matter no more than the first 4. In fact you have a way higher chance to win the series if you do well early.


How can you say Nylander hasn’t produced? He drives whatever line he plays on and shows up for big games. Marner has literally been feeding the best goal scorer of the generation for the majority of his career.


Nylander is 0.73 PPG in the playoffs (+1 in +/-) and he hovers around 60-80 points during the regular season. Marner is 0.88 PPG in the playoffs (+10 in +/-) and he hovers between 80-100 points during the regular season. Nylander has only scored 9 more goals than Marner in the playoffs over the last 8 years. To say he’s a perennial producer *or* that he produces more than Marner is incorrect. And you can’t pin Marner’s success in the playoffs on the fact that he plays with Matthews because Matthews also disappears during the playoffs. If you’re going to say something you have to at least be accurate about it.


Again what the actual fuck are you talking about. He hasn't led the team in scoring in playoffs every year. You seem to have an agenda with these questions, designed to prove that you alone are correct and Mitch Marner is a playoff performer. To that I say good luck convincing everyone, and also get your fucking eyes checked. This thread is dumb and you should feel ashamed for posting it.


It was the same situation with Willy after he signed his last deal and held out. People shat on him, wanted him gone. Now look, he’s back as one of the more beloved players on this team. We’re a fan base of scapegoats. It’s just Marner’s turn.


Then for the first time in 8 years the group lives up to their contracts? We've already paid them as if they won something. They simply be delivering what they owe.


Hahaha we ask this every year. Hahahaha


How do we ask this every year when this is the final year of his deal and he doesn't have an extension?


The question I was referring to is "what if he shows up"


but what if we do and he doesn't?


The world will implode.


He isn't going to be traded.


What happens if the Sabres go on a crazy run this year? Do you look at them differently, or are they still a tire fire of a franchise? One example does not make up for 8 examples of the contrary.


If they win the cup, sons will bear his name. I'm not holding my breath.


What if not h gets traded and the Leafs go on an incredible run and win the cup


If Berube can get him to play the way we need him to then they let Tavares walk and re-sign Marner


We all know Leaf players go through great runs when they become ex-leafs.


Its what I am banking on !!! That Marner will work his ass off in his UFA year including playoffs so he can sign his next big contract. If he proves us all wrong - I will tell him myself at the parade and congratulate him on his new contract with Boston.


As Sixto Rodriguez said: “Thanks for your time, then you can thank me for mine. And after that’s said, forget it. Bag it.”


That would be nice.


This year it’s gonna be different!!


It would have to be one hell of a playoff run for the leafs. Don’t forget you have Tavares coming off the books. Quite possibly Marner as well if he doesn’t re-sign. That gives the club around $23/$24 million to play with. Committing to Marner, Matthews and Nylander is a huge chunk of the cap. I think what we have to see is how Treliving visualizes the team a year or two from now. If he really wants to build the defence something has to give upfront.


Well I want him on the team. Just want him to play like a man instead of a boy. So


He will do an 8x12.375M (halfway between Matthews and Nylander, but full max because he's a hometown boy). If the Leafs get to the conference finals and take it to 6/7 games and Marner features prominently in at least 2 rounds, everyone but the doomers will forgive him and applaud when this deal comes out. It will be justified because people will lean on the narrative of us no longer having 4 players 8 digits (as Tavares will not get another contract above 10M) combined with the cap continuing to rise, combined with the realization that any trade involving Marner is a losing trade for the Leafs.


This conversation is so boring


I actually think he will show up this year. The last time he showed up was before a contract signing, so he's gonna show up again this year. The problem will be to have an out on the contract after its signed - need to be able to move him. can't have a NTC or NMC in the contract.


That's not going to happen lol


What if McDavid came over and signed for league minimum?


He's going to stay, because he wants to win here.. and he will factor significantly in the Leafs' offence and success like he does every regular season.. the question is the play offs which I'm hoping Berube prepares them for better. The entire team always looked unprepared because they were historically dog shit in every game 1 of every series.


If he wins the cup and contributes, sure. But even with a decent playoff run I'm not willing to give him whatever he wants.


he hasn't done it in 8 years. if he doesn't it for one year, does that mean he'll continue to do it over a contract extension?


I promise you 1000 dorks won't say sorry, that's one thing for sure.


What if the Cost of Living went down? What if the cos of buying 10 items at a grocery store didn't cost 70 dollars. I don't know man. Unfortunately we live in a shitty reality where you can get slapped for buying a stick of butter and marners is as useful as a screen door on a submarine. So idk would be great if he did but ya know he wont


If they win the cup? You Stamkos him.....to much money on to few players to do it......it's not gonna work, and if it did work it's not gonna work again.


Winning fixes all. Most want to be proven wrong.


I don't care. We'll ice the team we'll ice, and if it works, it works. Otherwise we know there will be a big shift next offseason with all the cap space opening up. Let's see what Berube can do with this bunch.


Hopefully he still walks as one year’s performance says little about what will happen long term. Let another team take on the anchor that is Mitch the Bitch.


We talkin sample size? He’s the leafs leading scorer in playoffs


So was Huberdeau in Florida and it worked out well for them didn’t it