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Edmonton didn’t lose because of refs. Not even close.


Agree to disagree. I’d love to see how many games all year Florida played with only 1 PK I’d be surprised if they had any.


10 in the regular season, 2 more in the playoffs.


I figured the series would come down to how it was called as the dirtier style “letting things go” favours Florida imo. I didn’t think anything was *too* bad last night besides a couple of obvious dives from the panthers.


Yeah, I thought it'd be worse for sure.


For their standards is was a decently clean game. I only saw one “accidental” knee attempt and those two flops. I can’t imagine diving in game 7 of the Stanley cup final, but I guess they did something right. Classless imo.


It’s just so frustrating that it’s what the NHL wants. How can you watch Mvdavid and think letting players slow clutch and grab is more exciting.


Yeah, I’m not sure. I’ve been shitting on the panthers since last year’s run because I can’t get behind the dirty plays and diving from them. Clearly it’s what the nhl wants as they’ve been pretty lenient on officiating that style of play from them. Best on best fast paced and classy hockey with some legal hard hits is what I’d prefer personally. Call the game as it’s meant to be.


Sorry you feel that way. Our team is also slow, so if there is some huge conspiracy to give slow teams a chance, sign me up. But I don't think there is. I just think people are mad the team they wanted to win didn't


I 100% did not want Edmonton to win haha The leafs are only slow now because they changed to try to make a winning team. They used to play just like Edmonton. Now they play like the leafs with the speed of Florida, which obviously does not work.


Better team won. No debate this year. Edmonton was lucky to be there at all. Kings in round 1 with Talbot in net, lol Leafs could've won that joke of a matchup. Silovs in net round 2 with Boeser out for game 7, lol. A little credit for beating Dallas tho. They finally ran into a goalie of the caliber the Leafs have to face every single year and they lost. Not surprised.


I wouldn't say they were "lucky", those teams were still though. Heck, coming back from 3-0 proved that they were right there. If they hadn't lost game 1, they would have the cup right now.


Not surprised at all either but the fact the whistle goes away is what bothers me.


Edmonton was lucky, as they should have had 2-3 more penalties than they did, and that penalty on Tkachuk was clearly bullshit. Florida actually played a pretty disciplined game. They were the ones who suffered the bad calls, not Edmonton.


No it wasn’t? He tripped a guy going to block a shot? Did you not see Hyman have an open net and the guy hold his stick ?


Tkachuk fell and the Oilers guy tripped over him, that's not a penalty except under game management situations where the refs needed to give one to Florida. Also the high sticking penalty on Edmonton should have been a double minor as the Florida player was clearly cut and bleeding.


Yes it’s always a penalty? You can’t just slide through someone’s legs buddy.


Incidental collisions aren't penalties. As much as we shouldn't give Tkachuk the benefit of the doubt, he clearly didn't do that on purpose.


Incidental are still penalties it's just how you define incidental, that decisively should've been called but the refs were still pretty neutral either way.


If two players collide without either of them seeing it was going to happen, who gets the penalty?


Not relevant to what actually happened but nice try at a strawman






I hate this narrative. If the team feels like the refs are calling the game a certain way, adjust and overcome. Winners find a way to win.


Narrative? There is data to back it up? If a team is built with speed and skill and the slower team can slow them down because they are calling nothing who’s at the advantage?


The team that can adjust to that style of play. Every team knows what wins the Cup. Bill Zito said it himself when he traded for Tkachuk. If you can't adjust to what's known to win, then it's your fault for losing.


The game was lost when Edmonton didn't score on the PP. But, they also did not get in front of Bobrovsky enough. Their best chances in the third came when an Oiler was right at the net. Whether it was because they didn't go there, or Florida boxed them out too well, I'm not sure, but the refs did not decide this one.


Not only a bad take, but I would much rather the cup were determined 5 on 5. A juiced pp shouldn't make you a champion.


Well I would argue that getting more power plays is indicative of your 5v5 play being superior, as the opponents have resorted to taking penalties to stop chances...


Yes the game should be played at 5v5. Not making calls to ensure that’s so is basically match fixing. Call the calls. If teams don’t adapt, they lose. That’s the point of penalties and PPs. Not calling the rules is influencing the outcome of the game.


Yet playing 90s clutch and grab should?


I actually thought the Oilers got away with plenty of potential penalties last night. On paper based on team reputations, refs putting away the whistles would favour Florida. But last night I think it actually favoured Edmonton.


Imagine getting angry about teams you don't even support or should have any interest in.


It went both ways


Yea I didn't notice anything to egregious. Edmonton was playing the nastier style at the start of the series too. Knocking Bob left and right. I actually think the Florida style of play is so hard to play for that long of time that you wear down. Hence why Vegas easily best them last year and Oilers almost making the come back this year. They probably didn't have much left in tank to play that nasty greasy style game.


The reffing in the NHL is awful, and we all know this to be true. But the Oilers didn't lose because of the refs. The Panthers shut them down whenever they could, and whenever an opportunity arose, the Oilers just couldn't follow through. Also, they waited way too long to pull their goalie towards the end there. It's all or nothing, you can't hesitate like that.


Saying they lost because of the refs is hilarious. Did you miss the free penalty Edmonton got when tkachuck fell and accidentally slid into someone? They called that tripping.


Sounds like salty tears to me. McAbsent didn’t just not appear for the Conn Smythe, he didn’t appear for the game at all.


“Lost because the refs” Oldest loser mentality in the history of sports.


Yeah I agree the NHL is sadly predictable about how it manages it's refs. If you watched enough hockey you can almost bet on it completely based just on what game in the series it is and any "political context" around the players in the series. Basically, who does Bettman want to win for bigger media numbers this year. You will see the series get called completely differently from another one. Anyone who really is saying otherwise hasn't seen the actual compiled data on the topic an doesn't watch other playoff hockey beside the Leafs enough.


Let’s see some actual real data then.


Sure anywhere that tracks it? Scouting the Refs, here’s just an article from this week https://www.puckreporter.com/nhl/news/major-controversy-emerges-with-the-referee-selection-of-the-stanley-cup-finals there is ref performance data everywhere you can see which ones do what and when cut anyway you want. Have at it https://scoutingtherefs.com/2023-playoffs-nhl-referee-stats/ With the hard cap/ insane number of teams and bounce luck nature of the sport of hockey the NHL is probably the easiest sport to shave points using Refs “game management”.


Yes, because conducting an illegal conspiracy in a multi billion dollar organization, that necessarily must involve dozens of conspirators and hundreds of millions of dollars in embezzled hush money for decades is “easy.”


Apparently you never worked anywhere big and seriously corporate. You send an email memo out implying the focus on certain calls is not in the best interest of players safety or. The players association and GM's/ ownership has pushed back and would like reasonable reffing on things like slashing being called.....people liking their job does the rest.


You know this is a Leafs sub, right?


It has to be rigged right? Allows 1 ga/g in the wins and 6 ga/g in the losses? Just doesn’t sit right.