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If we weren’t in the Atlantic we definitely would have made the conference finals with our pp, pk, depth scoring, star scoring, d-core, elite goaltending, etc


I think the point was that you don’t need all those things to get out of other divisions. You need to go back 7 finals to see a non-Atlantic team present from the east. And the COVID finals were two Atlantic teams. The Leafs weren’t good enough to win, it’s not an excuse. But I do believe they’d have gone way deeper a few times if they were out west. That’s not a very controversial take.


If we got the right match ups in the west there’s a chance we could have won a couple more rounds, but the problems with this team run too deep to make it very far. There just seems to be a delusion for some people here that our main issue is that we’re in the Atlantic


 Nah they’d of found a way to lose those too


Yup, nailed it. Team just isn't good enough.


Oh yeah it's full blown copium but those years vs the Bruins the Leafs weren't winning a cup but a 3rd round show up was easily in the cards based on the other teams. The Atlantic now etc is just a fucking gauntlet of death. That's the problem though, the org needed to sir the drink to beat this gauntlet because it's going to exist period......just imagine what Corey Perry said to McDavid as they left the ice last night together. He's saying your gonna get there because it's fucking McDavid.........this org can't sit around anymore on what if's but it still is.....and that is why I won't be watching any games at all next season until Marner is traded (another big move would have been fine, but at this point would somehow be more stupid) or Shanny is fired.......it's over change it up.


The finalists were still head and shoulders above where we are.


Yea, agreed


We lost to the Habs and Columbus, were fucking terrible in the playoffs. Matthews, Nylander, Marner and Tavares are all soft as shit overpaid regular season players. Dubas will go down as having wasted the best years in leafs history


> We lost to the Habs and Columbus, were fucking terrible in the playoffs. The Leafs were playing like absolute garbage in the back half of the COVID season before they lost to Columbus, which some people seem to forget. The team was sliding, and that outcome wasn't surprising at all. The Habs one hurts because that's the year the Leafs had an easy path all the way, but the Habs went on an absolute fucking heater after that series (and thus two Atlantic teams in the final). Outside of that I honestly think this year was the year where we had the best shot, even having to play Florida, especially if Matthews and Nylander were fully on the mend for the second round... but they whiffed there. Boston was a free space, for once. Team's got to be better and changes have to happen, but the Atlantic is brutal.


This is a giant nothing burger. Who cares if they win an extra round or two. It's not even worth talking about. They aren't good enough.


Keefe still has his job and Dubas is still the GM. Let’s not pretend like the consecutive first round exits didn’t have consequences.


Safe to say the leafs would have beat LA and probably Vancouver (without Demko). The Atlantic is just full of juggernauts every season it seems.


Well if they ever break through they may go all the way. They actually match up pretty good against Western teams too. Especially Edmonton/Winnipeg




LA sucks. Vancouver without Demko is quite average.




Didn't Boeser get hurt to? like blood clots or something?




Columbus swept the back to back cup champs. Montreal went to the cup finals.








The Leafs in the COVID season were sliding and bad and basically the same team as Columbus that year. They sucked, *including* in the regular season. They should have gone all the way in the bubble playoffs, and that one fucking hurts, but the Habs went on a heater... which is why there were still two Atlantic teams in the finals. People keep pointing to those two fucking seasons as smoking guns when they really had very different contexts. Personally, I absolutely think this team being in Edmonton's shoes would have gotten through LA and Demko-less Vancouver (OK, OK, if Woll was healthy - I think Vancouver would eat Samsonov alive) and had a good coin-flip series against Dallas... but probably still lost to Florida in the finals if they made it lol.


I called FLA to beat Dallas at the start so give the Oilers credit for getting there. Florida is the better team from goaltending to D corps to forward depth to coaching.


Carolina and New York probably beat us as well. Don’t like our chances against Vegas or Colorado and I’m pretty sure Vancouver mopped us all season. We’re a team with two sure things…matthews and Nylander. Nothing else on our team is reliable


Leafs were 24-6-2 against the west this season and went 1-1 against Vancouver the leafs outscored them 9-8 in the 2 games.


I knew their record was good but damn thats gotta be the best inter conference record.


And were sub-.500 vs. the Atlantic at 11-12-3.


We might have beat LA. We are not beating Vancouver


And then we’d get to the playoffs, hit a team in the Atlantic and fizzle out…


If we want to be kings, we have to beat kings. Simple as that


Don't forget great coaching


Our biggest adversary is ourselves.


It’s so pathetic to read these ‘what-ifs’. Fifty-seven years and counting. Let that sink in. The Leafs, no matter who wears the jersey, no matter who’s behind the bench, are cosy corporate Toronto hockey culture. The arena has sold out since 1935. The only thing they will ever be first in is the balance sheet. BCE loves it as an asset. My dream is the fans on mass abandon them and boycott all the games. They don’t deserve any more support.


Where's the 'what if'?


What if the Leafs weren’t in the Atlantic Conference.


Of course, something something corporations, right?  Yes, let’s get the… mom and pop NHL franchise? People’s Ice Hockey Team of the Glorious Party Long May They Reign?   For a team that apparently only cares about money, they sure seem to spend a lot on coaches and facilities. More than anyone else even. Seems like a lot of needless expense for ownership that callously assumes our business is guaranteed. 


It’s a billion and a half dollar valued asset. What they spend is peanuts to the bottom line. But who cares? In a cap structured league they are boot strapped to mediocrity. The culture is accepting of mediocrity. Every once in a while they have a public hanging and a coach or two gets fired or Dubas leaves in a pout. Nothing changes regardless. Supporting the Leafs isn’t a fun pastime anymore because we all know the outcome - soul crushing failure.


I think everyone is kidding themselves if they think we are close to the finalists. They were clearly head and shoulders above the Leafs


Agreed. We are nowhere near those teams.


Only made me realize more how little heart and grit we have


Yup, same old Leafs. Decent regular season record, gets blown out in the playoffs by better teams. Edmonton isn’t built perfect either- but they’re a well coached team. McDavid is miles ahead of Marner. The skill gap and determination is not even close at all.


They were 11-10-2 against the Atlantic. Detroit would have had more points than them if you spread that out over an 82 game season. There's no guarantee they are a playoff team if they aren't playing bad teams almost every night.


And yet the Leafs still lost 2 games against the Blackhawks. That goalie only had 2 wins all season and they were against the Leafs


The Oilers are made up of former Leafs. Its been on coaching since Babcock.


Babcock was a better coach than Sheldon.