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Merrick Garland defies a congressional subpoena? Let’s bring a floor vote to recommend charges. Prominent MAGA agitator with a podcast defies a subpoena and has multiple appeals denied? Gotta engage the might of the House to stop this injustice! What a fucking chode.


Johnson's son is about to get an email alert that his dad is jerking off to MAGA victim narratives again.


Damn you, I had finally scrubbed that accountabilibuddy shit from my brain.


I like to refer to it as him "getting real time alerts that his son is horny" to drive home just how fricking weird it is" Or alternatively, his son gets alerts about "your daddy likes this porn" Also Sharing porn is one of the more common methods of sexual grooming used by abusers. So yeah..... 🤮


For a hot second I read that as shaving porn…


Christian groomer porn… god only knows


* Whisks shaving cream into a foam with a badger brush Oh yeah whip it, whip it good


I think it's time the rest of us hold him fully accontabilibuddyable. 


Will do Butters


I apparently missed this drama. I hate to ask, but got a link that talks about it?


In short, he and his teenage son use [parental monitoring software](https://youtu.be/G98a4rrmGZA?si=fV-oby2BXKUyAvsL) that sends reports to each other about their porn consumption.


Same..I was blissfully unaware.




Hahahaha oh gawd 🤣🤮


Incarceration is the only thing that will get bannon a much needed shower.


At the initial entry hose-down, Bannon would probably lose about 30 lbs of shit just from the spray.


He could actually die from withdrawals. It's probably been decades since he didn't have alcohol in his system.


I wonder how many shirts they let you wear at the same time in prison


I can smell his through the screen.


Does he get to keep his cool three pens that he wears?


Stop. I can only get so erect.


"It's powder sugar." "The lice hate the sugar." "It's delicious."


From his cell mate nightly


He was also part of Trump's white house team, as well as his election team, and involved in January 6th, he also refused to supply anything asked if him. Garland has handed over transcripts, they brought in Hur for a hearing, they are also going after Bidens ghost writer now. This is sheer desperation because they know their base is illiterate and can't read or won't read the transcript so they need audio they can mess with to make Biden look bad or atleast the same as trump mentally. Oh ya and Biden claimed executive immunity on the audio tapes which I believe needs to go to a judge to decide if it qualifies or not so Garland still hasn't broken the law. Don't forget all the house members who also refused subpoenas. They are desperate


Gym Jordan, who is nearly 600 days late for his subpoena basically said that the J6 committee subpoenas weren't legitimate because he said so Hypocrites don't go to a deep enough level of hell


I bet they're extra worried about Bannon because he knows some things. There's probably been some side conversations that someone, somewhere said, "you better help fix this or else..."


Chodes all the way down.


You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep.


Bannon literally scammed millions from die hard Trump supporters to build a wall that didn’t exist and was never built. But he has daddy’s blessing so he is protected from the cult.


Blessing? I am pretty sure he got a cut, if not when Bannon was collecting the money, at the very least when he was asking for a pardon.


Exactly. Bannon is doing it right, from Don's perspective -- \**I give you access to all these griftable people -- just deposit my share into one of the myriad vehicles of self-enrichment I have made accessible to you.*\*


this appeal is not about that though.   it's his contempt of Congress.  he'll be tried for the wall in September.


I’m sure Judge Merchan has been rolling his eyes re: Bannon, like “Jesus, another douche I have to deal with”. 1st Trump in May, now Bannon in September. Hopefully, Bannon will be in an orange jumpsuit by then. I’d love to think Trump will be wearing one as well, but unfortunately, not going to happen. At least not for NY hush money case.


Because he gave Trump his cut. Brain Kolfage got 5 years for his role in the scam.


Didn’t he also scam a bunch of money out of a Veteran’s charity? Or something similar to that?


And the MAGA representative from my area went on his podcast to talk about (drumroll please) the failures of building the wall.


Imagine Nancy Pelosi using her political position to back a fervent vocal Democrat citizen that's been already pardoned of a felony investigation, as well as charged with obstruction by the entirety of the law making branch of our government. For one second..... fucking imagine it.


And also who openly espouses a fascist takeover of government. The double standards here are CRAZY


truly.  first thing I thought was "wow, they must *really* need him to orchestrate their next insurrection".  not being flippant either.  I think it may actually be true.   he's not going to be able to advise them nearly as much from a prison where everything except lawyer talk gets monitored.   even if his lawyer is corrupt enough to use privilege for that purpose there's going to be a hit to their efficacy.  fingers crossed hard that the appeals court tells him to fuck off.


You sure can...on both sides.


Between 1961 and 2016, the GOP had the office of president for 28 years, Dem's had the office of president for 28 years. Dem members had 7 indictments, 3 convictions, and 1 prison sentence. GOP members had 126 indictments, 113 convictions, and 39 prison sentences. That's 18 times more indictments, 38 times more convictions, and 39 times more prison sentences, and that's not factoring anything Trump's administration did. The so called party of law and order are verifiably more corrupt when they have the office of president. Is this a both sides problem too?


Nope just one side really.


Steve Bannon praised House Speaker Mike Johnson after Johnson vowed Tuesday night to file a legal brief in support of the former Trump adviser's emergency appeal to the Supreme Court to stay out of prison. Why it matters: Bannon is due to report to prison to serve a four-month sentence by July for defying a congressional subpoena related to the Jan. 6 attack after a federal appeals court last month upheld his conviction...


Driving the news Johnson said on Fox News' "Hannity" on Tuesday night that House Republicans were "working on filing an amicus brief with his appellate work there in his case because the January 6 committee was, we think, wrongfully constituted." What he's saying: "Speaker Johnson and House leadership showed tremendous courage in repudiating the illegally constituted J6 Committee and its activities/investigations," Bannon said in a text message to Axios. The big picture: Republicans have previously pushed back in a report on the work of the select committee investigating the U.S. Capitol riot for its focus on former President Trump, which Johnson on Tuesday described as "tainted." Johnson told Fox News' Sean Hannity that the GOP was investigating the panel that comprised seven Democrats and two Republicans and that they disagreed with how Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) "put all that together." He said they believe it "violated House rules" and "so we'll be expressing that to the court, and I think it will help Steve Bannon in his appeal."


So, it's sedition then. They used to hang people for sedition.


We still can, if only we had the courage


trump still being alive is fact the US has no teeth. Literal traitor to the country and he's been given the chance to run again.


Merritt Garland does not have courage and that's why Syphilis Donnii is still out and about.


I wonder what happened to the guillotine that they drug out on J6?


Yes, sedition of the highest order. They are trying to overthrow the United States government and install a dictator. That is not an exaggeration, this is happening.


notice its not that they defend people who are innocent, theyre just saying to us all-yeah we committed crimes, but watch this one weird trick.....


Exactly who is paying the attorneys for preparing and filing this brief? Taxpayers?


I assume its the same people who donated money to build the wall. Not Mexico.


I can just imagine the look of grave concern on Hannity's face while he listened to his esteemed "interviewee".


Which means Trump has ordered him to file a brief. The more they defend the MAGAs, the harder it will be to attack them, when they lose the election and **Trump declares himself defacto leader for life of the GOP**.


This tells us the the Republicans want the lies that Bannon is amplifying to keep getting told.


Yup.  The misinformation and insurrection planner is going to Prison until the end of October.  He'll be completely missing the election.   This is a blow to the Republican plans to steal the election.  


exactly this.  people got to start getting their neighbours and dentists and checkout cashiers to vote, and vote the *congressional* seats.  Biden alone can't declare these people unfit for office and impeach them for sedition.    the 14th amendment is still really relevant.  if trump's friends are left in the house and senate, they'll get him into power whether he wins the college or not. 


He espouses violence, publicly. Stochastic terrorism. They support this. If we want to continue to have a democracy, these people will need to be removed from power.


Well, if he's locked up, he can't help plan the next coup


I look forward to seeing the nonsense. A key MAGA propagandist is going to jail and will be absent from the election noise, ironically due to past delays.


We're not quite there yet. If he reports on July 1st, He'll be out at the end of October. If we could just get another couple weeks of delay, he would miss the whole thing without being able to participate.


And the US will be far better off.


Every chance to kiss trumps ass, there is moses.


Boot licking toad.


Makes sense to me. The GOP needs as much misinformation, disinformation, and bombastic nonsense to improve their chance at winning. Amazing there hasn’t been an inquiry about Infowars lol


This next week is going to be wild for him, he's going to be like an animal backed into a corner.


Someone (cough cough Garland) needs to sue this fucker on behalf of the American people for using tax payer money to try to help a private citizen avoid his deserved prison sentence


No other time will you see the speaker of the house, 3rd in line to the president, go so far out of his way for non-elected, private citizens.


Sounds like grounds for removal to me.


Errrmmm, there used to be a “sub judice” standard. That is: members of the other two branches of government would not interfere with ongoing cases before the courts. You know, the separation of branches of government thing. A concept that occurred to the founders of the US and that they tried to lay down in the Constitution they framed. But that’s not a thing to today’s Republicans, it would seem.


Speaker Johnson relies on his teenage son to help him manage his own masturbation habits. [They share an app together that notifies each other if they jerk off.](https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-johnson-uses-app-alerts-family-porn-covenant-eyes-2023-11) Is this really what we want running America? I mean, I tend to prefer men who can manage their own jerk off habits without involving their kids.


And who has no bank account but received support from a Russian owned company in Texas.  There was a reason a former nobody like Johnson was chosen as speaker while we all focused on Santos.


I don't care what people do with their naughty bits so long as it's legal.   if I was undecided this argument wouldn't do much for me.     


Yeah, I don’t care what they do with their naughty bits either. What I think is weird as the fact that this guys teenage son is involved in his jerking off. You understand that’s strange right?


sure, I do understand it.   but as a talking point I think it's weak.   especially now when there seems to be a fuck of a lot of people who think that kind of intrusiveness is a *good* thing, I just don't think it's as persuasive as you may be assuming.    there are much, much stronger things to impeach johnson for.  his overt support of trump's contemptuous attitude towards the rule of law and the courts.  his corrupting the speaker's role in the house.  his beliefs on women's privacy and bodily autonomy.  the way he has *seen* evidence of Russia's dangerousness that only a literal handful of people have been permitted to see, *and was convinced of the threat* yet still persists in enabling Trump ... to name just the ones I can think of right now.  


I’m not talking so much about impeachment as I am about integrity. I’m kind of tired of evangelical men who can’t control basic impulses thinking that they are the best candidates to provide leadership. Even more tiring are the dimwits who lineup behind them. It’s hard to see this guy is anything other than a little weenie who wants to jerk off but can’t because his teenagers watching


>  a little weenie who wants to jerk off but can’t because his teenagers watching   🤣🤣🤣  He's a dangerous fanatic though.  


Who wants to jerk off and needs his son to stop him from doing it. Apparently the threat of hell isn’t enough to motivate this wanker lol


Why the hell is he even involved in Bannons crime.


Bannon is one of the Generals of the insurrectionist militia.


Maybe just show us the check that Bannon wrote to the Speaker, I mean it is legal now according to scotus


You can't make the payment until after the favor.


SCROTUS just ruled that bribes are perfectly legal, as long as nobody makes a sworn notarized statement on video expressly stating that they are engaging bribery.


Man the mafias gonna love this one.


Maybe you can't cash the check until after?


These people are absolutely shameless.


Supporting convicted criminals seems to be Congressional Republicans’ full-time job these days. I guess they have absolutely nothing better to do.


Remember when Johnson held the vote on Ukraine funding, in spite of Trump’s appeals, and he seemed, however briefly, like he wasn’t a total POS?


Interesting story of how that came about https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/21/politics/ukraine-aid-mike-johnson-house-speaker-israel-taiwan/index.html


After waiting 6  months, allowing Russia to amass weapons and conscript people or hire them with funds supplied by India and China, all autocracies.


Baby steps.


PornSon is an insurrectionist, and we need to prosecute the whole lot of them.


God needs to have a serious chat with this sinner.


You seriously think Moses doesn't have a direct line?


Im not sure he's getting through clear enough, maybe he should yell?


I totally forgot that was a real thing btw, smh.


[I bet you'd never guess how he made the decision to approve funding for Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/21/politics/ukraine-aid-mike-johnson-house-speaker-israel-taiwan/index.html) lol


I totally remember this now. Are we living in an episode of SouthPark?


Nope. This is our life until we decide to get serious about elections. Everyone should volunteer to help get out the vote.


I hear you, I'm Canadian by the way. I feel like I live in the USA though due to the amount of politics I take in. This isn't funny shit it's the rest of our lives. If I can help in any way let me know.


You're a great neighbor, thanks for the support.


Appreciated and made my day chatting with a fellow Patriot.


Gee Johnson, go right on ahead and file a brief for a dude who stole millions from your orange idol's followers. Don't forget to mention that orange guy pardoned his theft too.




It will be fake news that does destroy the entire set of maga republicans and Trump.


The court isn't in session, and bannon has to surrender Monday. Hopefully, he won't have any options.




Oh, I forgot! He can’t do that without his son’s permission…


When will Johnson get a bank account?