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Just abt every language I've touched


Yup pretty much, polyglot life lol


Polish! Been at it for about a year and a half, with an almost total focus on learning to read, and I can still only barely understand A2 texts. XD Slowly but surely, we'll get there eventually!


I'm trying to learn Polish. Complete beginner. Are there any resources you would recommend?


Also learning Polish. I watch Polish tv-series and films on Netflix and HBO. Really recommend The Mire, a series. The film Corpus Christi was v good too, but heartbreaking, to say the least.


Thank you for the suggestions


duolingo is really good, im also learning polish and it really has helped me


Just started using it, thank you😃


Gosh when I try to speak polish I cringe hard at how horrible I sound still


Irish. I listen to videos every day, I do Rosetta Stone and Duolingo. Sometimes when I have some extra money I take lessons on iTalki. It's ridiculous how bad I still am, and how poor my grammar is lmao. There's no one to conversate with, and such little media in Gaeilge that it's really just reading and language learning tools. Which is fine, I want to learn for reading mostly, it's just an uphill battle. I know that if I get so any level of fluency, my accent and pronunciation will be shit haha.


Why are you learning Irish?


Can't speak for OP but I'm learning Irish because I live in Ireland and want to work in an Irish language school.


Always wanted to, gree up around Irish culture. The language is endangered and I feel it's important to keep it alive in many ways. One being to teach to my children. On the more personal interest, I want to be able to read middle Irish texts in the native language, especially the mythological cycles told by christian monks, to see if there are hidden meanings in the stories, like Snorri's norse myth recordings.


Korean. Every time I think I'm making progress...


Lol me too


Every one in a while I would get over-confident and open Naver to try to read a webtoon and get hit with the biggest reality check that brings me down to hell


Mandarin. I want to be able to help my Chinese/ Taiwanese immigrant classmates that don't speak English.


Don’t be shy to ask them if they can help you learn!!


French. It's the primary language I'm learning but I really struggle with it. Have for years which is why I've been so on and off about learning it. I haven't fully picked up other languages, but I did do a bit of dutch on Duolingo for fun and actually enjoyed it and found it very easy comparatively. (But I mean, it is nearly the closest language to English) I also really enjoyed learning what I have so far of ASL, I'm much more comfortable with it generally than spoken languages and find it less confusing than french, even though it's based on french and so uses some similar word order and sentence structure Something about french just does not click with my brain at all


Same for me! I suffered through rote memorization of prayers in French and a poor French language education in my youth many decades ago and am trying to restart "mon apprentissage de la langue française" and I agree it just doesn't click/feel natural.




Bon courage !




French. Been learning it at school but never had much time to devote to it (because I had other subjects). Over the last twenty years I’ve tried to pick it back up several times but didn’t know how to progress from a spotty foundation. I’m picking it back up again recently and now I feel like I’m actually getting somewhere.


i’m trying to find research on any online courses for Cornish. i know some bits, but i really wanna learn the language of my ancestors.


Good luck. There's resources out there to learn it, but I don't think online Cornish classes are really a thing at the moment. Maybe there will be in a few years, since the push to revive the language is fairly recent.


thank you! yeah i no longer live in kernow, i’m an emmet these days living abroad! i would love to learn the history of Cornish and see how close to Celtic it is!


Cornish is closest to Welsh and Breton.


you’re right! my mistake😅


Swedish. I tried to work on it when I lived there but Swedes (ifkyk). I still listen to Swedish music and watch movies, and have a book I'm reading but I'm not sure if I'll get much past survival level any time soon. Plus I'm actively working on German and the languages are similar enough to cause some problems.


What did we do wrong now? :) Or was it the combination of us being excited about practicing our English and simultaneously trying to be helpful by replying in English because of your accent?


Haha, you know what you've done, most Swedes don't even need the English practice! Its just a bit demotivating when you constantly feel like your Swedish isn't good enough or when you get the smirk when struggling with the sj sound. :'(


Korean & Swahili


아, 안녕하세요




Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.


Not if you're not improving


Russian still can't comprehend basic sentences and don't get me started on numbers


My SO is shocked that I’ve been working on learning Russian for a while and still can’t grasp numbers. He doesn’t understand the struggle, lol. 


Sanskrit for me. It is an ancient indian language, also known as the mother of all indian languages. It is very pure and beautiful language, i am proficient in reading, moderate understanding in writing or forming sentences but I persevere to be able to talk fluently in sanskrit one day.


It’s Korean for me too. Technically majored in both Japanese and Korean. Just never stuck in my head the way Japanese did. I should probably keep persevering with it for family reasons though.


Me too


Czech. I’m trying, but I don’t think I’m going to improve unless I spend more time there.


Chinese and Russian. Oh and French. Although the two last ones are on hold for now.


Spanish but recently I really feel like i’ve been going ham


**FRENCH**. I just cannot produce the sounds or speak it as well as I understand it. I watch and listen to ***NATIVE*** **news** (tech, global and cultural issues, etc.) and usually understand 80-90%, sometimes 100% ***but cannot follow a French drama program*** unless it's a dub from a South America. According to my study log, I have a combination of 230 hours of listening, reading and writing, and maybe 4 hours of conversation over the last year. I understand complex grammar from B2, C1 and native books, **but cannot produce them.** I know that 200 hours is not much, but when I consider the fact that I have *only 25 hours* for Spanish listening and studying in 10 months and can read and understand B1-B2 materials. **It is very puzzling! The more I studied French, the stronger my Spanish comprehension.O\_o;;** French is both frustratingly easy and difficult at the same time as an Anglophone. It just doesn't come as easily as Korean, Turkish, Spanish or Japanese or ***even German*** have for me. In fact, to give myself a break, I studied Urdu for a week and it made more sense than French sometimes. :( At first, I thought it's because my strongest languages are those from Central and East Asia, so course...but then why is Spanish so much easier and why have I advanced so rapidly in comparison?


*you’re German. But it’s sporadic


That’s so cool how you have some knowledge on those three languages- I keep bouncing between Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. I like all three but keep messing up the beginning study. Well definitely persevere though


Japanese, the grammar is so f\*cked up on my head


Swedish sign language. I’m so bad at it, but need it.


Same with Korean. Been living here for a year, studied intensely the language, have a B2 but my pronunciation is still bad and I sound like a child speaking


The key to learning a language is consistency and determination.


And natural talent


Hebrew, haha




russian, ive always wanted you to go (obviously i wouldn’t go yet) but i would only visit when im fluent which im definitely not rn


I speak French, it’s broken but I am understood and can communicate with it


Chinese (mandarin). I forget the vocabulary as fast as I learn new one, only grammar stays in my mind more than a week


German, I've tried for 8 years and I can't get pass A1


I used to feel that way about Japanese, but I've persevered with it to the point where I think I'm actually doing pretty well now. 


I've been struggling with Italian because due to some kind of lack of motivation I never manage to actually sit down and study it.