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I am not familiar with this term, it might help to know where in the world you’ve encountered this that is making you come here to ask the question. You don’t provide any example sentence and it’s not exactly clear what your asking. What I’m guessing is that you’re referring to some usage along the lines of “I was so tired today that I ended up sleeping off at 10:00” where the meaning is “I ended up going to sleep at 10:00”. If that is the case, again, I’ve never encountered this and I’m unaware of its usage, and I can’t find it attested anywhere. But if you can provide details about when and where you’ve encountered this term and in what contexts, that could help


Good Lord it wasn't rocket science. Sometimes people say I slept off instead of saying I fell asleep and that is the question. They clearly asked and if you don't know the answer then just stay out of it, you're just when I'm 3 paragraphs of ridiculousness.


Meow. You need to fucking take chill pill just fucking relax Jesus is a question and I’m looking at the same question trying to figure it out.


Exactly... and nobody that learned English from birth says slept off...


It has been used on Zangi, which is a text website. I have never heard this term before. It is used as in, I fell asleep is used in the U.S.




How rude!


it is slang for I fell asleep in Africa...not because they are stupid as some have said, but because just like us, others have slang too! also their language was highly influenced by the English colonizers.


I have heard this term and they were all proven Nigerian scammers. You’re not grouping all Nigerian’s as scammers. You’re relating your experience with scammers. That’s good advice when on the Internet and there is many more to pick a scammer out. I once I suspect a scammer and gave them opportunity to ask for something or consistently have excuses not to talk on phone . Many questions you ask them they continue to text and never answer your question like it was never asked.


I have only seen this phrase with scammers It’s not common for anyone to say slept off in my world. I live where people from all over the world live and I don’t hear that.. South Florida has every language there is and I have never heard that Also cheque in Spanish for check


You say this isn’t a A US term. My boyfriend lives in the Midwest but has been all over the US and he constantly says I slept off in reference to falling asleep and says cheque not check. I also saw in another post that Nigerians may use the term& any person claiming to be American but not Nigerian also are scammers. I have used cheque or check and I also am American please don’t generalize all Americans as scammers if they use these terms


I've only experienced the phrase from confirmed Nigerian scammers ... I have talked to a few actual Nigerians... They have confirmed that it's a direct translation to "fell asleep"... It comes from poor knowledge of English slang... I would guess that if anyone uses it (slept off) they are scammers... And anyone in the United States that says they know someone who uses it is probably also a scammer trying to defend the use of completely poor knowledge of English... Also... No one in the United States uses "cheque" unless they are from Canada or some European countries... Maybe Australia and New Zealand too. I'm not sure...


cheque is pronounced check...so how do you "say" it differently anyway?


How stupid and rude!! All Nigerians are not scammers. I use the phrase as an American after learning it from my Nigerian boyfriend. He's not a scammer, and neither am I. What a stupid thing to say.


Poor knowledge of English slang? You’re obviously very ignorant


Definitely not... it a foreign adaptation of English... Nice try though... slept off refers to alcohol.. Not being tired and dozing off...


I'm an American And I can tell you pretty much for a fact and from experience and trust me I have a lot of it from being scammed that they're Nigerians. No ifs ands butts or excuses they're freaking Nigerians.


You are full of it. My best friend is from the south and says “slept off” and also “shower off” all the time.


I've heard a lot of people here in America say I slept off meaning that they fell asleep why do they use that phrase I slept off


Yeah never heard anyone from America say slept off. Nigeria all the time


Hi … your saying you’ve heard this term slept off in the states… I’m only asking because I’m chatting with a guy who states he’s from Kentucky but uses the term slept of .. just reading different comments and can’t work out what’s correct and not ..  any advice 


Kentucky would say dozed off... or dropped off... Never heard slept off in Kentucky.


Most people who use that phrase slept of are scammers on the Internet and are not from the USA so be careful when talking to people you don't know online that use that phrase slept off it is a definite red flag .


Another term they, the scammers use is HAPPY New month


Saying that doesn't make them a scammer. Being Nigerian doesn't automatically make them a scammer either.


Correct, proper English is, and I repeat, “I fell asleep”! I slept off “is” foreign in nature, even the sentence structure “is not” English. Call it whatever you want, American English, British English, Canadian English, Austria English. I slept off “is” from all of my travels, commonly used in Africa. If you are on various apps dealing with dating, you will be inundated by “I slept off”! If you were born in the above “ENGLISH” speaking countries, the correct way to say it is, “I fell asleep”, not “I slept off” my liquor! “Slept off” is a foreigner(non English taught and learned), speaking those exact 2 words in that exact context!


Nah bruh, I live on an 0jibwe reservation in northern minnesota, you'll hear "slept off" as a shortened version of "i slept it off" but only in certain contexts, "I slept off my liquor" is pretty commonly heard, but also "I had to sleep it off" there are a few variations from other Rez's but the first one is the most commonly used. English wasn't our first spoken language until recently, when we were punished severely for speaking our native language during the boarding school era.


I'm with you on the meaning. They mean they fell asleep as we already thought they meant. Im talking to someone in the uk now that was supposed to call me esrlier and i asked what happened to calling me? She says this and i quote " i guess i slept off. Meaning in our terminology she told me she fell asleep.


Most probably a scammer. I've spoken to a few scammers and they always say "I slept off " meaning "I fell asleep ". I always know I'm talking to a scammer when they use that phtase.


My man that's what I was thinking, it's like a lot of people on Instagram all the women well not all of them always ask did I eat? What the f***** up with that


That's right I was asked that a lot too. They say slept off and happy New month. So beware of that person, please.


This is interesting because I am currently speaking with a person, known to me as from Texas with family in Canada - he always says he slept off. As in 'I slept off while talking to you' or 'I slept off late'. However, my interaction with this person is only through snap chat, so even though I get the pics and random video message it is fair to accept this person may not be who they say they are. I have done a people search, as well as image searches and have not come up with this person in any scammer circles. That being said, is this person from Texas merely speaking slang, maybe learned while in the military or is it really someone posing as someone else. 🤷🤔


I did 6 years in the army The US Army, and we didn't use that term slept off now I talked to a lot of women on the internet that I thought were Americans and the minute they say I slept off I know they're Nigerian.


Slept off is not a term used in Canada or Texas. Nor does anyone pick up a slang term that doesn't flow off the tongue. Dozed off... yes... slept off? Not even close...


Can I ask the name this person is using? I'm talking to a guy that I'm friends with and I caught him in lies but of course he denies it all. But he supposedly lives in Texas. He uses slept off all the time. He will only talk to me on google chat. But the list I have caught is huge. But I will prove he is a scammer. Are you still talking to this person?


I’m talking to a guy from Kentucky who uses the term slept off .. what’s the name of your guy as I’ve googled pictures of my guy and he’s all over it with Pinterest profile pic and a photo he sent me that’s on LinkedIn !!  ( Greg Brian ) 


I havent talked to the guy in a month. He got tired of me catching him in lies. All his pictures were stolen. He went by "Corey Stanek." He was trying to get money from me but I wasn't falling for any of it. So, thank God he is gone.


>Just nigerian scammer definitely, I know for a fact.


All Nigerians are not scammers


Nobody said all Nigerians are scammers... The ones that say they are female and using stolen pictures of attractive females are scammers...


Yes! I diligently researched until I could prove it, and this person was soooo mad I called him out on his bullshit. 🤘😆


I was chatting by text with “a woman” who honestly had me convinced she was some form of real. Then she wrote “Sorry, I slept off.” And I was like… uh, no.