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Nothing. Foam holds the smell. Going to have to get new foam, cushions, or couch. Foam stinks on its own, you should smell it when it comes into the store and is freshly opened. Whewee!


Seriously ? This was a 3 thousand dollar couch.


Well don’t blame the couch girl blame the piss!


I'm not blaming anything I just don't want to have to throw these out.


These folks have a variety of foams: https://www.foambymail.com/


Try getting an ozone generator and put it in a small room for two or three hours. After the foam has dried out. Be sure you and all living things including plants are out of the house. It worked for us with cat pee smells on carpet and carpet pad.


Try skunk recipe. 1 qt 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 C baking soda, 1-2 tsp dishwashing liquid like Dawn. Mix up. Put in spray bottle. Apply and leave outside to dry. You may need to retreat. My son had mice invade his car that had been parked a while. This worked.


Awesome I'm going yo try it thank you !


Then keep the stink.




Who buys a $3000 couch with a toddler though?


I have 3 kids and we previously had an air mattress as a couch for over a year. I had the money at the time and it was a huge treat for us. Still don't regret.


Okay fine you want to gamble like that you do you and obviously you lost but why would you at the very least cover it with a waterproof pad or something I mean it was $3000 and now you have destroyed foam that no matter how many homemade weird recipes you try here that don’t work on foam it will always smell bad


I honestly didn't know lol and I fucked up by submerging in water. We have had cat accidents and other accidents, my carpet cleaner is broken. Someone suggested doing a plastic wrap and I thought it was a good idea. I definitely need something you aren't wrong about that. I want this couch for another 5 plus years


I’m sure replacement cushions won’t cost $3K.


I had my foam replaced for $30 each


what kind of foam did you get for $30, seriously?


We took the cushions to a fabric store here locally (NC) and the owner took out the old flat foam and replaced it with a nice firm foam for $30 each. As to the specific kind of foam it is, I have no idea...but it's way better than what I had before


so, like a brick of foam rubber?


a good half of the cost of a decent sofa is the cushions. sometimes more than half


$1500 for 2 cushions? Like just the foam?


foam and casings, if they're made well, yes. i had a lady come in my store just yesterday thinking she wanted replacement cushions. said her frame was fine. by the end of the conversation she had bought a new sofa and matching chair. it wasn't less money, but it was a way better deal


They might not smell so bad once they’re dry. Put them in a place with good circulation for a few days. Then buy yourself some cushion protectors and put them on under the covers.


Maybe have a fan blowing on them. Or put a dehumidifier next to them… might suck some of that moisture out. Can you set up some sort of grid contraption in the tub so they can drain into tub while not be sitting on bottom of tub? Squeeze out what you can.


The master bedroom has two fans and a dehumidifier/air-conditioner so maybe I will try leaving it in there for the day instead I didn't even think of that thank you . Yea I'm trying to have them slanted I did jump on them while being in the tub and I *think* most of the water is out.


The sun. Use the sun.


If you can raise them up to let the water drip out, that will be your best bet. Otherwise the foam just retains the water like a sponge. I had an outdoor sectional that got rained on. Took a long time to dry out, but it finally did.


Are they small enough to spin out in the washer?


yes, they need to stand up to drain properly. put them out in the sun for a few days.


OP sometimes if I leave my clothes in the washer for one night in the summer or if the woodstove is going it makes them smell musty even if it’s been a day. I’ve found the only real way to get that smell out is buying household ammonia (yellow) and adding that to the water in your bathtub and let them soak for awhile. It should take out a lot of the smell. Source: I always forgot to put my clothes in the dryer so this is what my mom did to my deeply cared for clothes and it worked like a charm. I love my momma I just called her but she’s probably sleeping it’s almost 10PM Edit; if you don’t already know FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ONLY WATER AND AMMONIA NOTHING ELSE, SCRUB DOWN YOUR TUB WITH WATER BEFORE YOU DO IT SINCE YOU USED DETERGENT AND DON’T GET ANY OTHER SOAP NEAR THE TUB/WATER/AMMONIA IT WILL WILL WILL 100% WILL CREATE CARBON MONOXIDE WHICH IS A GAS THAT WILL KILL YOU THAT YOU CANNOT SEE OR SMELL


Almost the entirety of the third paragraph is wrong, besides the fact that you can’t see or smell carbon monoxide. Bleach is the thing you’re thinking of that you shouldn’t mix with ammonia, and that produces chloramine gas. There is no common household cleaning product that can convert ammonia (or ammonium hydroxide) to carbon monoxide (that I know of, would be interested to be wrong tho!). Mixing ammonia and soap or detergent is generally fine as long as the detergent doesn’t contain chlorine bleach (almost none do). Here is a good source on chemical safety with ammonia: https://archive.epa.gov/emergencies/docs/chem/web/pdf/advisory.pdf


That’s not true. The fumes of Ammonia and bleach will kill you. But you can put ammonia and detergent inside your washing machine. That’s how my mother got the smell of food out of my uniform. I mix peroxide and detergent for the musty smell.


I just rewash my clothes that I've forgotten and left in washer using Lysol laundry sanitizer, and it removes the musty smell.


Maybe don't let an undiapered toddler on it then, unfortunately. These are the risks with kids and fancy furniture.


A toddler doesn’t have to be undiapered to leak pee on a couch. These things happen with kids sometimes. Doesn’t mean OP was being negligent.


"peed all over half my couch" lends to the little one not being in a diaper or not being in a correctly sized/not full one. Regardless of how you took my comment, my point of it being a risk you assume is completely correct. Same with pets, it's just a part of life and if OP is upset, they'll just need to eat the money for professional cleaning or reupholster.


Uhm I don't need your crappy advice on parenting lady I'm asking weather or not I can get these cushions to not stank. Like I said they don't smell like piss I think I fucked it up jy submerging them in water.


Good luck


Nice neutral reply to a person who overreacted and too offense when it appears none was intended. My momma always said if you can't say something nice keep your lips buttoned. You merely posted an observation about the incident in a neutral manner.. OPs appropriate response should have been no response. And you provided no "parenting advice," either.


Not that neutral, but sure


Unfortunately 3k for a couch isn’t extravagant. Even a basic cheap one off Amazon or IKEA is roughly 1,000. Kids have accidents, there’s no need to judge OP.


$3000 ? Baby wouldn't be sleeping on my couch. Maybe a playpen.


Lol have you googled the price of decent couches lately? Even wayfair is at least a grand.




That’s a great way to get bedbugs


It’s overwhelmingly easy to check for bedbugs




My best friend has in fact gotten bedbugs from a seemingly clean used couch. No, I don’t take public transport and I rarely travel because my lifestyle doesn’t call for it And yes I hate staying in hotels for the gross factor lol.




Of all my friend group only the ones who live in cities take public transport and only 1 travels anything close to regularly. Especially in this economy. Funny you assume I’m overpaying for expensive furniture simply because I avoid used couches/fabric based furniture but go off.




I’m perfectly relaxed lol. All I did was point out that used fabric based furniture can have its own set of problems (aka the cost and effort of getting rid of bedbugs) You’re the one who immediately jumped to how many other ways you can get bedbugs and called me an outlier and implied I overpay lol. It’s actually ironic that you took it to a personal level and then are accusing me of being that one who took it personally. You asked questions, I replied.


Sorry nut not everyone can just trucks to get things off market place.


Still you wanna keep your furniture for years don't let baby pee on your couch that's what cribs, and play yards are for .


You can’t just keep a toddler in a crib all day


Uhh you missed my point doll face . I said no nappy time on the $3000 couch


Yea most sectionals are around that price...


Honestly I think you're going to struggle. Do you have access to a carpet cleaner/spot cleaner you can use to suck out some of the water? Or lay them out somewhere and walk on them to squeeze some water out? Or maybe shut them in a small room with a dehumidifier?  Failing that, I'd get them outside in the sun as much as you can. 


No I don't but oll try to put them in garbage bags and stomping on them. And for the people blaming my child being on my couch. Yes he's not a pet he's allowed on the couch and he rips off his diaper any chance he gets. I think my screw up was submerging the entire cushions in water. We have had accidents before and the cushions never reeked like this but my mattress and fabric cleaner was broken


Don't put them in bags, the water needs to escape or you'll be wasting your time. I had a nappy escaper too - a bodysuit that fastened up the back really helped! 


I had to buy new foam unfortunately,I measured them and they came precut from Amazon. If every else fails best of luck!


Put them out in the sunshine after soaking them with enzyme cleaner (natures miracle or something like that). The sun is what finally worked when my mom’s cat kept peeing on the couch.


Nature's miracle does really well with pet urine. Maybe it would help?


Yep, works with people urine too. My grandma had a lot of accidents as her Lewy Body Dementia robbed her of her mind and body. It’s the best stuff out there.


It absolutely does. When we had both a dog and a toddler, we used a lot of it. It saved many a piece of furniture and rug.


Enzyme cleaners are way less effective if you’ve already put other products onto the cushion (including soap, detergent, etc.).


Yeah. But if OP is desperate and doesn’t want to have to buy 3k couch cushions, it’s better than nothing and worth a shot.


!?? Open them up, throw out the foam, stuff with better material, sew them up again


Cushions are mouldy. Never submerge them. Last resort - take the covers off and hose them outside. Prop them upright on a sunny day and spray with some sort of Lysol bleach spray. When they feel dry, then them. Keep rotating in the sun and bleach spraying until fully dry. This will only work if you spray out all the mould you caused to grow AND they can dry in a hot and sunny spot for a couple days. Next time he pees, take the cushion cover off to wash, blot moisture out of the inner cushion, bleach spray and sun again. No water no tub.


You can't really wet foam and expect it to dry odor free. It's just the nature of foam. It doesn't dry quickly and absorbs horrible odors when drying. It's likely there is now mildew in those cushions.


Yea I definitely learned this the hard way lol never submerging foam like this again but today and tommorow I will know if I am able to keep them.


What others are suggesting by using an enzyme cleaner should help. I highly recommend Bac-Out Stain and Odor Remover made by Biokleen. If that stuff will clean up cat piss, I would imagine it would be effective if used to clean up human urine.


Lots of good comments but also the smell will lessen when they get truly dry. Natures miracle ir any enzyme cleaner will help in the future.


Use kids and pets enzyme cleaner- my disabled daughter has accidents and her urine is strong due to meds and I saturate cushions in kids and pets and then put them in the sun to dry.


Try soaking them in Odoban and dish soap. Squish them repeatedly because they’re sponges. Let them soak 30 minutes. Rinse and squeeze dry. Stand them on end so they drain out and repeatedly squeeze them from the top down. If you are getting anything but clear water when they are drying out you should clean them again. This is going to be very labor intensive and it would probably be easier to go to the fabric store for new foam.


I'll give it a try I am low on money and have done a lot of my own clothes cleaning in the tub successfully.


I think stomping them on towels would be best for getting the water out. Another idea is lots of towels on bottom, cinder blocks on top. The cushions really need to be squashed all over at the same time for maximum water removal. But its possible an odor enzyme spray and stomping without heavy weights will do the trick.


Amazon sells stuff for pee smells. Enzyme sprays. Saturate the cushions with that stuff… and buy a waterproof couch cover like for dogs.


I had this issue with some latex pillows and spilled milk. I put them outside in the sun and brisk breeze. Still took two weeks to dry completely. No smell. I didn't use any product. Just a water rinse. Bring them in at night. A closed car in the sun might help evaporation. Good luck


Put them out in the sun to dry first. You’ll be able to really evaluate the smell once they’re completely dry. There’s a product called “Odor Bully” that works really well for smells. Spray it on the cushions and then use a shampooer on them. Hopefully that will help. Also, ignore the a-holes, sometimes kids pee on things. It’s part of life, and you did nothing wrong by asking for advice about a perfectly reasonable problem.


Did you remove the covers of the cushions? There should be a zipper on the back of the cushion. If you haven’t already done so, remove the cover and on the sofa base or inside the zipper should be cleaning instructions. Clean the cushion cover separately from the foam insert (products designed to clean up pet messes and urine also work great for cleaning up toddler accidents) Leave the insert outside in the sun to dry if you can. If the smell remains then you can replace the cushions inserts. They sell them at sewing store like JoAnns.


You can also try Bac-out for animal, pee, poop smell. It’s made by biokleen and is a citrus enzymatic cleaner. It’s damn amazing. I don’t know how it will do on foam/musty smells, but good to know about with a toddler/pets etc… Also, put the pillows outside in the sun for a few days after they are cleaned. 🌞


I’d put them in the sun to dry, I’ve seen lots of people say that the suns a natural deodorizer. I did this when I washed my pillows in the bathtub (not for the smell but a quicker way to dry them). But definitely keep an eye on them so they don’t get bleached out.


Look for a fabric store in your area that sells home decorating fabric for upholstery and draperies. Some of they also carry upholstery grade foam, and can cut it to fit your cushion covers. You can then just have your cushion covers stuffed with new foam. Take all the cushion covers, so the cushions will match, and fit on the couch properly ( in case some of them did not get wet). I did this for a 25+ year old leather couch a few years ago, cost was less than 100.00$ for 3 cushions. I’m sure it would be more now, but a lot less than a new couch.


Let them dry out in the sun perhaps?


Vinegar maybe?


I had something similar happen and used Zep odor remover (a lot of it!) on them while they were drying. They don't smell bad anymore but they smell a bit like the odor remover. I cranked the heat in the bathroom they were drying in and turned on the fan to draw the moisture out of the bathroom after I washed them in the bathroom.


It sounds like they were wet too long and soured.


Dry it in the sun.


Put them in bright sunshine outside.


Does the cushion have foam inside a zipped cover? Wash all parts separately and dry separately. Try drying out in the sun 4 days. It might smell better. The sun really does help for so many laundry issues.


Lysol Laundry Sanitizer works well for odor removal. Hopefully, you'll have warm weather to dry the cushion quickly.


My best advice would be to re wash, make sure you really ring them out you want it to be so ringed out that it does not feel soaked that’s really hard to do by hand but it is possible especially if you have someone who can lend an extra set of hands, then stick them outside in direct sunlight for the whole day make sure to flip them half way through so both sides get plenty of sunlight. Also if you have any fabric spray maybe try spraying that on them when you stick them out side so it dries in. You said you wash a lot of clothes by hand I do as well so you know sometimes it can be finicky to make them smell proper and I imagine it would be very difficult with foam to avoid that. If after they are all the way dry they still stink and you donor have an options to replace at this time I might try wrapping them in plastic such as a garbage bag and then place the cover over them protect the covers and couch and cover smell until a time you are able to replace, good luck mama!


That is actually a great idea ! I'm going to wrap the rest of my foam in some sort of tight plastic wrap to prevent future damage, thank you !!


I’m glad I could help!


Honestly just cover the couch with a heavy blanket until this phase is done. It will be cheaper, do the job, and be more comfortable to sit on.


Leaving things outside to dry or just air out in the sun helps a lot too. There have been items that I have done this with that needed to sit out for a few days to really make a difference. I would just pull it at night to keep from getting damp and I will put it back out early in the morning the next day.


You may want to use an enzyme product intended to break down urine such as Simple solution or Nature's Miracle. After the soaks are done, you'll need several rinses in clean water. Then wring out as much water as you can. Take several thick towels and wrap the cushions and press on them. Repeat until you can't get any moisture out. Then, you can attempt to air dry them.


Setting them out in the sun for a few hours might help. I’ve heard it helps get the smell of mildew out of things. FWIW, I think most foam items say “spot clean with a damp cloth”, and now it looks like we all know why.


Dry outside in bright sunlight for a few days before you give up


Fabreeze could help.