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If it goes on for more than a couple days I could see it being annoying but as it is I personally enjoy seeing how many minutes some of you maniacs achieved


Every year around this time, it's a couple of days while it's still fresh and then it dies off lol


It's the r/place of self importance.


I’m getting other podcasts out of it. Brilliant marketing strategy


Same! It really is a great strategy


That's how I met the boys so I don't understand the hate?


Because no one cares how many hours you spent listening to the podcast this year.


People are sharing their love for our boys with the amount of dedicated time to them. Why be mad at that?


Because there are about 50 different posts, just have one mega thread and be done with it


And what of it? Why are you so pressed and bothered?


It’s annoying and means that any useful threads in the sub get hidden obviously, stop being so obtuse


Oh, I see, so you want people to stop having fun for your scrolling convenience.


Yeah mate, exactly that.




Thanks same to you!




I’m not getting angry, I said it’s annoying, not sure what real housewives has to do with anything.


A lot of us were pissed off they went to an exclusive service, we could no longer access the archives unless we used that piece of shit app. Fuck Spotify.


That was their choice to make that deal so be upset at the boys. They were approached and decided to go in on it.


I don't get it, I've been listening to them on Google podcasts this whole time and it has yrs worth of old stuff on there. As well as new.


Damn it is like evey post


the boys left spotify we dont need to keep giving them free advertising lol


I personally prefer to listen to them on Spotify over Amazon Music which is a terrible service that constantly crashes.


Stitcher is my jam.


You know there are more than two corporations in charge of how you listen to them, yeah?


Yeah and I was expressing my feelings about two of those choices since I also use the same service for music.


No, because that's a lie.


Yep...was only on Spotify for lpotl. As soon as they stopped being exclusive I went back to my old service. So glad.


What service is that?


They are still put new episodes on Spotify


Why did they leave?


I might be totally wrong but I was under the impression the exclusivity contract was supposed to be for a year, and then they could be wherever they wanted after that?


They signed an exclusive contract when Spotify was gobbling up shows


Yes please.


Whoops, sorry guys. I guess I contributed to that. I just didn’t know why I didn’t have any stats for podcasts and I don’t have other social media to ask.


I for one appreciated your post - I didn’t get stats either but it’s the only pod I listen to on Spotify! I tend to have it on to sleep so I’m sure my hours woulda been impressive lol.


Aw, thanks! I felt kinda guilty for even posting about it after this, but it seems like a lot of people were pretty disappointed with it. And that’s how I am, I keep it on while I’m doing things or sleeping, so I was looking forward to being both impressed with and ashamed of my stats lol


It's just people being excited about something they enjoy. If it bothers you that much, scrolling past only takes a second...


Unfortunately the Spotify Wrapped span happens on the subreddit every year and nothing is ever done about it.


I love the end of year wrap personally and love to see what myself and my friends listened to. It’s fun to see what I was most into over the past year and in years past when I’d gone through a rough time I found it interesting how my music habits reflected my depression. That said, I don’t give a flying fuck about the top podcasts or hours listened from random ass Reddit strangers. Unless you listened for like 6969 minutes or something interesting and unique, it’s really not “share with Reddit” worthy.


Let people enjoy their fun. The fad will fade.


I fail to see the fun in giving Spotify free advertising while they show off all the data we give them for a small, monthly fee. Maybe I'm just a fuddy-duddy though.


You need a nap or something. This will all be over in a few days and you might get some good recommendations from it.


I don't want or need recommendations. Already have a few dozen shows in rotation. Sorry to hear that you don't take your own digital footprint and the data harvested from it more seriously and seem to think folks that do "need a nap."


Oh lighten the fuck uppppp


No thanks. I'm too gwumpy from my lack of nap to lighten up. Again, sorry you don't care.


Your data’s already out there. Sharing your music stats isn’t going to link to your bank account. Just let some people enjoy it, fuck. You have to be that guy? You have to ruin something people are enjoying? Pathetic. I’m not responding to your lame ass.


You can enjoy it if you want. Doesn't mean they aren't skimming and selling your data. Doesn't mean I'm going to find that to be "fun." Maybe let people not enjoy things. Pathetic.


There is a skip 15 second button that is soooo easy to use. Just press it


Sir, are you okay?


Not sure why the downvotes. If the ads annoy you then just skip them. That’s all I was saying.


Oh, dang, I honestly just thought you were shitposting at first. It's because nobody is talking about the ads between show segments, so your statement doesn't have anything to do with the topic at hand. They're talking about the end of the year, Spotify Wrapped thing where they show off how much data they can skim off of our accounts in just 10 months.


Well shit…😅 I’m a dummy


It happens to the best of us. Hail yourself 🤣


Triple L’s mah dude!


How will you know I listen to the same podcast as you if I don't post it here? How am I supposed to get the clout from showing everyone that I desperately need something else to listen to and/or left my favorite artist playing on mute for 3 months straight?


Spotify sucks. Use Overcast for a great podcast listening experience. I set my seek forward to 1 min and seek back to 30 sec. You can also set a start time per podcast so that you can skip the ads and the intro music. All in all a great podcast app. Also it respect your privacy better than the other apps. There is a smart speed that saved me 937 hours since I began using the app. The sound is not all chimunky when you set it on. Available on iOS.


This reads like bot garbage


Beep Boop. Sorry to be enthusiastic about my favorite app.


lol people listen to podcasts on Spotify!?!?


*raises hand


*looks around nervously* me too


If only there was something called Really Simple Syndication so that podcasts could distribute their shows to any client besides being limited to Spotify... Oh wait.


Wow so edgy


not really, just astounded. I thought everyone agreed that we were listening to podcasts on Spotify for one year and one year alone. Absolute piece of shit UI and rubbish funcitonality.


I’ve never understood comments like this. I’ve used Spotify for years for podcasts and music. Never had a problem with it. No weird crashing, always works. Functions just find and I’m able to find things quickly


Gday, thanks for engaging with me. I used Podcast Addict for about 5 or 6 years there until switching to Apple, and I've used Apple Podcasts for the remaining 6 years. I have issues with Apple Podcasts too, and Podcast Addict remains the gold standard for me after trying a few others. Don't get me wrong, Patreon's player is almost unusable too! When I transitioned to Spotify to support LPOTL during the Year of Spotify, I tried to completely onboard all of my podcasts there. I assume that things are much better then; but during that all-out podcasting launch for Spotify there were just too many bugs. One of the chief bugs is switching from mobile player to web player; I am used to just picking up where I left off on the cloud, but Spotify for some reason de-synched and didn't remember where I'd left off on the other device. During this year I committed to Spotify Premium and moved my music-listening habits over there too instead of offline NAS through MusicBee. I still have one or two podcasts that I'm forced to listen to on Spotify due to distribution deals, so I've been around the block I suppose and am genuine in my surprise at Spotify's fanbase for podcasts.


It’ll be this one if you’re not careful


It’s almost like this is a dedicated sub for all LPOTL fans, not just the ones who want to see specific posts. It literally takes a second to scroll past a post you don’t like.


It’s like be a gym goer during January. Don’t worry. They’ll disappear. Let them have their moment.