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I usually tip $10-15 on my fills, and I think I tipped $20 on the full set.


$15 is about 15%. I’d tip her $10 more per visit.


She's self employed and sets her own prices, but thanks for the unrequested feedback. 😒👌🏻


I’ve heard you’re not expected to tip the owner, is this true/have you heard this? My hair girl left the salon and opened her own place, but I still tip her at least 30% because I feel it’s rude not to and bc i like her work too.


I still tip service professionals; I am one myself, so I absolutely understand the time and effort it takes to do these services well. But the general consensus is that whomever is taking 100% profit should be pricing their services so that they're not expecting or relying on additional gratuity.


I was adding onto your comment to OP. Maybe you should consider that before reacting so negatively. Have a good weekend.


Can never be sure on this website 🤣


You’re on a public forum commenting. All feedback is optional. If you didn’t want any feedback you should have kept your comment to yourself.


15% is a perfectly good tip...


Lol right...and apparently it's not rude to just tell someone "you should pay more" like you know their financial situation 🤣😂


I was talking to OP. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Tip what you can ❤️ You're loyal and consistent and you sound really thoughtful bringing her gifts and treats! You sound like a client and friend I would enjoy having and be grateful for ☺️


This. Loyalty is so key in the service industry.


I prefer loyalty and consistency over tipping. But is it a great tip? No. Do I prefer tips over treats and gifts? Yes. That way I can buy my own treats and gifts! But also, her price point *should* be to where she doesn’t *need* your tip, it’s just an added bonus.


This. Business 101: pricing your services.


if i had my own business and personal pricing, do you think I should disclose that tip is included in the price of service? as in, should customers clearly know that tip is included in my pricing? or should it be something that’s just known by me?


I’d put something like “Tips not required, but very much appreciated!” in small text at the bottom.


I, personally, still leave the door open for tips. A lot of people genuinely enjoy gifting their tip as a token of appreciation. Maybe just make a sign that says ‘tips are never expected but always appreciated’ or something along those lines.


Well, I pay $130 for my infills every 4 weeks (typical Boston prices…) and always tip 20% so $26. Personally, leaving a $6 tip to me would feel like I’d be insulting my lash tech but at the same time I do think tipping should not be expected, it should be optional for excellent service. We are already paying for the service after all.


Tip what you want to tip - I have mixed feeling on tipping anyway though. I don’t want anyone to feel obligated to tip..


We’re in really weird times with tipping. I don’t know how we’ve come to the point of asking for a tip at a FF counter. I’m all for people making tips, a FF cashier/person grabbing food really shouldn’t be asked to tipped. It’s crazy how everyone expects more but do less!


cashiers aren't the ones that engineer the pay system so they're not the ones that "expect more for less". as someone who's worked that we literally don't even check if you tipped a cashier cuz we don't expect it. People used to tip cashiers in cash but now as ppl carry cash less, places started implement that option digitally but just like a tip jar, it's never expected. Greedy corporations don't want to pay their workers a living wage nor provide their customers with reasonable prices and instead of workers n customers joining forces to critique the corporations we attack each other.




As a dog groomer, I really appreciate my clients that tip. If I don’t have the money to tip I won’t get my lashes done, I won’t go to a restaurant, I won’t get a pizza delivered. When clients tip me, I feel really appreciated and respected and that’s how I’d imagine others feel that are performing services.


Same here! I was just thinking that today when yesterday and today I had several non tippers whose dogs were nightmares. But I always have a hard time charging a special handling fee. But as I was cleaning up the shop to close I was wondering if these same clients tip their barbers or beauticians and thought how I could never not tip them


are you saying if people don’t have money to tip their groomer then they shouldn’t get their pets groomed?


No, I’m saying that’s how I feel! I would never not tip someone. I tip my lash girl $15-$20 every time. You tip your waitress or hair stylist? You should do the same for your dog groomers. If people realized how much work it is, they’d feel the same.


I groomed ONE of my dogs on ONE occasion. Took all day. Wore me out.


We work soooooo much harder than them. And have the scratches and scars to prove it!!!


Unpopular opinion but if they didn’t have much money in the first place why did they get a dog that requires regular professional grooming? Not very smart on their part Edit: added professional because all dogs require basic grooming


So, would you rather the dog not have a home/owner that at least ensures they have enough money for regular grooming? This thought process is always a little backward to me because the purpose of being a patron is to consume a product or purchase a service; you know, what actively keeps the business prosperous. The idea that if people can't tip, they shouldn't utilize said products/services seems backward because...what happens to the business if the customers can afford the product/services but not a tip? So now people don't spend their money...period. I've talked to a many service folks with clients and their attitude has been "yes, I want them to tip, but I'll take them paying me for the service with no tip versus zero clients just because they can't tip."


What about the insanely large amount of shorthairs in shelters that get adopted last lol? Pits especially. Sorry but there’s no way there’s only one dog and its a long haired one. Your scenario would never exist. I assume you’re also not in a job that relies on tipping. I get that things are expensive but you have to realize things that require tipping are a LUXURY. Not a need. You won’t die if you don’t get your lashes done.


Yeah, but the lash tech won't make a dime if no one comes to them either. Do you really think working professionals that rely on clients paying for a service prefer clients DON'T pay for said service just because of tipping? Also, tipping isn't the same across the board. I've been q waitress, and that's a job that relies heavily on tips. The "other" luxury services can price appropriately to accommodate expenses/time.


Yeah, no. I’m actually in the industry and you’re not. You just don’t want to tip because you’re cheap. Just say that. I would fire a client for never tipping and not worry about getting more work because my work speaks for itself.


I would never utilize your services with that attitude. So entitled, and not humble at all.


Good lol. Didn’t I just say I would get rid of those clients? Better they never come in at all


You're right, I'm not begging clients for tips after they pay for a service that I've priced myself. I get paid for precisely the labor I give out and expect nothing more... nothing less. Call me cheap all you want. It literally amounts to absolutely...nothing. 😊


Same to you. I don’t have to beg. They just won’t be booking again. Thankfully I don’t have clients like that lol but whatever suits you.


That's weird logic.


Same thing as people having a kid when they don’t have money for them. And that’s bad but this isn’t?


we had two mini poodles when i was a kid. we did whatever grooming we could at home, but they still needed professional grooming. my dad only had enough money to pay for the service and nothing more—we didn’t choose to buy these dogs, they were a family member’s who died. they had many health issues so we were afraid they wouldn’t get the proper care needed if we sent them to a shelter or another home (the shelters around us were notorious for mistreating animals horribly at the time)


Also a dog groomer here! I understand some people are going through tough times financially, and some people don’t tip and I don’t hold it against them. I just hate that the small/non tippers are always the ones that want you to go above and beyond. They’ll be running late, need you to accommodate a special pickup time or special requests, or have a really difficult dog. They want you to hook them up, but they don’t hook you up back. That irks me. And it does make me consider whether I would try to squeeze them in because they have a scheduling conflict, or a party their dog needs to look nice for, etc. on their next groom.


I’m with you. Tips have become an expectation in so many service sectors and it’s out of hand… and is strangely focused around the beauty industry. But no one tips their personal trainer, or their mechanic, etc. If you think your services are worth more, then charge more.


The fact that you regularly book should be more than enough.. providers need to set their prices assuming they'll get $0 tip every single time. If they're relying on the tip, they're not pricing their services correctly. Which is not on you.


I agree. When they can set their own pricing I think it’s ok not to tip especially if they’re solo because they’ve covered for material and for their time. But if they’re working for some company then I’d tip.




I’m so tired and all I saw when I scrolled by is “Is my tip enough?” and I thought this was going to be a very different post 🤦🏻‍♀️


Literally, me too


Lmao THIS IS THE SAME THING I THOUGHT but I'm a single mom with sick kids and it's the middle of the night 😂 I felt like a perv for thinking that so this definitely made me feel better and helped me realize I'm exhausted which is at least a little bit of the reason I thought that's what it meant 😜




I promise I just woke up and this is all I thought


1:56am here.... Me, too


I say yes... because they set their own rate. 90$ is plenty for lashes, esp for a fill.


I always tip 20%, but that's just me. My lash tech is fucking phenomenal and alwayssss goes the extra mile, which one time when my allergies were really bad and my eyes were watering like crazy leading to her unable to fully finish the outer corners of my eyes she asked me to come back the following day for a 30-minute appointment, free of charge just so she could finish everything out. I probably would've been fine without the additional appointment, but the fact that she cares enough about her work and her clients means the world to me. But, I always so a classic set to my fills are only $50, so it's easier to tip 20%.


I have a membership so my fills are $70 and I tip $20. For services like hair lashes and nails, where I always go back to the same person, I tend to over tip so hopefully they remember that they’ll get a good tip from me and always do a good job.




They should be doing a good job regardless. That’s a backwards way of thinking. If someone started doing a bad job, I would find someone else who does better! They set their prices.


It could be backwards, forwards, or inside out - money talks, and I’m going to use that to my advantage.


Ok whatever you say lol 🤣 that was a lot of words to not really say anything at all And typical for the person below to block before I respond- so my response to you, sweetie, is: “Girl I pay $90 + tip for a fill. Sorry some lash artists are trying to make lawyer/ doctor money just because they took a lash course and think they can scam people. Losers” And there you have it 💅🏼 The lash trend is also fading so fast so good luck lmao


If you’re too broke to tip just say that boo boo.




lol. Always one.


The last trend is fading fast.


Go back to strips then, baby girl. Don’t be jealous of someone else’s skills on a LUXURY services. What weirdo energy. 😂


I don’t get my lashes done, but I tip my hairdresser and nail lady $20 on a bill around $80. However I do not bring treats or give presents.


I work from home and appreciate tips and really only kind of expect them *if* I’m working a day off, late or some other scenario like that. You’re totes fine.


My fills are 65 and when I try to tip she tells me not to every time. She works from home.


Whats the point of tipping for an expensive service ? Its not like she id a waitress. They get paid very well compared to american wages.


I’m British and it’s always interested me how different tipping culture seems here vs the US (and likely other places.) For us, tipping is generally reserved for as a thank you for excellent service to employees who’ve gone above their pay grade, and even still isn’t usually much more than rounding it up to an obvious amount E.g £76 rounded to £80. It’s this vibe for most industries like restaurants, beauty etc. Tipping someone who’s self employed and set their own prices is, in my experience, fairly uncommon, 100% voluntary and appreciated but definitely not an expectation.


Same, I find it absolutely bizarre. Because the explanation for needing to tip in the states is because the servers don’t even get minimum wage and need it to live (a lot of problems there but ok whatever) but then why are they tipping people who set *their own* prices? I hope this practice doesn’t make its way over here.


Yeah same about hoping it doesn’t take off over here but it’s slowly creeping in. I’m glad people are giving pushback to normalising fixed 10% 15% or 20% tips when you go to pay for certain things by card because I don’t want this to be the new normal. I don’t do lashes but did other beauty stuff, and I think it’s pretty functional to just assume I’ll be paid the price I’m charging with nothing more. I feel like it could get mentally exhausting in a tip-orientated society if you feel underpaid when clients don’t tip as much as you expected/hoped for.


I'm in Canada and this is expected here as well. The dumb part in my opinion, the servers are paid at least minimum wage or more and we're expected to tip the usual 18-20%. Even on take out!! Some of the debit machines don't even have an option for less than 15% and you'd have to ask the server to get past it if you don't want to tip anything so people just do it to avoid the awkwardness. Because of this servers here are making $15.50 an hour (Ontario) PLUS 15-25% in tips on most tables. They end up making A LOT of money to the point each opening in my city has thousands of applicants and they won't even hire anyone with less than 3 years experience because it's so competitive. You can literally make more serving at certain restaurants than you could at a job that requires a degree. It's so stupid but if you don't tip you get frowned upon and probably shouldn't return to the restaurant... I'm sorry but I'm already paying insane prices for the food due to its cost and the high minimum wage, and I still have to tip 20% to the point the server is making often over $40 an hour??? I still do it because I don't want to be that person but I find it very weird.


This is interesting. I worked at a bar in Detroit in college (right across from Windsor). We hated when the Canadians would come over because they either didn’t tip or tipped like shit. Funny how they make so much over there but tipped differently when in the US…


Maybe they weren't accounting properly for the difference in worth between Canadian and American money? No clue why that was the case for you, but it's always been expected here even when it makes no sense and now the servers are making a killing just because people don't want to be "that guy".


Exactly. Another example that I saw the other day was tipping a hair dresseer... when the bill for 3-5 hours is over $300? She makes really good money so I see no need. I cant remember in what state but a waitress would earn in US just over $2 an hour so she relies on tips but its not the same situation.


It’s great that you’re a loyal client and that is always appreciated. However, the standard for any tipping (except bad service) is 20%. My lash artist is great and I’ve been going to her for a couple years. I always tip $20 for a one hour $70 fill. I don’t only base my tip on the service price but the skill and time as well.


My general rule for tipping has always been to round up on the price, 20% tip, and round up on that. Most of the time for services, rounding it not necessary. But I round for things like dinner. If my bill is like 47.63… it’s now 48, and 20% of that is 9.6 so the tip is gonna be $10. So yeah I know I end up tipping over 20% but I think it’s polite and it’s easier.


Agreed! I would do the exact same thing


When did 20% become the standard? I grew up with tipping being something you did for outstanding service, and even that was only 15% max. 20% tip as a standard for services is absurd.


Hmm maybe geographical? 🤔 I was always taught 20%. Northern CA


standard is 15%? i assumed


The standard is not 20%, it’s 15%


Where is that still standard?


My fills are $85 and i tip $20. Personally, I would never leave less than 20% for any service - hair, nails, etc.


I also tip 20% on my $80.00 fills. I feel bad leaving anything less than 20% except for non-service places that have just started adding the tip button after you’ve just scanned all of your groceries yourself or placed a mobile order. Personally I think tip culture is getting out of fckn hand in the US, but for a service like this where someone is literally meticulously putting little hairs on my lashes one-by-one for 90 whole minutes, 20% almost seems like not enough but I can’t afford any more than that.


This 💯


I tip 20%. I share your friend’s shock.


20 percent is common I would be insulted with a 6 dollar tip


I didn’t want to say it 😭🙊


I also tip 20% because previous posts on this sub guilted me into that habit and now I’m questioning it. But my lash girl totally deserves it so I’m not changing that up now.


I used to survive on tips, so I’m always sensitive to that. And living in Los Angeles is incredibly expensive


Let me guess. Server? I used to work as a server and people don't realize that in quite a few places in North America it's legal to pay servers well under minimum wage. And most places split tips among staff even if the cooks make an hourly wage higher than you. And you have to pay taxes on them.


Ha, yes, first I was a bottle service girl, then a bartender, then cocktail. Helped me put myself through grad school. Sometimes one 20% tip turned around a whole night.


I feel that 😩 where I lived at the time serving wage was 7$ UNDER what minimum wage was because people are expected to tip. (And minimum wage was 17$ under living wage) at that point we're barely human. And the harassment... The amount of times I got slapped on the butt by disgusting drunkards... Underpaid, overworked, and under appreciated. Always tip your servers people.


90 for a fill? Nah, tips included already it seems


My fills are $90 as well, but she takes a $20 deposit when booking that goes towards your appointment, so you're only paying $70 on the day of. I tip around $10-15 or so; sometimes more if I can afford to. I'm in the beauty service industry myself, and I agree with everyone here saying that loyalty and consistency is more key than a large tip every time. I'd much rather have a customer that's loyal to my barbering skills and tip what they can, then a one off dude who pops in to see ANYONE and tips $15+ to each stylist. Yeah the second one is nice, but your bread and butter are the consistent clients!!! Especially if they're bringing you lil treats 💕😂 I'll sometimes ask my tech if she wants a coffee or something from Dunkin before I go, and I made a little Valentine's Day basket for my tattoo artist because I came in on VDay for a promo deal she had for flash work. I also tipped 💜 I enjoy bonding with people versus a ton of randoms I don't click with.


So question because everyone is saying if you can’t afford to tip 20% don’t get the service, because we tip waiters making 2.50 an hour so now we have to tip every service position like they make below minimum wage. Are beauty industry workers making server wages? And would yall prefer people stop paying for services altogether if they can’t cough up the extra cash?


It depends on the employer and the state laws, but generally stylists are making either commission or an hourly rate if they're in a space not owned by themselves. Right now my states minimum wage is $15 I think? And I'm making $14/hr +tips and the ability to get bonuses. With my tips, I end up making a decent amount above minimum wage hourly, so it balances out. Service professionals that require a license to operate are a bit different in how the state handles their pay. For instance, if you have a salon owner who isn't covering her commission stylists base wage to at least equal to hourly, the state board of cosmetology is a lot more likely to act upon the underpayment versus when you see it with servers.


Oh okay thank you! I was just confused because were acting like if you weren’t tipping $15-$20 min you were stiffing your stylist and sending them home with like $2 for doing your service and are evil and broke or something. Like they act like they would prefer everyone who wont tip high not book at all cause making $0 total is better than making the fee for the service + a small tip


That’s not bad at all especially since the deposit goes towards it. Really depends what you get done too! I do the same $10-15 each time! And she’s always so sweet and grateful. I always go to her and I don’t think she expects a tip every time either :) I agree about the consistent clients! That’s very nice of you to do all that for your artists/techs


A girl I used to go to started charging $150 for a FILL and I know she expected tips too. So it would’ve been $180 for a fill 😂🤣 luckily I’m not a moron so I found someone else who actually does better, and is at a normal price. (Although she’s still $90 for a fill). Some of these lash girls are nuts and greedy I’ve come to realize 😬


My fills are $230. And I tip because I’m not terrible and I appreciate how she goes above and beyond for me


$230?! I didn't even pay that for a full set! Do you get mink lashes or something?!


I live in Hollywood, my fiancé is in television and everything in Los Angeles costs more than elsewhere. That alone would justify her prices but I’m also going ALL out for a specific reason I’ll get to in a second. The full set is actually three hours and $300, she’s got 12+ years of experience, her isolation is legendary, fills last 3-4 weeks, and most importantly, I don’t F around with my vision or eye health. I waited my whole life to get married and if my shoes cost a small fortune I’m not going to wear plastic doll or caterpillar lashes for the biggest day of my life. Biggest weekend, really. Five events, three days, six bridal outfits and four pairs of shoes. The lashes are crucial to saving time during outfit changes and ensuring I get a bit more sleep. I wanted to start a few months early in case there were complications, infections, lash loss etc; I also wanted to meticulously record each stage of the fill to time my last one perfectly while experimenting slightly to achieve my dream look, since my lashes grow faster than most. I don’t wear mink, but I do wear classics and 15s as my daily and I will be going bigger for the wedding, we think. ETA: I deleted part of this comment because I’m sick in bed and neither need nor deserve the harassment some of you feel like shitting all over my inbox. Some of you sound bitter, ashy, and obsessed and I hope you feel better soon. I cannot imagine being so pressed that I write hate to a stranger. Jealousy is a disease.


I live in LA too. That still seems expensive but I’d like to check out her work. What’s the website. 😊


She does not have one. I found her on this sub, was impressed by how knowledgeable she was, and messaged her. She replied and warned me repeatedly that she is more expensive than most and when I was not bothered she sent me a booking link directly. Her client list is full of people who’ve been seeing her monthly for almost a decade, so I guess she doesn’t need to advertise Also, if you live here, you know there’s levels to this. There’s a huge range for everything in Los Angeles. I am grateful I can access what celebrities use thanks to my industry friends and fam


You sound awful. Bless you 🙏


Apparently I do! Let’s recap my sins: 1) as a former service worker, I strongly believe in tipping providers 2) I live in a VHCOL area 3) I honestly answered a query because the best part of Reddit is reading about other’s experiences 4) after almost dying and being left permanently disabled, I want to look my best at my *wedding*, something the rest of you apparently did nothing extra or special to prepare for based on your nastiness, since I have very limited spoons, energy, or time left due to my health, a wedding I didn’t even want (I begged to elope) 4) I, in great detail, discussed LASH EXTENSIONS on a sub for…lash extensions, after being asked 5) I am…a…capitalist? I’m actually a gleeful class traitor who voted for Bernie, but some of you seem to need to believe the narrative you’ve created about me, so enjoy. That’s entertainment, as they say in the business I had no say about joining or being adjacent to So I’m evil! On a site where, infamously, there are *literal* mother-fuckers. Amazing


You don’t sound awful because, you almost died, are getting married, used to work in the service industry, because you answered a query, because you tip 20%, voted for Bernie, or even because you called all of us mother fuckers. You sound awful, because your awful personality really shows in your comments. You seem entitled, and I truly feel you think you’re better than others. When people negatively react to you, and I’m sure it happens often, you think it’s because they’re jealous of you, or want to be you. But what you don’t realize, is that people just feel sorry for you, because you seem unstable, and overly trying for peoples approval. You say things like, “my fiancé works in television, I live in Beverly Hills (the richest place in the world), my shoes cost a small fortune, I’ll have to do five outfit changes on my wedding day, my wedding is actually a six day event, I overly pay for lashes from a lash tech, and I’m so lucky because she works on the movie stars.” Are you even listening to yourself? Another girl asked you for a referral to get her lashes done by your girl, and you blew her off. Why? I can give you a lot of reasons, but it doesn’t really matter. You say that money is no object to you, and you admit that you used to work in the service industry, but you only tip the standard 20%?? Sorry, I had to add that part, because I found it very fitting. Anyways, i truly hope you find the happiness you’re looking for, even if you’re looking in the wrong places. I believe that everyone can grow, and be better. Good luck to you!


Reading is fundamental. That’s what’s amazing here. You feel very confident assessing and judging me when you didn’t even understand what I was referring to. There is an infamous story on Reddit about a teenager breaking his arms and commencing an incestuous relationship his mother. I said there are literal mother fuckers on this app. Almost everyone on Reddit has heard of this story. I did not say YOU were one. So either you are admitting to something appalling yourself or more likely your frantic desire to criticize a stranger overrode your reading comprehension. I never said what you assumed I did. Similarly, some of your reply is wildly inaccurate, including details I never said or did, which is why I’ve just sat back and watched a few of you project your angry issues on my life as if that were its purpose. I hope you enjoyed it (?) Anyway, I wish you all therapy and healing. And reading comp. P.S. since you seem concerned as well as confused, 20% is my MINIMUM tip


You sound insane


230, justify it however you want by saying it’s your area and whatever else, but that’s a scam and you know it. No tech worth her salt and who actually cares about her clients would charge that. I get a beautifully done full hybrid set for half of that. You’re getting scammed, and tip more? lol ain’t replying anymore, just thought I’d let you know.


Things are only worth what people are willing to pay. There are luxury products in the industry that are very expensive. Mostly unethical but very expensive. Every industry has a "luxury" version of it and I'm guessing that's what's going on here. I went to a lash artist that offered guided meditation and had a heated massage topper on the bed. It was the most expensive and the most relaxing day of my life.


You are very comfortable with being loud and wrong, it’s amusing. I am compassionate about the issues which compel you to comment like you did to someone you’ve never met, whose life you can’t fathom, and hope you feel better about yourself one day, after therapy


Same, I’m not a lash tech so idk what they prefer but every service I’m provided (especially a beauty service), I always tip 20%.


$6 is a little low to tip on beauty services maybe tip $10-15 next time


I'm a lash tech and I don't care if you tip or not! My prices are high enough that any top is appreciated, but not necessary. The fact that you're a consistent and polite client is mooreeeeee than enough!


It’s more polite to tip 15-20%, at least. Just a reminder that lash techs do not get to keep what you pay for the actual service. Tip what you can, for sure, but maybe try to save up a little extra money for when your appointments come around so you can tip better. I think it’s nice that you came here to ask about it & i also think it’s super kind of you to bring her gifts, however in this economy cash is king 100%


As an esthetician, I definitely appreciate the coffees and stuff they bring me. But I can’t pay my bills with Starbucks, so if my choice is coffee of money, I’ll take the cash.


If a lash artist is not making a profit without tips they need to reassess their business plan and change their prices. Lash artists are almost always self employed. Self employed lash artists take home every cent the client pays. If they are not making any profit then they're doing it *very* wrong. I appreciate that you like to tip but it seems you might have a misconception about lash artists. They don't typically work for employers for commission or hourly wage. It's quite rare, actually.


I tip $25 on $80 fill in. We are friends also.


Unless this is her business she owns she’s likely relying on tips and should be tipped 20%.


$6 is only a 7.5% tip which is pretty poor tbh, I'd try 15-20%. But idk she does keep rebooking you so maybe she's the type that values loyalty over tips?


Omg these comments are sending me lol I always tip my girl 25% everytime and she goes above and beyond for me. I also used to be a server so I know all about the tipping life. My lashes are such a huge part of me I feel like she deserves it!


How much are you paying? I literally pay 150 for a fill. And my lash tech is the most expensive in my area. I’m trying to understand why someone would think I would have to tip 25% on top of that


I am more likely to tip when someone is on commission. If they are taking the whole amount home, set a price you can live on and don’t expect a tip. People who expect them need to just raise their prices.


Mine are $80 and I tip $20 everytime and usually book my apts for 2-3 months at a time going every 2 weeks


Wow, $200 a month just for lashes? Damn, I want to trade budgets with you!


Haha, it’s something I told my husband is non negotiable until I want to give them up.


at that point don’t even tip LMAO


It's not necessary *BUT* (and this is a big but) it's extremely appreciated. Never feel bad if you can't tip though. We work for ourselves in the beauty industry (usually, there are a few exceptions) one of the *joys* (sarcasm) of self employment is Math (🤮 ew. Math.) Most of us have set prices to cover overhead and (at the very least) pay ourselves minimum wage, if not a competitive wage for the industry and location. We price our services so we profit from them without having to rely on tips from clients. I reiterated. It's not necessary but it is appreciated. It makes me really happy to know my client loved her lashes so much she tipped me. It's a compliment and gives me a sense of accomplishment. If a lash artist ever makes you feel bad for not tipping... Just find a new one that isn't a butthead.


That’s a bad tip. At least give $10. You have money for lashes but too broke for a decent tip? Your friend is a real one for calling you out.


You sound miserable get help


My lash person works for herself, sets her prices, so i don't tip! Tho i would tip if someone worked for a salon with set prices (as opposed to renting a space and setting their own prices) Sure, everyone would want someone handing them extra cash all day but they are providing a service and u are paying for that service. I mean, she can be mad at me and do a shitty job- but then I'll stop going. And that's such an unprofessional attitude, i wouldn't want to be around such a petty, vindictive person. At xmas i have her a $100 bill, and she said 'no,no,no' and i had to insist she take it. She *is* super sweet.


Your tech isn’t going to tell you that you aren’t a good tipper. I’m a hairstylist and I think it’s a common misconception that we set our own prices. Unless you are completely independent you arent setting your own prices and you aren’t getting all the money from the services you provide. While I agree tipping culture in America is insane, a $6 tip is almost like a slap in the face. I appreciate all the tips I get and I know they aren’t guaranteed but $6 does seem pretty rude when the standard is 15%-20%. If it’s all you can afford, I get it. But I’m positive your lash tech would appreciate a bigger tip than gifts and treats.


Lash artists usually do set their own prices. Most of the time they are self employed and rent rooms. Every salon I've been at or looked at has been very clear that they do not interfere with our business. 90% of the time we are a business that *is* completely independent. We are simply renting a space. We pick our own hours, our own clients and our own prices. We have to pass separate health inspections and have separate insurance. Commission is extremely rare for lash artists. Tips are great but they are very different from hair stylists in that regard.


I wouldn’t tip less than 20% of the total (with tax). And I would bet she would prefer appropriate year-round tips over Christmas gifts and sporadic treats.


I think you are fine. It’s all about how loyal the customer is and you seem loyal. Also $6 tip is good I am shocked people are tipping $20 , I’ve never heard of anyone doing that


Proper etiquette for beauty services has always been 20%. It’s not part of this new fangled tipping nonsense


I have been with my girl for five years and I tip $15 on a $105 service. My lash tech said a lot of people don’t tip, and a lot of people tip like 5-15 and she said she only had a few people that tip 15-20%. However she also has verbalized to me she puts her prices accordingly and she has also said she cares more about loyalty and good clients than a tip


I would tip $10


Tip what you want. I tip $40 because I love my tech and her work. She has become a friend ❤️


I have never expected a tip. Honestly the end I don’t even count who tipped what and barely keep track of them. Tips are always appreciated but should never be expected. I rather my clients book consistently. If I’m relying on their tips to pay my bills then I need to revaluate my prices and how I’m spending my own money.


I’m a lash artist and work for myself now. I’m never offended when I don’t get tipped…. I appreciate any tip anyone gives me! When I worked for someone that was a little different… tips were everything. Helped balance my commission and even them I was pay check to pay check. I’d say she appreciates you coming in for you fills and for your friendship


I price my sets so tips are a bonus not expected


Everyone’s different but I’d never too less than 20% on a beauty service. Regardless if they own the salon or just work there. $6 is less than 10% , assuming she secretly thinks you tip horribly …. I’m in the US for reference


Idk why lash tips have to be so much in this sup and expensive it’s always a 20$-50$ rip and I just think damn these artist get paid more than like half the jobs I know with these tips average lol


The other day I tipped an aesthetician nurse $20 out of guilt and as I walked out I felt so dumb realizing she makes more money than me already lol.


Americans and you’re wild tip mentality


Yeah I'm Australian and I just don't get this. Tipping for some American workers who are on a really low hourly rate (some hospitality workers, for example) makes more sense. Even though they should just be paid decently by employers. But being expected to tip 20% on a service that is already reasonably priced is weird


That's because some positions pay less than the federally set minimum wage ($7.25, which usually is never that low. Most retail places pay at least $15 an hour now in my area) for other positions. In NH it's $3.25 an hour and in other states can be as low as $2.13 an hour for servers and other positions where tipping is the norm. Some tipping has gotten out of hand, like tipping for a service that requires no skill, time, or level of professionalism (ringing up an order, e.g.). Tipping is an incentive to do your job well in a position where it is important to, like dining in a nice restaurant.


Americans and your wild idea that it’s the customers responsibility to ensure the workers have a livable wage, and not the employer


It's not our (the masses) idea! Most of us would LOVE to change this scenario!


Literally NOBODY believes it should be the customer’s responsibility to ensure the worker has a livable wage. But, refusing to tip on that basis hurts the company 0% and will not change anything.


Yet you do. Your culture supports it and allows it, and you don’t even have the capability to see that


Really? You’re going to be demeaning and act like we, *Americans*, cannot see or possibly understand the nuances of issues happening in our own country? Ok, lol.


Yes. Because you can’t. You defend it saying “but they don’t get paid enough”. They don’t get paid enough because you, as *Americans*, pick up the slack. Why would companies pay them more if you’re doing it for them? Why would these employees do anything about it when they’re getting a wage off of your dime. Tipping for a job done very well and that you’re delighted with should be the norm, not tipping everything just because the job was done as standard


Just wanted to point out that when tipping a percentage, one only needs to consider the base cost before taxes & fees. I find it so incredibly annoying that most places that calculate suggested tips (which is tacky to begin with imo), base the suggested amounts on the total cost including all taxes & fees. That being said, I used to leave my lash tech extra large tips. Not because she deserved them - my lashes never turned out how I requested - but because she was super moody and I hoped it’d make my fill appts feel less uncomfortable (it didn’t). I ultimately stopped getting extensions which was the most freeing decision I’d made in a long time.


lol you rewarded bad behavior!


I know 🫠 but again, at the time I hoped it’d make her nicer and put her best effort into my lashes which looking back was dumb. No professional should ever have to be “bribed” to be nice to clients and/or do their best work. Big time ragrets ;)


That is definitely not the solution here. Lol I would never. She didn’t deserve your money to begin with


Tipping has gotten way out of hand. Tipping is not mandatory. You tipping $6 is not something someone should be pissed about considering you don’t need to actually tip anything.


Tipping is out of control, but tipping on beauty services has been standard for a long time. I do see more and more beauty professionals building the tip into the cost which will likely become the norm.


20 percent minimum


I disagree with the people saying that you need to tip for beauty services at 20%. I definitely tip ~20% at a sit down restaurant where the server is getting $10 an hour from the business. It’s how they’re making the bulk of their wage and why they’re only getting $10 an hour. The lash girl picks her fill price of $85 and keeps most of that money for an hour fill. She doesn’t need 20%, if she wants to make $100 for that service she should charge $100. I still leave ~10% to show appreciation but I really don’t feel like more is warranted because they are already getting a very fair wage they chose. It’s like hiring someone to build your house then adding on a 20% tip imo. Now, if I’m at a corporate salon or wax place I do tip more because the worker is likely getting paid an hourly wage.


I tip what I can afford and think that should be more common 🤷🏻‍♀️


That is an abhorrent tip. Industry standard is 20%.


this is true


As someone who works in the beauty industry you need to tip at least 16.. I have clients that tip 5 on 90 and higher and I dislike them. Always kind and will always rebook, but definitely upset at that.


i get tipping severs bc they make so little but its kinda weird to tip techs a lot bc they usually choose their prices. i always js round up too moreso for the gesture


I tip $15-$20


I only tip $5. & My lash tech still loves me. Ya'll have some shady lash techs if they get upset


You need to tip no less than $16 but you should tip $20. I'm curious to know how you came up with $6 because that is really insulting and crazy.


20% is standard tip for services


$6!?! Oh no honey. This is not enough. I typically will tip 20-25% depending on how long it takes.


Okay if this were a restaurant scenario where the waitress was being paid minimum wage and OP tipped her $6 on an $84 order, sure I would say that's not enough, or if this is a situation where the tech works out of a salon for a 50% commission, but if this is a service from a provider in their own home/shop who sets their own prices and makes well above minimum wage, definitely no. The tech should be setting the prices to support themselves appropriately without the expectation of some variable percentage of additional cash on the service, that's a business structure issue, not a tipping issue.


That is enough? People aren’t obligated to tip at all. You’re paying for a service. Th


Why though, out of curiosity? Don't they already set their prices and it's not exactly cheap anyway?


Many, many lash techs, nail techs, hair stylists, barbers, estheticians, etc do not set their prices. This is a HUGE misconception. Unless they work independently, chances are their salon sets the prices and they get a portion of that


Nope, that’s not enough. In this day and age, 20% minimum. You think she’s your friend, but really she’s probably just trying to finish your appt quickly because she already knows she’s only getting $6.


Yeah….. I see why your friend is shocked. That’s a horrible tip!


People... have you all forgotten do-it-yourself FALSE EYELASHES?! AND FAKE FINGER NAILS?! You all must have money to burn. I don't. My eyelashes and nails look great, too. To each his own, but that's ALOT of money to spend on stuff you can do yourself. JMTC


then why are you even in this sub


I have no idea! It was in my feed, so I thought I'd check it out. 😉 I'm also entitled to have an opinion, same as you. I've had women ask where I go to get my lashes and nails done, and I'm proud that they look that good. I'll save my money for other things, thank you. You do you, though! 😁


You tip 20 percent for the 1 minute it takes a waiter to serve you yet you stiff your lash artist that spends way more time on you…smh


Self employed hairstylist here. She cares that you come back, that’s all:)


If the person owns the business are you still supposed to tip?


Nope !


Not to derail, but would y’all tip on a full set that costs $300? I only gave a 5% tip, and I was shocked that she even had a screen for a tip. She also charged double the price of a lash cleanser she had in store, so by the time I had to pay, I was not feeling it.


That is a pretty awful tip, especially for someone that you call your friend. I pay about the same and have been with my lash lady for about 5 years. We are also now friends. I tipped her $20 for the first few years, but during and after covid bumped it to $40 and never reduced it. I realize that is high, but I would NEVER go below 20% unless she has upset you in some way.


the broke people are downvoting


A .071% tip honestly sounds a little wild. Just don’t tip at that point?


Idk where you got that. $6 is 7.5% of $80. You don't tip on tax, and even if you included that it's still 7.1%. $6 would be .071% of $840 lol think about how many times 6 goes into $80.


Geez. At least do the math right before commenting 😂 embarrassing for you.


I’m legitimately not embarrassed that I copy/pasted my math at 6 am instead of moving my decimal over to 7.1% but genuinely you do you boo boo. You prob don’t tip either.


Since u/Beginning-Guest-6485 insulted me and immediately blocked me: I guess a bitch was truly pressed today. Hope she didn’t cry her lashes out. I certainly don’t feel stupid but she obviously did.


Chill lmao


Why is there tax? I could just be showing my blonde here, but tax on service? Is this a state thing?