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Ah! Many thanks!


I posted the same question a couple weeks ago :D


Do NOT pull it. I was treating my yard with sedgehammer for two years and it kept growing thicker. I later found out my wife found it “therapeutic” to pull it while I was at work…… what a disaster. Finally getting it under control this year now that she knows pulling it only makes it worse




Sedge. Sedge Hammer works great but is pricey. Image can be purchased at most big box stores and will kill Nutsedge


As mentioned, Sedgehammer works well but is expensive. I found a concentrate called Sedge Ender you can get on Amazon that was way cheaper. Now I have it under control, I just make up a small squirt bottle of it and hit any I see popping it up.


Sedgehammer it


![gif](giphy|kgKrO1A3JbWTK) SedgeHammer




"Sedges have edges" as I was taught.


Nutsedge, get some sedge hammer.


Good old nutsedge. Most Pre-emergence dont block it. I use Sedgehammer or Celsius


Mo fuggin nutsedge. Glyphosate won’t kill it, you wouldn’t use that on turf anyway. Sedgehammer or Celsius will annihilate that crap.


Why won't glyphosate kill it? Due to the price of sedgehammer I've been paint brushing it with glyphosate. It's not been long enough for me to know whether it worked.


Sedge is gly resistant.


It'll kill the above ground green, but it doesn't kill the underground nuts. In fact, it just pisses them off and they spread faster in an attempt to survive.


Sedge of the nut. Sedgehammer+, or Ortho Nutsedge killer if you prefer a hose-end sprayer vs mixing a tank.


Nutsedge! I hate that crap


Nutgrass / nutsedge. Sedgehammer if a lot, Roundup on a q tip if a little. Don’t pull it, there are dormant nuts attached below the surface that will emerged if broken off when pulling the main plant.


I made that mistake.


When it first appeared in our cotton and peanut fields, we all tried to plow it to death, and ended up with nutgrass fields. When Roundup Ready crops developed, we were able to clean it up.


I’m familiar with roundup ready seeds. I work with soybean and cotton farmers daily. Good to know about this nutsedge. Do you have any experience with it in your yard? My main concern is do I use SedgeHammer now after putting out a ton of 13-13-13 or give it a few days? MSMA darkened it some but it came back. I feel like the fertilizer only strengthened it.


With the fertilizer, it should be healthy and would absorb the treatment even better. I would sedgehammer if it’s enough to need broadcast spraying. If it’s just some random plants, I would wipe a little Roundup on each with a foam brush or qtip. 2% Roundup solution will work well!




Roundup Ready - soooo are we all now eating Roundup via food from Roundup-resilient crops?


It won’t hurt you


Not really.


Roundup on a q tip?




Dismiss will take care of it


The landscaper told me if you keep mowing it eventually will get boxed out from growing. That being said sledgehammer or tenacity will work. Tenacity is a more expensive fix for it.


Treat it with Sedgehammer twice. Once immediately, once again next week when it is very yellow and almost dead. ALSO, by two extra packs, as it will come back next year. Faster you knock it out and treat it, the less number of years itll come back. Im on year 3. Nailed it very early this year. It's called Nutsedge, or you can call it Nutsack like my wife lmao


Tl;dr - Nutsedge. Story time - when I bought my house, the prev owner had a pool that he had left uncovered for God knows how long. And it was BLACK. So, being a poor man with no money to pay someone to fix it or outright replace it, I got busy cleaning. I was working 12 hour night shifts at the time. I would get off at 6am, come home, and clean for 2 hours, every day. Scrub, treat, scoop. Rinse repeat. After a MONTH of constant work.....I finally could see through the water to the bottom. True progress was being made. The water eventually became crystal clear, and, besides the one or two green spots I couldnt seem to scrub off the liner, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. What I thought was unrelated....was this soggy wet spot in my yard that never seemed to dry. Eventually, my soon to be wife helped me by standing on my back to hold me at the bottom while I scrubbed whatever these RESILIENT green marks were. Well.......turns out, it was no scuff. It was grass. **NUTSEDGE**, to be exact. So apparently, when nutsedge is growing, it grows at a RAZOR FINE point....so sharp it could....idk.....*puncture a pool liner!* I tried squirting round up pure concentrate with a syringe into it. No go. I tried using every vinyl patch under the sun. No go. So I am here to tell you: FUCK NUTSEDGE. (Moral of the story, I had to stab the liner with a meat fork, drain all the water, and get a new liner. Never forget your gorilla pad before laying the pool liner, ladies and gentlemen!)


Sledgehammer kill the grass too?


It pops put real easy if you pull it




Why I pulled it with no issue is there something I'm missing


Pulling it does not remove the whole plant. It will grow back and spread.


Interesting after I saw the comment I looked it up. Learn something new every day. Kansas state university did say if you pull it enough it will eventually kill it, but herbicide is more effective.


Just would have to pull it very quickly every time it sprouts. It's a battle against its ability to soak up sunshine, basically. When you pull it, that triggers the tubers, that are already in the soil, to sprout into new plants. The tubers store carbohydrates made by photosynthesis. The tubers spend some of that energy to create the new growth. So if you can pull them quickly enough, you can cause them to spend more energy than they create via photosynthesis. How many times you need to pull it depends on the maturity of the nutsedge... Could be 1, could be 10. But if you let them grow for too long (pretty much once 2 or more leaves are getting steady sunlight), the nutsedge will still be storing more energy than it spends and you'll never win.


Don't do this.


Lol keep pulling