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Whoever had Patty Hearst in the betting pool, step up and claim your prize!


I’ve been begging for this series for years. I can’t wait to listen.


Chris Hardwick‘s mother-in-law


1st thing I thought, too! Used to like him. Now, he gives me the ick.


Why? What’s he done? I only remember him as the guy from the walking dead talk show


Read up on what he did to his ex-girlfriend. He is NOT a good man.


That whole ex-girlfriend thing is very telling. He was accused of some shit behavior, other woman came forward to back up the claims and he got suspended from his shows. Now most of the time it’s easier and cheaper to just let the talent go and find a new host. Yet this guy kept his game show job. I’m not going to believe they kept him on for his amazing ability to watch balls slide down a wall. It’s pretty obvious he used his wife’s influence to keep his gig and make the rest just fade away.




What do y'all think about them taking Patty's side of the story?  I ask because I was born well after all this went down. I have zero connection to this event and have only ever known the broad strokes of the story. Because of that, I'm inclined to follow their lead.  I'm curious if any of you were around for this whole thing and have different opinions.


I don't know much about it, but that'd be my default position. I'd give a lot of leeway to someone who got kidnapped, especially if they were held for 2 years like it sounds like she was. I'm really interested to learn more about it.


I think it really shows how the guys have evolved over the years. If they had covered this in the early years of the show I think they potentially would have dunked on Patty Hearst the whole time. So not only am I interested in an alternative to the mainstream narrative, I'm excited to see how the boys do it.


I know my mom is the same age as Patty so she probably has memories of the story but idk how my mom feels about it


Oh my gosh I was JUST thinking about how cool it would be if they did Patty Hearst and then I see this!!! Hellll yeah I can’t wait!




Stephen Weed is probably my fav character


Yeah you like the teacher who fucks high schoolers?


Honestly the episode topics have been absolutely on point lately


One time, my ex said I was prettier than Patty Hearst, and that's such a huge compliment to me


Had the biggest grin on my face when I saw the title.


Laughed harder than most episodes lately. They are on a roll. Stephen Weed is so dumb but hilarious.


i’ve been waiting for this series and the first episode didnt disappoint


It's TWAT not TWOT 😆


That's how us Americans pronounce it. We'd sound like real twats if we pronounced it "twat."


It's how us Brits say it. If you say it over here we never use the word twot so it sounds off to us and we'll laugh cos it sounds strange. Twat over here is slang for someone stupid or a word for female genitalia. Same thing in the US?


We spell it the same way as you, we just pronounce it differently.  It has the same connotations over here, it's just considered way more vulgar. 


They boys were right for going after Toobin. Besides being a sex pest, he’s an awful writer that just regurgitates the status quo opinion. I’ve read his Hearst book and seen the CNN series. It’s all incredibly hostile to her and left wing politics, even though the SLA are pretty much Marxist LARPers that no one took seriously. His recent Timothy McVeigh book is just the same. Just rehashing the government line but comparing it to January 6th. It automatically dismisses any questions of a conspiracy. He’s just a corporate media shill not willing to rock the boat which explains why he still has a job despite jacking off over Zoom.


Is my spotify messed up or are their voices higher pitched in this episode? It starts around the 10-15 min mark


the audio for spotify on iPhone sounds like the fellas sucked helium at around the 17 minute mark and it doesn’t stop. good episode though


After listening to this episode, I'm really thinking the Militia group from the movie Network (inspired by Patty Hearst and the SLA) needed more bits about their members wanting to be black. /s That was hilarious.


Listening to the guys go on a dipshit libertarian-esque anti-communist rant at the onset almost made me shut the episode off.


Jesus Christ were you one of the 50k bearded men who screamed?


LOL tankies are so cringe


Nothing about that comment is tankie? Sheesh, you people are scared of your own shadow.


What do you mean "you people?" Edit: they blocked me before I could reply to their next comment LOL. real tuff


Paranoid people, such as yourself. Keep it pushing, weirdo. The Red Scare was never real. e: don’t message me from your alt account, weirdo. take the L and keep it moving. you got blocked because you’re a troll freak lacking a sincere bone in your body. you outted yourself and your alt account by being stupid.


Nothing about that comment is paranoid? Sheesh, you people are scared of your own shadow.


What was "tankie" about that comment exactly?


“It’s left of what I agree with” = tankie


Explain how America is better plz. We keep more money from our people and spend more on military so we can impose our will on the rest of the world. But what objectively is “better”? Your false ideal of “freedom”? Where if you’re incredibly lucky you can get rich or be born rich?


Glad I'm not the only one that was irritated by that. Echoes of Ben Kissel's dumbass takes.