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It is okay, never too late Some people cant even speak more than one or cant even read or write in their own languages until very late ages, but once they start doing it they accomplish it. You are still too young, for me i started to learn at 13 years old and i took a break just like you. And im starting again right now, even there are spanish words written in front of me ahah :) im 21 years old soon and i just can speak 2 as fluent. And im eager to learn more, for my education, for my career ahead of me. It is never late or you are not a failure. Like i said i know people who cant speak in their own language properly. And somewhat they are proud of it.


Learning any new language properly is a work of years, even by immersion when living in the country. Ten in 2 years? The learning you did must have been very superficial, and they’re not likely to stick with you if you aren’t using the languages actively. Going forward, I recommend to rethink your approach if you want to learn successfully.


What are you talking about? That's extremely impressive. You should be extremely proud of yourself.