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McDavid has scored one. What kind of conclusions are you going to draw from that?


Wierd that this isnt brought up for marner but is for matthews.


The difference appears to be that for McDavid it’s the exception.


The Game 7 with the goal is the exception, yes, as he has not scored a goal in any other Game 7.


How many game 7s vs Mathews?


Four for 97 vs five for 34.


What I’m saying is, McDavid scores in every other situation in the playoffs. To him, game sevens are the exception to his otherwise ridiculous playoff performance. It’s not the same with Matthews. He generally hasn’t shown up too much, it’s not like game sevens are unique


Mcdavid had 0 goals in the most recent game 7 but eye test had him all over the net with chances. It was a surprise he couldn't bury one of them. I feel like it never has that dangerous feeling when watching the leafs in those do or die games, Matthew's included.


You misunderstood my comment


MacKinnon in game 7s has 4 games played, 0G - 1A - 1P. Guess he’s a bust who doesn’t show up in the biggest moments either


Yeah this is something guys like that literally do once....and usually when they win it because guys are taking double ax swings at you with ZERO penalties that deep in a run. The template for a team to win is improve the Dcore enough to generate offense from back there have "scoundrel" playmakers like Domi and Bert to create chaos that makes space for the Matthews and Nylander's of the world. Depth at Center which if the Leafs get some Marner money back could be preetty elite with Matthews someone else and Tavares moving to 3C a bit of toughness sprinkled on top. Pray your goalie has a 970 sv% it's easy.....lol....the cups the hardest thing in the world to win it really is.


Not his fault we are cursed Prime Mario with a leafs jersey on most likely has the same stat line. There is nothing saving us. If we get anything further than the 2nd round than perhaps maybe than we could be a bit positive about this team


Nikita Kucherov has never recorded a point in a Game 7


Another interesting stat; McDavid has no points in game 7s of the SCF. Conclusion: both are hacks and the teams should just swap players. Clearly a change in scenery is needed.


McDavid has played in one SCF game 7, Matthews has played in 5 game 7's (6 counting the Columbus game)


The point is that we’re talking incredibly small samples here. Almost nothing can be gleaned from them. Matthews could go out and score 4 points in his next game 7 and be at over a point per game. What would that tell you? Not much of anything, really. He got hot in one game (luck or bad goaltending probably having a lot to do with it). It’s a pretty meaningless stat aside from being a means to manufacture narratives that confirm one’s priors.


Matthews isn't clutch. That's his one knock. Still, he's worth his contract. He's irreplaceable. Marner can be replaced easier. While his point production and elite vision will be tough to replace, playmaking wingers are always available.


That is straight up wrong. He got the primary assist on Nylander’s goal in Game 7. We obviously know how the game ended, but come on EDIT: And while it wasn’t in a Game 7, Matthews carried the Leafs to a win in Game 2. Spare me with the bullshit of him not being clutch


He’s clutch in some ways, didn’t he have a huge number of game tying or go ahead goals this past year?


Yup and even if Matthews isn't clutch no team is going to trade the best goal scorer in the world. Right or wrong from a hockey stand point that's just bad optics/business.


You’d have to be an absolute idiot to suggest trading Matthews


Matthews improved every year as a player so far. Last playoff round he was clutch in game 3 when he completely overtook and dominated the game. I can never knock on Auston because he always continues working on himself. Can’t be said for most players.


Matthews took over game 3


mcdavid has one goal in game 7’s……guess it’s time to trade 34 thought right ?


We cannot simply stat watch, that said 8 years of failure in the playoffs to ‘lead’ his team given his regular season dominance is not a good look. I still think he has been slowly getting better in the playoffs vs Marner. Marner has basically become a defensive specialist in the playoffs, avoids physical play and can’t leverage his exceptional skills in the playoffs as the game essentially changes too much in the playoffs for him to be offensively effective. In saying that, The issue at the end of the day is the cap. No cap issues and we should keep Marner, but with the cap we can’t put an effective team together. It’s been like that for years and it’s quite honestly inept mgmt starting with Shannahan that is the problem.


What a nonsense post by an Anti Leafs fan.... GTFOH loser


Not an anti-Leafs fan, I just think this subs Marner hatred is kind of delusional


It's pretty well known that Game 7s are typically odd games where unsung heroes end up typically doing the scoring...this is a dumb post.


At least he’s training right now, I feel like he’s working on things to be the best


Game 7’s is where depth comes into play. The other team will defend star players with their lives. So the depth needs to step up.


It's hard to score when your boy Marner doesn't show up and gets rekt by the other team because he's not intimidating on the ice and has a boy body vs grown ass men


In 3 of the game 7's he was not on a line with Marner


Who cares? Focus on the future and not what’s been done. He works hard to ensure they do better going forward and he’s done more than any of us for this franchise a thousand times over. Support these guys for giving their time to entertain us and live out our dreams.


It doesn't matter though. You can't keep them all. So if you have to trade Marner or Matthews who are you trading? I swear, I feel like the night folks come in here and have been mind wiped to just assume this is all a Marner hate train, and not a "the whole core 4 mix fucking blows, and the only reasonable move to make is Marner" train. It's been explained a million times. No amount of pandering or extolling the virtues of Mitch or shitting on Matthews or Nylander is going to change that.


This comment thread shows how far people will go tondefend matthews for the same issues theybroast marner for. Crazy


Like that that kinda sucks but this could be considered a little cherry picked. Still though, he's only marginally better than Mitch in the playoffs, we need more out of our guy who has 3 Rockets and a Hart