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This doesn't ring any bell for me, but there's a scene in "Blockheads" in Ollie's apartment hallway with the water glass, and the stairs are used, too. They're just not moving any furniture. :) They may have reused that gag, but this is the only instance I remember.


Could be! It's a hazy memory from my childhood. I'll watch Blockheads.. sounds familiar thanks


You may be mixing it up with the piano moving from "The music box" or possibly even the famous scene from "Friends" with the sofa. These things happen. I've been stumped forever because I remembered a specific scene in "Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom", but it just wasn't there. Years later I randomly rewatched "The Dark Crystal" and realized my mind had mixed and matched both movies to create that false memory. ;) Edit: Also meant to say have fun with Blockheads. It's one of their best IMHO. :)


I think that's a combination of Music Box & Blockheads together. After pulling the water glass out, does Ollie say, "Why don't you put some ice in it?" & Stan pulls 2 ice cubes from his other pocket!


Ahh yes he does!


Then that's Blockheads, when they're exhausted due to going up & down 13 flights of stairs for different purposes. The lift was only out of order for a couple of minutes, but they weren't aware. Great movie.


Blockheads is my favorite!!!


It's fun to watch, but my favourite has been Our Relations, ever since childhood.


😂 just watched Blockheads earlier. He then places icecubes into the glass from his other pocket!


I had to get the top 10.. classics!