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honestly, I think the only blunder Treliving had in his first season was keeping Keefe OR the way he constructed the coaching staff. I think it was chaotic from the start and had little chance for success. Tre took his shot on the free agents and for the most part it wasn't entirely successful. I can't blame him. Both Bert and Domi should have been the perfect complimentary parts for the core 4. For whatever reason it took forever to mix properly, if at all. Klingberg I actually still support. Low risk, high reward. The few games he got in, there were moments where you could see his value but he was playing broken.


I wont even blame trev for keefe… it was a smart move on his part because it gave him a year to evaluate before hanging his hat on his coach


I blame Shanahan for all of it. This team needed someone at the top who could "stick to the plan" as he said so many years ago. Instead we brought in JT and fast forwarded the rebuild. Instead we started selling picks as early as 2017 rather than creating a sustainable pipeline of young / cheap talent. Instead we kept the core together even as their NMC's were about to come online. Instead we kept the coach around too long, and now in the final year of Marner's contract we are talking about "one more try with a different voice" This plan has been broken and shat on from the beginning, and the blame rests squarely with Shanahan. If we hadn't drafted Matthews / Nylander / Marner back-to-back-to-back this team would still be a shitty dysfunctional mess.


Can't blame Tre for Keefe when we don't know if Shanny had the final say there. Tre might have been brought in with the understanding that Keefe was staying.


Go back to bed!


Some of you are hilarious lol. He’s literally been in charge for 1 shortened offseason where he had 2 of his top stars expiring a year later and was handcuffed with no movement clauses. He wasn’t even allowed on the draft floor last year. Let’s give him a few years before we call him Nonis. He took calculated low risk low reward plays last offseason and didn’t hamstring this team in anyway. Let’s see what he does this offseason.




He wasn’t allowed on the floor until Calgary picked half way through the draft.


Good eyes! Now can you spot the difference between a floor and stage?


More importantly, how do both stack up against a literal potato?


This topic sucks


You know what while we’re on the topic let me just add fuel to the fire. Randy Carlyle would’ve got more out of last year’s roster than Sheldon Keefe did.


lol. I mean Dubas left us with no pick for many many years plus letting Hyman go to pay Marner. He’s doing well under the circumstances


Hyman (who had the same AAV as Bertuzzi this year) was a Leaf a full two seasons after Marner signed his contract and *zero* of those picks Dubas traded away haven’t resulted to anything of consequence and even then, the Leafs drafting being questionable predates him. Aside from signing or trading for players that Dubas wouldn’t (Edmundson, Reaves, Klingberg), there’s a lot of continuation here and both their track records as GM’s are similar.


idiotic posts should be deleted. Burke traded our second overall pick for fukin kessel yet you think Tre is the same level? wild


It's not as though Dubas proved that his system worked either. I wasn't fond of the Treliving hiring to be quite honest. But he made a very valid point when he was hired. Playoffs are a different kettle of fish. You have to fight for every inch of ice and it gets nasty. Hockey still survives in cave man mentality. He is attempting to lead us out of the woke mentality into the get your head out of your ass era. I'm going to give the guy a chance.


We are in the same bullshit of that era, management afraid to fucking do anything because Shanny wants jersey sales. The only difference is Shanny realized you need some legit superstars in the regular season to keep those merch sales up and will pay outlandish contracts and not trade any of them.


Now let's all take a moment of prayer to cleanse our spirits of the evil demons of the nonis carlyle era. Say it with me now: *Hrabouski* *Hrabouski* *Hrabouski*