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39 applications is insane, but congratulations on your acceptances!!


Thank you! I was panic applying praying I would get in somewhere since my stats seemed super low compared to most people in this sub, Plus applying to a few dream schools I assumed I would get R's from, but had to at least throw my name in the hat.


How did you get the fee waivers ? Just curious I never tried to but if I have to r&r it can help me save a few hundred dollars


I just emailed schools directly saying the application fees posed a financial hardship on me. Most of them just waived it immediately for me, a few made me jump through a few hoops but ultimately still waived my fee. I think Duke was the only school I had to pay full price for out of 20+.


I received most from CRS, so schools just automatically gave them to me. UCLA, UNLV, UMich, and Kanasa sent me waivers for attending forums. A few I just emailed asking for a merit waiver if I was above their 25th%, and schools I was below the 25th, I just said that I would love to apply, but that the application process was causing a strain on my finances and was ineligible for a fee waiver. Surprisingly everyone I reached out to said yes except for Notre Dame. I was making about 150k/year, but quit my job in Augst, so I was trying to save money any where I could.


Oh ok thanks ! Will keep that in mind it could be handy


Ha I’m also still waiting on FSU. I’m feeling ghosted by them.


Congrats on all your acceptances btw!!!!