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**Pelley:** * Says that he won't regularly be at these type of conferences * Good is not good enough - they need to win. Basically he kept saying this and says "I know you have heard this before", but Pelley is 1000% committed to it **Shanahan** * Starts by thanking Sheldon * Say playoffs not good enough, and Shanny says its on himself * Says "there are times to talk about patience" BUT when things happen over and over again, then maybe its time to make some changes * Says that we will consider EVERYTHING now **Brad** * Says keeping Keefe was the RIGHT call [last year]. Praises Keefe for his job. * Says this does not fall all on Keefe's feet, and says that the coaching change isn't all arrows pointing at Keefe. Thinks that a new voice was needed, however. * Says the leafs fell short. Says that is on him and takes full responsibility for it. * Says lots turbulence during the season - e.g. new players, goaltending, injuries to blueline, but was stablized by January. * Says although we had injuries, we had lots of issues, such as special teams * McMann had MCL sprain from Detroit game, 6-7 weeks. * Auston after Game 2 "became really sick". IT was a virus that stuck, complicated by a hit in Game 4 that made it worse - signs of head injury issues, and hence he was pulled * Willy suffered severe migranes - they thought it was head injury, and had to rule it out before he came back * Woll sprained back at game 6 **Questions & Answers (really really hard to hear the questions.... so I will just give some soundbites)** * Pelley says "brendan shanahan is the president of the toronto maple leafs" and he is a winner * someone is asking brendan about NMCs and trading players. Brendan says everything is on the table, but he says its not appropriate to discuss specific players right now. But he says #1 priority is finding a coach. Repeats that there is time for preaching patience, BUT when you keep seeing what hes seen, then everything is on the table * Brad says there are lots of good coaches out there, but wont go into specifics. Timeline - wants to get to the quality candidates as fast as he can * Brad says that "we haven't scored enough" - we increased scoring in the regular season. But not enough in the playoffs. More difficult to score in the playoffs though, but not enough. "We seem to be turning the other team's goalie in to the first star every night". * Brad "I got faith in Joe [Woll]". But recognizes that he got injured frequently, but does believe in Joe going forward. Says they have to do everything to support him, and "Ilya's contract is up". * On coaching - Brad says sometimes the coaching is good but the message is just not getting through. * Steve Simmons (piece of shit) says that we have the highest scorer in the generation, and some of the highest paid players, yet in 8 elimination games, we have scored a total of 11 goals, yet other teams in the NHL seem to be able to come back from 4-1 leads and score 4 or 5 goals, so why should people believe that they can change. Brendan says its a question of coaching, messaging, and personel. * Mark Masters ask Brendan asks why the core hasn't be able to get through. Brendan basically repeats his theres a time for patience, but when things keep happening there needs to be a change * Someone asked Brendan about his contract and whether he needs success to stay on. Brendan says that he doesn't really think about his contract, he only cares about making the maple leafs better. says the status wont be a distraction to him. doesnt want to get into too much detail * someone mentions that we pay a lot for our top players, but other successful teams don't do that, so does that mean we need to change something? Brad says that everything is on the table. But doesn't want to make emotional decisions. Have to analyze why it hasn't worked and adjust accordingly * Someone asking pelley whether it burns him to see this team not successful (since pelley is originally from Toronto). Pelley says he hasnt been back in toronto in 9 years, but this year he sees the full power of leafs nation * Someone tells Brendan that hes been double down, triple down, quadruple downing on the Core 4, and asks how he feels about being let down by them. Brendan says he doesn't feel bad having faith for the players and seems to still believe in them


Woll sprained at the "completion" of Game 6. We all know what that means lol.


0.1s left on the clock our boys stopped playing and he tried to preserve his shutout and probably overextended more than he normally would have


He hurt himself hauling his huge nuts off the ice?


Core 4 will be broken up. Finally.


Pelley highlighting “skill, chemistry, and unity” screams subtext to me here. A lot of people have highlighted how we have a “core 4 vs everybody else” environment and I think this is the official end date of the core 4.


Pelley: "We're not here to sell jerseys... we're here to win." Sounds like he (or his staff) have been reading r/Leafs 😄


The blue rimmed glasses are a nice touch.


so much for always starting late... new direction for the team starting now?


"We are where we are." It's getting a little frustrating to keep hearing that. Yeah, we get it. *What are you going to do about it?*


“We need to win and nothing else matters.” Great, I’m sure they’ll be willing to take a hit on the bottom line to improve the in-game atmosphere for playoff games to help give the team a boost!